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Peacefulness Exists
Peacefulness Exists
Peacefulness Exists
Ebook90 pages54 minutes

Peacefulness Exists

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An autobiography book of Omari Grey overcoming adversity all throughout his life. He connected his life experience for everyone to ponder through his tough experiences, trials and tribulations and successes in life. He ends each chapter with a lesson on life for everyone to reflect on.
Release dateJul 25, 2023
Peacefulness Exists

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    Book preview

    Peacefulness Exists - Omari Grey

    2023 Omari Grey. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 04/26/2023

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-0727-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-0726-9 (e)

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    Chapter 1

    Knife Fight

    Original Black Lives Matter

    NY Teen Murder

    Chapter 2

    Athletic Arrogance

    Chapter 3


    Chapter 4

    Capitalize Poverty

    Chapter 5

    Oil-Rich Country

    Compassionate Leadership


    Chapter 6

    Fitness Excelled Faith

    Arabic Quran Healing

    Chapter 7

    Community Healing

    Positive Pessimist

    Role Models

    Character Shapes You



    I began writing this book after suffering from a traumatic brain injury caused by a head-on collision. The physical state of my body was not only significantly different, but I also dealt with headaches, body pain, and loss of speech and eyesight. On a scale from 1 to 10, as a human being, I became a ZERO! This life experience has truly humbled me.

    My brain injury even made it difficult for me to sleep. When everyone in my family slept, I would write my book in the stillness of the night. I sat wheelchair-bound on my deck during the spring and summer months, watching my four boys become young men. In some ways, my car accident benefited them as they had to take over much of the business responsibilities of our farm. The boys would organize the barn and participate in the process of raising our animals, from feeding and delivering meat to our clients. They gained hands-on experience in being competent business people. My sons focused on their school work while embracing becoming intellectually stimulated entrepreneurial farming individuals.

    My five daughters also gained additional responsibilities in the home, assisting with cooking and meal preparation, along with their school work. Since I was a math teacher, I began instructing them on mathematics using candy as a reward. I was extremely busy before my accident, pursuing entrepreneurial endeavors and working in three different occupations. According to my wife, I would rarely have time to teach my own kids. My wife said, Omari…Thank God for your accident! Now you can help me homeschool our kids and spend time with us. Whenever the girls saw me, I would ask them addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division problems out loud and force them to solve them mentally. My wife, Apryl-Sakinah McDowell, was extremely busy with our farm business. She had to homeschool our nine kids, run our farm business, tend to the farm operations, and organize our farm workshops.

    I would try to assist my wife with these responsibilities, but managing my physical and mental state was an uphill battle. After my traumatic car accident, I would go twice per week to three therapists and participate in Zoom calls with other people with brain injuries. Since I was not working, I had ample time to write my book as a source of reflection and healing. Living on a 2-acre tranquil farm allowed for deep contemplation, aiding my ability to write this book confidently as if this was God’s intention. Over time I have lived in three Middle Eastern countries, grew up in two north and south U.S. states, and became close friends with people of diverse backgrounds and nationalities. My life has been extremely enriched by various characters and personalities I have met across the globe.

    Pondering on my deck outside of my room, I realized that our lives are similar to the interconnectedness of farm animals. Every different animal – cows, chickens, goats, ducks, dogs, cats, or fish – has their own natural responsibilities. Animals work together to create the richness of our farm. For example, having a dog protects our animals from coyotes or other wild animals. Our chickens eat the worms that would damage the beautiful plants we grow for nutrition. Also, the goats and cows would release some manure, which my boys hated to clean up and organize daily. But that manure strengthened the soil quality for the fruits and vegetables we grew. Human beings are just like farm animals.

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