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The Extraordinary Ordinary You: A Manual For Self Discovery
The Extraordinary Ordinary You: A Manual For Self Discovery
The Extraordinary Ordinary You: A Manual For Self Discovery
Ebook256 pages3 hours

The Extraordinary Ordinary You: A Manual For Self Discovery

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Today, most of us create our realities unconsciously from the programs embedded into us by our ancestors or the world around us. Our lives are the result of negative thought forms, limiting belief structures, and the untrue story that we are just flawed, unworthy humans, not the divine incarnate. The Extraordinary Ordinary You speaks the truth a

Release dateFeb 7, 2023
The Extraordinary Ordinary You: A Manual For Self Discovery

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    The Extraordinary Ordinary You - Danielle L Brooks


    The Extraordinary Ordinary You

    A Manual for Self Discovery

    By Danielle L. Brooks

    Copyright © 2023 Danielle L. Brooks

    All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever without written permission from the author.

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2023901453

    Ebook ISBN: 979-8-9872920-0-6

    Hardback ISBN: 979-8-9872920-1-3

    Paperback ISBN: 979-8-9872920-2-0

    Published by:

    Good Decisions, Inc

    Jackson WY

    425 445-9065

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents


    Thoughts, Part One

    Thoughts, Part Two

    Thoughts, Part Three

    Beliefs, Part One

    Beliefs, Part Two

    Beliefs, Part Three

    Emotions, Part One

    Emotions, Part Two

    Emotions, Part Three

    The Ego, Part One

    The Ego, Part Two

    The Ego, Part Three

    True-Self Integration



    The information in this book includes my personal experiences and those of the clients who I help guide, but the information is much bigger than that. It marks the dawning of a new day. I’ve worked with hundreds of individuals at various stages of awakening and I can assure you, there is a wave coming, a wave of consciousness so profound and so life changing no one will be able to stop it. And who would want to? This wave represents the crashing down of what is not real and illuminates, like a glorious phosphorescent wave, the truth.

    Humanity has been creating from a false template of separation for eons. This has been necessary in order for Oneness to spring forth into the physical as a subject and an object, as you and me. Physicality needs polarity. We need north and south, up and down, left and right. We need space and time to exist in this physical realm; otherwise, how would the blood in your veins move from your heart to your head? This is polarity. But somewhere along the way polarity got distorted and we forgot the truth of our being. We forgot that we all exist in a field of Oneness that connects all things and all beings. Oneness in its forgetfulness became separation and opposition. But now we are remembering. Individuals all over the world are waking up to themselves as connected to a greater expansive beingness. I have the great honor of seeing it every day, and it is beautiful beyond description. The wave is coming!

    If you choose to hop on that wave you will have the ride of your life. If you decide to stay stagnant things will be difficult. Have you noticed that waves only pummel the things that don’t move? This book is a manual designed to help you move. It is designed to aid you in letting go of what you are not so you can float to the surface and ride the wave.

    It will remind you not to take awakening so seriously. The more you are playful at heart, the greater the ride will be. When you live with the open heart of a child you are able to receive information that can trigger your memory of who and what you are. This is wonderful! When you know who you are, everything of non-importance drops away and the next thing you know you are hanging ten on a surfboard acting like a puppy wagging its tail at seeing yourself come home.

    The information you receive from this book will tickle you. You are ready for it. Information is often received via an insight, realization, or inner knowing. Stay open to it. Imagine as you turn the pages that you are two years old again and you are learning about the world for the very first time. Participate in the great unknowing by forgetting everything you think you know and be in a state of wonder; take pleasure in the possibilities, let your imagination run wild. The fact that you found your way to this book is an indication that your surfboard is in hand and you are looking out at the ocean with excitement. You see the wave coming and can’t wait! In fact, you’re already riding it.

    Welcome home to the great expanse!

    You Are a Powerful Creator

    Everything in this book is based on the primary foundation that you, my dearest, are a powerful creator. Who you are in your innermost being—whether it is called source energy, oneness, pure consciousness individuated, God particle, or true self—matters not. You are an extraordinary being. And you create in this realm via choice, self awareness, and vibrational alignment. A choice is the same thing as an intention, so for clarity’s sake we will use the word choice throughout this text. For instance, when you intend to go to the bathroom, you choose to. When you intend to quit your job, make a sandwich, or give your sweetheart a kiss, you choose to.

    Many of us create unconsciously; we go through our days unaware of the thoughts bouncing around in our minds and go through the hours in the day habitually, sometimes never even remembering the drive home. We just aren’t present.

    And some of us create consciously. Conscious creators know themselves to be connected to something greater. They know themselves as unlimited beings that are visiting a created reality. They have mastered the ability to choose which thoughts and feelings they would like to align to in order to create their reality. They know how to come vibrationally into alignment with their desires, and are free to create anything without judgment. They choose what they would like to experience and boom! They’re in the Virtual Reality (VR) room of their own design. They know there is no good or bad or right or wrong; there is only experience for the sake of experience. In many ways the VR room helps you understand and answer the questions: Who am I? What can I become?

    You gain wisdom with every experience. It’s like taking a trip to the amusement park where you are free to hop on any ride you desire, and so is everyone else. There is no judgment, no fear, no guilt, no shame, no should or shouldn’t, no rights or wrongs, no need to or have to.

    None of that.

    Only unlimited freedom, choice, experience, and expression.

    Sounds pretty cool, right? This is called undistorted creation. Undistorted creation is creation that occurs in full awareness.

    My friend and mentor Lauri Ivers has walked with me on my journey for over three years. She is the clearest channel and intuitive guide I have ever met. She has challenged me to develop my own intuitive abilities, to become a clear and undistorted channel of truth, and has been the teacher that showed up for me when I, as a student, was ready. The thing that makes her such an excellent guide is her willingness to be on the journey with me. She allows me to challenge her; she encourages it. Together we have grown beyond our imaginations. For every question I had, she dipped into the quantum field and brought through with clarity and precision the truth and showed me how to do it. I know it is truth because of how my body responds. The body recognizes the truth when it lands because it lands as a knowing. Lauri has no interest in being significant or special. She knows that which lives within her lies within all beings. Her sole desire is to wake up others to their own divinity, sovereignty, and freedom of choice. She reminds us not to take it all so seriously. To get off our high horses and just play.

    Lauri taught me how to discern, to question, and to go beyond what I thought was possible for myself. Through Lauri, I met a dear friend and fellow cohort in consciousness Megan Bedford. Together the three of us have held each other accountable. To this day we hop on a weekly call to read each other’s vibrational fields, call out the stuck points and the misalignments, and help each other come into alignment with the truth of who we are. It’s raw, vulnerable, and absolutely glorious. Glorious because of our willingness to see that which prefers not to be seen, slap ourselves in the forehead and go at it again and again until the stuck point resolves and we move beyond it.

    Lauri is an Annie-Get-Your-Gun personality that holds nothing back. She never hesitates to give me what I call a Universal bitchslap to bring me back into alignment with who and what I am. Most importantly, she is willing to look at her own stuck points and will readily admit to when she is knocking her own head up against the wall. She has taught me that I am not special, just infinite. She has shown me that I am extraordinarily ordinary. Her ability to connect with and bring forth clear and undistorted information from the divine has led the way for me and countless others.

    I’ve captured some of the information she brings forth and called them Lauri-isms. Any time you see a Lauri-ism, you know the words and wisdom came from her.

    Here’s the first Lauri-ism: The world you are in is a wisdom school of misunderstanding to understand. You know you are going into a dream state of experience, a Virtual Reality (VR) room where you sit in a vessel and have an experience. When you create without distortion you know you are in the VR room and you master the vessel. You know you are running the machine with intention and thoughts.

    Distorted Creation

    Creation goes awry when you forget who you are and create unconsciously. You’re powerful and your abilities to create are powerful, but you create with distortion when you don’t know who you are or understand that you are the one creating your reality. You create your reality without intention based on negative thoughts and limiting beliefs handed down to you from previous generations or past experiences. You don’t consciously discern and choose which thoughts and feelings you would like to experience. You don’t create freely from expansion and creativity but in a reactionary and constricted manner with distorted ideas about your worth and value.

    You create based on fear, comparison, judgment, guilt, and shame, just to list a few, and you have no idea who you really are. This is called distorted creation. For example, fear is a distorted creation that arises from thoughts and beliefs about past experiences that will most likely never happen again in the future. I’ll say that again, fear is based on something that may happen in the future, but rarely does. It’s an illusion, a distortion that causes great anxiety. Fear is not real. I mean what is it going to do? Hit you over the head? Fear was created in the VR room. If you knew who you are in truth, you would know that there is nothing to be afraid of.

    An unconscious creator forgets who they are and believes themselves to be limited. Most people create unconsciously. They function on autopilot and believe the untrue thoughts, beliefs, and emotions that arise within their field of consciousness, which then in turn creates their reality by default. I am unworthy is one of the biggest distortions humanity as a collective has bought into. Guilt and shame are also distortions that arise when we feel we have done something bad. In fact the whole good/bad, right/wrong paradigm is a complete sham.

    Think of the entire universe we live in as one big VR room, often called the Matrix, only it’s not like the movie where we try to get out of the Matrix. This matrix we choose to project ourselves into for the experience of it. Most people consider themselves to be Spirit in physical form. From this perspective our Spirit, that exists in non-physical form, agrees to come into the VR room to experience different things for our own growth and evolution and sometimes just for the experience of it. So why wouldn’t we want to experience what it’s like to play the villain? It truly is a worthy ticket to ride and gives you contrast to get clear on what you like and what you don’t like. Every experience is wisdom gained. There is no angry God up in heaven with a white beard judging you for your choices. On the contrary, you are loved unconditionally.

    Yes, dear one, you are in a VR room, what I like to call your favorite amusement park. Because there is no judgment you are free to choose any experience you desire. So wherever you have been hard on yourself about your choices, judged what you have done or not done, why not let that go and ask, What wisdom have I gained? What do I prefer now that I have had all these experiences? And for goodness sake, how can I not take it all so seriously?

    The first and greatest distortion is the illusion that the world you live in is real and the physical body you inhabit is all that you are. You believe yourself to be separate and limited. This gives rise to all other distortions. You fall asleep in the dream. Then what was unlimited freedom, choice, and experience becomes distorted.

    Types of Distortions

    Identity: In truth you have no identity. Identity only limits that which can never be identified. There is only one consciousness. Individuated, yet one. You could say that there is only one unlimited being exploring the VR room as you and as me. Explore this for yourself; is the conscious awareness that you experience different than the conscious awareness that I experience? Oneness celebrates identity as a beautiful creation knowing in truth we are all part of the One.

    Death: When you forget who you are as an unlimited being suddenly there is death. This is not a bad thing. Remember, you came into the VR room to play, to forget and experience death and all the limitations not available to you in the unlimited non-physical, and then to remember who you are. You came to experience the contrast. But when you think death is real and live your life in fear, your view of reality is distorted.

    Fear: Fear arose with the belief in death. This came about with the innate need to survive, which was very valid. Today we no longer need to survive the saber tooth tiger, but have kept fear active with the belief that if we take a risk and go outside our comfort zones we might potentially fail, look completely unlovable, or be a bad person. Whew! Talk about distortions! No wonder no one wants to take a risk or make a change! HUGE distortion! You cannot die, you cannot fail, you are more loved than you could ever imagine, and you can never get it wrong!

    Judgment: When free will to choose your experience, any experience, was labeled as good and bad it got distorted and judgment arose. Religion and government played roles in creating judgment as a means to control and manipulate. But even in the manipulation there is no good, bad, right, or wrong. Just the experience of it. Even what you might label bad serves a purpose. For example, Adolf Hitler played a role for greater clarity. He pushed humanity towards clarity and unity. When people see what they don’t want, they are more likely to come together and unite and focus on what they do want. They grow and learn. Humanity has gained much wisdom, much clarity, and experienced a lot of contrast! Just like children grow and learn, so are we as a collective.

    Guilt and Shame: These arose along with judgment. If you do what is judged to be wrong or bad, there’s a good chance you’ll experience guilt. Guilt and shame are not the same. Guilt is I did something bad, and shame is I am bad; both are illusions and distortions created in the VR room by unconscious creators. These typically arise when you’ve made a choice with which others don’t agree. Guilt and shame arise from the good/bad right/wrong paradigm and the birth of should and shouldn’ts.

    Comparison and Jealousy: The ideas that you need to, have to, or are not enough in any way are also distortions. All creations and expressions are beautiful. Even the shit shows. There is no competition. No one is better than anyone else. There is only choice, preference of experience, and levels of conscious awareness.

    The biggest distortion again is the distortion of identity. We think we are the characters we have dropped in to play, not an animating presence articulating it.

    Many of us create our realities by default. We don’t know we are creators and that we create every moment of every day with our thoughts, choices, and feelings. These things are like beacons to the universe, which replies in kind and sends you more of what you are putting out. You, my dear, are a magnet. Plain and simple. If you are thinking I can’t and why try, and you are vibrating in alignment to resignation and apathy, that is what you are magnetizing to you. The universe is a magnet. We know this to be true and science has proven it. We know there are dimensions of unmanifested potential just waiting to respond to your vibration, just like we know atoms and subatomic particles respond to observation and intent.

    Let this sink in. I mean really integrate what I am saying here. You are

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