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How to Care Less : Stop Worrying About What Others Think
How to Care Less : Stop Worrying About What Others Think
How to Care Less : Stop Worrying About What Others Think
Ebook68 pages25 minutes

How to Care Less : Stop Worrying About What Others Think

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 Stop Worrying About What Others Think

Why Do We Care So Much? 

At some point or another, we've all worried about what someone else is going to think of something we do or say. It's natural, and in part, it stems from our "lizard brain"—that part of the brain we all have that is primitive and is there to keep us safe.

We don't want to make a mistake that gets us in trouble with other people. We don't want to say something that offends. We would rather "take flight" and avoid doing anything risky, than "fight" by saying or acting how we actually feel. 

The problem is… many people live their lives solely based on what other people might think if they do or say something. 

They may not even know what others are thinking—they might just assume they know. Unfortunately, this means they are sitting on the sidelines with their dreams and desires, fearing to take action lest someone take offense or think they are ridiculous. 

This is the truth of the matter though… we can't read other people's minds, even though we convince ourselves that we can. 

Release dateJan 28, 2024
How to Care Less : Stop Worrying About What Others Think

Salvador Alcaraz

Salvador Alcaraz que vive en varios paises, me encanta compartir conocimientos y ayudar a otros en temas de autoayuda, marketing y refuerzo personal. Salvador es una persona apasionada que hará un esfuerzo adicional y entregará en exceso. "Creo que el conocimiento es poder. Todos deberían mejorar ellos mismos y / o los negocios, sin importar en qué etapa de la vida se encuentren. Ya sea para desarrollar una mejor mentalidad o para aumentar las ganancias. Avanzar es clave".

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