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Mismatch, Lovematch
Mismatch, Lovematch
Mismatch, Lovematch
Ebook55 pages47 minutes

Mismatch, Lovematch

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About this ebook

Match is a hedge witch, part of a group of Guards that protect their town and the surrounding area from supernatural danger. He is not fierce and glamorous like his teammates, the paladins who do most of the fighting, a werewolf who does most of their hunting and tracking, or their sleek, crafty hacker who fights from a modern angle.

No, his life is plants, herbs, and potions—and being hopelessly in love with Ronan, the dark paladin of their group, who comes from one of the oldest families in the supernatural community. Far from a poor hedge witch living on the wrong side of town, even if they have been teammates and friends for years.

Then, in the aftermath of a fight with a bog witch, Ronan agrees to a date and it seems like for once, everything is going Match's way...

PublisherMegan Derr
Release dateJan 3, 2024
Mismatch, Lovematch

Megan Derr

Megan is a long-time resident of queer romance and keeps herself busy reading and writing it. She is often accused of fluff and nonsense. When she’s not involved in writing, she likes to cook, harass her wife and cats, or watch movies. She loves to hear from readers and can be found all over the[email protected]@meganaderr

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    Book preview

    Mismatch, Lovematch - Megan Derr

    Match is a hedge witch, part of a group of Guards that protect their town and the surrounding area from supernatural danger. He is not fierce and glamorous like his teammates, the paladins who do most of the fighting, a werewolf who does most of their hunting and tracking, or their sleek, crafty hacker who fights from a modern angle.

    No, his life is plants, herbs, and potions—and being hopelessly in love with Ronan, the dark paladin of their group, who comes from one of the oldest families in the supernatural community. Far from a poor hedge witch living on the wrong side of town, even if they have been teammates and friends for years.

    Then, in the aftermath of a fight with a bog witch, Ronan agrees to a date and it seems like for once, everything is going Match's way…

    Mismatch, Lovematch

    By Megan Derr

    Published by Megan Derr

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission of the publisher, except for the purpose of reviews.

    Edited by Samantha M. Derr

    Cover designed by Megan Derr

    This book is a work of fiction and all names, characters, places, and incidents are fictional or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people, places, or events is coincidental.

    First Edition January 2024

    Copyright © 2023 by Megan Derr

    Printed in the United States of America

    Mismatch, Lovematch

    Megan Derr

    Match. Maaatttccchhh. Match!

    Match jerked his head up, scowling at Benny. What?

    Pay attention to me.

    No. He went back to his book, even though it was futile, because Benny, being Benny, lay his head on it. Match gave him a hard shove, not at all sorry when he lost his balance and toppled to the floor. This is a fourteenth century midland elves manuscript, fuckface. It cost me two thousand dollars. Stay off it! Don't even look at it. He was scared to look at it, and he'd bought it specifically to read it. It had taken him the better part of three years to save for this book. If someone so much as glanced in its direction the wrong way, death was their only future.

    "Why the hell do you have a book that costs three times your rent in a coffee shop?

    Because my neighbors suck. The one above him was throwing bowling balls or something on the floor twenty times an hour. The two on either side of him were having some sort of feud, taking turns which apartment they had their shouting matches in, and the guy directly across from him was a vampire on some sort of trendy new 'light blood' diet that was not working at all, but try telling that to a stubborn, half-starved vampire fallen victim to diet culture.

    Giving up, he closed the book, put it back in its case, and that into his leather, warded bookbag. Get me a latte, and I'll pay attention to you. He'd had to settle on a bottle of water earlier, and he wasn't above making his better-off friends buy him coffee here and there when the opportunity presented.

    You're not allowed to have two lattes that close together.

    Match smiled, all teeth and warning, and didn't bother to correct the assumption. Do it anyway.

    "I don't know why anyone thinks I'm the merry leader," Benny muttered as he dutifully went to stand in line.

    Chuckling, Match pulled out his tablet to look over the inventory he'd taken that morning, making certain he'd gotten everything needed before confirming the shipping order. After that, he pulled up one of the spells he was working on, fussing with some of the castings on the outer ring. Wards cast in changeable areas like, well, anywhere outside, were always the hardest. When

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