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Existance Into Oblivion
Existance Into Oblivion
Existance Into Oblivion
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Existance Into Oblivion

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Mr. Fidler was born in the quiet farming community of Rensselaer, Indiana, Jasper County, 70 miles south, southeast of Chicago, IL on August 8, 1938. He was raised in the bustling metropolis (of the time) of the steel mills and oil refineries of Gary, Hammond, and East Chicago, Indiana. Mr. Fidler graduat

Release dateOct 24, 2023
Existance Into Oblivion


Mr. Fidler was born in the quiet farming community of Rensselaer, Indiana, Jasper County, 70 miles south, southeast of Chicago, IL on August 8, 1938. He was raised in the bustling metropolis (of the time) of the steel mills and oil refineries of Gary, Hammond, and East Chicago, Indiana. Mr. Fidler graduated from Hammond Technical Vocational High School, proceeding on and graduating from Purdue University. This is the education that qualified him for a 51 plus year career as an outstanding engineer.Why this story of the (Grey Foxes) (The Fox and the Bantam Hen)? Mr. and Mrs. Fidler are the parents of a very successful daughter in a career of sales where men dominate. We also had a mentally ill son of whom we are very proud. He was very much like Jason in the story. He championed other mentally ill patients in support groups.

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    Book preview

    Existance Into Oblivion - DELOS DALE FIDLER

    Existance Into Oblivion

    Copyright © 2023 by Delos Dale Fidler. All rights reserved.

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    Published in the United States of America

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2023918467

    ISBN 978-1-68486-534-5 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-68486-537-6 (Hardback)

    ISBN 978-1-68486-539-0 (Digital)




    Existance Into Oblivion

    A Lunchon At The Marina

    Laura Tynsdale

    The LaMadelin Modeling Agency

    Utopia Professional Cosmetics

    Jack Archer


    A Business Presentation

    A Day At The Seashore

    Ann Xchong

    Sue Yet

    Gene Hawkins

    Pyramid Scheme

    Dr. John Parker

    Gene Yoder

    Home Light Monthly Rally

    Sally Mae Jenkins

    Jack Warren

    Janet Larson

    Robert Morris

    Steve Jetts

    Janet Larson

    Jim Crawford’s Yachting Enterprises

    Ellen Jenings

    Tim Wilson

    The Interview

    The Coast: Open For Business

    The Promoter

    The Recruiter

    The Wedding

    A Business Investment

    Accounting 101

    The Trip South

    The Rally

    Summer Camp



    New Business, New Problems

    The Gathering Storm

    A Show Of Shows

    A New Plan


    David Cox

    John McFarland

    Geraldine Dresser

    Richard Wu

    Frank Pulaski

    Michael Yoder

    Another Wedding

    Business As Usual

    Trial Date

    Jim McFarland, Jack Archer And Ravi

    Business As Usual

    The Trip North

    The Return Of The Three Musketeers

    Back To The Trial

    The Flight South



    When I graduated from college and started working at my first job, the start of my career, I was optimistic and full of enthusiasm that I would someday be president of the company I now worked for. Anyway, that was my goal. Over the next fifty -five years through a series of fortunate and unfortunate events that did not happen. My goals changed in the intervening years.

    When I got knocked down I got back up. I tried new strategies, some worked and some did not. But, let us get back to when I started with my first job. I started meeting classmates from the high school I attended from four or more years ago. Some were advancing in their careers without any college experience whatsoever. Those who had a natural talent and no college were ahead of me, (for a time). I would ask how they were succeeding in their careers. Some would say, I have no idea. Others would say, Dad got me this job. They had not planned nor strived for their position in life. They did not plan for the career in which they were presently involved. Their whole existence started when they woke up and ended when they went to bed.

    This is the fictional story of such a person, Laura Tynsdale-Wilson, who has enough natural beauty to become a leading model and rise through the ranks of the modeling industry. It is also the story of Jack Warren as he maneuvers his way through ambition to rise above the class he was born into. But, ambition turns into greed when ambition doesn’t get him what he wants.

    In order to discover how all this turns out, you will have to read the book. The book also contains snippets of other people that interact with Jack’s progress in life. Jack’s life will interact with people across the world, a world he does not know.

    This novel is not a treatise on law, ethical conduct, or business practices. Please consult with your attorney and CPA for guidance in these areas.


    Jack Warren stood in his office overlooking the marina not more than a half mile away and down the hill. Two sides of the office were sheer plate glass windows that reached from floor to ceiling. Jack enjoyed an unobstructed view of the marina. The telephone handset he held to his ear rang with profanity from the caller on the other end. Ralph Emerson was livid at the answers, or more specifically the non-answers Jack was giving him.

    I’m supposed to be making a sizeable income in this venture, that is what I was promised when I invested my retirement in this sham you call, ‘ … a money maker.’ Ralph’s voice rose You promised us a return on our investment within six months. It is now eighteen months and there is no sign of any positive cash flow, let alone an income of any kind.

    We never promised you would make any money at all if you did was nothing. Jack’s voice remained low and calm without profanity.

    Did nothing? You’re saying I did nothing? I traveled fifty miles up the coast and fifty miles down the coast, calling on every marina and on boat repair shops, anyway to those that would talk to me. What I ran into were shops that were displaying your logo and your products from some other distributor. He told me that he owned the territory you sold me. Now, who owns this territory, me or this Tom Fletcher? Again, Ralph’s voice continued to rise and fall with gasps of air in between.

    Ralph, relax. We can get this resolved at next month’s training meeting. You and I will resolve all these issues then, face-to-face. Jack was now buying time, time for Jack was a commodity that was growing in shorter and shorter supply. In three weeks Jack was expected to be in a court room to defend himself against accusations of promoting a Ponzi scheme. Jack did not have any plans to attend that hearing. If all went according to plan, Jack and Janet would be out of the country and beyond the reach of the legal system. Not even Jack’s lawyer knew that Jack planned to be gone by the time of the hearing.

    With a shout of, Go to hell!!! Ralph slammed his phone receiver down. The conversation was now ended.

    Jack clicked off the handset he was carrying and held it for a minute continuing to enjoy the scenery of the harbor and marina. Turning around he looked at Janet sitting quietly at his desk reading the latest magazine.

    This is a nice magazine you had printed, how much did it cost us? Janet asked.

    "It didn’t cost us a thing. I ordered ten sample copies. The printer is expecting an order of a thousand or more upon approval. I will delay that order until we have departed this business, within the week. How is Laura Wilson and her husband coming with their decision to invest in SEABOARD YACHTING EQUIPMENT?" Jack now smiled as he gave Janet a kiss on the temple. Besides, we have an opportunity to argue over magazine content and layout. That will buy us at least three weeks. We’ll be gone by then.

    Laura and her husband will invest their money. The only question is when and how much. Janet crossed her legs and looked up at Jack as he leaned over her. Laura is an old friend, but as innocent as they come. She will convince her husband to make the investment. Laura and I are having lunch at the marina clubhouse in about two hours. Janet was wearing a dark gray sheath skirt with a zipper closure on the left hip, hose, red leather high heeled shoes, and a white blouse that buttoned down the front. Her golden hair was shoulder length with a reverse curl at the bottom. She looked and felt comfortable in her clothes.

    As soon as we close that deal we can leave. The judge didn’t impound the yacht we have in the marina. Jack now sat on the edge of the desk looking at Janet. Dressed in a white turtle neck polo shirt, white dungarees and white deck shoes he looked every bit a sailor. However, he was more look than experienced sailor. The extent of Jack’s experience at sailing was limited to a few hundred daylight hours on a calm ocean. Jack only spent a few overnights on the yacht while docked in the marina. He had taken the customary courses for basic seamanship. However, his motivation in the course was to meet other people in the marine community with money they could invest in his enterprises.

    The judge didn’t impound the yacht because you didn’t declare it at the hearing. Janet’s tone of voice questioned Jack’s ability to pilot a large yacht by himself. Janet did not consider herself competent to help Jack pilot the yacht once they were at sea. She had not taken the seamanship courses and was uninterested in the mechanics of piloting a yacht.

    Janet had been a fashion model in her early career. First in a small town fifty miles inland from the coast and most recently in a nearby metropolis. She met Jack some five years earlier for the first time when she was dating another yachting enthusiast who was also in the fashion industry. His name was Henry Wadsworth, or as Janet called him, HW.

    Jack’s interest in HW was as an investor in an enterprise Jack was promoting at the time. In due course Janet would lose interest in HW as the romantic interest waned and Jack lost interest in HW as soon as it became apparent that HW was uninterested in investing in Jack’s enterprise. It was at this time that Jack and Janet became interested in each other and romance bloomed.


    The marina clubhouse consisted of a large white hexagon shaped building with lap strake wood siding. The windows were octagonal in shape, measuring four feet across with black wood trim. The portico extended to the parking lot with faux sixteenth century cannons aimed outward from the walkway. Flags of different countries were anchored adjacent to each cannon. The interior of the club house was decorated in mahogany trim. The walls were adorned with a stuffed swordfish, a great white shark and smaller depictions of other denizens of the deep. No marina would be complete without a collection of metal diving suits worn by divers of old. The interior was actually a mini museum of nautical items.

    The gift shop was at the far side of the dining area. Within the gift shop was a display of products and catalogs offered by Seaboard Yachting Equipment, placed there by Ralph Emerson. Sales in the gift shop were few and far between. The gift shop was there for show.

    Janet arrived a few minutes before One PM and selected a table adjacent to the gift shop positioning her back to the shop. This would ensure that Laura would sit opposite her, facing the gift shop. She waited only a few minutes before Laura walked through the entrance to the club house.

    Laura was wearing a free flowing yellow skirt, black patent leather shoes with a low heal and a form fitting black blouse that buttoned down the back. Laura’s raven black hair was manicured just like it was when they first met.

    Laura and Janet had been in the modeling business years ago and had maintained contact with each other over the years. Initially the contacts were about work and the unwelcomed advances from their assignments, then about the men they were dating and now about their husband’s business ventures. Although Laura did not take an interest in her husband’s business ventures, it was difficult to avoid the subject when you are a trophy wife.

    Janet waved to Laura and guided her to the table she had selected. Laura quietly sat down smoothing the wrinkles out of her skirt as she got comfortable at the table. How is Tim these days? Janet inquired.

    "Tim is doing fine. He still has business interests in The LaMadelyn Modeling School and among other investments he keeps active. I do wish he would get out of the modeling business. Proportionally speaking, the modeling business’ demands on his time is way out of proportion to the money he gets out of it. Laura relaxed just a little after venting her feelings. What is on the menu at this restaurant?"

    This is not a restaurant. It is the marina club house. Janet mocked the reference to restaurant that Laura referred to. They do have the most delicious quiche, I like the Mayberry selection. It has assorted fruit, lettuce and chopped nuts. For a light lunch it can’t be beat.

    What followed was irrelevant banter for the next hour. Finally Janet spoke more directly to Laura, "Has Tim thought more about investing in Jack’s business?"

    Tim is giving it his serious consideration. The last time I talked to him he said, ‘I’ll look into that as soon as things get straightened out here at the school’ What things he is talking about, I don’t know. Laura sat back in her chair and rested her hands in her lap.

    How long has it been since you were at the school? Seven – eight years? Janet asked the question and then took her last bite of lunch.

    It’s been ten years, I left the school when I married Tim and we have been married ten years. Laura smiled as she spoke those words.

    Maybe we should get your husband to come over and meet Jack. I think they would get along real well. It sounds like both of them are workaholics. Janet smiled and leaned back in her chair. It was at this time that the waitress delivered the meal check in a black leather folder. Janet picked up the folder, slipped her credit card into the folder pocket, and reclosed it laying it back on the table. Laura made no effort to cover her own lunch expenses.

    I will ask him tonight when I get home. When would you like to get together, this weekend? Laura now looked at her half eaten plate of food, pushed it aside and blotted her lips with the napkin.

    I will have to check with Jack, but this weekend sounds great. When will you know if Tim can be available? Janet relaxed a bit and diverted her eyes observing the waitress returning with the luncheon billing.

    I should know tomorrow morning. I will call you by ten tomorrow. Laura deposited the napkin from lunch on the table and scooted her chair back." After the usual pleasantries the ladies parted company.


    With the end of school and graduation just weeks away Laura spent her free time lounging at the family pool in the backyard of her home. With her shoulder length raven black hair she was the envy of every girl in her high school. Although she was allowed to date, dating was not in her schedule. Laura didn’t go out for the cheerleading squad or athletics in school although she was well qualified both beauty wise and athletically.

    Laura was a C student in her academic classes. She was bright enough, but did not apply herself. Laura had many girlfriends, but nothing that extended beyond the school. Although she had invitations from boys to go to the school parties, that was not her thing. Laura did not participate nor did she desire to be part of the extracurricular activities afforded to senior students.

    With graduation and her eighteenth birthday just two weeks away her brother Jeremy and her father, Steve, kept asking what she intended to do when she was out of school, would she be looking for a job? She kept giving lip service to the inquiries by opening up the newspaper and looking at the want ads. Rarely would she find anything where she would respond in a positive manner. When she did find something interesting she would call the telephone number or have her brother take her down to the address listed to apply in person. When the job interviewers found out that she was still under eighteen, they ended the interview and suggested she call back after her birthday. One interviewer asked her if she had transportation to get to work. No, I do not have a driver’s license as of yet, was Laura’s reply.

    I suggest that you get your driver’s license. The job we have to offer is at a location not served by the city bus. The interviewer was pleasant and suggested she come back when she had independent transportation. The phone line immediately went dead leaving Laura staring into a silent telephone handset.

    That night at the supper table Laura asked her older brother, What does it take to get a driver’s license?

    Jeremy Tynsdale responded with not a little bit of sarcasm, First thing you need to do is learn to drive. In order for you to learn to drive we will have to find you a car. Didn’t you take Driver’s Ed in school? Jeremy now looked up from his supper of pork chops, bacon, mashed potatoes, gravy and corn. Still chewing his last bite of food he reflexively leaned back rocking in his chair on two legs.

    No. I didn’t think it important at the time. It wasn’t offered at a time I was interested in taking it. Laura pushed the food on her plate around, not really interested in eating. She would piece at the remnants of her serving for another hour before finishing.

    If you’re thinking about it now, it may be even less convenient than the schedule they had in school. Now you may need a car in addition to an inconvenient schedule. I know of a driving school near the repair garage where I work. Jeremy was still dressed in his work jeans and a flannel shirt with the logo of the Custom Repair Garage over his breast pocket. Streaks of grease were evident on his sleeves from his contact with the cars he worked on during the day. I don’t know anyone there, but they keep a busy schedule. I know they keep a clean office and they insist that their students provide their own cars and that the cars are in a safe condition before they take lessons. Prospective students often bring their cars over to the garage to repair minor items before they are able to take lessons.

    How can I buy a car without a job? You and Dad want me to get a job, but to get a job I will need a car. Laura now became even less interested in the food on her plate. She continued pushing it around her plate without lifting it to her mouth.

    If you continue playing with your food and don’t eat your supper, you won’t have to worry about a job. Jeremy was now leaning back in his chair which was still on two legs. Jeremy’s plate was now empty of food. Maybe when Dad gets home we can ask him for help. He is not indifferent to your problem.

    Dad is not interested in my problems, he rarely takes notice. He barely takes notice of my graduation commencement which will be in a week and a half. Laura now became more withdrawn than usual. When he gets home tonight, will you help me talk to him about the car? Sulking in her chair she stopped playing with the food on her plate. Now, pushing away from the table she left most of her serving untouched and headed for the back yard swimming pool.

    Steve Tynsdale, Laura’s father arrived home around 8 PM. Steve was the manager of a local golf course not many minutes from home. Physically fit and with a hansom posture he could have been a physical education instructor at the local college. He was dressed in typical fashion, light tan Dockers, a red pull over monogramed shirt and loafers. The monogram read, ‘DESERT GOLF COURSE AND COUNTRY CLUB.’

    Maria Tynsdale, Laura’s mother arrived home five minutes later. She managed a hair salon and ladies boutique at the edge of the city. Maria was a former model from the big city just fifty miles to the west and still had the figure and good looks of her former profession. Both Steve and Maria typically kept daytime hours at their workplaces. Occasionally, they worked into the evening preparing for events scheduled for the next day or the following weekend. Rarely did they both work late and even rarer when it was unplanned. Tonight was one of those unplanned nights. Typically they had the house to themselves with Jeremy out and about with his girlfriend and Laura in the back yard lounging at the pool.

    As Steve walked through the house he glanced out the back picture window and seeing Laura sitting poolside he was happy she was safe. He then went about the business of warming up what was originally prepared for his dinner. Maria did the same. Sitting down at the table they both concentrated on eating something before engaging in the conversation of the day’s activities. Laura is graduating from high school this next week. What should we do for her graduation? Steve muttered between bites of supper.

    Laura does not seem to have any plans, no goals, she is unmotivated toward college or even a trade school. I’ve tried to interest her in nursing, but she has not shown any interest in that. Maria mused speaking more to herself than to Steve. Maria sat back and almost stopped eating for a minute. Dressed in black shinny pedal pushers, a white form fitting button down the front blouse and flat black leather loafers she was still in her salon attire. With the button down front blouse she could show as much or as little cleavage as she wanted to show, depending on the clientele in the shop. It would be another hour before she changed into her white silk lounging clothes and relax at poolside. Right now Laura was lounging poolside and Maria’s attention was fixed upon Steve.

    Steve finished eating and turned his attention toward Maria. That’s right, and I’m concerned she seems to have no ambition or even any interest in much of anything except lounging by the pool. I haven’t seen her develop any interest in boys, have you? Not that I want to push her into that.

    I certainly don’t want to push her into any unwanted relationship, but her lack of interest is unnatural. It was now Maria’s turn to get up from the table and look out the back picture window to see Laura reading a magazine next to the pool. Maria also noticed shadows from the setting sun approaching Laura’s location next to the pool. She will be in here within a few minutes. Shadows are almost engulfing her and she doesn’t like the shade. Maria returned to the table and rejoined her husband in conversation.

    Within the half hour Laura returned to the house and greeted her parents. Sitting down in her two piece floral patterned swim suit she sat across from her father. Her bra showed minimal cleavage and she was unconcerned. Laura looked directly at her dad and then down at the table. I had a telephone job interview this afternoon after school with an apartment on the east side of town. I think it was that new one. They said I would need a car and a driver’s license if I were to work there. Jeremy said that I should ask you to help me get a car.

    It was now Steve’s turn to sit upright, glance at Maria who returned his glance, and then looked directly into Laura’s eyes. You will also need to get a driver’s license. Why didn’t you get a driver’s license when you were in school, when it was offered?

    It wasn’t offered at a convenient time for me. Besides I wasn’t interested then. Laura now returned her gaze directly at her father. Laura then turned her gaze toward her mother.

    Maria met Laura’s gaze and then turned her eyes toward Steve. What do you say father?

    We’ll see what we can do. Maybe Jeremy knows where we can find a good car for Laura? Steve was now trapped and he knew it. I’ll expect you to pay me back when you find work and start earning a wage. You know you will also need insurance and a lot of other things. Although Steve was agreeable, his voice was also harsh. Let’s talk to Jeremy when he gets home.

    Jeremy arrived home at exactly 10:30 PM after dropping his girlfriend, Julie Branstone, off at her home just two blocks from his house. Although they were not officially engaged, that announcement was expected in the near future. Jeremy waved to his father as he headed toward his bedroom and a night of sleep.

    Where do you think you’re going young man? Maria called from the kitchen. Is there any update on the news with you and Julie?

    Nothing new Mom, Jeremy called back as he kept walking.

    Jeremy, wait a minute. I have something we need to talk about. Steve’s voice was upbeat as he turned in Jeremy’s direction. Laura and I talked about her getting a car. Do you know anything about her getting a car?

    Jeremy stopped in mid step and turned to face his father. Yes. Over supper she was telling me that she needed to get a car in order to get a job. Jeremy now approached to within about six feet of where his father was standing. Something about one of the places she called told her she would need a car if she wanted to work there. I’ve been thinking about that this evening and I believe she may be right. This town does not have the greatest bus service. Even getting to work in some of the areas in this town can be a challenge, even with a car. Jeremy put his hands on his hips and waited for his father’s reply.

    Getting her a car is the least of our problems. There is the driver’s license, the car insurance and a whole host of worries with her driving. Steve wiped his hand across his face and nodded up and down as he spoke.

    Dad, she will be alright. She has good reflexes and she’ll learn. What she needs is the money to buy a car and the insurance and the driving lessons and the … Jeremy now rubbed his hand over the back of his head much like what his dad had done.

    … the list goes on and on. Steve now walked toward a living room chair and sat down. I am willing to help her get a car, but I’m worried about her taking care of the car and being responsible about the car’s upkeep.

    It was at this time that Maria entered the living room and sat next to Steve. She had already changed into her robe and PJs for the evening. She listened intently to the conversation between her husband and their son.

    Dad, I can locate a car that is in good repair that she will like. We are always getting customers wanting to sell their cars. Some are cream puffs and some are dogs. I can pretty quickly winnow out the dogs. The cream puffs, well the owners usually want an unrealistic amount of money for them. Jeremy was now sitting across the room from his parents. The trick is to find that in between car. The one that can be repaired easily and will give good service.

    Steve started to rise from his chair, It is getting late, maybe we should continue this discussion another day. I and your mother have early work schedules tomorrow.

    The trick in finding a car is being ready to deal on very short notice. Jeremy showed no sign of getting up. What kind of price tag are we willing to deal on?

    Let me know if you find a four door sedan for Laura for around town at a good price. I will leave it to your judgment. Call me at work if need be.

    For a moment Jeremy stayed seated. Then he got out of the chair, wished his Mom and Dad a ‘Good Evening’ and headed for his bedroom. Steve reached out his hand to Maria who took it and stood up as Steve led her out.

    The next day broke sunny and dry, as most days do in the spring. Laura attended school with the usual routines. Exams were scheduled and completed followed by class dismissals. Fittings for graduation gowns were completed and school fees were checked and double checked for accuracy. Both Steve and Maria attended the graduation ceremony that officially marked Laura’s passage from high school. She did not attend any of the parties sponsored by her class mates.

    Three days later Jeremy drove home in a light blue late model sedan. The owner only wanted $3,500 for it and Jeremy assured his dad that it was easily worth $5,000. It is mechanically sound and the reason the owner wanted to let it go was because his daughter had eloped the week before and gone to live 1,000 miles up north somewhere. It’s as close to a cream puff for this money as we will get around here, Jeremy assured his father.

    Steve wrote out the check for the car, notified the auto insurance carrier of his purchase and parked it in front of the house. Laura first noticed the car the next day when she checked their mail box. Her father told her that he bought the car for her and now she should obtain a driver’s license. Where will I take driving lessons, will Jeremy teach me?

    No, was Jeremy’s answer, but, I will introduce you to the driving school near the garage where I work. The next day Jeremy took her to the Certified Driving School near the garage where he worked.

    That day Laura wore a black halter top, black short shorts and flip flops. Hello, I’m Laura Tynsdale and I want to take driving lessons.

    Hello, I am Dottie Wilson, receptionist and bookkeeper here at the Certified Driving School. Dottie was dressed very conservatively. Dottie did not wear any jewelry. I will get you started on the application papers. First and foremost do you have a car that is properly licensed, with a current inspection sticker and insurance papers? We will inspect the car before any instruction takes place.

    Jeremy then spoke up, Yes, I am her brother and we are still in the process of having the title transferred and the insurance papers are in process. Jeremy sat down in front of Dottie’s desk while Laura stood behind him.

    Do you have a learners permit? was Dottie’s next question as she looked up.

    Yes, I got one this morning. Laura continued standing behind Jeremy.

    Now Laura, I do need to tell you that we do have a dress code here. Before any instruction takes place all students must be covered from neck to ankles with the exception of the hands, obviously. Shoes should be hard sole and flat with not more than a 3/8-inch heel. The instructor is the sole interpreter for the dress code. Clothing should not be flowing or obstructing the driver’s vision. Are there any questions. Dottie now sat back and looked for Laura’s reaction.

    No ma’am, was Laura’s reply.

    Good, here is an application and the payment schedule. How will you be making payment, check, credit card or cash? Dottie handed Laura the application papers along with the state driver’s manual. When you get your car title and insurance papers in order come back and we will get you scheduled for instruction. Do you have any questions?

    Thank you ma’am, was Laura’s reply as she and Jeremy turned and left the building.

    Three weeks later Laura had the title to the automobile in hand and her declaration of insurance. Stopping by the driving school, this time in more modest dress, she found Dottie servicing another student. Taking a seat across the room she waited patiently while Dottie made copies of a driver’s license and other miscellaneous items. When the student was finished, Dottie could then pay attention to Laura.

    Good morning, was Laura’s greeting, I have my car title and proof of insurance with me. Can we schedule my driving lesson now?

    Dottie took the papers handed to her by Laura. Hello, nice to see you again. How are you? Allow me to copy these documents for our records. Please take a seat and relax. I see you also have your application filled out with the proper signature and your first payment, thank you. Within a few minutes Dottie was back at her desk with her appointment book at the ready. Now where were we? When are you available to come in for a lesson?

    I’m available most anytime. I just graduated from high school and I’m looking for a job. Work is hard to find if you don’t have a driver’s license and a car. My brother will have to bring me until I get a license. He’s waiting for me now outside in the car. Should I call him in because I’ll only be available when he can bring me? Laura motioned toward the front door with her hand.

    Go get him and let’s get you scheduled. Dottie sat perplexed as to why a high school graduate with Laura’s exceptional beauty could not find work.

    Laura and her brother returned momentarily and she was scheduled within the week. Ms. Tynsdale, I find it difficult to believe that a girl with your attractive features can’ find work. I have a brother-in-law who co-owns The LaMadelin Modeling Agency and he would hire you in a minute. And yes, you will need a car to go on the assignments. When you get your driver’s license I will give you a recommendation and you can go see him.

    Laura’s first lesson was with Jim McFarland, the owner of Certified Driving School. Jim introduced himself and reviewed the course content.

    The first part of the lesson material will be classroom instruction. Jim was physically a big man, tall and big boned. Muscular from years of working in the gold mines. Five years ago Jim retired from the mines and worked as a security guard in the local malls. Three years ago Jim had an opportunity to buy the Certified Driving School and took advantage of the offer. He hired Dottie who had told him of the school being offered on the market. For the first hour Jim reviewed the ‘Rules of the Road’ from the state driver’s manual. When the lesson was over Jim covered what to expect on the next lesson, and that would be care of the automobile. Laura was on her way home with her brother after receiving her next appointment.

    When her next lesson was completed Laura was scheduled for her first hands-on lesson with the car. That lesson was a bit strange. This was Laura’s first experience in the driver’s seat of an automobile. Most children as they approach their adult years have experienced the feel of an automobile steering wheel. But, not Laura. However, after a few minutes the sensations of sitting behind the wheel of an automobile were becoming second nature to Laura. The lesson of adjusting the seat position and the rearview mirrors took an entire lesson. The next lesson for Laura was to ride as a passenger in the back seat while another, more advanced student drove the car on the streets of the city during traffic.

    The feel of riding in an automobile with another teenager was not new. What was new was the feeling of riding with someone one to two years younger than herself who was driving the car. Add to that there was an adult other than her father or brother constantly monitoring and commenting on activity of the driver.

    Laura passed that portion of the driving experience and looked forward to driving the car by herself. Her first time behind the wheel the instructor kept the lesson within the bounds of an empty mall parking lot. Control of the automobile with easy starts and smooth stops was the lesson to be learned. Laura took extra time to master this portion of the course. Jim allowed her to get comfortable in the driver’s seat before moving on to the next phase of the course, driving on a busy city street.

    Is there someone in your family willing to ride with you while you drive?

    I will have to ask, Laura replied.

    The balance of instructional time went smoothly and Laura finished the course. Getting her driver’s license was a matter of form

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