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Letters To My Son
Letters To My Son
Letters To My Son
Ebook88 pages1 hour

Letters To My Son

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About this ebook

A sibling to the Amazon #1 bestseller Letters to my Daughter; Letters to my Son is a sentimental legacy, compiled of letters, anecdotes and poems for our next generations of collective sons and grandsons to feel motivated and inspired.

From the fathers, mothers and grandparents of the world who feel called to communica

PublisherMaven Press
Release dateSep 8, 2022
Letters To My Son

Laura Elizabeth

Laura is a lover of books and lives in California.

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    Letters To My Son - Laura Elizabeth


    Copyright © Laura Elizabeth

    First published in Australia in 2022

    by Maven Press

    Roleystone WA 6111

    Cover Design by Kristy Jamieson

    Edited by Jade Bell

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the copyright owner except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be vaild. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    National Library of Australia Catalogue-in-Publication data:

    Letters to my Son/Laura Elizabeth

    ISBN: 978-0-6453230-8-5


    ISBN: 978-0-6453230-9-2



    In unity, we honour and pay our respects to the custodians of Whadjuk

    Noongar Boodjar country, the lands on which this book was first seeded.

    We pay our respects to the Elders both past and present

    and to those emerging.

    The stories within these pages may contain sensitive content and/or

    memories of loved ones who have passed on,

    which may activate a response within you.

    Please read with awareness and care.

    Daryl Guiver

    Ends with Me

    Just a boy with a dream to grow up like Dad,

    learnt the behaviours I saw he had,

    Son, don’t show emotion, boys don’t cry,

    silence and anger are how you’ll get by.

    Taught me the same way he was raised himself,

    as the cycle repeats itself.

    Now a man with three sons growing fast,

    learning to change beliefs from the past.

    Strong back, soft front, stand tall and proud,

    my sons can now see me, emotions allowed.

    Wear your heart on your sleeve and love fiercely,

    the cycle repeating, ends with me.

    Melissa Lainer

    All the Stars

    To my gorgeous boys,

    You have always been a dream of mine. Ever since I could push a doll in a pram, I have wanted the two of you. You are my dream come true, from the moment I knew you existed, now and forever.

    My dreams for you are simple. Be happy. Love and be loved. Laugh, learn, and listen to your heart. Follow your dreams and know I will always be here by your side, cheering you on, supporting your next step, loving you and watching you blossom into the divine individuals you are now and will always be.

    One of the greatest lessons I have learned in life that I want to pass on to you is that happiness is an inside job. It is not up to the external world or others to make you happy. You need to sit with you and find it within yourself. By coming home to your heart’s callings time and time again, trusting your intuition, and courageously stepping forward to create the life you desire, you will find your happiness.

    Along the way, others may have opinions about what they think you should be doing, but that is their business. Yours is to be true to yourself, honour your individuality, and follow your path so long as you do not harm yourself or others. It is, of course, important not to dismiss others. You can learn from them. Listen and discern for yourself whether the information others provide is for you or whether you set it free.

    On your journey, you will notice that life moves in ebbs and flows. This is normal. We all feel the ups and downs, the heartbeat of life. Allow yourself to be present at each stage and in each moment. Let yourself feel. Acknowledge those feelings and find a healthy way to express and release them. When you allow your feelings to move through you, they don’t get stuck and weigh you down later in life. What helps you move through your feelings will depend on the circumstances that lead to that feeling arising.

    My go-to ways to move through heavier emotions are art, meditation, sound, movement, and a good old cry. Others spend time in nature, journaling, and exercising. You will need to find what works for you. I am here to hold you, listen, and help you whenever needed.

    There will be constants in your life, and there will be change. This includes people, places, jobs, pets and more. These things will move in and out of your life. We never really know how long each will be around. Sometimes we choose the length of stay, and other times it is chosen for us. It is hard when things you love leave, regardless of the reason.

    It can bring up feelings of abandonment, anger, sadness, disappointment, frustration, or any other feeling. At times like these, you may feel like the world is dark, that these feelings will never pass or that you have lost the light in your life, your happiness. I promise you that it will all be ok. This, too, shall pass. Breathe. Come back to your heart, and listen to what it is saying. Feel those feelings. Let them move through you and release them. It may take a while. Just take it one day at a time. Seek

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