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Xcode 7 Essentials - Second Edition
Xcode 7 Essentials - Second Edition
Xcode 7 Essentials - Second Edition
Ebook463 pages2 hours

Xcode 7 Essentials - Second Edition

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About this ebook

Step up your iOS development with the power and wealth of features of Xcode 7

About This Book
  • Updated for the latest Xcode 7 release, this is the first book that will show you how to use all the new features available in Xcode 7 to their fullest
  • This guide to will get you up and running with the entire workflow to develop Apple apps without previous Xcode experience
  • Packed with plenty of tips on how to use Xcode with Swift 2 and other existing Apple frameworks to develop robust apps at a rapid pace
Who This Book Is For

If you are a novice programmer who is familiar with the concepts of object-oriented programming, but have little to no knowledge of Swift, Xcode, or Apple's Cocoa APIs, then this book is for you. Starting with an introduction to the basics of Xcode and the Swift programming language, you will learn all of the skills that are essential to build an app and submit it to the App Store

What You Will Learn
  • Get an introduction to Xcode and get to know how to navigate and use the tool
  • Build playgrounds to learn and explore the environment
  • Create an adaptive UI with the interface builder that will help your app to scale through a wide range of devices
  • Understand Table, Collection, and Stack views and find out how they can be implemented
  • Create custom components for your application through frameworks and live previews
  • Exploit Xcode's advanced features to elevate your debugging and testing capabilities
  • Run your application on the physical device and submit it to the App store
In Detail

Apple's Xcode technology is making the development curve smoother than it has ever been with its easy-to-develop features and enhancements. With the latest release of Xcode 7, Apple has also added great support for Swift development.

This book will introduce you to all the new features of Xcode 7 and demonstrate how Swift programming can be much easier, faster, and simply better with Xcode!

Even if you're starting with just a little knowledge of Swift or Xcode, you will learn the basics of the language as well as the tool. You will then use this knowledge to create simple applications and will learn how to debug and optimize your code. At the end of this book, you would have learned enough to build, run and submit your very own application to the App Store.

Style and approach

This is a step-by-step guide, full of practical and real world examples, to help you get to grips with Xcode with ease. A demo project is also provided at the end of the book, where you can test your skills.

Release dateFeb 16, 2016
Xcode 7 Essentials - Second Edition

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    Xcode 7 Essentials - Second Edition - Ohland Brett

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    Table of Contents

    Xcode 7 Essentials Second Edition


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    About the Reviewer

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    What this book covers

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    1. Introduction to Xcode

    Requirements and getting Xcode

    Features of Xcode

    What's new in Xcode 7?


    Swift 2



    Crash logs


    2. A tour of Xcode

    Starting Xcode

    Creating a new project

    Choosing a template

    Choosing the project options

    Setting the project properties

    Xcode overview

    The toolbar area

    The navigator area

    The editor area

    The Standard editor

    The Assistant editor

    The comparison editor

    The utilities area

    The debug area

    Development languages


    3. Playgrounds

    Before we start

    The storyboard workspace

    Learning Swift

    Working with constants and variables

    Value types

    Working with strings

    Working with numbers

    Working with Booleans

    Adding different types

    Collection types

    Array type

    Creating arrays

    Accessing items

    Modifying arrays

    Loops and iteration

    Dictionary type

    Creating dictionaries

    Accessing items

    Modifying items

    Loops and iteration

    Set type

    Creating sets

    Accessing, modifying, and iterating through a set

    Set operations

    The Any and AnyObject types


    Unwrapping optionals

    if let

    guard let

    Unwrapping multiple optionals

    Optional chaining


    Accessing items

    Conditional statements

    The if statement

    The switch statement

    The guard statement


    For and for in

    While and repeat-while

    Breaking or continuing

    Functions and closures




    Classes and structures

    Classes versus structures

    Extending classes and structures


    Error handling

    Propagating errors

    Handling errors, do-catch and try?

    do catch


    Asserting errors

    Defer statements


    4. Interface Builder

    Model View Controller

    Understanding Interface Builder

    Views and View Controllers

    Adding elements to your view

    Adaptive UI

    Size Classes

    Auto Layout

    Debugging Auto Layout

    Tweaking values


    Relative positioning

    Adding more views

    Navigation controllers

    Connecting views and controllers

    Subclassing UIViewController

    Understanding subclassing

    Creating connections, outlets and actions

    Different elements in different Size Classes

    Layout previews

    Managing connections

    Adding gesture recognizers


    5. Table, Collection, and Stack Views

    Plain views versus Table, Collection, and Stack views

    Static table views

    Dynamic table views

    Data sources


    Bringing it all together

    Collection views

    Starting the example

    Creating a custom UICollectionViewCell

    Stack views

    What about OS X?


    6. Custom Controls

    Introducing Custom Controls

    The basics

    Starting an example project

    Creating a framework

    Creating a class


    IBDesignable and IBInspectable

    Advanced drawing with CALayer

    Debugging Custom Controls


    7. Debugging


    Listing breakpoints

    The debug area

    The variables view

    The console area

    The debug navigator

    Quick Look

    Debugging the view hierarchy

    Dealing with crashes


    8. Testing Your Code

    Test-diven development

    Testing in Xcode

    The test navigator

    Test classes

    Test methods

    A simple calculator example


    Writing our first real functional unit test

    Performance tests

    UI tests

    Running tests and collecting results

    Code coverage


    9. Sideloading, Optimizing, and Submitting Your App

    iOS simulators

    Simulating different devices

    Simulator limitations


    Getting an Apple ID

    Using an Apple ID with Xcode

    Registering a device

    The last steps

    Optimizing your app

    App thinning



    On-demand resources

    Submitting your app to the App Store

    iTunes Connect

    Uploading a build

    Submitting your app for review

    App review

    App rejection

    Approval — ready for sale


    A. Everything Else


    Beta App review?

    Submitting your app

    Installing TestFlight builds

    Submitting for final sale

    Crash logs

    Storyboard references

    Creating a new Storyboard

    Refactoring existing views



    Xcode 7 Essentials Second Edition

    Xcode 7 Essentials Second Edition

    Copyright © 2016 Packt Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

    Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the authors, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.

    Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

    First published: January 2015

    Second edition: February 2016

    Production reference: 1020216

    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

    Livery Place

    35 Livery Street

    Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.

    ISBN 978-1-78588-901-1



    Brett Ohland

    Jayant Varma


    Jeffrey Huang

    Commissioning Editor

    Wilson D'souza

    Acquisition Editor

    Sonali Vernekar

    Content Development Editor

    Kirti Patil

    Technical Editor

    Naveenkumar Jain

    Copy Editor

    Vikrant Phadke

    Project Coordinator

    Nidhi Joshi


    Safis Editing


    Hemangini Bari

    Production Coordinator

    Shantanu N. Zagade

    Cover Work

    Shantanu N. Zagade

    About the Authors

    Brett Ohland develops software, likes to tinker and fix things (especially bikes), and keeps himself and others caffeinated. He has well over a decade of experience of converting keystrokes and staring at the ceiling into functional applications for clients.

    He started his career by building Flash websites when those were still an amazing thing, transitioned to web development when everyone was loving JavaScript, and then moved on to iOS development so that he could build his dream photography app. Throughout this period, Brett has worked for major advertising agencies, consultancies of all sizes, a stock photo agency, two guys in a basement, and himself for a while. Several teaching opportunities have allowed him to share his knowledge at start-up incubators and even a university.

    Currently, he writes about his technological discoveries and interests at when he isn't riding his bike, chasing his toddler around the house, or pulling a shot of espresso.

    Jayant Varma is a technophile with a career spanning more than two decades and was introduced to computing in the days of 8-bit computers and Z80 chips. While managing the IT and telecom department at BMW's dealerships in India and Oman, and Nissan in Qatar, he worked extensively on Windows, AS/400, and Unix. His love for traveling inspired him to work and travel to several countries. He is currently based in Australia.

    Jayant's technological journey began as a Microsoft technologies developer and then diversified. His focus is now on Apple and mobile technologies. He has a master's degree in business administration and IT from James Cook University, Australia. He also lectured at James Cook University and coordinated the onshore and off-shore teaching of Linux/Unix administration. Jayant has worked closely with the Australian Computer Society (ACS) and Apple University Consortium (AUC) on workshops and projects.

    He authored the book Learn Lua for iOS Game Development, Apress, and has also been a technical reviewer on several titles. As a founder, consultant, and developer at OZApps (, he helps organizations and individuals integrate technology into their businesses and strategies. He also conducts training sessions and workshops, and writes blogs to share his knowledge with the community.

    About the Reviewer

    Jeffrey Huang is an iOS developer and App maker. He has one published app on the iOS app store. He also has a YouTube channel that teaches iOS and electronics ( Recently, Jeffrey also spearheaded a new initiative, Chicago Technology for Kids, to promote fun technology learning among kids.

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    Welcome to Xcode 7 Essentials. Developing apps for desktop and mobile computers has never been easier for anyone to do. The technical and commuting requirements are such that practically anyone can make and release an app to millions of users. With well over a billion iOS devices and nearly half a billion Macs in people's homes and businesses, there is a real market for any piece of software, no matter how specialized. Apple has fostered this market by continually updating Xcode, their free development tool, to keep it modern, easy to use, and powerful.

    This book will be covering Xcode 7, the current version of the app, as well as the Swift programming language. The book starts with a basic tour of Xcode, takes you through many of the features of making the app, and ends with how to submit your app to the app store of your choice using a combination of theory and step-by-step guides.

    What this book covers

    Chapter 1, Introduction to Xcode, introduces Xcode and shows you how to find, install, and set it up for use.

    Chapter 2, Tour of Xcode, takes a deeper look at the tool itself. Here, you become familiar with the interface and its features.

    Chapter 3, Playgrounds, introduces Playgrounds, an interactive environment for learning and experimenting with the Swift programming language. This chapter will then walk you through many of Swift's features and its syntax to help you express yourself in code.

    Chapter 4, Interface Builder, covers Interface Builder and Storyboards, Xcode's tools for creating user interfaces by dragging and dropping elements on a screen.

    Chapter 5, Table, Collection, and Stack Views, uses the knowledge gained in the previous chapters and shows you how three advanced view types will let you build complicated-looking layouts quickly and easily.

    Chapter 6, Custom Controls, shows you how you can create custom, live-updating controls for your applications, and how to easily share them across projects as a framework.

    Chapter 7, Debugging, shows you the tools that Xcode provides to help you become a great detective and exterminator of bugs and crashes in your code.

    Chapter 8, Testing Your Code, introduces the concepts behind test-driven development and the unit test and UI testing tools that Xcode provides to help you write great code.

    Chapter 9, Sideloading, Optimizing, and Submitting Your App, shows you how to run your app on a physical device, how it can be optimized, and the steps necessary to submit it to the app store of your choice.

    Appendix, Everything Else, covers more advanced topics. These include distributing beta versions of your app using TestFlight, collecting and reading crash reports submitted to you by those testers, and how to simplify your user interfaces with Soryboard references.

    What you need for this book

    To be able to run the code and work through the chapters step by step, you will need the following:

    An Apple computer running OS X 10.10.5 or higher

    Xcode 7.x installed on this Apple computer

    Who this book is for

    This book is aimed at a novice programmer who is familiar with the concepts of object-oriented programming, but has little to no knowledge of Swift, Xcode, or Apple's Cocoa APIs. Starting with an introduction to the basics of Xcode and the Swift programming language, they will learn all the skills that are essential for building an app and submitting it to the app store.


    In this book, you will find a number of text styles that distinguish between different kinds of information. Here are some examples of these styles and an explanation of their meaning.

    Code words in text, database table names, folder names, filenames, file extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter handles are shown as follows: UILabel can be used to show text on the screen.

    A block of code is set as follows:

    let name: String = XCodeEsentials

    let version: Int = 1.0

    let title = \(name) - ver (\version)

    print(The book is \(title))

    When we wish to draw your attention to a particular part of a code block, the relevant lines or items are set in bold:

    var width: Int = 200

    var height: Int = 200

    @IBInspectabletheColor: UIColor = UIColor.redColor()


    var title: String = Untitled

    Any command-line input or output is written as follows:

    po UIScreen().bounds

    New terms and important words are shown in bold. Words that you see on the screen, for example, in menus or dialog boxes, appear in the text like this: Reinstalling the app is as simple as pressing the GET button again anytime in the future.


    Warnings or important notes appear in a box like this.


    Tips and tricks appear like this.

    Reader feedback

    Feedback from our readers is always welcome. Let us know what you think about this book—what you liked or disliked. Reader feedback is important for us as it helps us develop titles that you will really get the most out of.

    To send us general feedback, simply e-mail <[email protected]>, and mention the book's title in the subject of your message.

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