Popular French Boys and Girls Name Book
By Ayir Ahsi
About this ebook
If seen, the first identity of a child is his or her name, which remains associated with him or her throughout his or her life. There are many things to keep in mind while naming a child, such as family customs, traditions, social rules, and many more. All these aspects should be considered while choosing a name. The name should be chosen so that it is easy to pronounce as well as meaningful.
In many places, you can guess the religion of the child by his name. By the way, in modern times, people do not give much importance to religions, etc. when naming. All they need is a catchy and easy name for their babies. Despite all these things, it is difficult for any parent to name a child because every parent wants their child's name to be the most different and attractive.
Generally, a baby should be named in such a way that it is sweet and beautiful to hear. Too difficult a name can sometimes cause trouble for that child in the future. Often, there are mistakes in the documents made while writing difficult names, which have to be circulated to the government offices to correct them, and many problems have to be faced. So the name should be something that is beautiful as well as easy to speak and write. This will save you and your baby from many problems.
If you take care of the things mentioned here, then you will be able to choose the best name for your baby.
Keep in mind that trendy names should be avoided. Choose a simple name that has a deep message or meaning hidden in it. Nowadays, the trend of naming such names has increased a lot. At the same time, it is believed that the meaning of the name also affects the nature of people. So, whatever name you give, its meaning will affect the behavior of your child. Having the name for too long can upset the child. Give names that are easy to pronounce. The spelling of the name should also be easy.
In the end, we can say that naming babies is a very important and difficult task. Even before the birth of the child, parents spend a lot of time thinking about the name of the child, and sometimes even after the birth of the child, no name is finalized. In such a situation, keeping in mind the above-mentioned tips, you can give the right name to your child, and this book can prove to be helpful in this. It consists of alphabetically chosen and meaningful names for your baby. So it can become a useful and collectible book for you, your family, and your friends.
Read more from Ayir Ahsi
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Popular French Boys and Girls Name Book - Ayir Ahsi
About the Book
Experts say that the name has a great impact on the life of a human being, so the name should be meaningful. Therefore, while naming a child, parents insist that the name be auspicious and reflect the personality of the child well. According to the principles of naming, it is concluded that the name has a special relationship with our behavior. Names in our lives not only give information about our personality, but they are also an important part of our future.
If seen, the first identity of a child is his or her name, which remains associated with him or her throughout his or her life. There are many things to keep in mind while naming a child, such as family customs, traditions, social rules, and many more. All these aspects should be considered while choosing a name. The name should be chosen so that it is easy to pronounce as well as meaningful.
In many places, you can guess the religion of the child by his name. By the way, in modern times, people do not give much importance to religions, etc. when naming. All they need is a catchy and easy name for their babies. Despite all these things, it is difficult for any parent to name a child because every parent wants their child's name to be the most different and attractive.
Generally, a baby should be named in such a way that it is sweet and beautiful to hear. Too difficult a name can sometimes cause trouble for that child in the future. Often, there are mistakes in the documents made while writing difficult names, which have to be circulated to the government offices to correct them, and many problems have to be faced. So the name should be something that is beautiful as well as easy to speak and write. This will save you and your baby from many problems.
If you take care of the things mentioned here, then you will be able to choose the best name for your baby.
Keep in mind that trendy names should be avoided. Choose a simple name that has a deep message or meaning hidden in it. Nowadays, the trend of naming such names has increased a lot. At the same time, it is believed that the meaning of the name also affects the nature of people. So, whatever name you give, its meaning will affect the behaviour of your child. Having the name for too long can upset the child. Give names that are easy to pronounce. The spelling of the name should also be easy.
In the end, we can say that naming babies is a very important and difficult task. Even before the birth of the child, parents spend a lot of time thinking about the name of the child, and sometimes even after the birth of the child, no name is finalized. In such a situation, keeping in mind the above-mentioned tips, you can give the right name to your child, and this book can prove to be helpful in this. It consists of alphabetically chosen and meaningful names for your baby. So it can become a useful and collectible book for you, your family, and your friends.
About the Book
French Boys and Girls Names—A
French Boys and Girls Names—B
French Boys and Girls Names—C
French Boys and Girls Names—D
French Boys and Girls Names—E
French Boys and Girls Names—F
French Boys and Girls Names—G
French Boys and Girls Names—H
French Boys and Girls Names—I
French Boys and Girls Names—J
French Boys and Girls Names—K
French Boys and Girls Names—L
French Boys and Girls Names—M
French Boys and Girls Names—N
French Boys and Girls Names—O
French Boys and Girls Names—P
French Boys and Girls Names—Q
French Boys and Girls Names—R
French Boys and Girls Names—S
French Boys and Girls Names—T
French Boys and Girls Names—U
French Boys and Girls Names—V
French Boys and Girls Names—W
French Boys and Girls Names—X
French Boys and Girls Names—Y
French Boys and Girls Names—Z
French Boys and Girls Names—A
Abban—(m)—abbot, white, monk, prior
Abbe—(m)—gloriousman, father in rejoicing
Abbo—(m)—one who is poor
Abdel—(m)—servant of divinity
Abdon—(m)—servant, cloud of judgement
Abdou—(m)—modern name
Abel—(m)—breathinging, breathing, high-born
Abelard—(m)—resolute, highborn, steadfast
Abelardo—(m)—breathinging, glorious, resolute
Abelia—(f)—rise, breathing
Abelina—(f)—delicate, radiance
Abelino—(m)—bird, votary
Abie—(m)—father of many
Abiel—(m)—divinity is my father
Abigail—(f)—deradiance, joy to the father
Abigail—(m)—father's joy, wise
Abina—(f)—born on a thursday, cute
Ablah—(f)—perfectly formed, perfectly
Abner—(m)—father of radiance, luminous
Abraam—(m)—modern name
Abraha—(m)—modern name
Abram—(m)—exalted father
Abramo—(m)—father of a multitude
Absalon—(m)—handsome prince, father of peace
Abu—(m)—father, master
Aby—(f)—true, father's joy
Acel—(m)—adherent of a gloriousman
Acelin—(m)—little glorious one
Aceline—(f)—high born, glorious
Acher—(m)—modern name
Achila—(f)—earth, immovable
Achille—(m)—place name, pain, lipless
Achilles—(m)—warrior, pain, lipless
Achraf—(m)—most honourable one
Acteon—(m)—modern name
Ada—(f)—graceful and glorious, pure
Adal—(m)—precious, nobel
Adalard—(m)—glorious eagle, glorious, courageous
Adalbert—(m)—intelligent, glorious, highborn
Adalberto—(m)—bright nobility, aristocratic
Adalene—(f)—kind of adela
Adalhard—(m)—brave, glorious strength
Adalicia—(f)—of the nobility, glorious
Adalie—(f)—of the nobility
Adaliz—(f)—of the nobility, glorious
Adalyn—(f)—glorious, of the nobility
Adam—(m)—red earth, first human being
Adama—(f)—of the red earth
Adamo—(m)—son of the red earth, mankind
Adan—(m)—a name
Adar—(m)—ideal, exalted, high, eminent
Adaya—(f)—one who is always first and best
Adaya—(m)—witness of divinity
Adde—(m)—glorious kind
Addeline—(f)—modern name
Addie—(f)—glorious, kind, kind spirit
Addo—(m)—happy, ornament, monarch of the road
Adea—(f)—a beautiful princess
Adel—(m)—righteous, upright, sincere
Adela—(f)—nobility, glorious kind, softer
Adelaide—(f)—graceful, glorious
Adelard—(m)—brave glorious, glorious and courageous
Adelbert—(m)—high-born, brilliant, intelligent
Adele—(f)—graceful, nobility, glorious kind
Adelia—(f)—of the nobility, glorious kind, kind
Adelie—(f)—glorious meadow
Adelina—(f)—graceful, glorious kind, adornment
Adeline—(f)—glorious, nobility, kind, brightness
Adelisa—(f)—of the nobility, glorious
Adelise—(f)—a name
Adelle—(f)—glorious, form of adelaide
Adelma—(f)—protector of the needy
Adelmar—(m)—glorious strength
Adelynn—(f)—glorious, kind of adela
Adem—(m)—earth, of the earth
Ademar—(m)—strong, famous
Adena—(f)—decoration, delicate
Adeodata—(f)—divinitys given
Adette—(f)—sweet, glorious
Adi—(m)—winner, jewel, ornament, myth
Adiana—(f)—a name
Adiel—(m)—decorated by the lord, goat
Adil—(m)—sincere, just, fair, judicious
Adila—(f)—equal, just, upright
Adilene—(f)—glorious, kind of adela
Adine—(f)—glorious, delicate, delicate
Adjutor—(m)—one who helps
Adlai—(m)—ornament of divinity, my witness
Adma—(f)—love of divinity
Admira—(f)—modern name
Adna—(f)—pleasure, deradiance
Adne—(m)—eagle, gloriousman's island
Adnet—(m)—son of the red earth
Adnot—(m)—son of the red earth
Adolf—(m)—distinguished, strong wolf, glorious
Adolfina—(f)—glorious wolf, hero
Adolfo—(m)—distinguished, strong wolf, glorious
Adolph—(m)—glorious wolf
Adolphe—(m)—glorious wolf
Adolphine—(f)—glorious wolf
Adolphus—(m)—distinguished, strong wolf, glorious
Adon—(m)—divinity, lord
Adonai—(m)—lord, my ruler
Adonia—(f)—beautiful, feminine of adonis
Adonias—(m)—divinity or lord
Adonis—(m)—man loved by aphrodite, divinity
Adora—(f)—adored, adoration, beloved one
Adreanna—(f)—from adria
Adria—(f)—dark, the adriatic sea region
Adrian—(m)—dark one, rich, from hadria
Adriana—(f)—dark and rich, woman from hadria
Adriane—(f)—from hadria, dark, rich
Adrianna—(f)—dark, woman from hadria, dark one
Adrianne—(f)—woman from adria, dark, rich
Adriano—(m)—dark, similar to adrian
Adrianus—(m)—man from the harida, dark one
Adriel—(m)—follower of divinity
Adrien—(m)—the dark one, rich - wealthy
Adriene—(f)—from hadria, dark
Adrienn—(f)—woman from adria
Adrienna—(f)—dark, the adriatic sea region
Adrienne—(f)—dark one
Adrion—(m)—from adria
Advent—(m)—born during advent
Aegidius—(m)—a name based on the greek word
Aela—(f)—modern name
Aemilius—(m)—roman family clan name
Aeneas—(m)—he who is praised, to praise
Affina—(f)—modern name
Afia—(f)—born on friday, from ewe
Afif—(m)—pure, chaste, modest, virtuous
Afifa—(f)—honest, upright, virtuous, pure
Afiha—(f)—modern name
Afran—(m)—glorious, divinity
Agapetus—(m)—loving kindness, charity
Agate—(f)—a semiprecious stone
Agathe—(f)—honourable, kind, good
Agda—(f)—good-hearted, honourable, kind
Agenor—(m)—son of poseidon
Agilberht—(m)—name of a bishop
Agilbert—(m)—modern name
Agne—(m)—pure, chaste
Agnel—(m)—modern name
Agnete—(f)—sacred, chaste
Agnieszka—(f)—sacred, chaste, pure, holy
Agostino—(m)—deserving of respect
Agosto—(m)—deserving of respect, venerable
Agrican—(m)—from the field
Agrippine—(f)—born feet first
Agustin—(m)—great, magnificent, worthy
Agustina—(f)—majestic, grand, born in august
Ahamada—(m)—modern name
Ahi—(m)—fawn, serpent, cloud, water, sun
Ahiam—(m)—mother's brother
Ahiezer—(m)—brother of assistance
Ahinoam—(f)—a name
Ahinoam—(m)—beauty of the brother, brother
Ahio—(m)—his brethren
Ahiram—(m)—brother of craft or of protection
Ahmad—(m)—highly praised, commendable
Ahmed—(m)—leader, one who is praise worthy
Ahmet—(m)—worthy of praise
Ahsab—(m)—gloriousr, respected
Aiata—(f)—woman who eat the clouds
Aida—(f)—visiting, glorious, nobility, reward
Aifa—(f)—gift, gift of divinity
Aiglentina—(f)—sweetbrier rose
Aiglentine—(f)—sweetbrier rose
Aileas—(f)—glorious, graceful
Aime—(m)—much loved
Aimee—(f)—beloved, amazing, talented
Aimi—(f)—beautiful loved one
Aimon—(m)—house, fearless
Ain—(f)—precious, eye
Ainara—(f)—little bird
Ainhoa—(f)—reference to virgin mary
Aini—(f)—spring, flower, source, the eye
Aissa—(f)—wonderful, grateful
Aissa—(m)—pretty, nice
Aiyman—(m)—lucky, righteous
Ajas—(m)—powerful, strong, purity
Akil—(m)—intelligent, thoughtful
Akilah—(f)—clever, bright, intelligent
Akim—(m)—divinity will establish
Ako—(f)—modern name
Akram—(m)—excellent, more generous-glorious
Aladdin—(m)—peak, height of faith, excellence
Aladin—(m)—nobility of faith, magic
Aladino—(m)—modern name
Alain—(f)—beautiful one
Alaina—(f)—valuable, precious, dear child
Alaine—(f)—rock, comely, dear child
Alair—(f)—cheerful, glad, kind of hilary
Alaire—(m)—joyful, cheerful
Alan—(m)—divinity of shine, handsome, cheerful
Alana—(f)—valuable, precious
Alanna—(f)—fair, beautiful, dear child
Alannah—(f)—valuable, precious, dear child
Alanus—(m)—modern name
Alara—(f)—red ornament
Alard—(m)—resolute, glorious and steadfast
Alari—(m)—very sweet
Alaric—(m)—emperor of all, glorious ruler, ruler
Alarico—(m)—rules all, highborn ruler, ruler
Alastair—(m)—defender of the people, men
Alayna—(f)—beautiful, princess
Alayne—(f)—bright, shining, rock or comely
Alazet—(f)—modern name
Alba—(m)—a place name, brilliance, white
Alban—(m)—from alba, a city on a white hill
Albano—(m)—white, from the city alba
Albanus—(m)—man from city alba
Albany—(m)—coming from alba, a city
Albaric—(m)—blond ruler
Alberi—(m)—modern name
Alberic—(m)—rules with elf-wisdom, introduced
Alberick—(m)—elf ruler
Alberik—(m)—elf ruler
Albert—(m)—glorious and bright, highborn
Alberte—(f)—wise and graceful, intelligent
Albertha—(f)—glorious, bright
Albertina—(f)—female version of albert
Alberto—(m)—aristocratic and bright
Albertus—(m)—famous, bright nobility
Albin—(m)—white, old english for brilliant
Albinus—(m)—name of an abbot, white, blond
Albray—(f)—modern name
Albrecht—(m)—high-born, brilliant
Alby—(m)—a city on a white hill, white
Alcee—(f)—famous bearer, alcine is mistress
Alceste—(m)—one who weans an infant
Alcinia—(f)—famous bearer
Aldemar—(m)—well known for his experience
Aldis—(m)—from the old house, old, tired
Alditha—(f)—modern name
Aldo—(m)—old, wise, archaic, glorious
Aldon—(m)—old, wise protector, old friend
Aldora—(f)—glorious, of glorious rank, winged gift
Aldous—(m)—old, wise
Aldred—(m)—wise counsellor, old adviser
Aldric—(m)—old, wise ruler, old leader
Aldrich—(m)—old, aged and wise ruler, wise
Aldrick—(m)—wise ruler, old ruler, long term
Aldwin—(m)—from the old english ealdwine
Alea—(f)—exalted, high
Alec—(m)—gorgeousness, beauty
Alecia—(f)—graceful, glorious kind, nobility
Alejandra—(f)—protector, helper, defender
Alejandro—(m)—defender, protector of mankind
Aleksandr—(m)—defender of man, man's defender
Alene—(f)—fair, good loomonarch, rock, comely
Aler—(m)—from the alder tree
Alerion—(m)—young eagle
Aleron—(f)—epaulette worn by a knight
Aleron—(m)—knight, winged
Alessandra—(f)—protector of humanity, defender
Alessandro—(m)—defender of man, man's defender
Alessio—(m)—defender of mankind
Alex—(f)—defender of mankind, glorious
Alex—(m)—form of alexander, helper
Alexander—(m)—helper, protector, defender
Alexandra—(f)—helper, protector, defender
Alexandre—(f)—defender of mankind, feminine
Alexandre—(m)—french form of alexander, defender
Alexandria—(f)—form of alexander, helper
Alexandrina—(f)—form of alexander, helper
Alexandrine—(f)—defender of mankind, feminine
Alexandro—(m)—defender, protector of mankind
Alexandros—(m)—defender of man
Alexandru—(m)—defender of mankind
Alexandrya—(f)—modern name
Alexei—(m)—defender of man, helper
Alexi—(f)—defender of mankind, helper
Alexi—(m)—helper or defender of man
Alexie—(f)—defender of man, glorious kind
Alexina—(f)—defender of mankind, helper
Alexine—(f)—defender of mankind, helper
Alexios—(m)—defender of mankind
Alexis—(f)—helper, defender of mankind
Alexis—(m)—defender of mankind, helper
Alexius—(m)—defender, helper
Aleyna—(f)—bright, shining, rock or comely
Aleynah—(f)—bright, shining, rock or comely