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Wounded souls of eternal silence: Hear them when they call
Wounded souls of eternal silence: Hear them when they call
Wounded souls of eternal silence: Hear them when they call
Ebook56 pages49 minutes

Wounded souls of eternal silence: Hear them when they call

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Ein Mädchen, das mit Verstorbenen in Kontakt treten kann, ein junger Mann, der es aus einer anderen Dimension besorgt beobachtet, und der Tod höchstpersönlich, der in seiner schwarzen Robe düstere Pläne verfolgt - ein Wettlauf gegen die Zeit, bei dem es nur einen Gewinner geben kann. Wird das Gute siegen oder nehmen die dunklen Gedanken überhand? Das Kreuz leuchtet hell, doch auch die Sense glänzt bedrohlich.
Release dateOct 10, 2023
Wounded souls of eternal silence: Hear them when they call

Iris Höbert

Ich heiße Iris Höbert und wurde im Jahr 2004 in einer niederösterreichischen Kleinstadt geboren. Derzeit besuche ich die Abschlussklasse eines Bundesoberstufenrealgymnasiums und habe vor, danach Neurowissenschaften zu studieren. Es war immer schon mein größter Traum, mein eigenes Buch zu veröffentlichen. Bereits im Vorschulalter habe ich gerne Geschichten geschrieben und kurze Gedichte verfasst, immer mit dem Ziel, eines Tages Hobbyautorin zu werden. Diesen Schritt nun geschafft zu haben, macht mich unbeschreiblich glücklich und stolz zugleich. Ich freue mich schon sehr darauf, in naher Zukunft weitere Bücher zu veröffentlichen und meinen Traum weiterhin zu verfolgen!

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    Book preview

    Wounded souls of eternal silence - Iris Höbert

    The Author

    Hey! My name is Iris. I live in Austria, where I’m currently attending 12th grade, studying for my final examinations and fulfilling one of my biggest dreams: publishing my very first own book!

    I’ve always loved writing. It already started in preschool, when my first story was about a giraffe and a little hedgehog becoming best friends. For all those years, I’ve dreamt about publishing one of my stories. Now, more than ten years later, the moment has arrived. I can’t believe I’m really holding my own book in my hands right now. That feels absolutely surreal!

    This story is a project very close to my heart. That’s why I feel even more honoured to be able to present it to everyone, who wants to be part of a journey leading through mysterious dimensions.

    … with the help of my amazing future husband, who

    designed the cover of this book and supported me all along.

    Thank you so much. You’re the best. I love you.

    Table of Contents

    It’s time

    Through life and death

    Too yellow, but too dark

    Quiet steps

    The dark side of the sun

    Lucid dreams

    A purple sky

    Shooting stars


    Ella’s song for the Parkers


    It’s time

    My fingers were almost frozen as I turned the key around. I still got chills every time I opened that big gate. It seemed to me like a mysterious portal leading to a completely different world. It was a world full of sadness, a world full of anger, pain, fear and unspoken thoughts, but still: to me, it was the most peaceful place on Earth.

    With quiet steps I entered and locked the gate behind me. I looked around. The heartless winter wind was blowing through my long, brown hair and made it float as if the rules of gravity didn’t exist here. The sound of silence was reflected by my ears. I took a deep breath and let the cold, fresh air fill my lungs. Couldn’t I stay here forever? Far away from those people, far away from all those troubles, far away from those circulating thoughts that made me lose my mind every night. Couldn’t I just stay here at a place where communication worked differently? Here at a place that only I understood.

    I took another deep breath and slowly started walking. In my right hand I was holding a black cross. Even though it was freezing cold here and my breaths turned into ice as soon as they had left my body, I still felt this special warmth inside my stomach; a feeling very difficult to describe. It was this feeling of being home and being accepted. A feeling of finally fitting in.

    I sat down on a bench. Now everything was right in front of me: every stone, every name, every date. The heavy fog draped around me, hugging me as I was sitting there. I was fascinated by that view. So, this was the place where everything seemed to end. You come to this Earth, you live your life and as soon as your chapters are written, you close your eyes. First, you leave a big gaping hole in loved ones’ hearts. They cry, they long for you. They would do anything to make you come back, but one day, all their tears have dried. They think about you once a day, once a week, once a month, once a year; and then they forget about you. You’re watching them. You’re standing there, waving, screaming. They can’t see you, they can’t hear you.

    I had often asked myself what that sense of life could be. Before we are born, our life’s energy already exists. It floats somewhere out there in the quantum fields as information regardless of space and time. Then, one day, we come to this planet called Earth. The energy turns into a state that we describe as life. And still, I ask myself: What is it, this thing, that we call life?

    A quiet noise pulled my thoughts back to the present time again. My heart was

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