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Hello, My Name is Bunny!: London
Hello, My Name is Bunny!: London
Hello, My Name is Bunny!: London
Ebook86 pages48 minutes

Hello, My Name is Bunny!: London

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Foxes in peril! In this second book in the Hello, My Name is Bunny! chapter book series, Bunny teams up with 10-year-old Lily Hayward, Rocky the lazy tabby cat, and Goldy, the mischievous Labrador puppy on a nighttime adventure to save London's foxes. When Lily faces a confidence crisis spurred by school bullies, Bunny is by her side to

Release dateSep 7, 2023
Hello, My Name is Bunny!: London

Matt Bloom

Matt Bloom has a wife a daughter. He lives and works in Muncie, Indiana.

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    Hello, My Name is Bunny! - Matt Bloom



    Hello, my name is Bunny, and I’m a two-year-old tuxedo girl cat who’s lived a life of international adventure. In fact, I’m famous for rescuing a Central Park carriage horse named Joe in New York City just last year. But you can read all about that in my first book, if you haven’t already. Now I’m way on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, in a country called England, where things really got interesting not long ago.

    I live in Lambeth, in south London. My new home is a beautiful old townhouse with a cozy backyard protected by a brick wall and shaded by a tree that grows plums as sweet as sugar. Despite my perilous adventures in New York City last year, my human parents still let me go in the yard whenever I want to. That’s where I am right now, snug in my favorite shoebox beside a patch of yellow daffodils that sprouted just last week!

    During the day, my human mom, Joan, is a psychologist who helps people feel happier. And my human dad, Robert, is a diplomat who makes sure the United States and England stay friendly. I’m usually not alone while mom and dad are at work. That’s because my friends Lily, Goldy, and Rocky are often around to keep me company. I’m just glad the wall separating my yard from theirs isn’t too high. Otherwise I never would have met Lily, Goldy, and Rocky, and none of what I’m about to tell you would have happened!

    I’ll introduce you to Rocky first. He’s the rather large, chubby-cheeked tabby cat belonging to the Haywards, the nice people who live next door. Rocky doesn’t say or do much. He prefers to sleep, either in the plum tree or right atop the wall. I don’t know why; neither looks especially comfortable or safe. But sleeping in precarious places is how the big, lazy cat passes most of his time, scarcely moving a muscle.

    Next, meet Goldy, Lily’s golden labrador puppy, who spends hours on end running in circles and back and forth and even in figure 8s, which can be dizzying to watch. Besides darting around with no apparent purpose, Goldy’s favorite activity is chasing the orange-and-black butterflies that flap and float among the flowers Mrs. Hayward planted this spring. I’ll occasionally climb over the wall and play with Goldy, but only for a while, because the little furry dynamo’s too energetic, even for a frisky cat like me.

    Then there’s ten-year-old Lily Hayward—undoubtedly the best thing about living here. Lily’s quiet and small for her age, and she occasionally ties her straight blond hair into a ponytail. This allows a better view of her moon-shaped face and her pale blue eyes, which appear to hold the knowledge and wisdom of someone much older than she is. Those wise eyes of Lily’s often looked sad and worried, though, and I couldn’t ignore how she would frequently sit alone in her garden for hours, seemingly deep in thought.

    I should know by now that trying to help when something’s wrong can be a darned good way to get in trouble. Yet, despite living in a different country and city, one thing about me that remains the same is my desire to pay forward all the good fortune I’ve had since being born in and rescued from a dark, dangerous Brooklyn basement. This not only motivated me to risk life and limb saving Joe the Carriage Horse in New York City, it also inspired me to help Lily Hayward be happy instead of sad. And that’s exactly what led me on an equally great adventure here in London. So stay tuned, Dear Reader, because I’m going to tell you all about it!



    Little did I know my big London adventure would begin on such an ordinary morning several months ago. I’d been curled like a

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