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Lorrie Moore

Lorrie Moore

FromThe Waterstones Podcast

Lorrie Moore

FromThe Waterstones Podcast

29 minutes
Jun 27, 2023
Podcast episode


Lorrie Moore has continued to delight readers with her short stories but it has been 14 years since her last novel, the Women’s Prize-shortlisted A Gate at the Stairs. Her new novel, I Am Homeless If This Is Not My Home, contains dual narratives which deal with the themes of love, loss and memory. As one of America’s most distinctive voices it’s best not to try and summarise things for a pith intro, far better to join our conversation about literary forms, the absurdity of loss and why romantic love is a tricky thing.
Jun 27, 2023
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (95)

Going beyond the book with a wide range of authors to discover the story behind the books we love.