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MIA Inspires - 365 -: A year with powerful messages
MIA Inspires - 365 -: A year with powerful messages
MIA Inspires - 365 -: A year with powerful messages
Ebook494 pages3 hours

MIA Inspires - 365 -: A year with powerful messages

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About this ebook

This is a perfect book for you, if you want to develop personally and stand stronger in yourself!

With MIA Inspires annual book, you get help every day to
- Feel better - Be braver - Think positively -

The messages focus on self-leadership, the power of thought, relationships, health, courage, and joy of life.

Enjoy a year with powerful and encouraging messages!

Start the day in the best way with MIA Inspires, or whenever you need to remind yourself of how you want to think and act, to feel as good as possible!

- I believe in you -
Let your inner journey begin... now!
Release dateJan 9, 2024
MIA Inspires - 365 -: A year with powerful messages

Mia Fossengen

Mia Fossengen from Sweden: Multi-tasker and entrepreneur in the health and music industry for over 20 years. Author, speaker, coach, singer, and songwriter. She has written 2 books and created digital motivational programs on self-leadership, the power of thought, relationships, health, courage, and joy of life. Mia also holds lectures and workshops on the same theme. Since 2002, she has also a music company that offers soloists for weddings, christenings, and funerals, as well as entertainment for corporate events. Mia is also active on Instagram where she spreads even more inspiration and encouragement. Follow: mia_inspires & mia_inspires_international

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    Book preview

    MIA Inspires - 365 - - Mia Fossengen



    Welcome the new year with an open mind,

    and an attitude that everything is possible!

    Give yourself the freedom to not know everything,

    and to be open to learning new things.

    Also, take pride in not getting stuck on a specific truth

    but instead be open to new thoughts and opinions.

    What we have previously seen as science and truth

    is constantly changing, and new findings and discoveries

    are being documented continuously.

    Therefore, a pair of numbers will symbolize

    the first message of the year:

    Two people stand opposite each other

    and look at a number on the ground below them.

    One sees number 6 and the other sees number 9

    – and both are equally convinced that they are right

    and that the other is wrong.

    Fascinating, isn’t it!

    Remind yourself that there are always

    multiple ways to look at things.

    Welcome the new year with an open and loving mind!



    Among all the messages today about different food diets

    and various tips that all claim to be the only right one,

    it´s not easy to find your own way.

    But the thing is that we are all different,

    and what works for one person

    may not necessarily work for another.

    However, most experts agree that a preferred diet

    is clean and organic food, cooked from scratch

    without artificial additives.

    Many times you need to experiment, to form

    your own opinion, listen to advice, get more information

    and most importantly, feel what is right for you.

    What you feel best eating today, may not be the same

    for the rest of your life. Be open to the fact that your dietary

    needs may change over time, depending on how much

    you exercise and how old you are, etc.

    You don’t necessarily need to make big changes to your diet.

    Every little step you take towards improving your health

    is something to be proud of.

    The cleaner food you eat, the faster you will notice

    which diet suits you best – right now.



    Exercise is such a loaded word for many,

    and for those who are currently not physically active,

    the word itself can trigger them to raise a red flag.

    They can either get a frustrated and angry expression

    in their eyes – or conversely, their gaze closes

    in a distancing and rejecting way.

    The words exercise and training can evoke many feelings,

    and not too rarely a feeling of inadequacy,

    of not being good or skilled enough.

    But you know what? Even the smallest exercise

    can awaken a desire for more, and pretty soon

    positive things can start happening

    in your body, brain, and mind!

    Before you know it, you may feel like exercise again,

    even if it’s at such an easy level as going for a walk.

    Researchers agree that the exercise we do every day

    is the most important exercise for a healthy and active life!

    So, start small and do something every day,

    and encourage yourself to expand it as you go along.



    How do you view your life?

    As something to take very seriously or more playfully?

    What if you were to look at your life as if it's a movie?

    A movie about your life that you also direct yourself!

    Rewind the tape to your childhood

    and then move the plot forward, until you have become old.

    What can you see that runs like a common thread

    throughout the entire movie?

    Exactly. You!

    Of course – you should have the leading role

    in your own movie – the movie about your life.

    What theme should your movie mostly consist of;

    action, comedy, or drama?

    Should it be a sad and serious movie

    or eventful and exhilarating in a delightful way?

    So, if you now choose to look at your life

    as if it's a movie;

    how do you make it as good as possible,

    starting today?



    Do you follow your heart,

    based on the dreams you had as a child?

    What profession did you dream of,

    and which people did you look up to the most?

    Write this down in your book (see page →),

    and reflect on what you can still get close to today.

    Can you still educate yourself for any of the professions?

    Otherwise, can you approach them in some other way?

    Can you do a report, a survey, or visit the workplace

    and see if you can be of help, maybe there is a task for you?

    Or, you can take an evening course

    and thus take on your dream and interest as a hobby!

    You have all the possibilities, only your imagination stops.

    Play a little more and enjoy life,

    just waiting to treat you to its abundance!

    Follow your heart and be brave

    – everything is possible –

    Believe in yourself – I believe in you!



    Today, I encourage you to focus on your thoughts.

    Remind yourself that they are just that your own thoughts

    and the only one who hears them is you!

    Focus on blocking your negative thoughts,

    and holding onto the positive ones.

    The only person you truly sabotage when you let

    your negative and critical thoughts run free, is yourself.

    Your thoughts affect how you act

    and what you choose to say to others.

    You become what you think.

    What’s great is, that you can reprogram

    your negative thinking so that they instead give you

    strength, inspiration, and joy!

    So, let this day have all the focus on your thoughts.

    As soon as you think something negative,

    pay attention to that thought and replace it

    immediately with a positive one.

    Accept your thoughts, but don’t dwell on the negative ones.

    Instead, put all your energy into seeking thoughts

    that bring you joy, focus, and strength!

    Do it as an act of love for yourself

    – and for your loved ones.



    What would your life be like without your fears?

    What if you are no longer afraid of many of the things

    that you have long believed yourself to be?

    You may have been afraid before

    but if you really give it a chance,

    you might notice that the feeling has changed?

    You miss out on many amazing moments

    when you choose to say no and stand aside.

    Isn’t it more fun to get involved in the game

    the game that is life?

    What are you most afraid of,

    and how would your life have looked

    if you hadn’t had that feeling?

    What would you have accomplished and done?

    How will you live your life from now on,

    if you choose to be brave?



    How does your body feel at this very moment?

    How is your breathing, are you breathing with your stomach

    or high up in your chest?

    Are you clenching your jaw and lifting your shoulders?

    Feeling tense?

    Stop for a moment and take a couple of deep breaths

    and then exhale as slowly as you can.

    Feel how every part of your body releases

    its tension and relaxes.

    Do it again.

    Inhale slowly and deeply, hold for a moment

    and then exhale slowly.

    Doesn't that feel better?

    Give yourself this moment,

    and enjoy how much more comfortable it feels now,

    and remind yourself to do it again later today,

    tonight and tomorrow.

    Take care of yourself and let it become a good new habit.



    How do you react when someone gets angry with you?

    Do you go on the defensive, shout back at them

    and meet the other person with the same energy?

    Perhaps you respond with tears and despair

    or become subdued, silent, and withdrawn?

    We all react differently, and usually we have our own way

    of reacting when we are confronted.

    Have you thought about why you react the way you do?

    Maybe there is an underlying basis for your behaviour

    from your childhood, and you can now see a pattern

    in how you act as an adult…

    If another person is angry with you, it´s actually their choice,

    not yours. However, you are responsible for how you

    respond to it and the best way to change another person's

    behaviour is to first change your own.

    Next time someone gets angry with you, try to stop

    your natural, first and habitual counter-reaction.

    Take a deep breath and let the other person shout off,

    and then meet them in a completely new way.

    Chances are that the other person will be

    completely surprised, and you can then take the conflict

    to a new and better level!

    10 JANUARY


    Do you get to work in peace and quiet,

    and can concentrate without being constantly disturbed?

    For many, this is a dream scenario

    and far from their reality. Being constantly interrupted

    can create stress and cause you to lose focus.

    If you are constantly being interrupted by your colleagues,

    your phone is ringing and sending notifications, while your

    emails are pinging – it takes between 30 seconds to three

    minutes to regain concentration after each one...

    According to an American research team,

    we are interrupted about every three minutes in our

    workplaces. This means that about half of your working time

    is spent trying to remember what you were doing before you

    were interrupted. Of course, this can leave you walking

    around feeling inadequate and stressed.

    So, to feel better, you need to realize the importance

    of sitting undisturbed and focused while you work.

    Therefore, turn off notifications that you don't need,

    and leave both your email and your phone on silent,

    during times when you need to work without interruption.

    Make it clear to those around you when you need to work

    in peace, and then take a break from time to time,

    when you are doing something completely different.

    11 JANUARY


    How is your stomach feeling?

    The health of your stomach and how your digestion works

    affects your entire body.

    Increasingly, research shows how a lack of proper digestion

    and important gut bacteria can also affect how your brain

    functions and how you feel mentally.

    Many of us eat too gentle food nowadays.

    Our food is often overcooked, lacks strong spices

    and is processed, fried, or deep-fried.

    Our stomach needs beneficial gut bacteria to function

    optimally. You can get that by eating more fiber,

    fermented products, raw vegetables, and plenty of fruit.

    Other things you can do to improve digestion include

    drinking a glass of water with ½ a squeezed lemon a while

    before meals, and in general drinking more water, preferably

    at room temperature, between meals. However, drink as little

    as possible while you eat, as liquid dilutes the stomach acid,

    that helps break down the food you eat.

    It´s also important to give yourself time to enjoy your meal.

    Arrange the food as beautifully as possible on the plate, eat

    in peace, chew well, and don’t eat portions that are too large.

    12 JANUARY


    Although you may not want to,

    you need to allow yourself to sometimes feel

    a little weak, sad, and even bored.

    If you’re always on top, positive, and full of energy,

    it’s easy to take for granted how wonderful it feels.

    We need balance even when it comes to our emotions.

    The dark can help us see the light more easily.

    When you allow yourself to be weak and sad sometimes,

    it becomes clearer and more wonderful for you,

    when the feeling turns, and you are

    strong and happy again!

    13 JANUARY


    Surely you have noticed

    that your body benefits from routines?

    When your body realizes that it regularly receives

    the help it needs from you to function, you make it easier

    for your body to do its job.

    Here are some simple things you can do

    that can have a significant and positive effect!

    Eat at regular times; breakfast, lunch, and dinner,

    as well as a couple of snacks.

    Get at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day,

    preferably outdoors and make sure your heart rate

    is raised significantly at least three times a week.

    Prioritize your sleep.

    An adult needs an average of 7.5-8 hours of sleep

    every night. Try to go to bed preferably two hours before

    midnight for the best quality of sleep.

    14 JANUARY


    It takes strength to dare to show yourself weak

    when you are grieving, and to show others your tears.

    Try to, when you cry in your grief,

    at the same time highlight all your love.

    Sprinkle your beautiful memory

    with a sparkling glitter of gratitude.

    It can be so beautiful.

    Imagine leaving this life with so much love behind.

    Isn't that how we all want to be remembered?

    So, when you grieve, try to do it with gratitude

    – and with pride!

    It may be difficult at first, when the wound is brand new,

    but it will get easier with time.

    Eventually, you can feel a sense of pride

    that that you have loved someone fully,

    and that you have felt so much love in return.

    So, there is indeed beauty in grief.

    The feeling remains today – the love – forever.

    15 JANUARY


    Today someone is celebrating their birthday, maybe it’s you?

    More and more people choose not to celebrate their birthday.

    They feel that it’s just another day, or that there isn’t much

    to celebrate about getting older.

    But your birthday is definitely something to celebrate!

    You have lived another year and gained experiences

    that have helped you grow as a person.

    After all, not everyone is fortunate enough, right?

    For those of you who have stopped celebrating yourself

    – welcome new habits starting today!

    When your birthday comes, let it be filled with love

    and memories! Celebrate the child within you

    who could hardly sleep the night before the big day,

    eager to blow out candles and open presents!

    Embrace that feeling again on your special day.

    Look at photos from your life, remember the fun moments

    and summarize the past year.

    Set a goal and an intention for the coming year.

    Be grateful for how far you have come,

    and open your arms to future adventures!

    16 JANUARY


    If you think about your moments in life

    and weigh the difficult ones against your happy ones,

    which of them do you feel have developed you

    the most as a person?

    It’s not always the happiest moments that challenge you

    to dare more, and to develop and change for the better…

    Try to, in your challenging moments,

    ask yourself what you can learn from what is happening.

    Take responsibility for your role in it all,

    and see how you can make something good out of it,

    so that the pain has not been in vain.

    Make sure your difficult moments help you transform

    into a better version of yourself.

    – This way, they haven’t been completely in vain

    but still done you some good!

    17 JANUARY


    The Law of Attraction states that we are all energy.

    When you clearly show the Universe what you desire,

    and let that feeling vibrate within you as your truth,

    it is the law of the Universe to manifest what you desire!

    The Law of Attraction is based, among other things,

    on the fact that what we give energy to grows.

    It´s therefore important that we put our focus on

    what we want more of, and not on

    what we want less of in our lives.

    Many people dwell on and complain about things

    that are bad and that they don’t want.

    The problem is that the negative gets all the attention

    and focus, often with emphasis.

    The Universe doesn´t hear the word NOT,

    so the negative things that you don’t want

    are perceived by the Universe as your desire,

    and by doing so, you reinforce them even more.

    The Law of Attraction says that if you focus on

    what you WANT and visualize it with all your power

    how it feels as if it has already become your reality

    – then your desire becomes its law.

    18 JANUARY


    Sure, it’s nice to lie on the couch and relax,

    or take the comfortable car to your destination

    and the elevator instead of the stairs…

    However, our bodies are made to move,

    and too much rest and inactivity can make us weak and sick,

    and also give us poor posture.

    You’re not being kind to yourself

    if you don’t take care of your body.

    It’s important that you strengthen yourself with exercise,

    good food, positive affirmations, and loving friends.

    This way you are better protected from external influences

    from the environment, stress, and pollution.

    Focus on nurturing your body

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