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Neo4j Graph Data Science Certified - Exam Practice Tests
Neo4j Graph Data Science Certified - Exam Practice Tests
Neo4j Graph Data Science Certified - Exam Practice Tests
Ebook78 pages45 minutes

Neo4j Graph Data Science Certified - Exam Practice Tests

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About this ebook

Who this book is for

• Anyone interested in the new Neo4j Graph Data Science Certification exam.

• Data Scientists trying to pass a FREE specialty exam.

• Software Developers curious to learn advanced Graph Algorithms.

• Neo4j Professionals looking to acquire new skills in graph databases.

• All those looking for a higher score at the free online exam.

• People with not enough time for long hands-on labs and courses.


This book contains two original practice tests with 40 questions each, similar to the exam questions for the Neo4j Graph Data Science free online certification

• Questions are similar and close to those found in the new online exam.

• This is not a brain dump, but the very similar questions will help you understand the concepts behind.

• In a separate section, you get explanations for each answer, with external references, and important hints.

• The real exam is very similar to each practice test here: 40 total questions, in max 60 minutes, 80% passing score.

• The exact same categories as in the online exam: Library (around 20%) + Workflow (35%) + Algorithm (45%).

• All Library questions are first, followed by Workflow questions, and ending up with Algorithm questions.


Check also the interactive version of this book as an Udemy course, with the "Neo4j Graph Data Science Certified: Practice Exams" title.

Release dateOct 4, 2024
Neo4j Graph Data Science Certified - Exam Practice Tests

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    Book preview

    Neo4j Graph Data Science Certified - Exam Practice Tests - Cristian Scutaru

    About this Book

    Who this book is for

    Anyone interested in the new Neo4j Graph Data Science Certification exam.

    Data Scientists trying to pass a FREE specialty exam.

    Software Developers curious to learn advanced Graph Algorithms.

    Neo4j Professionals looking to acquire new skills in graph databases.

    All those looking for a higher score at the free online exam.

    People with not enough time for long hands-on labs and courses.

    You need some prior fundamental knowledge on Neo4j and Cypher. Use the excellend Neo4j recommended online materials to learn more.

    Check also the interactive version of this e-book as an Udemy course, with the Neo4j Graph Data Science Certified - Practice Exams title.

    This book contains two original practice tests with 40 questions each, similar to the exam questions for the Neo4j Graph Data Science free online certification

    Questions are similar and close to those found in the new online exam.

    This is not a brain dump, but the very similar questions will help you understand the concepts behind.

    In a separate section, you get explanations for each answer, with external references, and important hints.

    The real exam is very similar to each practice test here: 40 total questions, in max 60 minutes, 80% passing score.

    The exact same categories as in the online exam: Library (around 20%) + Workflow (35%) + Algorithm (45%).

    All Library questions are first, followed by Workflow questions, and ending up with Algorithm questions.

    Why not just trying directly the free online exam, until you pass

    Because you can try only once a day the real online exam.

    Because the high number of multi-answer questions and the gotcha tricks may give you no idea what went wrong.

    Because it is time consuming and you can easily get stuck at the same low scoring mark.

    Because you may want to get a better passing score, as long as it appears on your issued certificate.

    Because we only focus here on passing this certification exam with a high score, and we may skip areas not really required.

    Because - unlike our tests - the Neo4j courses and documentation are nothing like the real life actual exam.

    How you should use these tests

    Try the first practice test at your own pace. Write down each question number and the leter for your answer on a piece of paper.

    Do not worry about the time or if you fail the first time. Next time you'll do much better. And try staying within the 60 minutes limit as well this second time.

    Stop the exam anytime, if you're not patient enough to go over all 40 questions per test.

    Once done, go to the Answers and Explanations section, and check what you got right and wrong. The passing score should be at 80%.

    Read the detailed Explanation for each question. Many explanations have precious hints. Go through the

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