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Dancing with Angels: Songs and Poems of the Millennium
Dancing with Angels: Songs and Poems of the Millennium
Dancing with Angels: Songs and Poems of the Millennium
Ebook64 pages27 minutes

Dancing with Angels: Songs and Poems of the Millennium

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About this ebook

Good poetry is good because it connects us to universal human values and truths that speak to all people. Poems have the ability to inspire us to seek truth and take us on journeys in pursuit of goodness: from a fearless warrior's journey and stories of dauntless kings who beat the odds to celebrations of the beauty of nature and innocence of childhood and musings on the vastness of time and depth of true love. These verses mount an investigation into sources of human goodness and an exploration of the ultimate source of good.

Dancing with Angels Songs and Poems of the Millennium invites us to engage with those "better angels" whose guidance illuminates our better natures and brings us closer to the truth, rebalancing the human spirit in calibration with our Creator.

Release dateJun 30, 2021
Dancing with Angels: Songs and Poems of the Millennium

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    Book preview

    Dancing with Angels - W. Brunhofer


    Dancing with Angels

    Songs and Poems of the Millennium

    William Brunhofer

    ISBN 978-1-0980-6492-1 (paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-0980-8106-5 (hardcover)

    ISBN 978-1-0980-6493-8 (digital)

    Copyright © 2021 by William Brunhofer

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents


    Part I

    A New Jerusalem

    The Second Coming

    Each and All

    As You Like It

    Poem in October

    Fern Hill

    King Henry V


    Lincoln's First Inaugural Address

    On Angels

    Second Space

    Psalm 23

    The Lord's Prayer

    Part II



    Fashionable Truths

    World in Worlds

    First Light

    Poem on Your Birthday

    I Have Seen Love

    Fragile Hope


    Finding Faith

    Fog-Held Land


    Silent Moon

    Boast of the Sun

    Once God

    On Shakespeare's Sonnets

    Love Loud Sings

    About the Author

    This work is dedicated to the Creator of all that is good and true,

    and to the lords and ladies of creation, made in the image

    of our Creator, who are called to stand and speak words of truth,

    and to build and protect His Kingdom on earth.

    And to my wife, Susan, and our children,

    Aaron, Alexis and Ethan,

    thank you for your love and encouragement.

    "Life is either a daring, bold adventure


    It is nothing at all."

    —Helen Keller


    Czeslaw Milosz, Polish poet and winner of the 1980 Nobel Prize for Literature, asked in a 1945 Warsaw poem titled, Dedication, What is poetry that does not save nations or people? He concludes in this same poem:

    That I wanted good poetry without knowing it

    That I discovered, late, its salutary aim,

    In this and only this, I find salvation.

    Believing that good poetry is good because it contains truths that speak to all people, I have selected a few poems here from the English language that have stood the test of time and found admiring readers from around the world. There are countless poems in every culture that

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