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Judgement of America
Judgement of America
Judgement of America
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Judgement of America

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This book will show you twenty-one years, from 2000 to 2021, of good, bad and grievously bad years that are to affect America, through economic problems, terrorist attacks, wars, hurricanes, and other natural disasters. This book will also show that America is repeating the history of Assyria before it fell.

Release dateApr 29, 2024
Judgement of America

Lewis Jerome Armstrong

I was born in Florida in a religious family. When I was a child, about twelve years of age, I was told that I would be gifted in the knowledge of God and travel a great deal promoting that truth.

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    Judgement of America - Lewis Jerome Armstrong


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    © 2024 Lewis Jerome Armstrong. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by Scriptor House LLC

    Paperback ISBN: 979-8-88692-190-8

    eBook ISBN: 979-8-88692-191-5

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid.

    Table of Contents

    Introduction i

    Acknowledgments iii

    Preface v

    Judgment Of America vii

    Chapter One: The Sign of Assyria and America 1

    Chapter Two: The Philosophy of Jesus 27

    Chapter Three: The Seven Seals of Revelation 40

    Chapter Four: The Myths Surrounding the Story of Joseph 81

    Chapter Five: Tithes, Offerings, and Taxes 103

    Chapter Six: The Prodigal Son 106

    Chapter Seven: Myths and Stories 119

    About the Author


    The term Judgment of America is to be seen as just that, America’s judgment. The Holy Bible has complex religious teachings that could be called the mysteries. This system of teaching is a system of salvation for the soul. It can save individuals or nations from destruction. The chapter of the sign of Assyria and America could give Americans another chance to see God’s active presence working in the events of today. You can see the future of a nation walking through events that had been written hundreds of years before their time. This book gives all Americans and others a chance to help America become better, or help it fall, as a nation. The sign is for Americans. This book also gives the reader a chance to look back on Jesus’ teachings and see a philosophy that has been overlooked by million of churchgoers; a philosophy that is at the very core of what he truly taught; a kind of divine, philosophical mental renewing of self. Even in chapters like the one on the Seven Seals, you can see history of the past, present, and future from John the Revelator’s day unfold before your eyes, and you will understand Revelation 1:13-19 as it has never been taught before. Also, see how the story of Joseph, seen through mythology, shows how God has used prophets and writers to hide the truth from the eye of the masses until the last days. In these days, men and women will rise up from the old ways that the gospel has been taught into a new way with a show-me attitude. The book tells its readers how not to put their faith into religious groups, just because they say they believe in Christ; but to put their trust in the spiritual leaders the Holy Bible says will come and leads you into God’s truth. May God Bless America through these times of difficulties and troubles that are to come.


    First, thanks to God the Almighty, the Lord Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, who have inspired me to write on this subject, the judgment of America.

    I thank my wife, Carole Vallee Armstrong, for being beside me through this much-needed work; my deceased brother, Eddie Lee Armstrong, who had talked to me about how this work and others would help people overcome this troubled world and place mankind on the right path.

    I thank my other brothers and sisters for just making me want to succeed in this work for all American and others.

    Lester Muhammad must be highly commended for telling me to go into Joseph of Egypt with my gift from God to translate the writing. God bless me in doing so. I begin to understand that men in my time had not taught the story of Joseph of Egypt in its fullness. This study of Joseph and Jonah with Saint Luke 11:29-32 gives this book its name.

    I thank God for all of my fathers before me, for they are who I am. I never want to underestimate loyalty to birth mothers, so thank you, Essie Mae Armstrong, for being my mother.


    Judgment of America is the culmination of twenty-nine years of work in the study of the Holy Bible, gospel teaching, and history, as well as five years of studying mythology. Research has played an important part in this work. Chapter one of this book was given to me by the Holy Spirit as a sign to give to all Americans of all groups; religious, and non-religious. Understanding twenty-one years of judgment in this book is very important for all Americans. Chapter two, the philosophy of Jesus, shows the world that all should carry their cross, and that this is not a religious duty, but a human responsibility. The philosophy of Jesus helps you see that there are five ways a person must work to better themselves: economically, morally, politically, and socially, as well as with diet and appetite. The third and fourth chapter are to be seen by all as a path to overcome the troubles of the future in the nation of America, and in other parts of the world. In short , the purpose of this book is to show how God has place a teaching in the Holy Bible for all Americans and others to overcome the bad events that will threaten our existence.

    Judgment Of America

    This is the book every home, school, church, social group, and others should have a copy of. This book shows past, present and future events that have and will occur. This book will show you twenty-one years, from 2000 to 2021, of good, bad, and grievously bad years that are to affect America, through economic problems, terrorist attacks, wars, hurricanes, and other natural disasters. It shows how Jesus himself gave us a sign of how America would be, in many ways, like the past nation of Assyria. It points to a time of judgment that will affect all Americans in the years to come. This book gives you insight into myths, the Holy Bible, and it points to America and its past, present, and future history. This is a much-needed book at this time.

    Chapter One

    The Sign of Assyria and America

    The writing of Saint Luke, chapter 11, is one of the most interesting teachings of all time. Luke, 11:29-36, is about a time when a prophet named Jesus Ben Joseph lived and taught his philosophy in the area of Judea, a Roman province, around the end of the first century B.C. This prophet is known to most Christians as Jesus Christ. During the time of Jesus’ life, there lived a man named Augustus who ruled with his senate. The government in which he ruled over is like the government of the United States of America today. This ruler, Augustus, brought to the Empire of Rome the Pax Romana, or Roman Peace, and it graced the area of the Mediterranean for almost two centuries. Augustus wiped out the debts of many towns that were virtually bankrupt. The Mediterranean world at that time suffered severe economic dislocation in many of its areas. The province where Jesus lived was one of them. Augustus proceeded to carry out many programs to bring peace and prosperity to the Roman Empire. Unto Augustus, emperor worship was born. During Augustus’ reign the prophet Jesus was born. Jesus’ parents, Joseph and Mary, reported for the census ordered by Augustus as part of his effort to tidy up the Roman Empire. This prophet we know today is known among the Christian world as the Prince of Peace, Jesus the Christ. But at this time of Jesus’s life, as shown in Luke, 11:29-36, he had become a Man with a word for the people; a teacher, leader, and prophet.

    There was a thick gathering of people around him at the time from the writings of Luke chapter 11, and he taught them of a sign. Jesus says that there will be no sign to be given to them but the sign of the prophet Jonas. Jesus at that time compared the sign of Jonas, the prophet, with the sign of the coming of the Son of Man, the prophet that is to come. Jesus said to the generation that existed at the time of Rome that their genealogy will expand to today’s America. He also said that the events that were written in the book of Jonah are actually future events that will occur at the end of time, or what we know today as the second coming of Christ. This consists of a time when a literal kingdom would rise up and spread peace and prosperity all over the world (Daniel 2:44).

    Luke 11:30; For as Jonas was a sign unto the Ninevites, so shall also the Son of Man be to this generation.

    Jesus spoke in parables. The word parable is derived from parabole, a Greek word that etymologically means, a placing of things side by side, usually for the purpose of comparison. For us to get an understanding of what the prophet Jesus is saying, we must compare. A sign is a distinguishing mark, a symbol, or a portent or omen of something momentous or calamitous to occur in the future (Wycliffe Bible Dictionary, p. 1589).

    However, we would like to see visible works of God. They are part of God’s active presence. In many areas of the Old Testament, we can see his active presence working. In Exodus 7:3 and Deuteronomy 7:19, prophets like Daniel and others told of signs and wonders that are to accompany the Son of Man coming. This is known to many Christians as the second coming of Christ. Jesus often spoke of the sign of the Son of Man in heaven (Matthew 24-30). When looking at the prophecy of Jesus in Luke 11:30, about the prophet Jonah and the Son of Man, this prophet, the Son of Man, is to be born, like Jonah, from a woman’s womb.

    In order to understand what Jesus is saying about the sign of Jonah, the prophet’s coming, we must first have a little more understanding about this person that Jesus is calling the Son of Man. The expression in the scripture has various meanings, depending on the context. For example, in Ezekiel 2:1, it emphasizes the difference between the human prophet and the Lord, who speaks to and through him. In the writings of Daniel 7:13, the Son of Man refers to a person who will be the head of the saints of the Most High. Also, Daniel 9:25-27 tells of this person coming.

    Daniel 9:25; "Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah, the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall

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