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Paris Spoken Here
Paris Spoken Here
Paris Spoken Here
Ebook90 pages37 minutes

Paris Spoken Here

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In “Princess,” we follow the life of a young teacher with baby in tow; ”She strolls in the moonlight, ethereal, misty, a vision. No, she walks with deliberation, carries baby in one arm holds onto toddler with the other..”
In “The Cusp of Venice,” “(A) full moon building as water in the grand canal rose higher each day as Poseidon himself lapped up the steps of the Piazza.” In “Cleopatra’s Remorse,” a choice must be made between her love and loyalty to Egypt. “Does her heart truly ache for Anthony or has it become caustic and soundproof.”
There is dramatic dialogue between Persephone and Zeus in “The Plea,” “ Father Zeus, do not cast me down to the dank land of stealth, to moldy things..”; and in the title poem “Paris Spoken Here”, “When the rain came down hard, you hustled us off to a warm brasserie to purchase a café crème..”
Release dateFeb 8, 2023
Paris Spoken Here

Christine Candland

Christine Candland lives in Los Angeles with her husband Michael. Her first two books Topaz Woman and Pleiades Rising, received awards in the London Book Festival and Eric Hoffer competitions. Her first collection of poems When Snow Walks In, describes the extraordinary amidst everyday scenes in understandable prose and sparkling details (U.S. Review of Books); And in her second collection, Paris Spoken Here, Candland’s poems sing with keen awareness of the gift of the ordinary (Elline Lipkin). Several of her poems have appeared in the California Quarterly and Altadena Poetry Review.

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    Paris Spoken Here - Christine Candland

    Copyright © 2023 Christine Candland.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means,

    graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by

    any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author

    except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


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    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models,

    and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Getty Images.

    Book Designed and Edited by Michael N. Candland

    ISBN: 978-1-6632-5005-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6632-5007-0 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6632-5006-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2023901347

    iUniverse rev. date: 02/07/2023

    Also By Christine Candland

    Topaz Woman

    Pleiades Rising

    When Snow Walks In, Poems By

    To my husband Michael, with love



    Snow in Summer

    When You Woo Me


    Pause for Angels

    A Spark of Divinity


    To Aunt Hannah, Who Took Care of Everyone

    Fruitcake and Coffee

    Mayonnaise Sandwiches

    The ‘64 Cadillac

    Insomnia’s Voice

    Lost and Found

    The Weather Vane

    The Plea


    When Susanne Traveled Across Country

    Coltrane and Ozzie

    Michael with the Beautiful Shoulders

    Paris Spoken Here

    Homer’s Girl

    Pierre’s Atelier

    The Cusp of Venice

    Harriet’s Garden

    Cora’s Recollection

    Suspended Animation

    Bingo up the Street

    Coordinated or Just Pretty

    The Top Shelf

    Persephone Meets Odysseus


    Brown Rabbit

    Becky’s Baton

    Refracted Light

    Standing in the Rain

    The Children’s Garden

    Jenny’s Ghost

    Red Suede Heels

    Cleopatra’s Remorse

    Dorothy at the Algonquin

    My Only Pet

    Cutting Corners

    Penelope and Max

    For Now

    Story Talk


    About the Author


    Snow in Summer

    From a distance it looks like snow in the mountains

    and up close, like fallen flakes between rocks and hiding


    A blue-green stem with translucent petals. Gardens in the

    neighborhood can be startling; if I didn’t take this walk,

    look at what I’d be missing.

    Don’t know if there is a giraffe rose or a zebra daffodil.

    It must have to be a newly divined flower or an accidental

    one to receive such a grand name.

    Was Snow in Summer called after a person or a persona,

    like American Beauty. Maybe an everyday flower can

    be renamed to freshen it up.

    Where was Snow in Summer first found? On a hillside or

    by a stream. By itself or clustered with others. Most likely

    among the larkspur or marigold; or near its cousin,

    the carnation.

    Studying the ground, there’s a patch of dichondra.

    Was it planted here or carried by the wind?

    Each one has its story. I listen closely. They will tell me

    how they got to this

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