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Live Your Truth: Start Your Journey to Freedom and Healing
Live Your Truth: Start Your Journey to Freedom and Healing
Live Your Truth: Start Your Journey to Freedom and Healing
Ebook131 pages1 hour

Live Your Truth: Start Your Journey to Freedom and Healing

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Live Your Truth is an empowering and healing journey that helps readers free themselves, find self-fulfillment, and release their ultimate potential.
Colleen Gallagher created a life filled with subconscious anger and guilt as well as a persistent sense of unworthiness after being diagnosed with cancer at age fourteen because it allowed her to blame the world for her own unhappiness. 
Then, at age twenty-three, she had enough. She wanted to figure out how to live the life she truly desired, to turn cancer into a gift and truly find out why she was here. Colleen quit her job, moved across the world to New Zealand and healed herself with love. This experience―and the new openness it ushered in―revealed to her that many people live every day in subconscious negativity which holds them back from their true and unlimited potential. Now she’s telling her powerful story to spark The Intoxicator Movement. An Intoxicator creates the space to look within, removes the toxic, and becomes what’s left of their truth in the world. 
Live Your Truth challenges and empowers readers to undertake their own journey through this five-step process to not only find their truth but to start to live it, too.
Release dateOct 5, 2021
Live Your Truth: Start Your Journey to Freedom and Healing

Colleen Gallagher

Colleen Gallagher is an Intuitive Business Consultant. She has survived childhood cancer, is a Global Citizen, a passionate advocate for equality, and an academic who is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Psychology with a focus on Global Leadership and Change. She has received her BA in Marketing and MS in Global Technology and Development. She is an author of multiple books, yet her greatest success is seeing her clients overcome their life challenges and create a business that impacts the world in a way that feels good for them. Colleen empowers leaders and businesses to come to a newfound clarity of their mission, so that they can better understand their gifts while taking calculated action to grow their businesses. Her work involves teaching leaders how to use their voices on social media to attract opportunities, create freedom, and impact the world. Currently, Colleen resides in Los Angeles, California.

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    Book preview

    Live Your Truth - Colleen Gallagher


    In this book, I will share with you how I was defeated by the world for nine long years. I lost the dreamer who lives inside of me, the one who knew the fairytale could still come true. In this book I share how, I finally overcame the harsh realities of the world and made this movement come alive. As we start our journey together, we are becoming united, joining our energy together to create momentum to prove our truth that love will always prevail.

    In this journey I take you through a story of a few of my life experiences that led me to suppress my truth and carry many subconscious behaviors, habits, and thoughts where I remained a victim to the world. At age 23, I had a shift and crafted this vision into movement. I’m passionate about sharing what I’ve learned because the world has impacted me to become aware that many of us live our entire lives subconsciously carrying various negative behaviors, habits, and thought patterns that limit our true potential. With this vision, book, and movement, it is my hope that no one will ever feel they need to isolate themselves from the world again.

    I was born in Detroit, Michigan, where I had a very normal upbringing. I am an only child and was born to two caring, driven, and selfless parents who are very in love! At the time of writing this book, I have lived in seven cities, two countries, visited 31 countries, and visited 28 of the 50 states in the United States. I have met people from all over the world, experienced life, and learned to live.

    I went to Michigan State University where I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing. I was President of my business organization and did three study abroads: in Cuba, the United Kingdom, and South Africa. I had paid internships every summer and even got to live in Arizona for one of the summers! After I graduated, I got a job and lived in Texas, then moved to Maryland. At age 23, I quit my job and moved to New Zealand. Looking in from the outside, it seems like I led a pretty successful, normal life, right?

    Well, except at age 14 I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer.

    I held onto my story of cancer until I was 23 years old. At age 23, I went to war with the world because I could not take it one moment longer feeling alone, feeling rejected for living my truth, and living in fear that love will not always prevail. I created The Intoxicator Movement so no one would ever again would need to feel alone, unworthy, unloved, or rejected again. I created this movement so we can empower each other to come together to stand up to the world by courageously living our truth with our tribe, to no longer feel defeated by the negativity and hate within the world. This book and movement is here so we can finally conquer the world together by transforming it with love.

    The Intoxicator Movement is a five-step process where we create space for ourselves to look within, remove the toxic, and become what is left: our truest self in the world. An Intoxicator can be anyone—a home builder, gardener, hairdresser, CEO of corporate, stay-at-home mom or dad, the list can go on—but the common factor is we are the people in the world craving to live authentically. We are the ones who want to live with our hearts. We are the ones deep down who want to become part of the momentum of moving the world forward.

    As an Intoxicator, we take our power back from the world and design our own personal roadmap for our fairytale dream to become reality.

    My intention is to create a connection between us, inspiring and empowering each of us to begin to acknowledge the amazing power we hold within, allowing us to realize how similar we are. I want us to see the possibilities that exist for each of us. We can let go of trying to be what the world has molded us to be.

    We each have fairytale dreams that we have pushed to the side because we thought there was no possible way our dreams could come true. This story I am about to share is truly our story, because it will show you how we have all experienced life-shaping events that have discouraged us and held us back from living our dreams. No matter what form your life-shaping event took, we all have that one life-shaping event. Even though person to person it is different, these events are the birth of our connection because it’s the one thing we all have in common: a struggle that we have had to overcome. With this story I hope to inspire, empower, and impact you so, you can see the possibility that your dream can come alive too.

    My mission with this movement is to inspire, empower, and impact one billion people to start living their truth courageously, by becoming Intoxicators, so that that each person this movement touches will live a life with no regrets.


    I remember that Tuesday as the normal 14-year-old Colleen. I was a sophomore in high school. I was at basketball practice wearing a red jersey, going for a layup when I collapsed. Suddenly, I was gasping for air and was taken to the emergency room. I was quickly told that my thyroid was enlarged and I would need surgery as soon as possible. They said after I had this surgery I would be on medication for the rest of my life, and when I wanted to have a family, I would need to go to the doctors to get my medication adjusted.

    My first surgery came and went, but then there was a lymph node with cancer cells that managed to get tangled with my jugular vein. I had to have another surgery within two months of the first one. This second surgery was going to be a higher risk and longer surgery. Surgery number two came and went; I survived, completely clear of new cancer diagnoses at age 20. However, all the experiences that came from having cancer—going to numerous doctor visits, how various people react to cancer affecting them and their families, the realities of the USA health care system, having to be on medication every day starting at 14, and having a scar on my neck—is what I allowed to defeat me, I let this rob me of seeing the possibility to live my dreams. I thought I could only follow the traditional path to ensure I would always have money, healthcare and hopefully it would bring me the dream lifestyle, just like a real-life Disney movie.

    At age 14 my life changed drastically within seconds. Usually, most people react: You were so young. My real reaction at that time was, I am now ugly. I CANNOT leave the house because I have a scar on my neck! I did not even care about the cancer itself because at 14 years old I had no idea what that even meant. I was so consumed at how the world would look at me now that I had a scar and this disease, cancer attached to my name.

    Like most 14-year-old girls, my self-esteem was not the highest in the world. I went to school the next day, and it seemed like everyone was asking why I was rushed to the hospital. Now I realize there were many people who did not ask anything about it, but at the time, 30-some-odd people questioning me seemed like the whole world. I didn’t feel different, but I knew I had this word attached to me now and possibly something growing inside me. The last thing I wanted to tell people was that I would need surgery because I may have cancer.

    I let this disease become a nine-year battle, even after it was no longer within me. I subconsciously carried the harsh realities I was exposed to with various people’s reactions to when cancer affects them and their family. I carried survivor’s guilt, feeling unworthy to be alive in my later teens when children younger than me were dying, and I chose to carry anger against the world. I felt helpless because it appeared we did not want to find a cure to cancer, it brings in too much money

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