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Time - for a New Generation of Drumming
Time - for a New Generation of Drumming
Time - for a New Generation of Drumming
Ebook71 pages7 minutes

Time - for a New Generation of Drumming

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About this ebook

Who am I? I am time. Time never ceases to stop. It continues to move forward spearheading us into what comes next. The "time" is now. It is time to enlarge your thinking into a new world of time. A new way of thinking. A new approach. This book will not only take you there, but it will spark something in you for generations to come. So as I teach you, teach others. It is time for liftoff. Let us see where you land.

This book will challenge not only your thinking and your perception of how you view time but others as well. My book will take you on a journey to hopefully help you to rediscover time looking through a different lens. Age is no limit to time. From the youngest of age to the oldest, everyone can benefit from reading this book. Drummers and all other musically inclined individuals can prosper from the material that is on the pages in this book. Now put on your thinking caps and let us get started.

What you can take from this book:

The average musician is usually comfortable with playing in 4/4 or 3/4 time signatures. This book will expose you to other meters so that you can master them. It will take you through how to play time signatures within another time signature. This book will show you how to break up phrases of time signatures that enhances your creativity and takes it to another level. It will help you with limb independence while using two different meters. Then the extreme meter of playing in three meters simultaneously. We will finish off my book with advanced songs written by me that you can enjoy playing with your fellow musicians. The examples in this book will add not only to your creativity but also to others who you may perform with.

Release dateAug 30, 2022
Time - for a New Generation of Drumming

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    Book preview

    Time - for a New Generation of Drumming - Karnell Robinson


    Time - for a New Generation of Drumming

    Karnell Robinson

    Copyright © 2022 Karnell Robinson

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    320 Broad Street

    Red Bank, NJ 07701

    First originally published by Newman Springs Publishing 2022

    ISBN 978-1-63692-096-2 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-63692-097-9 (Digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents





    Meter Breakdown

    Time Exercises

    Time Exercise (Part 2)


    Styles (Part 2)

    Snare Drum Exercises (Examples 1-2)


    Time Manipulation (Part 1) (Examples 1-7)

    Time Manipulation (Part 2)


    Intro to Phrasing

    Phrasing (Part 1)

    Phrasing (Part 2)

    Phrasing (Part 3)

    Phrasing (Part 4)

    Phrasing (Part 5)


    Turning the Beat Around

    Turning the Beat Around


    Mixed Meters (Example 1-7)


    Independence Intro (Example 1-3)

    Independence (Part 1)

    Independence (Part 2)

    Independence (Part 3)

    Independence (Part 4)

    Independence (Part 5)

    Independence (Part 6)


    Grooves That Move (Example 1-6)



    Groove In


    Sad Song


    To my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, my beautiful wife, mother, and uncles Timothy and Carl Jefferson

    Hello, my name

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