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Haley Parker is a normal girl with a regular job. All she wants is for her life to be different and that her anxiety would go away. She gets the wish of a lifetime when Roman, a man from the future, comes back to make her a superhero. With the fate of the world, her paycheck, and mental health on the line, she wonders how she can cope.

PublisherCas K
Release dateOct 5, 2023

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    Shimmer - Cas K


    Haley was sitting in her parked car in the driveway of her house. She wasn't nervous about going into the house, no, she was reeling from the day she just went through. Her anxiety had gotten the best of her one too many times and then her manager yelled at her for taking a break to deal with her anxiety attacks. She took deep breaths and ran a hand through her blonde hair. The day was over, and she could stop worrying about it. Nicole, her roommate and best friend, had a date and that meant she had the house to herself for a couple of hours. Which also meant catching up on tv. A small smile appeared on her pale face; she couldn’t wait to get caught up on her favorite show. The show was about a woman superhero who had worked hard to make a name for herself. She brought herself back to reality and took a few more calming breaths. Haley then got out of her car and went to the front door. She took one more deep breath, there was no need to bring the day with her. She reminded herself to leave work at work. Then, she finally headed inside, ready to unwind from the day.

    Hey, Hal, Nicole greeted cheerily as soon as Haley walked through the door. Nicole was the first to call Haley ‘Hal’ and Hal loved it, she thought it was sweet. Nicole was on the couch in the living room that was overseen by the kitchen and dining room. Haley took a deep breath in; she loved the sweet vanilla and peppermint scent that filled the house. They always had a wax warmer with a scent matching the season. It was a small tradition for them, when the season changed so did the scent in the house. Although sometimes they would have a stress relief scent too if they were having a rough day.

    Thought you had a date? Hal asked as she set her stuff down and set her keys into the key dish. She shrugged off her coat and set it on the catch all chair. She mentally reminded herself to clean that up later. 

    Not for another hour, Nicole replied, giving her a raised brow. Nicole then went back to scrolling through her phone. Hal could tell she was nervous about this date. She could tell by the way Nicole had her arm over her stomach and how her leg was bouncing lightly.

    Right, forgot, Hal said while snapping a finger gun in return. Hal's blue eyes gazed over Nicole and admired how Nicole’s brown hair fell onto her shoulders in waves. She sat with one foot under her and a blanket on her lap. She had on a black t-shirt and jeans. Even in the simplest outfit, Nicole looked gorgeous. 

    Without taking her brown eyes off of her phone, Nicole gestured to the dining room table, A package came for you today, it’s on the table.

    I don’t re- I didn’t order anything, Hal said to herself as she picked up the package and took it to the kitchen. She grabbed a knife from a drawer and opened the box. There was only a rose gold band in it. Not even a letter or a receipt. She took the box to her room, figuring it was a mix-up. 

    She set the box on her dresser and started to change out of her work clothes. She changed into her favorite crewneck sweatshirt and a pair of leggings. As she brushed her hair and paced, thoughts of work began to bother her brain. Then, she began to feel a familiar tightness in her chest. She stopped what she was doing and started taking deep breaths. She could feel that familiar fear as it flared up as it always does when work is on her mind. So, she started her calm-down routine. Her calm-down routine consisted of going through her senses. Five things she can see, four things she can touch, three things she could hear, two things she could smell, and one thing she could taste. So, pointed out five things in her room, then went and touched four of those things. Then, she listened for three different things, traffic, the music Nicole had playing, and her ceiling fan. Finally, she pointed out the wax warmer in the main section of the house and then the air plug in that was in her room. She lastly grabbed a mint from her tin on her nightstand. After all that, she felt better. She hated panic attacks, but with her occasional medicine calm-down routine she was able to keep them in check.

    Now that she was calmer, she could focus on the package that came for her. She picked it up and double checked the shipping label. It was addressed to her. However, she didn’t find a return label. 

    Okay, Hal said to herself, "either you have a really creepy secret admirer, or this is a prank from Nicole or another friend... Or something nice too." 

    She picked up the rose gold band and inspected it. The band wasn’t too fancy, and it was big enough to be a headband. Her brows furrowed; she couldn’t think of the last time she wore a headband. It was probably when she was a kid in elementary school. Subconsciously, she sat down on her bed and kept staring at it then drifted off into other thoughts. Random thoughts, like about the cute guy at work, who was also her friend, and how she wished she had the confidence to ask him-

    Hal? Nicole knocked on the door before opening it. Hal hid the band behind her, and Nicole spoke as she opened the door, I’m heading out to my date now. Nicole noticed how her friend was slightly slouched over and the sad look on her face. Nicole sat next to Hal, You okay?

    Hal looked at Nicole and faked a smile. Hal then spoke, Yeah, I’m fine. Go have fun on your date and if anything goes south text me the secret word and I’ll call you. What should the emergency be in case?

    Something happened and you need to go to the ER? She asked. Hal nodded. Nicole continued, Sounds good. Are you sure you’re okay? Did you have a panic attack?

    Yeah, Hal let out a small breath, "But it’s fine. I’m fine. I’m just gonna watch some TV."

    Alright, Nicole replied, backing off the topic. 

    The two shared a hug before Nicole left for the night. As soon as Nicole was gone, Hal let out a sigh of relief. She loved having her friend’s support but sometimes she just wanted to be left alone. She grabbed the band from behind her and lay back on her bed. Then, she examined the band again. She looked closely at it in hopes that there was an inscription on it. There was no such luck, unfortunately. 

    I’m so glad that got to you, a voice said. Hal sat up in

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