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11 minutes
Apr 26, 2020
Podcast episode


“All aboard!” The shrill whistle of the train announced its soon departure. Gladys nervously dusted off her skirt and picked up her small suitcase. Here we go, Lord, she thought to herself. It had been a difficult journey to get this far, and yet, this was only the beginning of her life as a missionary.                            ___________________________ Today's story is about Gladys Alyward the missionary that went to China to tell others about God's love. But her journey as a missionary was not an easy one! Tune in to Listen to part 1.... Written by: Rosie Smith Special effect editing: James Wagner music credit:  Email us: [email protected] Read the story on the blog Write to us: GIGI KIDS PODCAST                     PO BOX 6505                     Upper Mt Gravatt QLD Australia 4122
Apr 26, 2020
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

The GO TO PODCAST for great bible and christian stories for kids. ________________________________________ Are your children sitting at the back of the car moaning and groaning because they’re bored? They want to be entertained, but you don’t want them to be on your iPhone or iPad playing idle games. You want their brain to be nourished, and for them to grow spiritually each day. But at the same time be entertained! Am I right? Yes? Great! That's why we have this awesome podcast for kids. Here you will find bible stories, missionary stories, true stories and craft ideas, bible verses and even songs from Poppy's glitter box. An amazing world of stories awaits your little one here on our christian podcast stories for kids. Travel in the mornings in peace as your children listen to them and grow closer to Jesus. But, the stories don't have to stop in the car. You can listen to them while you cook together, for family worships or for bedtime. Our stories also have some very cool special effects that will keep them hooked while they imagine each scene. We know that your children will fall in love with these audio stories. We believe it’s important for God to be presented in a way that will make them love him even more. Press the play button and be inspired by these christian stories for the car! (Or anywhere you want to listen)