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We Should All Be Antifeminists
We Should All Be Antifeminists
We Should All Be Antifeminists
Ebook155 pages2 hours

We Should All Be Antifeminists

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With each passing day, feminism keeps destroying the society. But our society is filled with people who have refused to see the evil perpetrated by feminists. ‘We Should All Be Antifeminists’ combines fiction and nonfiction to expose the truth about feminism. Stating why feminism and misandry are simply two sides of the same coin, and why it is time for men to rise and take a stand!
Release dateDec 15, 2022
We Should All Be Antifeminists

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Scribd supporting hatred and oppression of women? This is dangerous and needs removing from the catalog. Shocked it’s on here. Reconsidering my subscription. Wow.

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We Should All Be Antifeminists - Timothy O. Uzzi


Feministic Sadism

Feministic Sadism

Kill all feminists! Jon athan roared as he smashed his phone against the wall. He felt like killing these ‘men haters’ who call themselves ‘feminists’. To be Sincere there is no difference between feminists and misandrists. Feminist protests and movements promote violence against men, gender inequality and supremacy over men, suppression of men in the society and higher status for women such as female-only Scholarships, affirmative action and gender quotas.

Change in women’s roles is a social disaster and it takes a great toll on the family and create s social chaos. Women shouldn’t be allowed into the workforce, political office and voting process. In fact women should only be allowed to work in traditional women careers . Look at it this way; It will create more jobs for men who are expected to provide for their families and eradicate joblessness. From a traditional point of view, men and women go to School, get jobs and it is still the man’s job to provide for the family .

‘ Christian feminists’ begin to quote ‘ 1 Timothy 5:8 ’ [But if any man does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he had denied the faith and is worse than an infidel]. This is what Christian feminists like Jon athan ’s wife, Jessica, and other feminist s who claim to believe in the ‘ traditional roles ’ of men as the providers always say. They seem to forget the traditional roles of women as wives who are to take care of the home, feed the family and give birth to children.

Genesis 2:18 ; [And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help me e t for him.] As the head of the family the man determines the area where the woman should help him in. If he decides that she should stay at home to take care of the home then so be it. Men in the Western World can ’t refer to themselves as the head of the family/home , but still they play the role of the head indirectly when it comes to providing for their families and paying alimony .

In Africa most women refer to their husbands as the head of the family to ‘ escape ’ from responsibilities. The man works so as to b e able to provide for the family and even in cases where the woman earns more than the man financially it is still the man’s job to provide for the family. The women simply say that it is the man’s job to provide for his family and she is only supporting him and she can decide to keep her money for herself and the shame of not being able to provide for the family will be on the man. This was what Jessica used against Jon athan back when they were in Nigeria, and Jon athan knew she was ‘right’. No one would want to listen to his plight. He is simply expected to ‘man up’ and ‘take’ the bull by the horns’.

As the helper if the woman decides to work then all the money should be brought together and used for the family. You might ask; Where then is the patriarchy? The woman decided to work and not allowing her work will be taken as oppression against females. If she is allowed to work and keep the money for herself or bring when she feels like or any amount of money she wants to, then she is simply not helping , period . Patriarchy fulfills its part by putting women where they belong — The Home.

If women accept the place where the creator put them then the world would be a better place. All men will be employed (women can be allowed to work in restaurants and child care centers), salaries will skyrocket due to reduction in the availability of human labour. No more false allegations on rape due to the end of female supremacy. False allegations is becoming more rampant by the day . Women lie against men and go scot-free with it. That shouldn’t be the case. More than 50% of rape allegations examined are false. False allegations should be punishable by death! This will help to end the rape allegations , or at least reduce them .

The issue of ending father’s Day is a stupid protest. Feminists state that father’s day is an annual ‘poke in the eye’. They say that the only true parent is the government and all men are created evil. They say that Father’s Day discriminates against women who can’t be fathers, men who choose not to be fathers, fathers who walked away and children who don’t have fathers. In the same vein mother’s Day is an annual poke in the eye. The only true parent is the government and all women are created evil. Mothers Day discriminates against men who who can’t be mothers, women who choose not to be mothers, mothers who walked away and children who don’t have mothers.

Subways in Japan have women only cars. If the case was to be reversed, people would begin to cry foul.

False rape accusations by women is ruining the lives of men. A 16 year old girl lied that she was sexually assaulted in the bus. The 62 year old man she pointed at was beaten to death by her brother. When Police watched the CCTV, and found out th at she made it up their names weren’t revealed meaning nothing serious will be done to them. Feministic human and child right activists will begin to say that they are kids and they don’t know what they were doing. But what if the case was reversed?! Will they say the same thing? A girl that knows what rape is isn’t a child. Nature who made girls to begin to menstruate as early as 10 or 12 isn’t foolish. From the age of 12 a child should be responsible for his/her actions. Left for me she should be raped to death so that she will know what it means to be sexually assaulted. And her brother who was around 17 should be beaten to death.

Another situation is that of and Indian boy who was in a sexual relationship with a girl for 18 months. The boy Pavan Gupta was pressured by his parent to marry when he was 24. He liked the girl his parents introduced him to and he ended his relationship with his girlfriend, Geeta Jain, telling her he could not disappoint his parents. Since he was the only child and had to go with his parents choice.

When Gupta was preparing to get married, Jain went to the Delhi police and accused him of rape. She said she had slept with him on the promise of marriage and since he had not married her, consent was procured on a false pretext, making the sex rape. Even if he had misled her and told her he would marry her, it still wouldn’t make the sex rape. Consensual sex for over a year can’t be rape.

The supreme court later ruled that rape cannot be invoked in cases of consensual sex after a relationship ends and the man declines to marry the woman, for whatever reason. But the ruling was of no help to Gupta. His life had already been shattered. His mother had a heart attack a week after she learned of the accusation against him and died a few days later. His fiancee called off the wedding. He lost his job. Premarital sex is on the rise but at the same time, so are the number of women with lying tongues alleging rape on false promise of marriage in India.

The fashion industry gives women in modelling a large pay gap from the men. There are so many other jobs which pay women more than men such as; medical assistants, bar helpers, dishwashers, police detectives, dentists, marketing analyst, producers and directors, and baking.

The story of a Brisbane woman who got fined $250 for stabbing a man with the heel of her stiletto during a drunken night out isn’t any better. What if reverse was the case? We all know what would have happened. But in her case being a woman no conviction was recorded for the 21 year old Jazzmin Fry, who admitted the whole thing was a mistake. Her victim, Kyle Johns said the attack was completely unprovoked and he had no idea why he was targeted. She walked up to him with her heels in her hand and stabbed him in the crown of his head. He had to be taken to the hospital where doctors stapled his scalp back together after the pointy end of the shoe did some serious damage. She walked up to the 19 year old and yelled: Want my fucking heel through your eyeball cunt? He was nearly knocked unconscious. Worst case scenario was that he could have lost an eye, suffered internal bleeding or worse death from head injuries.

Mr Johns was understandably fuming over the sentence, saying it doesn’t stack up to the injuries he was inflicted with on the February night. While Jazzmin has escaped without a conviction or jail time, she has reportedly been sacked by her employer, real estate company Ray White.

‘ The Future Is Female.’ What i s that?! Picture the reverse where people say ‘The Future Is Male’ , and clothing companies design shirts with the statement, what do you think people will say and do? Definitely criticism and riots to stop such production and probably close down the company.

These evil done by feminists to men was driving Jon into a state of mental and emotional breakdown. He had every right to. Feminists won’t accept the things they do to men done unto them. As he thought more about the information he had read online about feminists, he got more angry and the anger ate deeper into him until he heard a knock on the door. He knew it was his wife who had gone to the grocery store to buy dairy products. He became weak immediately and felt too tired to get up to open the door but the knocking began to increase rapidly and he rushed to the door already filled with anxiety over her return.

Who is that? He asked with an anxiety filled voice.

Open this door! Jessica shouted at the top of her voice.

Jon quickly opened the door and Jessica shoved him out of her way and continued shouting.

Were you sleeping or what? Diana queried.

No… I… I was already coming. Jon stuttered with fear. He didn’t want any trouble, but Jessica wasn’t going to leave him alone.

I really don’t know what you are good for in this house, Jonathan ! I go to work, clean the house, cook the food, take care of you and George, wash the clothes and feed the dog ! She continued shouting.

Actually I am the one who cleans the house, cooks the food, takes care of our son and also feeds your dog while you do nothing when you come back from work. He said. I even cooked eighty percent of the time when I still had a job anytime you refuse to cook since we moved from Nigeria to America before I lost my job due to this stupid feminism . The dog is yours and I suggested we put it away but you refused. George is 1 6 and he takes care of himself.

She slapped him across his face and tears gathered in his eyes and soon began to rush down his face. He was getting used to it already. He couldn’t hit her knowing that the law would be on her side as a woman.

Hit me back you imbecile She shouted at him knowing he could do nothing

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