56 min listen
122 | Holidays! (du chen)
32 minutes
Oct 29, 2023
Podcast episode
Lamas Yeshe and Zopa invite everyone into the loveliness of celebrating the Buddha Shakyamuni throughout the year in the practice of du chen - grand times, festivals, or quite simply, holidays at four points in the Tibetan calendar.
The Lamp Prayer recited during the meditation portion of this episode is available here including Tibetan pronunciation and English text. https://www.prajnafire.com/sparks-songs
This is the English text for ease of reference:
May the bowl of this lamp become equal to the outer ring of
this world realm of the great Three Thousands. May its stem be
the size of the King of Mountains, Mt. Meru. May its oil fill the
surrounding oceans. In number, may a hundred million appear
before each and every buddha. May its light dispel all the darkness of ignorance from the Peak of Existence to the Incessant
Hell and illumine all the Pure Realms of the buddhas and bodhisattvas of the ten directions so they are clearly seen.
I offer this amazing, wonderful, bright lamp
To the one thousand buddhas of this fortunate aeon
The lamas, yidams, dakinis, dharma protectors,
And gatherings of deities in the mandalas
Of all pure realms of the infinite ten directions.
My parents in the fore, may every sentient being
In this lifetime and all the places they take birth
See the pure realms of the perfect Buddhas directly
And then become inseparable from Amitabha.
Out of the power of the truth of the Three Jewels
And the deities of the Three Roots I've made this prayer.
Please grant your blessings that it be quickly accomplished.
PRAJNA SPARKS follows the lunar calendar. Beginning November 2023, we are shifting to a once per month schedule. Look for new episodes on the new moon.
This episode drops at the start of the 2023 Annular Solar Eclipse in Santa Fe, NM, home of Prajna Sparks.
Tibetan singing bowl interludes by Shivnee Ratna
Meet Lama Yeshe & Lama Zopa, in Tricycle Magazine https://bit.ly/3xRySck
Listen Contemplate Meditate, by Lama Yeshe, in Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Guide https://bit.ly/3ygFsus
Meditative Inquiry, by Lama Yeshe, in Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Guide https://bit.ly/3xRySck
Join our Global Community for regular updates on Prajna Fire events with Yeshe and Zopa
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa offer individual spiritual counsel on formal Buddhist practice as well as innovative ways to integrate Buddhist perspective into your everyday life. Book Online at Prajna Fire with immediate confirmation (https://www.prajnafire.com/book-online)
Check us out in the media https://www.prajnafire.com/media
EMAIL US [email protected]
FIND US on the Prajna Fire website (https://www.prajnafire.com/sparks)
@prajnasparks on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRUzGmU7c4_TJdLhG9R8IDA/videos)
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa (www.prajnafire.com) IG: @karmayeshechodron @karmazopajigme
Shivnee Ratna, Tibetan singing bowls (www.shivgauree.com)
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/prajna-sparks/message
The Lamp Prayer recited during the meditation portion of this episode is available here including Tibetan pronunciation and English text. https://www.prajnafire.com/sparks-songs
This is the English text for ease of reference:
May the bowl of this lamp become equal to the outer ring of
this world realm of the great Three Thousands. May its stem be
the size of the King of Mountains, Mt. Meru. May its oil fill the
surrounding oceans. In number, may a hundred million appear
before each and every buddha. May its light dispel all the darkness of ignorance from the Peak of Existence to the Incessant
Hell and illumine all the Pure Realms of the buddhas and bodhisattvas of the ten directions so they are clearly seen.
I offer this amazing, wonderful, bright lamp
To the one thousand buddhas of this fortunate aeon
The lamas, yidams, dakinis, dharma protectors,
And gatherings of deities in the mandalas
Of all pure realms of the infinite ten directions.
My parents in the fore, may every sentient being
In this lifetime and all the places they take birth
See the pure realms of the perfect Buddhas directly
And then become inseparable from Amitabha.
Out of the power of the truth of the Three Jewels
And the deities of the Three Roots I've made this prayer.
Please grant your blessings that it be quickly accomplished.
PRAJNA SPARKS follows the lunar calendar. Beginning November 2023, we are shifting to a once per month schedule. Look for new episodes on the new moon.
This episode drops at the start of the 2023 Annular Solar Eclipse in Santa Fe, NM, home of Prajna Sparks.
Tibetan singing bowl interludes by Shivnee Ratna
Meet Lama Yeshe & Lama Zopa, in Tricycle Magazine https://bit.ly/3xRySck
Listen Contemplate Meditate, by Lama Yeshe, in Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Guide https://bit.ly/3ygFsus
Meditative Inquiry, by Lama Yeshe, in Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Guide https://bit.ly/3xRySck
Join our Global Community for regular updates on Prajna Fire events with Yeshe and Zopa
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa offer individual spiritual counsel on formal Buddhist practice as well as innovative ways to integrate Buddhist perspective into your everyday life. Book Online at Prajna Fire with immediate confirmation (https://www.prajnafire.com/book-online)
Check us out in the media https://www.prajnafire.com/media
EMAIL US [email protected]
FIND US on the Prajna Fire website (https://www.prajnafire.com/sparks)
@prajnasparks on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRUzGmU7c4_TJdLhG9R8IDA/videos)
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa (www.prajnafire.com) IG: @karmayeshechodron @karmazopajigme
Shivnee Ratna, Tibetan singing bowls (www.shivgauree.com)
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/prajna-sparks/message
Oct 29, 2023
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
02 | Cloister by PRAJNA SPARKS