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The Double Truth
The Double Truth
The Double Truth
Ebook96 pages40 minutes

The Double Truth

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About this ebook

The Double Truth is a collection of poems that arc from myth to history, knowledge to mystery, Eros to natural love, animals to human beings, then back in an alternating poetic current that betrays a speaker who is at once a privileged witness of her time and a diachronic amalgam of voices that are as imagined as they are real in their anonymous legacy.
Release dateJan 30, 2011
The Double Truth

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    Book preview

    The Double Truth - Chard deNiord


    What a Doll Am I

    I rise naked each morning and stand

    at the window with arms outstretched

    and feet apart like da Vinci's figure in the circle

    and wait for the day's attendants to dress me

    in garments they choose for that morning—

    a shroud one day, a coat of lead the next.

    What a doll am I to these attendants

    whose only task is to remind me

    day after day of who I am:

    that man or woman I think I'm not.


    The guests are floating in the lobby,

    walking but also gliding to the front desk

    then away, checking in, checking out,

    muscular souls adorned in cotton,

    wool, and rayon, chewing the future

    inside their heads, slicing the air

    with ironed pleats, avoiding the camera

    at every turn so as, so as to get it right

    this time, which is the first time.

    First cut, best cut! the director shouts

    since this is also a silent film for the deaf

    and therefore everyone. His aim

    is to get the cast to see what they've

    been missing, to disregard the very sounds

    that they don't hear to begin with,

    but would notice immediately

    if they were gone. See how they glide

    on the ether above the floor.

    The insouciance, Lord. The insouciance!

    They are all here in the magic of the set,

    every soul in the guise of a guest

    going about her business, a rendezvous here,

    an assignation there, the solitary sipping

    at the bar. Someone striking appears

    at the door. The rain outside beats down

    on the streets with terrible force until all

    you can hear is the roar of the sky as it passes

    above, and then below, on its narrow tracks.


    A small dark cloud in the shape of no

    appeared at the edge of the otherwise clear October

    sky, then floated as an answer inside my head

    to a question that I forgot, as if my mind

    and sky were one, but without a breeze to blow

    the no into something else, anything else

    beyond the little cause inscribed across

    the earth. What a sky is the mind, I thought. What a field

    the heart. And the more I thought, the larger the cloud

    became, as if I knew from the start I couldn't

    love for long, much less forever as the blue

    appeared to want. As if the sky were ready

    to remove its veil at the sign of the smallest cloud,

    defer to the sudden drop of darkness again.

    Club Erebus

    Death is the mother of beauty.


    They emerged from a door that wasn't a door

    and floated across the room to the stage

    which they ascended and began to sway

    and bend and turn with only their G-strings on.

    I sat at the bar drinking gin and smoking

    a cigar, watching them work beneath

    the lights, accept the funds of happy men

    who took great care in folding their bills

    like miniature towels inside the belts

    around their thighs that went k'ching,

    k'ching, until rings of bills adorned

    their thighs and the music stopped

    for a moment, long enough for them

    to disappear into the dark of the high

    stone door at the end of the stage

    where they waved good-bye, good-bye

    and then were gone beneath the world

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