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PyTorch Cookbook
PyTorch Cookbook
PyTorch Cookbook
Ebook328 pages2 hours

PyTorch Cookbook

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About this ebook

Starting a PyTorch Developer and Deep Learning Engineer career? Check out this 'PyTorch Cookbook,' a comprehensive guide with essential recipes and solutions for PyTorch and the ecosystem. The book covers PyTorch deep learning development from beginner to expert in well-written chapters.


The book simplifies neural networks, training, optimization, and deployment strategies chapter by chapter. The first part covers PyTorch basics, data preprocessing, tokenization, and vocabulary. Next, it builds CNN, RNN, Attentional Layers, and Graph Neural Networks. The book emphasizes distributed training, scalability, and multi-GPU training for real-world scenarios. Practical embedded systems, mobile development, and model compression solutions illuminate on-device AI applications. However, the book goes beyond code and algorithms. It also offers hands-on troubleshooting and debugging for end-to-end deep learning development. 'PyTorch Cookbook' covers data collection to deployment errors and provides detailed solutions to overcome them.


This book integrates PyTorch with ONNX Runtime, PySyft, Pyro, Deep Graph Library (DGL), Fastai, and Ignite, showing you how to use them for your projects. This book covers real-time inferencing, cluster training, model serving, and cross-platform compatibility. You'll learn to code deep learning architectures, work with neural networks, and manage deep learning development stages. 'PyTorch Cookbook' is a complete manual that will help you become a confident PyTorch developer and a smart Deep Learning engineer. Its clear examples and practical advice make it a must-read for anyone looking to use PyTorch and advance in deep learning.


Key Learnings

  • Comprehensive introduction to PyTorch, equipping readers with foundational skills for deep learning.
  • Practical demonstrations of various neural networks, enhancing understanding through hands-on practice.
  • Exploration of Graph Neural Networks (GNN), opening doors to cutting-edge research fields.
  • In-depth insight into PyTorch tools and libraries, expanding capabilities beyond core functions.
  • Step-by-step guidance on distributed training, enabling scalable deep learning and AI projects.
  • Real-world application insights, bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical execution.
  • Focus on mobile and embedded development with PyTorch, leading to on-device AI.
  • Emphasis on error handling and troubleshooting, preparing readers for real-world challenges.
  • Advanced topics like real-time inferencing and model compression, providing future ready skill.


Table of Content

  1. Introduction to PyTorch 2.0
  2. Deep Learning Building Blocks
  3. Convolutional Neural Networks
  4. Recurrent Neural Networks
  5. Natural Language Processing
  6. Graph Neural Networks (GNNs)
  7. Working with Popular PyTorch Tools
  8. Distributed Training and Scalability
  9. Mobile and Embedded Development
Release dateOct 7, 2023
PyTorch Cookbook

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    Book preview

    PyTorch Cookbook - Matthew Rosch


    The introduction to PyTorch Cookbook prepares readers for an exciting journey into the fascinating realms of deep learning and neural networks, with PyTorch as a foundation. Presenting itself as more than just a book, it leads its readers by the hand and shows them the ropes as they navigate the challenging terrain of machine learning and AI.

    The current era is defined by the exponential development of both information and technology. The ever-increasing capabilities of deep learning and artificial intelligence are changing entire markets and expanding the boundaries of possibility. PyTorch is the shining star at the epicentre of this technological renaissance, luring professionals and amateurs alike. However, the abundance of information can be overwhelming, and the road to mastery may seem paved with obstacles, just as it would be in any dynamic field. The goal of the PyTorch Cookbook is to make the art and science of deep learning accessible by explaining its complexities and making them easier to understand.

    This book is more than just a collection of algorithms and codes; it is also a thoughtful assemblage of useful advice and examples. Its goal is to give readers a firm grasp of the fundamentals of PyTorch and the confidence to apply what they've learned in practical situations. Beginning with tensors and computational graphs, this book introduces the fundamental building blocks of PyTorch and sets the stage for the challenges that lie ahead. From simple feedforward networks to more advanced Convolutional Neural Networks, Recurrent Neural Networks, and Graph Neural Networks, this book covers them all. The inclusion of relevant real-world examples and applications alongside theoretical concepts improves the learning experience and makes the material more memorable.

    However, the PyTorch Cookbook is not just for one person to study from. It takes into account the rising demand for remote education and scalability, getting readers ready for group efforts and widespread rollouts. To foretell the future of AI in mobile devices, it explores cutting-edge fields like mobile and embedded development. The chapters are structured around troubleshooting and error handling to better prepare readers for potential project roadblocks.

    The wider PyTorch ecosystem is one of the book's distinguishing features. Readers will learn about and see examples of using ONNX Runtime, PySyft, Pyro, Deep Graph Library (DGL), Fastai, and Ignite, among other tools and libraries. The book emphasises the need to keep up with technological developments, and these chapters do just that by showcasing the boundless opportunities that lie ahead.

    PyTorch Cookbook

    100+ Solutions put into practice across RNNs, CNNs, PyTorch tools, distributed training and graph networks

    Matthew Rosch

    Copyright © 2023 by GitforGits

    All rights reserved. This book is protected under copyright laws and no part of it may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or transmission of this work may result in civil and criminal penalties and will be dealt with in the respective jurisdiction at anywhere in India, in accordance with the applicable copyright laws.

    Published by: GitforGits

    [email protected]

    Printed in India

    First Printing: October 2023

    Cover Design by: Kitten Publishing

    For permission to use material from this book, please contact GitforGits at [email protected].




    Chapter 1: Introduction to PyTorch 2.0

    Getting Started

    PyTorch 2.0 Features and Capabilities

    Introduction to PyTorch 2.0

    Features of PyTorch 2.0

    Why PyTorch 2.0?

    Installing PyTorch 2.0 on Linux

    System Requirements

    Installing Dependencies

    Creating Virtual Environment (Optional)

    Installing PyTorch via Pip

    Verifying Installation

    Troubleshooting Common Issues

    Additional Tools and Libraries

    Create and Verify Tensors

    Understanding Tensors

    Creating Tensors

    Tensor Properties

    Verifying Tensor Creation

    Manipulating Tensors

    Moving Tensors between CPU and GPU

    Interoperability with NumPy

    Tensor Operations

    Understanding Tensor-Matrix Multiplication

    Performing Matrix-Matrix Multiplication

    Performing Matrix-Vector Multiplication

    Performing Batch Matrix-Matrix Multiplication

    In-Place Multiplication

    Multiplication with Broadcasting

    Leveraging GPU for Multiplication

    Special Matrix Multiplication Functions

    Installing CUDA

    System Requirements

    Checking for Existing GPU

    Removing Previous NVIDIA Driver Versions

    Installing NVIDIA Driver

    Installing CUDA Toolkit

    Configuring Environment Variables

    Verifying Installation

    Installing PyTorch with CUDA Support

    Testing PyTorch with CUDA

    Writing First Neural Network

    Importing Libraries and Preparing Data

    Defining Neural Network Architecture

    Creating Neural Network Instance

    Choosing Loss Function and Optimizer

    Preprocessing Data

    Training Neural Network

    Evaluating Model

    Testing Neural Networks

    Splitting Data into Training and Testing Sets

    Training Model with Training Data

    Validating Model on Testing Set

    Calculating Accuracy and Other Metrics

    Analyzing Results and Making Adjustments

    Getting Started with TorchScript

    Understanding TorchScript

    Tracing the Model

    Scripting Specific Methods

    Serializing and Loading Model

    Integrating TorchScript with LibTorch (C++ API)


    Chapter 2: Deep Learning Building Blocks

    Introduction to Deep Learning

    Introduction to Linear Layers

    Understanding Linear Layers

    Applying Linear Layers

    Training Extended Model

    Implementing Activation Function

    Understanding Activation Functions

    Implementing Activation Functions in PyTorch

    Minimizing Loss Function

    Understanding Loss Function

    Implementing Loss Function in PyTorch

    Calculating Loss During Training

    Optimizing Loss Function

    Training Loop with Optimization

    Optimization Techniques

    Overview of Optimization Techniques

    Applying Adam Optimizer to Model

    Regularization Techniques

    Overview of Regularization Techniques

    Applying Dropout to Model

    Understanding Impact of Dropout

    Creating Custom Layers

    Subclassing nn.Module

    Defining Custom Layer's Operations

    Integrating Custom Layer into Previous Model

    Training and Utilizing Model with Custom Layer

    Common Challenges & Solutions

    Data Preprocessing Errors

    Model Architecture Errors

    Training Errors

    Optimization Errors

    CUDA and GPU Errors

    Custom Layer Errors


    Chapter 3: Convolutional Neural Networks

    Convolutional Neural Networks Overview


    Structure and Functionality

    Usage and Applications

    My First CNN

    Importing Necessary Libraries

    Loading Data

    Defining CNN Architecture

    Instantiating Model, Loss Function, and Optimizer

    Training Model

    Explore GoogLeNet

    Understanding Inception Module

    Implementing GoogLeNet with PyTorch

    Import Libraries

    Define Inception Module

    Integrating Inception Modules into GoogLeNet

    Training and Evaluation

    Applying Image Augmentation on CIFAR-10

    Dataset Information

    Import Libraries

    Define Transformations

    Load CIFAR-10 Dataset with Augmentations

    Visualize Augmented Images

    Integrate with Model Training

    Advantages and Considerations

    Performing Object Detection on COCO

    Dataset Information

    Import Libraries

    Define Transformations

    Load COCO Dataset

    Load Pre-Trained Model

    Perform Object Detection

    Explanation of Faster R-CNN

    Perform Semantic Segmentation

    Import Libraries and Load Dataset

    Define Transformations

    Load Pre-Trained Model

    Process an Image

    Perform Segmentation

    Interpret the Output


    Understanding DeepLabV3

    Exploring Filters and Feature Maps


    Feature Maps

    Sample Program: Using Filters and Feature Maps

    Import Libraries and Load an Image

    Define Convolutional Layer

    Apply Convolutional Layer

    Analyze the Filter

    Multiple Filters

    Building Time Series Model

    Selecting Dataset

    Importing Libraries and Loading the Dataset

    Preprocessing Data

    Defining Model

    Training Model

    Making Predictions


    Common Challenges & Solutions

    Mismatched Input and Filter Dimensions

    GPU Memory Error


    Difficulty in Convergence (Optimization)

    Incompatible Data Types

    Errors with Time Series Data

    Image Augmentation Issues

    Object Detection and Semantic Segmentation Errors

    Custom Layers Implementation Mistakes

    Dataset URL Errors

    Model Serialization with TorchScript

    CUDA Compatibility Issues


    Chapter 4: Recurrent Neural Networks

    Recurrent Neural Networks Overview

    Data Preparation for LSTM

    Choosing the Dataset and Objective

    Loading and Inspecting Data

    Data Preprocessing

    Transforming Data into Sequences

    Splitting Data into Training and Test Sets

    Reshaping Data for LSTM Input

    Building LSTM Model

    Importing Required Libraries

    Defining LSTM Model Class

    Instantiating Model

    Defining Loss Function and Optimizer

    Training LSTM Model

    Exploring Gated Recurrent Units (GRU)

    Introduction to GRU and LSTM

    Architecture Differences: LSTM vs. GRU

    Computational Complexity

    Learning Capabilities

    Empirical Performance

    Building GRU Model

    Importing Libraries and Loading Data

    Defining GRU Model

    Setting Hyperparameters

    Creating Model

    Training Model


    Understanding Sequential Modeling

    What is Sequential Modeling?

    Applications of Sequential Modeling

    Sample Program: Building Sequence Model

    Choosing Appropriate Model

    Structuring Model Architecture

    Sequence-Specific Preprocessing

    Advanced Training Techniques

    Interpretation and Evaluation

    Sample Program: Time Series Analysis using LSTM

    Preprocessing and Structuring Data

    Building LSTM Model

    Training Model

    Making Predictions and Evaluation

    Creating Multi-layer RNN

    Designing Model Architecture

    Preparing Data

    Training Multi-layer RNN

    Evaluation and Predictions

    Common Challenges & Solutions

    Vanishing and Exploding Gradients Problem

    Overfitting Problem

    Difficulty in Learning Long-term Dependencies

    Computational Cost and Training Time

    Sequence Length Variability

    Model Complexity and Selection

    Data Preprocessing Issues


    Chapter 5: Natural Language Processing

    Role of PyTorch in Natural Language Processing

    Preprocessing Textual Data

    Importing Libraries

    Defining Fields

    Loading Dataset

    Building Vocabulary

    Creating Iterators

    Accessing Batch

    Additional Preprocessing

    Building Text Classification Model

    Define Model Architecture

    Initialize Model

    Loss and Optimizer

    Training Model

    Evaluating Model

    Building Seq2Seq Model

    Loading the Dataset

    Defining Encoder

    Defining Decoder

    Combining Encoder and Decoder

    Training the Model


    Building Transformers

    Introduction to Transformers

    Building Transformer Model

    Enhancing NER Model

    Enhancing Word Representations

    Adding More Layers

    Model Training Enhancements

    Putting It All Together

    NLP Pipeline Optimization

    Data Preprocessing Optimization

    Model Architecture Optimization

    Training Optimization

    Inference Optimization

    Optimizing Custom Layers

    Utilizing Distributed Training

    Common Challenges & Solutions

    Data Preprocessing Errors

    Model Architecture Errors

    Training Errors

    Inference Errors

    Optimization Errors

    Deployment Errors


    Chapter 6: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs)

    Introduction to Graph Neural Networks

    Comparison with Recurrent Neural Networks

    Comparison with Convolutional Neural Networks

    Unique Features of GNNs

    My First GNN Model

    Installing PyTorch Geometric

    Importing Necessary Libraries

    Creating Graph

    Defining GNN Model

    Training Model

    Evaluating Model

    Adding Convolution Layers to GNN

    Importing Necessary Libraries

    Extending GNN Model

    Training Extended Model

    Evaluating Extended Model

    Adding Attentional Layers

    Graph Attention Network (GAT) Layer

    Modifying Existing Model

    Training and Evaluating Model with Attention

    Applying Node Regression

    Modifying Model for Regression

    Loss Function and Metrics for Regression

    Training Loop for Node Regression


    Handling Node Classification

    Modifying Model for Classification

    Loss Function and Metrics for Classification

    Training Loop for Node Classification


    Applying Graph Embedding

    Choose Graph Embedding Technique

    Install Required Libraries

    Prepare Graph Data

    Create Node2Vec Model

    Train Embedding Model

    Get Node Embeddings

    Utilize Embeddings in Graph Neural Network

    Train GNN with New Features

    Common Challenges & Solutions

    Graph Data Preparation

    Graph Embedding Challenges

    Model Architecture Challenges

    Training Challenges

    Scalability Challenges

    Interpretability Challenges

    Node Regression and Classification Challenges

    Library Installation Challenges

    Attentional Layers Challenges

    Real-world Deployment Challenges


    Chapter 7: Working with Popular PyTorch Tools

    PyTorch Ecosystem: Tools & Libraries

    ONNX Runtime for PyTorch

    Sample Program: Using ONNX Runtime

    Import Libraries

    Define PyTorch Model

    Export to ONNX Format

    Load and Run with ONNX Runtime

    PySyft for PyTorch

    Sample Program: Using PySyft

    Import Libraries

    Hook PyTorch to PySyft

    Create Virtual Workers

    Distribute Data to Workers

    Define and Train Model Federatedly

    Pyro for PyTorch

    Sample Program: Using Pyro

    Import Libraries

    Define Bayesian Neural Network

    Define Model

    Training with SVI

    Making Predictive Inference

    Deep Graph Library (DGL)

    Sample Program: Using DGL and PyTorch

    Define Graph and Features

    Create GCN Layer

    Instantiate Model and Set Hyperparameters

    Training Loop

    Utility of FastAI

    Sample Program: fastai for Text Classification

    Prepare Data

    Create Language Model

    Finding Optimal Learning Rate

    Training Language Model

    Create and Train Text Classifier

    Predict and Evaluate

    Exploring Ignite

    Sample Program: Ignite for Text Classification

    Import Libraries

    Prepare Data

    Define Model, Loss, and Optimizer

    Create Trainer and Evaluator

    Attach Handlers

    Run Training

    Evaluate and Predict

    Common Challenges & Solutions

    ONNX Runtime



    Deep Graph Library (DGL)




    Chapter 8: Distributed Training and Scalability

    Overview of Distributed Training

    Working with Data Parallelism

    Brief Overview

    Data Parallelism in PyTorch

    Explore Multi-GPU Training

    Multi-GPU Training using Data Parallelism

    Multi-GPU Training using Model Parallelism

    Key Considerations

    Cluster Training Concepts

    Distributed Training Architecture

    Distributed Data Parallelism

    Synchronization Methods

    Communication Strategies

    Fault Tolerance

    Performing Cluster Training

    Preparing Code

    Launching Training

    Monitoring and Debugging

    Performance Optimization Techniques

    Efficient Data Loading

    Model Parallelism

    Mixed Precision Training

    Utilize Efficient Convolutional Algorithms

    Gradient Accumulation

    Asynchronous Data Transfer and Processing

    Distributed Optimizers

    Profiling Tools

    Common Challenges & Solutions

    CUDA Memory Errors

    Data Loading Bottlenecks

    Communication Overheads in Multi-GPU Training

    Model Not Converging in Distributed Training

    Deadlocks in Multi-GPU Training

    Errors with Mixed Precision Training

    Errors in Cluster Training

    Profiling Overheads

    Model Parallelism Challenges

    Version and Compatibility Issues


    Chapter 9: Mobile and Embedded Deployment

    PyTorch for Mobile and Embedded System

    PyTorch on Mobile Devices

    PyTorch in Embedded Systems

    Future Possibilities

    Conversion to TorchScript Models

    Importing Libraries

    Defining Model

    Creating Instance of the Model

    Converting to TorchScript using Tracing

    Converting to TorchScript using Scripting

    Loading and Running TorchScript Model

    Deploying Model on Android

    Install Android Development Environment

    Create Android Project

    Include PyTorch Mobile Libraries

    Add TorchScript Model

    Load and Run Model in Android Code

    Build and Test on Android Device

    Exploring PyTorch Lite

    Key Features

    Sample Program using PyTorch Lite

    Performing Real-time Inferencing

    Setting up the Environment

    Real-time Inferencing

    Exploring Model Compression

    Model Compression Techniques

    Model Compression using Pruning and Quantization

    Common Challenges & Solutions

    Model Conversion to TorchScript

    Quantization Errors

    Pruning-related Errors

    Deployment on Android Devices

    Real-Time Inferencing Challenges

    Model Compression Errors

    Multi-GPU and Cluster Training Errors

    PyTorch Lite Implementation Errors

    General Compatibility and Performance Issues





    Starting a PyTorch Developer and Deep Learning Engineer career? Check out this 'PyTorch Cookbook,' a comprehensive guide with essential recipes and solutions for PyTorch and the ecosystem. The book covers PyTorch deep learning development from beginner to expert in well-written chapters.

    The book simplifies neural networks, training, optimisation, and deployment strategies chapter by chapter. The first part covers PyTorch basics, data preprocessing, tokenization, and vocabulary. Next, it builds CNN, RNN, Attentional Layers, and Graph Neural Networks. The book emphasises distributed training, scalability, and multi-GPU training for real-world scenarios. Practical embedded systems, mobile development, and model compression solutions illuminate on-device AI applications. However, the book goes beyond code and algorithms. It also offers hands-on troubleshooting and debugging for end-to-end deep learning development. 'PyTorch Cookbook' covers data collection to deployment errors and provides detailed solutions to overcome them.

    This book integrates PyTorch with ONNX Runtime, PySyft, Pyro, Deep Graph Library (DGL), Fastai, and Ignite, showing you how to use them for your projects. This book covers real-time inferencing, cluster training, model serving, and cross-platform compatibility. You'll learn to code deep learning architectures, work with neural networks, and manage deep learning development stages. 'PyTorch Cookbook' is a complete manual that will help you become a confident PyTorch developer and a smart Deep Learning engineer. Its clear examples and practical advice make it a must-read for anyone looking to use PyTorch and advance in deep learning.

    In this book you will get:

    Comprehensive introduction to PyTorch, equipping readers with foundational skills for deep learning.

    Practical demonstrations of various neural networks, enhancing understanding through hands-on practice.

    Exploration of Graph Neural Networks (GNN), opening doors to cutting-edge research fields.

    In-depth insight into PyTorch tools and libraries, expanding capabilities beyond core functions.

    Step-by-step guidance on distributed training, enabling scalable deep learning and AI projects.

    Real-world application insights, bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical execution.

    Focus on mobile and embedded development with PyTorch, leading to on-device AI.

    Emphasis on error handling and troubleshooting, preparing readers for real-world challenges.

    Advanced topics like real-time inferencing and model compression, providing future-ready skills.



    This book is designed for readers from all walks of life, whether a seasoned professional looking to expand their skillset, an academic seeking to delve deeper into research, or a beginner taking their first steps into the world of AI. Knowing basics of machine learning is preferred.

    Codes Usage

    Are you in need of some helpful code examples to assist you in your programming and documentation? Look no further! Our book offers a wealth of supplemental material, including code examples and exercises.

    Not only is this book here to aid you in getting your job done, but you have our permission to use the example code in your programs and documentation. However, please note that if you are reproducing a

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