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Life Lessons of the Zombie Apocalypse
Life Lessons of the Zombie Apocalypse
Life Lessons of the Zombie Apocalypse
Ebook134 pages1 hour

Life Lessons of the Zombie Apocalypse

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Middle school seems like a fight to survive for most students. There’s a sense of freedom, a sense of fear, and a sense of resentment stemming from trying to navigate a world that seems to want to tear them apart. Teachers seem to be oozing with resentment, blinded by their drive to make students more like them.

Vic and Flo are two besties on the verge of the biggest test of their young lives as a spirit week assembly turns deadly when students are attacked by zombified teachers. They find themselves embarking on a pass-fail test to escape and find answers.

Along the way they meet more young survivors: C.J, Connor, Izzy, and Leanne. As they travel together piecing together clues hidden in their survival stories, one thing becomes clear: zombies aren’t their only obstacle.

As they travel in search of supplies and somewhere to call home, they push to find answers about the hordes. What makes the zombies blind? Why do they all look like they’re sweating? How does the infection spread?

The one question they can’t answer is: what started it all?
Release dateMay 24, 2024
Life Lessons of the Zombie Apocalypse

Gustavo Lomas

Gustavo currently resides in California, and began writing poetry at the age of eight. His first book was a self-published philosophical coming of age tale, and this story too is a bit of a coming-of-age tale. Gustavo enjoys reading and writing fiction, in the realms of sci-fi and philosophy. Zombies are a particular favourite genre of his. He strives to share perspective from minority groups while combining a little pop-culture, realism, and emotional nuance to tell the story. Gustavo’s hope is that readers find a little bit of themselves on every page.

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    Life Lessons of the Zombie Apocalypse - Gustavo Lomas

    About the Author

    Gustavo currently resides in California, and began writing poetry at the age of eight. His first book was a self-published philosophical coming of age tale, and this story too is a bit of a coming-of-age tale. Gustavo enjoys reading and writing fiction, in the realms of sci-fi and philosophy. Zombies are a particular favourite genre of his. He strives to share perspective from minority groups while combining a little pop-culture, realism, and emotional nuance to tell the story. Gustavo’s hope is that readers find a little bit of themselves on every page.


    To anyone who has never felt like who they are is enough, this book is for you. You don’t have to settle with just surviving, you deserve to live your life.

    Copyright Information ©

    Gustavo Lomas 2024

    The right of Gustavo Lomas to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by the author in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.

    Any person who commits any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library.

    ISBN 9781035849918 (Paperback)

    ISBN 9781035849925 (ePub e-book)

    First Published 2024

    Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd®

    1 Canada Square

    Canary Wharf


    E14 5AA


    Killer Rally

    "Morning, students and staff, welcome to the second month of our new school year. Cough. Excuse me. Tickets are now available for our ‘Fall-Fling Dance’, they’ll be more on that this afternoon at the assembly. Cough, cough.

    "Teachers, check your inbox for assembly times per class. Cough, cough, cough, cough. Remember, every day is a new opportunity to exceed expectations. Cough."

    Okay, well, we were gonna have a test today but, I forgot about the assembly. Which means— Ms Leaf announces to the class as she scrolls through her computer.

    No test!

    Nice try, Marcus, she says as she adjusts her glasses on her nose. No, we’re just gonna schedule it for after; maybe, I’ll let you all decide. Should we have the test now or after the assembly?

    Ms Leaf, if we choose later, does that mean we can use the time now as extra prep? Flo asks as she clicks the lead out of her pencil in preparation.

    Good question Florence. I think so, yes. Ms Leaf takes a sip from her portable thermos. All in favour of later, hold up your hands. Okay, okay. And those who’d rather take it now? Two of you. Later it is.

    Dude, Vic, why’d you wanna take it now? Flo asks, setting her history book on my desk.

    Eh, rather get it over with, I idly flip through the chapters.

    Did you study? She looks up at me, the long hair side of her buzz cut swoops across her face, poking her in the eye. She looks at me as she rubs it, trying to pierce my brain with her forest-green eyes.

    I pretend to concentrate harder, avoiding her rhetorical question. Flo has a style that mixes preppy with punk, 80s prep with 90s punk.

    Nope. I smile at her, pointing at what I know is the wrong chapter. Just not much of a test taker.

    She gets annoyed of me being so lax with things that should be important like school or homework but, I think there are more meaningful uses of my time like gaming, and knowing which place to get the best pizza for sauce and crust satisfaction, and zombie movie knowledge.

    Hate to tell you, weirdo, she says, taking the book and flipping to the right chapter. Life’s one big test. Which is why it’s good to have people—

    To cheat off? I say, nudging her with my elbow and raising my eyebrows.

    No. People to help you learn what you can. She pushes her self-made study guide towards me.

    Like family.

    Oh, in that case, I say, rolling my eyes.

    Or, an amazing friend. She has her hand under her chin, resting her head on the tops of her fingers, tilting her head to one side, giving me a cheesy smile.

    You mean you, don’t you? I look up at her with a sarcastic smile. Cause, I don’t know if I’d go so far as amazing; decent, yeah.

    Oh, okay, she says, smirking. Where would you be right now if I hadn’t shared my PB&J with you in fifth grade?

    Left alone, and probably happier, I say, mimicking her hand under her chin and head tilt.

    Uh-huh, I know you love me, she says with a wink.

    Keep telling yourself that, Flo. I chuckle and start reading the chapter.

    I know things. I’m Florence, the wise, the caring, the— she looks over at me to finish the rest.

    Annoying, I say with a smirk.


    "Welcome seventh and eighth grade, the upperclassmen and class women, upper class-peeps! Cough. The last assembly group was great, your lower class counterparts might have the most spirit we’ve ever seen—"

    Principal Pitcher is cut off by our collective, Boo!

    "Cough, cough. What? Think I’m wrong?" He takes a swig from his water bottle.

    Our collective, Yeah! echoes in the auditorium.

    Okay, okay, he says, waiting for our cheering to die down. Let’s see if you old folks still got it. When I say Bradshaw, you say Falcons, Bradshaw!






    "Br—cough. Br—cough, cough." He hunches over the stage, coughing and shaking his head violently.

    Gross, Flo says, turning her head away.

    This is new. I stand to get a better look.

    She’s holding on to my arm. Glad you didn’t hide out in the bathroom, Vic?

    His coughing is being amplified by the mic and getting more violent. Flo, I don’t think this is part of it. I look around, the teachers are beginning to panic. They’re looking at each other, trying to figure out what’s happening.

    Vice Principal Flake stands in front of the stage, motioning for the lights to be turned on.

    Teachers, keep your classes seated. We’re gonna get Principal Pitcher and conclude the assembly. Coach Pyle, can you get the doors please?

    The coach is making her way to VP Flake aggressively fast. Coach? Coach? GAIL! I stand up as Flake falls to the ground after Pyle takes a bite out of her neck. What the fu—

    The collective, AH! From teachers and students fills the auditorium.

    I try to shake Flo out of her shock. Run! Flo! Let’s go!

    Chapter One

    So, Zombies?

    First Principal Pitcher, then Coach Pyle, and then the rest of the school. All the teachers first, maybe students too. Flo and I are in the auditorium closet, she hasn’t said much. I keep looking over at her, she seems okay, considering.

    We need to wait for the screams and running to die down.

    She lets out a shallow breath. How long do you think it’s been?

    I dunno. My ear is pressed against the door. Maybe just a little longer.

    Flo leans against the door next to me. What’s the plan once we get out?

    A combined thud and scream against the door makes me jump back. Supplies, we need supplies and weapons of some kind.

    Flo leans back into the corner. Okay, so, zombies?

    I try to sound unimpressed. Yeah, who knew?

    Flo laughs nervously. I mean, it’s not the worst assembly we’ve had.

    Really Flo, really? Name a worse one, I say with a chuckle.

    The one where, no. Um, how about—no, no. I dunno, I’m just trying to stay positive, Vic. I can hear in her voice that she wants to cry.

    Flo and I are somewhat opposites; she is incredibly aware and I can be logically and calculatingly reckless. Flo loves history and art, I love gaming and building things.

    I don’t think I know anyone who’d be handling this whole thing as well as her, especially wanting to come up with a plan so quick. She’s stronger than she thinks. I try to let her know that, when I can.

    My current issue isn’t so much trying to come up with a plan, it’s trying to improvise on old ones. One thing Flo says always ‘concerned’ her is

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