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Seven Wonders of The Self: Access your Healing Powers
Seven Wonders of The Self: Access your Healing Powers
Seven Wonders of The Self: Access your Healing Powers
Ebook427 pages6 hours

Seven Wonders of The Self: Access your Healing Powers

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Have you ever tried to achieve inner calm and practice self-care? Seven Wonders of the Self is a book for those who wish to connect to their body and learn about self-healing. It offers effective techniques and guided meditations to help you find your inner balance and promote your wellbeing. Like Seven Wonders of the World, everyone has powerful wonders inside of their body which can help to accelerate their healing journey. Each of the seven chapters of the book explores a special gift that every person has: hearing, seeing, talking, feeling, loving, creating energy and shining light. The reader is invited to learn about their intuitive healing power and use it with the help of inspiring words and practical visualisation exercises.

The book provides a step-by-step guide for healing and explains how to engage your natural power by listening to your intuition, connecting to energy, communicating with the body, loving and accepting yourself.

Packed with essential tools that can be used at any time, the book touches upon important aspects of every person’s life, such as the connection between physical and emotional health, maintaining the inner balance and finding a life purpose. Practical meditations teach how to create positive energy and let go of past negative experiences. Whether you’re a new starter or just looking for something different, Seven Wonders of the Self is a transformational book that could help you achieve what you’ve long wanted!

Release dateMar 28, 2023
Seven Wonders of The Self: Access your Healing Powers

Maria Zhuravleva

Maria is a practitioner of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, which involves a past-life regression and healing by the Subconscious. Being a Reiki Master for over 12 years, Maria has created her own method of healing with energy - Energy Creation. She teaches her classes and holds individual sessions in London.

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    Seven Wonders of The Self - Maria Zhuravleva


    Copyright © 2023 Maria Zhuravleva

    Cover image by Enrico Cacciapuoti

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    One: Everything is Energy

    Energy Feels Differently

    Energy Interacts

    Energy and the Body

    The Elements of Healthy Energy

    Two: The 1st Wonder of the Self: We Can Hear

    The Body Speaks

    Intuition and the Conscious Mind

    Practice Time: Meeting your Heart, Mind and Intuition

    How does the Body Speak?

    It is Better to Listen Earlier than Later

    Listening to the Body

    How Can we Quiet the Mind?

    Practice Time: Listening to the Body

    Keeping the Connection with your Body

    Practice Time: Listening to your Body Through Touch

    The Connection of the Symptom to the Emotional Side

    The Positive Impact of Meditation

    Practice Time: Understanding the Messages of the Body

    Writing Down the Messages of the Body

    Drawing the Messages from the Body

    Acting Upon your Intuition

    The Body says: Relax

    Practice Time: Relaxing the Body

    The Body says: Breathe

    Practice Time: Your Own Breathing

    The Healing Breath

    Practice Time: The Healing Breath

    The Body says: Let go

    Practice Time: Learning to Let Go

    The Body says: Rest

    The Body says: Move

    Practice Time: Intuitive Movement

    Inner Anchor

    Practice Time: Finding your Inner Anchor

    The Diary for the Body

    Intuitive Guidance for Different Parts of the Body

    The Head

    The Eyes

    The Throat

    The Lungs

    The Heart

    The Back

    The Stomach and the Digestive System

    The Reproductive System

    The Legs and the Feet

    Three: The 2nd Wonder of the Self: We Can See

    Everything Shines with Energy

    Seeing with your Inner Eye

    Practice Time: Training your Inner Eye

    Visualising is Creating

    Quantum Reality

    Visualising a Healthy Body

    Practice Time: Visualising a Healthy Organ

    Visualising a Healthy Energy Field

    Practice Time: Visualising a Healthy Energy Field

    Creating the Future with your Eyes

    Practice Time: Creating the Future with your Eyes

    Visualising for Others

    Sending Love with your Eyes

    Four: The 3rd Wonder of the Self: We Can Talk

    As we Speak, we Create

    As we Think, we Create

    Becoming Friends with your Thoughts

    Practice Time: Healing the Energy of your Thoughts

    Choosing the Right Thoughts

    The Energy of Words

    Talking to your Body

    Love and Appreciation are the Most Healing Words

    Practice Time: Talking to your Body

    Positive Affirmations for the Body

    Telling the Truth to Yourself

    Programming the Subconscious

    Practice Time: Communicating with your Subconscious

    Singing to your Body

    Saying Healing Words to Other People

    Five: The 4th Wonder of the Self: We Can Feel

    Feeling is our Best Guide

    How do we Feel Energy?

    Feeling the body

    Practice Time: Feeling your Body

    The Feelings Inside

    Practice Time: Understanding your Emotions

    Positive Feelings








    Meditating on Positive Feelings

    Practice Time: Meditating on a Positive Feeling

    Lower-Vibrational Feelings







    Working with Lower-Vibrational Feelings

    Letting Go

    Not Reacting


    Loving them

    Turning to Higher Vibrations Instead

    Practice Time: Working with a Lower-Vibrational Feeling

    Feeling the Energy of Other People

    Practice Time: Sharing a Loving Feeling with Another Person

    Six: The 5th Wonder of the Self: We Can Love

    Love is All There is

    Invite Love into your Life

    You are Love

    Your Body Needs Love

    How to Give Love to the Body?

    Loving your Body with Touch

    Practice Time: Loving your Body with Touch

    Love in Everyday Life

    Loving Yourself in the Mirror

    Talking Love to Yourself

    Practice Time: Loving Yourself

    Love your Darkness


    Practice Time: Forgiving Other People

    Forgiving Yourself

    Practice Time: Meeting your Higher Self

    Direct Love to all Situations

    The Radio of Love

    The Shower of Love

    Love to Others

    Seven: The 6th Wonder of the Self: We Can Create

    Begin with Yourself

    The Beauty of Creation

    Talk to your Creation

    Love your Creation

    Sources of Creative Energy

    Practice Time: Connecting to your Inner Creator

    Creating the Energy for your Future

    Practice Time: The Canvas of your Future

    Create the Energy in your Aura

    Create the Energy in your Hands

    Practice Time: Creating an Energy Ball

    Creativity is Everywhere

    Eight: The 7th Wonder of the Self: We Can Shine

    What is your Light?

    The Beauty of Light

    Light Guides us into the Space Between the Lives

    Practice Time: Connecting to your Inner Light

    The Healing Power of Light

    Practice Time: White Light Healing Meditation

    Distant Healing

    Practice Time: Healing the Past, the Present and the Future

    Enjoy Exploring your Light

    Your Life Purpose

    Practice Time: Connecting to your Life Purpose

    Shine as You Walk

    Embrace the Seven Wonders of Yourself



    I would like to introduce you to your friend. It is in your hands now. This book loves you very much and wants to connect with you. It has told me to write it and put it into your hands, so you can read it and nourish yourself with this energy.

    I have put something special in this book. I have put your own essence in this book. This book is a mirror of who you are and when you hold it in your hands, it is talking to you. Do not doubt your mirror; it has got something very special to tell you today.

    Each word that I put in this book is you. It wants to see you and connect with you. Each word is alive and it would like to dance with you and have a great time together. The words have asked me if I can show them to you and introduce their wonderful energy. And then they came.

    This book is alive and it has its own consciousness. It talks to you not only when you are reading it and holding it in your hands, but also when you are asleep, when you are having a good time with your friends, when you are walking in the park and looking at nature. This book is everywhere. And so are you.

    I can see you in the leaves of the trees that are standing in the park. I can see you in the smiles of the children who are running by. I can see you in the bright shining of the morning sun as it greets the world into a new day. I can see you in everything.

    When you are holding this book, you connect to its energy. Sometimes just this magical touch is enough. Feel it with your heart, feel it with your soul. Don’t try to explain or understand it, let the book explain itself. Let it connect you to your essence effortlessly, purely, with a lot of love in the heart. Let you enjoy every moment of the book and fly together, like two angels in the sky. I can see you there right now.

    You are perfect as you are. You were born into this world to create beautiful energy and heal yourself. You were born to share your light with the others and serve them by being yourself. I truly love you.

    Let this book be your guide and your friend. If there is something that you don’t find in this book, don’t worry. It is still there. Place your hand on one of the pages and ask for the information to come through. Then feel it in your heart and it will come to you that very moment. This is the magic of energy.

    Walk step by step and savour every moment of the book. Let it explore you, love you, guide you, help you, make you feel good. Let it be your dear friend who cares about you and wants you to feel love all the time. I will be with you every moment of your journey.

    It is such a joy to share this energy with you.

    With a lot of love and magic,

    Maria Zhuravleva


    This book came to me in a dream. I saw it spiraling down from the sky as I was lying on the green grass on a sunny day. The title of the book said: Seven Wonders of the Self. At the time I didn’t know what the book would be about, but I felt a strong inspiration to write it. It was almost like a message from above that I had to follow. So, I began.

    It took me several years to solidify the material for the book, based on my experiences and healing work. Some parts of the book I received in meditations by focusing my energy to channel important knowledge for my healing practice. Some parts of it came from my actual work with people, such as Healing Energy Sessions and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. My vision was to make the book simple and friendly and, at the same time, provide a chance for a deeper exploration of our own healing self.

    My interest in spirituality began many years ago when I first came to the United Kingdom. It felt like a higher power invited me to explore the spiritual world and this is why it brought me to this beautiful country. I arrived here in 2010 to take a Master’s Degree in Tourism, taking a break from work, unsure of what career I wanted to pursue afterwards. After trying several jobs in the past, from being a language teacher to a tourism manager, I still felt that I hadn’t found my life purpose. It was almost like a sense of a void inside of me that needed to be filled in.

    Just before I came to the United Kingdom, I received a very strong feeling that gave me the words ‘intuition’ and ‘extrasensory’. Something inside of me said that I needed to look into these subjects and explore them properly. The inner voice was so strong that I listened to it and began to look for clues in the world around me. I started by searching the internet for more information and, to my astonishment, I found that there was so much happening in that area. There appeared to be an abundance of places where one could discover the spiritual world and meet like-minded people who share the same interests. Meditation, energy healing, yoga, healthy eating – it was all out there and waiting to be explored.

    I felt irresistibly drawn to this fascinating subject. Everything around me began to manifest in a different way. People, who were interested in spirituality, would appear on my path in the most unusual circumstances. I joined many groups that taught about the Universe, energy healing, law of attraction and astral travelling. My reality started to change on many levels, as I opened to this new, or maybe long-forgotten, world inside of me.

    I remember one particular instant when I was going through the homework assignment with a fellow student at Bournemouth University. All of a sudden, changing the subject, he began to talk about meditation and chakras and share information about his spiritual journey. He explained how to focus on the blue light in the third eye chakra and how to use it to connect to your inner self. I was listening spellbound to his story as it seemed so fascinating and magnetic. As he spoke, I could feel a change in the air around me, as though the time slowed down and magic appeared in the space. It felt like a different reality.

    The Universe seemed to be giving me more and more opportunities to explore the world of spirituality. I could hear an inner yes to almost everything that I encountered on the spiritual path. I went to meditation classes, experienced yoga, joined several meet-up groups in London and attended practically every spiritual event that appeared in my reality. It was like remembering once again who I was and finding, to my delight, that there were so many like-minded souls on this path, too.

    One day when I was in my studio room in Bournemouth looking through some YouTube videos, an interview with Dolores Cannon suddenly came up. I didn’t know about Dolores at the time, but something inside of me strongly said: Open the link. That voice was so powerful that I simply couldn’t ignore it. As soon as I pressed it, I realised that I was right. Something unusual had happened. I heard the voice of Dolores, which was strong, profound and captivating at the same time. It was like an instant connection that echoed somewhere deep in my spirit. Immediately I was magnetised to the screen, feeling that an important shift was about to occur in me.

    Dolores spoke about other dimensions, reincarnation, life after death, extraterrestrials, healing miracles and spirit guides. All these subjects had always intrigued me and deep inside I wanted to believe that they were true; however, I had never had a chance to hear about them in the outside world. Dolores confirmed all of it in her lecture. She spoke with such confidence and magnetism that I realised that my internal feelings were right. What struck me the most was that she explained that the Subconscious was the source of infinite knowledge within us and that it had the power to heal and transform an individual. I felt instantly connected to this information, as though I had always known it in my heart.

    Dolores said that the Subconscious was the loving and all-knowing power that existed in each person. This power can be accessed at any time and it is possible to ask it for healing and guidance; this is what Dolores used in her Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) sessions. Somehow, hearing that we all have a power that looks after us and knows everything about us made me very feel very emotional and touched. I almost remembered that this was my path to follow.

    I have to say that I have always felt quite different from other people. As a young child, I used to feel very lonely and abandoned, as though I didn’t belong to this planet and was sent here temporarily for some unknown reason. I did not feel comfortable in my own body and I had a hard time adjusting to my family and social surroundings. I was convinced that there was another life somewhere outside of this reality and I was missing that home dimension very much.

    My only consolation was my inner world, where I would constantly imagine different fantasy beings, like fairies, gnomes and wizards, who would come and visit me in daydreams. I pleaded for them to manifest in my real life so we could talk on the physical level and exchange love and understanding, but that simply wouldn’t happen. No matter how much I tried to imagine them appearing in my physical reality, it didn’t work. It often left me feeling sad and disillusioned, because I knew that these beings existed but I just couldn’t get in touch with them.

    It wasn’t until I discovered the work of Dolores Cannon that I realised that my being on this planet had a purpose and I was here to help other people. All of a sudden, my life started to have a meaning and I felt encouraged and loved by the Universe. I learnt in my QHHT sessions that many people came to Earth to help the planet raise its vibration and elevate the group consciousness. It is time for Earth to ascend to a new level now and many of us have incarnated here with this mission. It turned out that I was one of these people and I had an important job to complete. This realisation was soothing and exciting. Finally, I had found my purpose…

    At the same time, by a fortunate coincidence or synchronicity, I met Miguel Chavez, who is a Reiki Master from Mexico. My first meeting with Miguel was an immediate eye-opener. As we sat in a vibrant café in Camden, he shared his passion about energy healing and said that Reiki had changed his life, opening his healing abilities. Hand healing? These two words ran through my heart like a lightning and, once again, I remembered who I was. I had to learn Reiki.

    Within the same month, I booked the Reiki Level 1 course with Miguel, eager to explore the new world of energy healing. I felt completely confident that I was on the right path. I believe that this feeling comes when you finally connect to your true life purpose. My soul was happy and singing. I could feel the vibration changing in me already.

    As soon as I did the Reiki attunement, I felt an immediate shift in my hands. It was as though I began to feel the energy of my hands with an increased power. Everything I touched and connected to responded with a vibration that I felt I could read and understand. It was like an old knowledge came back to me. I remember going to Regent’s Park one day and stopping in awe in the middle of the glade, as I realised that I could sense the trees talking to me. I was amazed and deeply touched. Everything had energy and was vibrating with a frequency that I could understand! That discovery opened a new world for me and gifted me with an ability to feel energy and communicate with it through my hands.

    On another occasion, while I was visiting a friend in Russia, we sat down one evening to talk about our life journeys. She asked me for some advice and I suddenly felt that I needed to take her hand and connect to the right answer there, instead of looking for a reply in my head. I felt that by touching her energy, I could give her a more truthful message. And indeed, as soon as I took her hand and closed my eyes, the words just started coming to me. My friend told me that the messages were truthful and helped her to see the situation in a better way. This was how I discovered that the energy of the hands contained important messages and we could read them just by touch.

    Soon after I learnt Reiki, my healing energy practice started. I had a feeling that I needed to practise as much as possible to learn more about the technique, so I remember asking all my friends and relatives if they would like to have a free Reiki session. Many people were delighted to have this experience. And indeed, magic was happening during the sessions. I could feel the energy lifting up in the room and enveloping each person in the healing glow. It brought a peaceful sensation of relaxation and light to both of us.

    One of my first volunteers was my grandmother, who wasn’t feeling well at the time as her legs were constantly twitching and aching. To my surprise, she was open to having a Reiki session with me and received some benefits from it. She said that it had made her feel calmer and more comfortable, and her pain had subsided. I must say, it was quite challenging for me in the beginning to give healing to her, as her body was moving all the time, but this experience brought us closer together and gave me more trust in the healing process.

    In about a year, I received an email from a friend saying that Dolores Cannon was coming to England to teach QHHT in September 2011. By that time, I had already read many of her books and even attended one of her lectures in London. I became a real admirer of Dolores Cannon, captivated by the depth and purity of her teachings and character. So, I decided to take this chance and learn the technique, even though the idea of practicing hypnosis seemed a bit daunting to me at the time.

    The technique represents a profound session, in which a person experiences one or several of their past lives and receives contact with their Subconscious. This unique method helps to get important messages for the person’s life path and bring physical and emotional healing through their own Subconscious. I feel very fortunate to have been able to learn the technique directly with the founder, Dolores Cannon, as, sadly, she passed away several years later.

    The learning experience turned out to be precious and life-changing. The class took place in the small village of Farringdon in Oxfordshire, where we drove early in the morning. The night before, I had the most wonderful vision of some magical beings blowing green light into my hair and making me laugh and feel good at the same time. I felt that this was the preparation for the class.

    We were a large group of about one hundred people in the class, all very friendly and eager to learn the fascinating technique. Dolores had a powerful magnetic presence, delivering the lecture in her loving and direct manner. During several days, we were taught how to conduct QHHT sessions and how to communicate with the Subconscious to bring the healing for the person. Needless to say, we were all mesmerised by the presence of Dolores, by the inspiration in her words and the power of the technique itself. We couldn’t wait to start. The special vibration of light and healing was already in the air.

    Upon returning to London, I started gaining practice in QHHT immediately, as Dolores had said, Get as many people as you can to practise on in the start. I was excited to learn more about the technique and once again asked all my friends and acquaintances if they wanted to have a free session. The exploration started.

    My first ever QHHT session was quite a funny one. I did not know exactly what to expect but I knew that I had to trust the Subconscious to do the healing work. My brave first ‘client’ was my partner at the time, called Mark. I was a bit worried, because it was my first attempt to connect to the person’s Subconscious, and I didn’t want Mark to experience anything strange or outside of his comfort zone. It turned out to be quite the opposite.

    As soon as we started, Mark drifted into a very relaxed state and started to describe a beautiful walk in the forest. He began to give so many vivid details and was cooperating with me so much, that, in my naivety, I thought that he was just pretending to please me. I remained suspicious throughout the session only to find out later that he couldn’t remember anything about the session at all! He was one of those people who go into deep trance instantly and forget about what happens in a session. It was a lucky start for me. I was truly impressed with how this technique worked and it helped me to believe in the power of the Subconscious. Gradually, I learnt to trust that the Subconscious always does the best for each person.

    We did a lot of healing with Mark in subsequent sessions and received important advice for his life path. I remember clearly one session when I asked the Subconscious about my QHHT work and learning progress. They said: "You are doing very well. You are doing better than anybody could have imagined. You must continue the work that we have chosen for you. There will be darker times, but you must always see the light. You must continue." These words have stayed with me till today.

    Quantum Healing Hypnosis is a unique technique. With the help of deep relaxation and guided imagery, a person achieves a state where they can access memories of their past life and connect to their Subconscious. In the first part of the session, we explore one or several of their past lives and find out the story of that incarnation. That includes going through the main events in their life and following it up until the last day. We are mostly focused on finding out the lessons of that life and discovering how they are linked to their current life, as this is the essence of healing. It is interesting that whatever past life is shown to a person, of any time period or subject line, there is always an important message in it.

    For example, a past life regression can help people to find reasons for the patterns in their behavior; explain feelings like fear, guilt, abandonment or mistrust; and determine the underlying causes for some physical and emotional ailments. It can also provide explanation for spiritual connections with other people and, on many occasions, share positive inspiration from the past into the future.

    A very common type of a positive message from a past life is a person achieving success through self-belief and trust in their talents. Many past lives show great examples of people following their hearts and doing what they were called to do – for instance, writing, public speaking, healing. In these lives people usually feel very happy and content, because they follow their dreams and are not afraid to express their gifts. In this way the Subconscious prompts the person to find the courage to fulfil their dreams in this life. If you did it in the past, you can do it again now, often says the Subconscious.

    In the second part of the session, we access the Subconscious, the omnipotent source of love and knowledge that exists within each person and can give them healing and guidance. The Subconscious is capable of instantaneous healing during the session, if it decides that it is the right time to do it. It can also give advice to the person about how to be happy and fulfil their life purpose.

    For example, the Subconscious can recommend the person to change their habits and focus more on themselves. They may explain that, in order to heal, the person needs to do more of what they love doing, like writing, dancing or painting. The Subconscious can also provide advice on lifestyle and general wellbeing. They always recommend to spend more time in nature and meditate regularly. You have to listen to yourself and your feelings. Do what you enjoy the most. These precious words come from higher powers nearly in every session.

    When the Subconscious does the healing, magic happens in the room. You can feel how the energy elevates and becomes very strong and transformative. The Subconscious scans the body of the person and finds the areas that need healing. Then they use the white light or a very high frequency energy to release the old pain from the body and replace it with healing and harmony. This is a powerful process that is fascinating to watch. It is even more astounding to observe how the person’s life changes after the session, as the healing helps them to find their path.

    I am very grateful to this technique as it has given me incredible knowledge throughout the years. The stories of people, who have had lives in many different historical periods, from ancient to modern times, share beautiful, timeless wisdom that we can apply in our life now. The sessions taught me that we come to Planet Earth in order to experience life in a physical form and learn how to deal with emotions in a human body. We incarnate because our soul wants to grow and evolve, and Earth is an advanced school where we can learn lessons such as love, patience, courage and more. This is why meditation and connection with our Subconscious is very important – it helps us to remember who we are and what our higher purpose is.

    Meanwhile, I continued to work with Reiki and my energy powers began to open up. I felt that the energy was communicating with me through my hands and guiding me in a certain direction. I experienced a new type of energy, which told me to move my hands and create colours and shapes in order to reach a higher healing state. I listened to my hands and began to interact with this energy and create beautiful motions with my palms. This practice gave birth to my technique, Energy Creation, which I now teach in my classes.

    Energy Creation is a playful technique that is based entirely on intuition and the energy of the hands. It allows the person to channel their own power and create high healing vibrations in their body and aura. The beauty of this practice is that, by listening to your hands, you become your inner creator and you choose what frequency you would like to invite into your life. It can be the energy of love, joy, miracles, freedom or any uplifting vibration that you need the most now. Then, within seconds, the healing energy begins to appear and transform your whole being, on the level of frequency. Like magic wands, your hands become your teachers and they guide you to heal your body and receive answers to your questions.

    I feel that it is time now for people to start channeling their own healing gifts, without referring too much to the outside source. We are all healers by nature and we can create any energy that we like in our life. This is a gift that has been forgotten, but it is coming back now to Planet Earth. Energy Creation is one of the techniques that will help humanity to discover once again their powerful abilities to heal the body and manifest their reality. Most importantly, this technique will help us to feel creative and playful again, something that every person is looking for in their life.

    For many years I have been running Healing Energy Workshops in London, which have become quite popular and attracted a wonderful

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