Life’s Little Lessons Forever:: The Rhythm and Reason for Life
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The Rhythm and Reason for Life
James E. Smith, Ph. D.
This book is the third in a series of the lessons learned during my life. The first volume, Life’s Little Lessons - with some not so little was primarily situated during the adolescent years up until college. That book was about those experiences that we all most likely encounter in our own way during those developmental years. The second book, Life’s Little Lessons, too - A Proper Life with a Career, starts off where the first one ended extending those life lessons learned while developing and executing a professional career. As in both volumes, it is the individuals you interact with all around you, plus the social, physical, and clearly professional environments you live in that impact who you are now and who you will become in the future.
While these lessons, collectively, are all unique influences in your personal development, it turns out these factors are only part of a set of what I refer to as lessons that everyone is exposed to and allowed to integrate into their personality, at their choosing. Together they essentially become the building blocks of your existence and help to determine how well you will, and can, participate in your ever-changing social, personal, and professional environments.
It is in the responses and reactions created through our experienced stories where we learn to understand who we really are and how best we are to live and work in the complex and interwoven environments that we exist in. This book consists of a series of prepared thoughts on what I think are life’s most important issues: love, spirituality, leadership, family and friends, passion and intimacy, plus some thoughts less specific. It also includes several quotes and sayings used to reinforce ideas for my friends, family members, and students. It is hoped that reading this book will help the reader realize the importance of these lessons and how attention to their details in your own life will enhance and encourage your continued professional, personal, and social development.
James E. Smith Ph. D.
James E. Smith, PhD is a retired university professor with forty-five-plus years of career experience as a practicing engineer and educator. This career, an easily recognizable façade, is overshadowed by his seven decades of living and experiencing life, often outside of his control or choice, which is the subject of this latest book in the Life’s Little Lessons series. It is the interactions with others and the environment we all live in coupled with the many choices that we are required, or choose, to make that establish who we are and who we will become as we walk this path through life. During his professional career, he has taken on the roles of engineer, corporate consultant, research center director, and professor. While these professional roles have satisfied his need to stay connected to his engineering profession, it is the maturing nature of experience where life takes on meaningful expression. Thus, the acts associated with living allow us to learn in a more meaningful way and to provide to others the results of those experiences. The contents of this book reflect some of those experiences. Some were used in classroom situations and others were prepared for friends and colleagues. Many more were written as an aid in understanding life’s little mysteries. Currently, during his infrequent downtimes, he is especially active in chasing after grandchildren and the operation of a “gentleman’s” farm where he and his wife look after deer and wild turkey plus an occasional meandering bear. Their four children visit at will but are particularly attentive when they need to borrow something or wish to leave their offspring to their parents’ designs. The four children he and his wife raised survived and flourished, so it is assumed that as grandparents they can handle the next generation hopefully as well, as inexpensive babysitters. This, again, may become part of another Life’s Little Lessons for the future, if we the older generation survive the energetic set of munchkins left to our designs. Grandkids are such a blessing, and grandparents frequently look forward to their visits, but they often feel the same way with their departures.
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Life’s Little Lessons Forever: - James E. Smith Ph. D.
The Rhythm and Reason for Life
Copyright © 2023 James E. Smith, Ph. D.
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ISBN: 978-1-6657-4598-7 (sc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2023911559
Archway Publishing rev. date: 07/13/2023
Specific Topics
Chapter 1: Love
From the Heart
Ultimate Joy
The Creation of Love
Life’s Timely Adventure
The Lost Isle
Selflessness and Abundance
The Essence of Forever Love
The Required Portion that Made Us
Essential Play
Love Preserved
The Tapestry of a Life Well-Traveled
The Only Path
My Life Partner
Your Silent Vigil
My Forever Little Girl
Chapter 2: Spirituality
To Know
The Known and Unknown
Our Gift to Us
The Gift of Light
Spoken from Clouds
The Healing
A Lifetime Request
True Reality
Three Stages of Bliss (Physical · Emotional · Spiritual)
The Sounds of Creation
Choosing Now
Chapter 3: Leadership
Leadership Tips
The Future Landscape
Social Expediencies
Leadership and Innovation
The Two-sided Coin
Responsible Leadership
A Reality of Maturing
Sum of the Parts
Concession Versus Leadership
All Lives Matter
Chapter 4: Family and Friends
Friends and Family in Remembrance
The Student, The Teacher, The Friend
My Childhood Best Friend
A Man with a Heart of Gold
The Neighborhood Auctioneer
A Passing
Chapter 5: Passion and Intimacy
The Discussion
The Needed Contact
Shared Exchange
Moments of Intimacy
A Touch of Grace
Chance Fulfillment
The Anticipated Moment
Sharing the Essence
Passion, Intimacy, and Commitment
Love Presence
Grace and Touch
Chapter 6: Thoughts Less Specific
Who is Listening
Your Story to Tell (The Universe Listens)
The Second Sight
Tension Related Stress and Strain
Becoming Wise
The Best Way
Intended Outcome
Three Rules When Handling Guns
As for Science and Technology
Social Roles
Lost and Alone
The Pool of Reflections
Fixing Stupid
The Stages of Life
My Admission
Chapter 7: Sayings Used and Taught
Adages in Use
Willful Action
The Impression
Thrive to Survive
Tomorrow’s Best Way
The Future’s Best Way
You Can
Create the Future
Real Progress
The Correct Path
Energy Specks
Tomorrow’s Yesterday
Your Future
The Unknown
The Fundamental Need
Leadership Within
Society Progress
Intentional Action
The Art of Silence
Beauty and the Beast
Prosperity, Too
Populating the Future
Great Leadership
Sound Leadership
Goal Seekers
The Science of Fiction
Choose Leadership
Why Hurt
Truths Versus Facts
Good Employees
Synergy and Compromise
Author Bio
It should go without saying that the contents of any written work are a combination of the authors’ personal contributions and the contributions provided directly or indirectly by the individuals around them and the environment they live it. Interestingly, the personal make-up of the writer is clearly a compilation of the life events participated in and the ones that are visited on them, where some are gladly received, while others may be rejected out of hand. For either of these cases those events still have an impact on us, even when not completely accepted or acknowledged. Effectively this means we are all part of this messy series of events called life and unless we bury ourselves under a rock, peeking out only occasionally, we will be influenced and impacted by everything that occurs to and around us, in some form or another and to some level of impact.
So, if I wanted to properly acknowledge those individuals that made contributions to this book, I would have to notice everyone and everything around me. Having said this I therefore acknowledge all things, whatever they are currently and were in the past, for the contributions that were made to, for, or against me that allowed this book to be written. At first this may seem a little ridiculous but if you reflect on your existence, you may take note of the many seemingly small events that have occurred in your life that when added together affected you and the directions you have chosen for your life’s quest.
Once we get past being grateful for, or at least acknowledging, those many influencers from and part of our environment, we get down to the individuals that were most likely the primary contributors to our thoughts and beliefs and the directions we have selected for our passage through this lifetime. Most likely you should start with your early childhood family and friends and as you grew you received even more input from teachers and associates and even more from chance encounters, if you believe in coincidences.
As part of the development process the reality is that most of your personal growth will occur not from the receiving end but rather on the giving end. How you teach others and more importantly how you impact the current generation - and possibly the next few more - reinforces and magnifies your growth and awareness. It solidifies who you are and helps to mold the personality that you wear in your day-to-day encounters. From this part of the maturation process comes our beliefs and opinions which is even more emphasized when demonstrated for those individuals around us who are often dependent on us for what we say and do.
In this small group are specifically my wife, Sheri, and my four children Steffanie, Jimmy, Justin, and Jonathan. They have provided the forum to practice what I had learned earlier in life and then from their reactions to the same, to then provide the counter-point balance to what I have learned and then taught to my next group of contacts; my students, colleagues and, most importantly, my grandchildren.
If there is a purpose to my life that is more than life itself, it is in helping the next generation become more successful than the last. It is in helping to provide them with the tools for their survival and to help them accept the needed reflections on life that will assist them through the more troubling times that we all will inevitably encounter. It is also my desire to teach what I have learned about living a meaningful life, which I have tried to express in written form in the words in this text.
I can only hope everyone knows how much I appreciate their being an integral and influential part of my life. I love each of my family members along with the many others in my life that made, and continue to make, it all worth living. Please read on and thanks for your often unknowing contributions.
Life is not performed in a vacuum. The individuals around you and the environment you live in all impact who you are and who you will become, in some measure, and often in unexpected ways. It is in these interactions where we learn to understand who we really are