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Thin Spaces: Images of the Gospel in Ireland
Thin Spaces: Images of the Gospel in Ireland
Thin Spaces: Images of the Gospel in Ireland
Ebook62 pages35 minutes

Thin Spaces: Images of the Gospel in Ireland

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Embark on a thirty day journey to explore the famous sites of Ireland and what they reveal about the Christian gospel and your own heart. The Celtic people believed in "thin places", where the boundary between this world and the supernatural one was thinner and permeable; places where mortal and immortal could meet. That's what this book is intended to create for you. In reading about some of the sites, history, and characteristics of Ireland you will get to experience God coming near to you. Even more than that, the devotional is designed to help you see Christ as our ultimate "thin space," where heaven broke through to earth, so no matter where you live you may find joy walking with Immanuel—the God who is with us.

PublisherKeri Burwell
Release dateOct 27, 2022
Thin Spaces: Images of the Gospel in Ireland

Keri Burwell

Keri Burwell lives in Dublin, Ireland with her husband and three children. Together they tackle the ups and downs of living as foreigners, choosing to see life as an adventure. If you couldn’t tell, she’s an optimist who believes that because of Jesus, even the best things in this world are just pointers to a better life to come. She spends a lot of time trying to find words to reflect that greater reality.

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    Book preview

    Thin Spaces - Keri Burwell

    How to Use This Guide

    This book combines two things I love exploring: Ireland and the infinite depths of the Christian gospel. It may seem like an odd combination, but I’ve discovered that together they create an ever-growing feedback loop of love and wonder. The more I see of Ireland, the more those places point me toward God’s word and work in my life, and the more I grow in recognizing God's word and work, the more I see it in the world around me. The Celtic people believed in thin spaces, where the boundary between this world and the supernatural one was thinner and permeable. That’s what I hope this book creates for you. I hope that in reading about some of these sites around Ireland, both in the Republic and in Northern Ireland, you get to experience God coming near to you. Even more than that, I hope you come to realize Christ is our ultimate thin space, where heaven broke through to earth, so no matter where you live you may find joy walking with Immanuel—the God who is with us.

    This book is organized by some general themes. Days 1–6 look at the need for the gospel in our world and our own hearts. Days 7–12 explore how the gospel first came to Ireland and how those stories resound with us today. Days 13–17 focus on foundational Christian truths around which we build our faith. Days 18­–24 consider challenges to our faith. And finally, Days 25­–30 revel in the joy God has given us in Christ. To get the most out of this devotional, I would recommend you also grab a Bible, journal, and pen. The scripture passages for the day are the backbone of the devotional and shouldn’t be skipped. Give yourself some time to pray, reflect, and listen to how God might be speaking to you through each day.

    May you find as much joy reading this devotional as I had writing it. Jesus, thank you for the process.

    Rath Dé ort


    Day 1 - Creation Shared

    In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. . . . God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. —Genesis 1:1, 31

    Read Genesis 1.

    A brisk walk up an unassuming hill, a sudden gust of Atlantic air blown across thousands of miles of empty ocean, and suddenly they are before you, rising seven hundred feet out the Atlantic: the Cliffs of Moher. At once wild and beautiful, frightful and freeing, these cliffs are a picture of the mighty creative power of God outlined day by day in Genesis 1. The setting sun over the ocean marks the break from day to night and outlines the boundary between sky and earth. The cliffs form a definite barrier between water and land and hold life on their craggy shelves—scraggly grasses

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