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Your Passport to Alternative Spirituality and the After-Life
Your Passport to Alternative Spirituality and the After-Life
Your Passport to Alternative Spirituality and the After-Life
Ebook164 pages2 hours

Your Passport to Alternative Spirituality and the After-Life

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About this ebook

My reason for writing this book is to address the many opinions people have about alternative spirituality topics and what happens when we die. There are many "fearful" ideas about death, personal responsibility, and "sin." I want to provide an alternative view of these subjects. I firmly believe that our "Creator" would never cause us to suffer in any way, shape, or form. That energy is of a loving parent who disciplines us when we need it and loves us unconditionally.

Release dateSep 27, 2022
Your Passport to Alternative Spirituality and the After-Life

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    Your Passport to Alternative Spirituality and the After-Life - Maureen Perez


    Your Passport to Alternative Spirituality and the After-Life

    Maureen Perez

    Copyright © 2022 Maureen Perez

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2022

    ISBN 978-1-6624-6955-8 (pbk)

    ISBN 978-1-6624-6957-2 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Your Passport to Alternative Spirituality and the Afterlife


    Edgar Cayce

    Healing Sessions

    Life Readings

    Ruth Montgomery

    Sin and Atonement

    Death and the Process of Dying

    Our Pets in the Afterlife

    The Future of the World

    Dr. Michael Newton

    Death Transition of a Christian Evangelist

    The Soul's Journey

    Dr. Newton About Soul Transitions

    Help for Distressed Souls


    Suicide and Our Guides

    A Session about Suicide

    Dr. Newton about Alien Worlds and Hybrids

    Courageous Souls




    Valerie (Age Forty-Two)

    Valerie's Son, Dustin


    Session with Doris

    Reincarnation Wrap-Up

    Free Will and Bad Choices

    Losing a Child

    Hierarchy of Angelic Beings

    How to Invoke an Archangel

    Alternative Practices to Meet your Guardian Angel

    Synchronicities, Coincidences, and Serendipity

    Akiane Kramarik (Sixteen Years Old)

    Spirit Guides

    Binaural Beats (BB)


    Clear Negative Energy

    Wicca and Witchcraft

    The Myth of Witchcraft as Evil

    List of Psychics and Mediums from this Book

    About the Author

    Your Passport to Alternative Spirituality and the Afterlife

    This book is for those who have questions about heavy matters related to Religion, Spirituality, and the Afterlife, aka Heaven. I'll use these terms interchangeably in this book. I have included some of my opinions on the material we will talk about, and those will be in italics so you will know that is my personal understanding of the subject matter.

    This is the year 2021. We have all lost so much since COVID-19 struck in 2020. Many have lost loved ones, unable to be by their sides in the hospital, or as they pass away…sometimes alone. It may be with a nurse or other stranger holding their hand during their last moments on this earth. Sometimes they die at home so suddenly there is no time for last words before they're gone.

    They may not receive the church sacraments they rely on, no funeral, no burial, no gathering of friends to celebrate their life while mourning their loss and sometimes cannot even bury them where they would want to be. There is often no closure for the survivors.

    So much left unsaid, so much pain, suffering, depression…so much sadness. Where did they go? Where are they now? Are they okay? Can they see us here on earth and share the special moments in our lives that go on? Are they reunited with their loved ones in heaven? Did they cease to exist…except for a memory in our minds? Atheists and Agnostics and the people who love them need not worry. Everything we talk about in this book includes them because God doesn't care about labels. He cares about good works, not just good words from his Creations. Everyone ends up in Heaven regardless of their life choices or beliefs.

    We lose the people we love and have a visceral need to know that they still exist in another form…that they can see us and hear us and not miss the important gains and losses we experience as we continue living without them.

    This is a book that touches on many of these topics as the title says. I researched books in my collections. I read scriptures from the Bible. I questioned. I dreamed and explored all things spiritual, including alternative information from nonreligious sources. I have met with Psychics and Mediums throughout my life for readings.

    I have suffered the loss of loved ones too as my life continues on. I believe this is the time for this book. Religion, Spirituality, and the Afterlife are interconnected with the human experience. Many of us have questions. Many are searching for something different from the religion they grew up with. Alternative spirituality fills that void for those who want to know more about these topics. There are those mediums who are blessed with the ability to accurately communicate with the dead, and others who may not be so credible. We cannot blindly trust everyone, so I will bring up those who have proven to me that they are connected to Spirit from my own personal experiences for purposes of this book.


    It has been a long journey from being kicked out of my Pentecostal church for asking the wrong questions at the age of fourteen years old to now, as I approach sixty years of age. Today I am a spiritual person who believes in psychics, mediums, channelers, astrology, reincarnation, channeling, lucid dreaming, extraterrestrials (yes…aliens), and most importantly, Personal Responsibility for our words and actions in the life we are currently living.

    I will talk about those psychics and mediums who brought me to where I am now. I will explain alternative spiritual practices and belief systems with the intention to inform and educate the reader about what to look at and what alternative choices are available if traditional religions don't inspire you.

    Many of these practices are compatible with traditional religious doctrine and can be used with it in some cases. I want the reader to make up their own mind about what to look at and what works for them. A large amount of the focus is on Reincarnation in this book. I believe Heaven and Death are on many of our minds during this pandemic.

    My reason for writing this book is to address the many opinions people have about alternative-spirituality topics and what happens when we die. There are many fearful ideas about death, personal responsibility, and Sin. I want to provide an alternative view of these subjects. I firmly believe that our Creator would never cause us to suffer in any way, shape, or form. You will discover that it is our own Soul that decides our life's challenges. God's energy is of a loving parent who disciplines us when we need it and loves us unconditionally.

    I will include the website address when available and the name of the book I sourced from, at the end of each chapter, so the reader can do their own research via their local library or any book seller if they want to learn more about a particular subject or person.

    The term passport in the title is to explain the journey of finding information by going out on your own with some places to consider visiting. After the visit, you learn more about that new place and decide where you want to go next. That is what I did for myself. I want others to be able to do it too…if they are as curious as I am.

    I was raised in a Pentecostal church from about six years old to fourteen years old. My parents were not religious, but like some children whose parents didn't attend church in the sixties and seventies, I went to Sunday school every week on the church bus. I loved it. We drew pictures, talked about faith, went to potlucks, barbecues, and field trips, and learned about the Bible, Jesus, and Christianity.

    When I was twelve years old, my maternal grandmother died. My mother could not be with her in the hospital when she died. We all grieved and wanted to know where Grammy ended up. She was a kind and sweet woman who was very loved. My mother and myself wondered where she and others end up when they die. She connected with a psychic/astrology home-study group, and I joined her for some of those discussions. She learned to do astrology, and we both had a desire to know what happens when we die. So we researched the truth ourselves and made our own conclusions about it. The authors in this book are our sources.

    The church gave us no comfort. Grammy wasn't religious nor attended church and was cremated…so where did she go? We were looking for an alternative explanation to traditional church teachings. We were looking for peace and hope.

    We were tired of threats of going to Hell if we didn't follow the rules. We were tired of the hypocrisy we saw of Televangelists, living in mansions, buying private planes, limos and Rolls-Royces with chauffeurs, telling people that God would be angry if the collection plates didn't yield the appropriate amount of money. One pastor claimed that if their ministry didn't raise a million dollars by a certain time, ‘God' will strike me down. The funds didn't appear by God's deadline, so the pastor's answer was, God gave me another chance to raise the money. Does anyone think God cares about money? God does not strike people down.

    Meanwhile, I started asking uncomfortable questions about the meaning of specific Bible scriptures. Why doesn't the Bible term born again mean reincarnation? If we're buried in the ground, do we sleep until the Rapture comes? What happens if we are cremated? How do we get to heaven? I never received an answer.

    I have asked Catholic priests and Protestant pastors those same questions throughout my life, and none of them could give me an answer. Finally, at fourteen years old, I asked my Sunday-school teachers, "Why does your favorite Televangelist live in a mansion and get driven in fancy cars but is being investigated by the IRS for tax fraud in the news? Why does our church give her money?"

    This went on for about two years from twelve to fourteen years of age. When I asked about their televangelist, that was the last straw, I guess. Pastor called me into his office and kicked me out of the church. He told me if I didn't like what his church teaches, I should go elsewhere.

    So I did. My mother and I joined a nondenominational church called Unity/Unitarian. They offered traditional religious services and alternative spiritual classes. Of course, I chose the alternative option. We did psychic experiments with Pyramid Power, Telepathy, and Psychometry (touching objects to get impressions of someone) and learned about Reincarnation.

    The church was a bit far to drive to, so Mom and I stopped going. We started reading and sharing books with each other instead. The journey continued. I tried different ideologies, like Christian Gospel Church, and converted to Catholicism. I joined a Wicca coven and left that and ended up settling for alternatively spiritual today, where I'll remain.

    I don't follow church doctrine, so I identify myself as Pagan. I also use Tarot cards to navigate my options and give me a clue about where I'm heading when I have decisions to make. I pray to God and acknowledge Jesus as a divine prophet and healer. I believe we are all sons and daughters of God. I prefer the term Creator.

    I also believe in Feminine Divinity, so I include an Egyptian goddess named Isis for that energy in my spiritual life. The Christian equivalent would be The Virgin Mary, whom Catholics pray to. I believe in angels and try to meditate regularly. I believe in love, light, and transparency and trying to be the best human with flaws that I can aspire to become.

    Here are some of the questions that we'll talk about and explore:

    Do we reunite with our loved ones in heaven?

    What is heaven really like?

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