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The Untold Realities behind the Unseen World
The Untold Realities behind the Unseen World
The Untold Realities behind the Unseen World
Ebook164 pages2 hours

The Untold Realities behind the Unseen World

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At the core of this book is an account of Kelliote's personal Christian journey that began in his early years and took a remarkable turn during his teenage phase when God unveiled a hidden world before his eyes. Through inspiring visions, profound spiritual encounters with the world of angels, and tangible manifestations and signs in his surroundings, he narrates the extraordinary events that shaped his path. Within the pages of this book are the origins of Kelliote's spiritual awakening in high school and many other people who also bear witness to the miraculous occurrences and personal life transformations. He provides peculiar descriptions of his journeys into heaven, his encounters with spirits of darkness and Satan, experiences in hell, and his awesome interactions with the angels of God. He recounts the impact that these experiences have had on his personal life and the lives of those God chose to be part of this awakening. This book presents amazing miracles and testimonials that will leave believers understanding how much God is with His children now as He was with other believers in the past. By unraveling the mysteries of the unseen world, this book offers comfort, practical wisdom, and renewed confidence in one's faith, ultimately illuminating the profound influence of these hidden dimensions on our daily lives.

Release dateJul 1, 2024
The Untold Realities behind the Unseen World

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    Book preview

    The Untold Realities behind the Unseen World - Kelliote S. Kadammanja


    The Untold Realities behind the Unseen World

    Kelliote S. Kadammanja

    ISBN 979-8-89243-415-7 (paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-89243-416-4 (digital)

    Copyright © 2024 by Kelliote S. Kadammanja

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents





    Chapter 1

    The Background

    Getting to Know God

    Getting to Experience God

    Chapter 2

    The Beginning of God's Manifestation of Wonders

    The Trigger of God's Power

    A Sensitive Spirit

    Chapter 3

    A Demon That Came in the Form of a Human

    Mystery Unfolded

    Chapter 4

    Supernatural Signs in the Heaven above and on Earth Below (Part 1)

    The Infrequent Sight

    The Obscurity Unpacks

    It's Not Over Yet

    Chapter 5

    Supernatural Signs in the Heaven above and on Earth Below (Part 2)

    A World of God's Messengers

    Signs in the Heavens

    More Wonders

    Signs of the Combat

    Chapter 6

    An Account of the Ministering Spirits

    A Class with Angel Michael

    Everyone Is Tested

    Angelic Duties

    Other Angels

    Chapter 7

    A Glimpse of the Third Heavens

    The Open Eyes

    The Other Side

    The Throne

    The Ladder

    The Garden of Purpose

    Chapter 8

    The Vision of Hell

    Chapter 9

    The Rise of Persecution

    The Precipitous Twist

    The Climax

    Chapter 10

    Q & A

    Question 1


    Question 2


    Question 3


    Question 4


    Closing Words

    Salvation Prayer

    About the Author


    I feel privileged and humbled to dedicate this book to the church of the Lord Jesus Christ, the very community that He has established and continues to raise up even to this day. The church is the body of Christ and through it, God accomplishes His divine purposes on Earth.

    I am grateful to be part of this community of believers, and I pray that this book will be a valuable resource to the church as we strive to grow in our understanding of God and His ways. May the church continue to be a shining light in a dark world, bringing hope and salvation to all who are lost and in need of a savior.


    God has a unique purpose and mandate for every individual, which is to live a life of worship and to always recognize His presence among us. However, many of us fail to acknowledge His presence in our daily lives. I believe that God employs various means to draw our attention to His presence, and this manifests in different ways for different people. His desire is for us to attain our ultimate goal of eternity, as stated in John 10:28.

    This book contains numerous revelations that the author has been blessed to experience through vivid encounters with God. It is not common for individuals who encounter such vivid expressions of God to freely share their experiences unless God Himself allows it at His own time and in His own ways. I believe this detailed account of God's interaction with Kelliote would greatly benefit readers in understanding the various ways in which God reveals Himself and protects and communicates with His beloved children, as stated in 1 John 3:1.

    Enjoy the various encounters and manifestations of God's love and protection to mankind.

    Evangelist Dr. Kholiwe Mkandawire

    Vet surgeon, pharmacist, lecturer at Lilongwe University of Agriculture and natural Resources, Malawi


    I am deeply grateful to the grace of God for giving me the privilege to be among those He uses to impact others through this book. It is not something I take lightly, but rather with a heart full of gratitude.

    Moreover, I want to express my sincere appreciation to those who supported me throughout the journey of writing this book. Your input, ideas, and resources were invaluable, and I couldn't have done it without you. Erik Grehl, Esther Chikuse, Dr. Kholiwe Mkandawire, Justin Kantchentche, my family, Joseph Zulu, and Charlotte Kalua, you have my utmost gratitude for your contributions. Your support has made a significant impact on this book and will undoubtedly touch many lives.


    The life of a believer is highly valued in the eyes of God, yet many of us are unaware of this truth. God desires that we attain a level of understanding where we comprehend His ways and purposes for our lives. As stated in Hosea 4:6, My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. This implies that if we had knowledge of what God has in store for us, we could remain steadfast, safe, and secure.

    By the grace of God, I have been fortunate to receive spiritual insights and learning that few others have been blessed with. I have shared my personal life experiences with various individuals, communities, and congregations, and I have received both positive and negative feedback. Despite the different reactions, I have learned to give thanks to God for every opportunity He has given me to bear witness to His goodness.

    Throughout the years, I have received a lot of heartening feedback from individuals who have read and heard my testimonies about God and the spirit world. I truly believe that the realities you will find within the pages of this book have the potential to bring about significant transformation in your life as well. It is no coincidence that you have chosen to invest your time in reading this book. I am confident that God had you in mind when He allowed me to witness His power and goodness, and I am excited to see the impact it will have on your life.

    I had been yearning to share my experiences with others by writing about them for years. However, the Holy Spirit urged me to be patient and wait for the appropriate moment. Those who are familiar with me may question why I've kept it hidden for so long. I am delighted that the appropriate time has come, and I believe that it will have a significant impact for the glory of God.

    In the pages of this book, I aim to share some of the experiences I've had in my life, alongside those of my friends who also witnessed the supernatural events that we experienced together. Through my own life journey, I will demonstrate how God has been with me in powerful ways, just as He is with every one of us. My hope is that this book will serve as a reminder to all of us that God is always present with us, even closer than we may have ever imagined. By sharing these personal encounters, I believe that we can all grow in our faith and deepen our understanding of God's presence in our lives.

    As you read, keep in mind that nothing can be more important than God's Word, not even visions or dreams or any supernatural experience. My own experience has taught me that it's crucial to value God's Word above all else, even over spiritual encounters, visions, or other manifestations.

    The reason for this is that without understanding God's Word, these experiences can lead to confusion and even be harmful instead of being helpful. As you read, you'll see that I've included biblical references to some of the experiences. You may even be able to relate to them with your own scriptural references.

    I want you to know that I'm no different from any other believer, and these experiences could happen to anyone that God chooses. Sometimes people expect too much from me after reading or hearing my testimony, but it's not about me—it's about God and how He chooses to work through each of us. The truth is that whatever happened, it didn't happen just for me. It happened for anyone that God chooses to show His greatness and purpose for humanity, all for His own glory.

    Chapter 1

    The Background

    I was born and raised in Malawi, a small country located in southeastern Africa. Malawi has three main regions, and I spent most of my childhood in the southern part of the country. Later on, during my teenage and adult years, I lived in the central part of the country.

    When I was growing up, my parents made sure that I attended church every Sunday and tried their best to teach me about God's Word.

    However, as a child, I didn't really understand the importance of it, especially since I grew up in a rough neighborhood surrounded by tough kids who influenced me to behave like them. This was my typical life until I turned twelve years old when God began to build a personal relationship with me.

    When I was in eighth grade in 2009, I became born again, which means that I believed in Jesus and accepted Him as my Lord and savior.

    Despite my decision to follow God, I still had doubts about my faith at times and wondered if I was truly born again. Then something interesting happened after I did well in my eighth grade national exam. I was able to attend the school that I had always wanted to go to because it was one of the top secondary schools (high schools) in the entire country and it was a boarding school.

    During my first term at the school in 2010, an evangelist visited and held a preaching session one Wednesday night. Before the preaching, he showed us a movie called 2012, which was a 2009 production depicting the apocalypse, supposedly taking place in the year 2012.

    The evangelist said that his intention in showing us the movie was to provide an idea of what the end of the world might look like since the movie had depictions from the book of Revelations in the Bible. As I watched the movie, it scared me immensely, prompting me to reflect deeply on my life.

    Regardless of whether the world was actually ending in 2012 or not, the movie made me contemplate the fact that the end of the world would eventually come and determine the fate of my afterlife, whether I was alive or not. This realization prompted me to consider making an unwavering decision to follow God for the rest of my life, which could ensure my safety and well-being. Making that choice didn't hurt at all. After the movie, the evangelist preached and invited those who wanted to believe and follow God to come forward, and I was among those who went to the front.

    From that time on, I had a desire to know and experience God more in my life than ever before. I developed a passion for the kingdom of God

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