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International Debt Statistics 2014
International Debt Statistics 2014
International Debt Statistics 2014
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International Debt Statistics 2014

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International Debt Statistics (IDS) 2014 is a continuation of the World Bank’s publications Global Development Finance, Volume II (1997 through 2009) and the earlier World Debt Tables (1973 through 1996). IDS 2014 provides statistical tables showing the external debt of 128 developing countries that report public and publicly guaranteed external debt to the World Bank’s Debtor Reporting System (DRS). It also includes tables of key debt ratios for individual reporting countries and the composition of external debt stocks and flows for individual reporting countries and regional and income groups along with some graphical presentations.IDS 2014 draws on a database maintained by the World Bank External Debt (WBXD) system. Longer time series and more detailed data are available from the World Bank open databases, which contain more than 200 time series indicators, covering the years 1970 to 2012 for most reporting countries, and pipeline data for scheduled debt service payments on existing commitments to 2019.International Debt Statistics 2014 is unique in its coverage of the important trends and issues fundamental to the financing of the developing world. This report is an indispensable resource for governments, economists, investors, financial consultants, academics, bankers, and the entire development community.In addition, International Debt Statistics will showcase the broader spectrum of debt data collected and compiled by the World Bank. These include the high frequency, quarterly external debt database (QEDS) and the quarterly public sector database (QPSD) developed in partnership with the International Monetary Fund and launched by the World Bank.
Release dateFeb 11, 2014
International Debt Statistics 2014

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    International Debt Statistics 2014 - World Bank

    International Debt Statistics 2014

    © 2014 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank

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    Attribution—Please cite the work as follows: World Bank. 2014. International Debt Statistics 2014 Washington, DC: World Bank. doi: 10.1596/978-1-4648-0051-1. License: Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0

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    ISBN (paper): 978-1-4648-0051-1

    ISBN (electronic): 978-1-4648-0052-8

    DOI: 10.1596/978-1-4648-0051-1

    ISSN (paper): 2310-2667

    ISSN (electronic): 2310-2675

    Cover design: Jomo Tariku, World Bank

    Cover image: original artwork by Jomo Tariku, World Bank

    Table of Contents


    This year’s edition of International Debt Statistics, successor to Global Development Finance and World Debt Tables, and the second in the series, is designed to respond to user demand for timely, comprehensive data on trends in external debt in developing countries. It also provides summary information on the external debt of high-income countries and public (domestic and external) debt for a select group of countries.

    The World Bank’s Debtor Reporting System (DRS), from which the aggregates and country tables presented in this report are drawn, was established in 1951. World Debt Tables, the first publication that included DRS external debt data, appeared in 1973 and gained increased attention during the debt crisis of the 1980s. Since then, the publication and data have undergone numerous revisions and iterations to address the challenges and demands posed by the global economic conditions.

    Presentation and access to data have been refined to improve the user experience. The printed edition of International Debt Statistics 2014 now provides a summary overview and a select set of indicators, while an expanded dataset is available online (

    By providing comprehensive and timely data that reflects the latest additions and revisions, and by expanding the scope of the data available online, we aim to serve the needs of our users and to reach a wider audience. Improvements in data dissemination are matched with ongoing efforts to improve the quality and timeliness of data collection. In partnership with the major providers of debt data management systems to developing countries, the Commonwealth Secretariat (COMSEC) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), we are working toward an established standard code and system links that will enable countries to provide their DRS reports electronically, in a seamless and automated data exchange process.

    As these changes take place, we welcome your feedback and suggestions for further improvements at [email protected].

    Haishan Fu

    Director, Development Data Group


    This volume was prepared by the Financial Data Team of the Development Data Group (DECDG), led by Ibrahim Levent under the management of Neil Fantom, and comprising Wendy Huang, Hiroko Maeda, Patricia Olmedo, Iulian Pogor, Malvina Pollock, Evis Rucaj, Rubena Sukaj, Sun Hwa Song, Maryna Taran, Rasiel Vellos, and Alagiriswamy Venkatesan, who worked closely with other teams in DECDG. The team was assisted by Elysee Kiti. The overview of current developments was prepared by Malvina Pollock, Evis Rucaj, and Rasiel Vellos in consultation with

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