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Finding Hope with Cancer: Food: Is It Really about Our Health?
Finding Hope with Cancer: Food: Is It Really about Our Health?
Finding Hope with Cancer: Food: Is It Really about Our Health?
Ebook62 pages36 minutes

Finding Hope with Cancer: Food: Is It Really about Our Health?

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Yikes! Another cancer. What did I do wrong, and what can I do better? Are the foods we're eating preventing cancer, or are they contributing to cancer and diseases? It seems more likely than not that we're eating foods with toxic chemicals and hormones or that have been genetically modified. Is it up to the USDA, FDA, EPA, Wall Street, or us to eat good natural food? How does it even make it to our grocery store and then to our dinner table?

Release dateJun 26, 2024
Finding Hope with Cancer: Food: Is It Really about Our Health?

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    Book preview

    Finding Hope with Cancer - Alan Fortin

    Table of Contents





    Chapter 1: Why So Many Cancers?

    Chapter 2: What Is a Healthy Diet?

    Chapter 3: Immune System

    Chapter 4: Pesticides in Agriculture

    Chapter 5: Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in Agriculture

    Chapter 6: Hormones in Agriculture

    Chapter 7: Organic versus Nonorganic

    Chapter 8: Food Labels

    Chapter 9: World Health Organization (WHO)

    Chapter 10: Sugars

    Chapter11: Foods in the Bible

    Chapter12: My Cup of Tea

    Chapter13: Herbs and Spices

    Chapter 14: Omega-3 Fatty Acids

    Chapter 15: Beef: Grass-Fed versus Grain-Fed

    Chapter 16: Fruits and Nuts


    About the Author


    Finding Hope with Cancer

    Food: Is It Really about Our Health?

    Alan Fortin

    ISBN 979-8-89309-055-0 (Paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-89309-056-7 (Digital)

    Copyright © 2024 Alan Fortin

    All rights reserved

    First Edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Covenant Books

    11661 Hwy 707

    Murrells Inlet, SC 29576


    Since I have impaired vision from the radiation treatment, I can no longer drive, so work is extremely limited. However, I still want to provide for my family, so I thought I'd write this book to not only help my family but perhaps help yours too.

    Looking back at my childhood, I believed all foods were good for you, or at least wouldn't hurt you. I thought, why would they sell unhealthy food, and why would we buy them? Especially if they could make us sick or worse. As I became older, I realized it's not entirely about the consumers' health but profits in the food industry and investors on Wall Street too.

    I became convinced that it was my responsibility to eat the proper food, and so my journey began. It wasn't until my grandchildren asked, Poppy, how do you know what foods are good for you?

    Then it dawned on me, and I answered, If God made it, then it's good for you. If man made it, it's probably not. That discussion led to a quiz. I asked the children if an apple was healthy.

    They all thought and answered proudly, Yes, Poppy, an apple is good for you, because God made it.

    I then asked if oranges, bananas, and vegetables were healthy.

    They were all proud to answer, saying, Since God made them, then they're good for you.

    It wasn't until I asked about the Cheetos they were eating that they became concerned. They answered with a hopeful glee, Good for you! Did you know Cheetos are identified as an unhealthy snack? I didn't either.

    However, after learning about hormones, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), as well as pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals used on our food and in our soil, I am no longer sure that God's food is still healthy since they've either been modified or

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