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The Blueprint: Your Individual Plan for Life!
The Blueprint: Your Individual Plan for Life!
The Blueprint: Your Individual Plan for Life!
Ebook154 pages1 hour

The Blueprint: Your Individual Plan for Life!

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Are you looking for direction & purpose in your life? If so, learn how to use your personal Blueprint to help gently guide you through the stress & anxiety of life. Learn how to quickly solve personal problems & manifest your ideal lifestyle with amazing results. Read how to find your Twin Flame partner & more. Start improving your life today! Easy reading & illustrated. A Beacon of Light Book.

PublisherThe Abbotts
Release dateJun 15, 2022
The Blueprint: Your Individual Plan for Life!

The Abbotts

Who Are The Abbotts? The Abbotts have self-published over 150 books on many different alien/extraterrestrial, psychic and spiritual subjects including the paranormal, self-improvement, love, relationships and inspiring fiction. They also have another 300 plus books that are being prepared for general release! All of their published books and courses are available through most online book stores, app stores, book retailers and digital libraries. The Abbotts goals for the future includes writing more books and branching out into other forms of mass media including social media, audiobooks, translated books, animation, and films etc. The Abbotts hope that you enjoy their free and low-cost books. And please recommend us to your family, friends and work colleagues. Thank you. Love, Light and hope, The Abbotts Tony J. Abbott and Robyn Abbott. .

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    Book preview

    The Blueprint - The Abbotts

    The Blueprint: Your Individual Plan for Life!


    The Abbotts

    A Beacon of Light Book


    Working towards - Peace, Harmony and Unity

    Copyright 2022 The Abbotts

    All Rights Reserved

    ISBN: 9781005720988


    Table of Contents

    Title: The Blueprint: Your Individual Plan for Life!


    Chapter One: The Blueprint

    Life Plans

    World Plans


    Chapter Two: You are Multidimensional!

    The Light body, Chakras and Auric Layers

    Chapter Three: Wake-up Calls

    Chapter Four: Synchronicity

    Meditation to Receive Activated Synchronicity in Life

    Chapter Five: Tolerance and Acceptance

    What is Neutral Tolerance and Neutral Acceptance?

    Exercise to Create Neutral Acceptance and Neutral Tolerance

    The Ego

    Chapter Six: Attraction and Repulsion

    Chapter Seven: Companions along the Way

    What are Kindred Spirits?

    What are Karmic Connections?

    What are Soul Mates?

    What are Twin Flames?

    The Ascended Masters

    Personal Spirit Guides

    Teacher Guides

    Meditation to Meet Your Personal Spirit Guides

    Chapter Eight: Snakes and Ladders

    What is Highest Intent?

    Meditation to Cut Psychic Chords to the Past

    Chapter Nine: Blueprint for the Next Life

    The Four Aspects of Self

    The Physical Body

    The Emotional and Thought Processes

    Spiritual/Religious Beliefs

    Exercise to Merge the Four Aspects of Self to Raise Your Vibration


    Other book titles by The Abbotts

    Twin Flames

    How to be Lucky!

    Omni - The Path of Unity - Free ebook

    Forgiveness - How to Forgive and be Forgiven

    Living in the 4th Dimension

    The Authors

    The Abbotts

    Tony Abbott

    Robyn Abbott

    14 book categories by The Abbotts

    End of book

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    We all have within us a special and unique Blueprint that is meant to guide us through the complexities of human life, but most of us never discover this special spiritual asset or use it to improve our lives and live in a more positive and personally fulfilling manner.

    This is the theme of this book and hopefully, by learning about this, it will help to enrich your life! No doubt, our former clients’ successes and problems are similar to your own and so, we will mention some of these scenarios but of course, for our clients’ privacy, we have changed their names!

    We will add channelled messages from higher spiritual beings such as the Ascended Masters and Archangels to add their own particular wisdom to our thoughts and understanding of this amazing Universal Truth. The higher beings are wise, loving; understanding and humorous beings and they know well, our human frailties!

    We have channelled them for over forty years and they have always enriched our lives with their higher wisdom! We hope that you will read this book with an open mind and heart for that is what an enlightened being does!

    Our books are full of common-sense ideas and easy-to-do exercises and completely free of waffle and unnecessary descriptions; we know that you want to learn how, not just hear about who did what! Consequently our books are short and concise. We hope that you appreciate this fact.

    We offer our ideas with much love, Light and hope.

    Tony Abbott and Robyn Abbott,

    The Abbotts

    Eden Park, 2022

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    Chapter One: The Blueprint

    Underlying all of our lives is our own personal Blueprint or Plan for our life. It involves not only the common life stages of birth, childhood, youth, adulthood, middle age and old age ending in death, but also major life incidents such as walking, talking and reasoning, sexual maturity, love, lust, marriage, parenthood, career aspirations, illness, creativity, social awareness, accidents, mental health problems, emotional crises, spiritual awakening, deterioration into old age, loss and death etc.


    You will be familiar with many of these common life situations and you may have passed through many of them successfully using your own innate resourcefulness or like most of us, made huge mistakes that ended in embarrassment, loss, stress and anxiety.

    We are taught many life skills from our parents, siblings, peer groups and teachers, but we are never really taught -

    1. What life is really all about?

    2. Our place in the World

    3. How to find a workable method of confronting our real life problems and solving them to our satisfaction.

    That’s simply because we are not aware of or know how to use our own personal Blueprint!

    What is this very individual Blueprint? Basically, it is your Life and World Plans. We all come to Earth as a new-born baby with a set of plans for our life, instilled within us. We plan our lives with angelic helpers, before we incarnate and try to work on parts of our character that need fine-tuning! But, when the ‘Veil of Amnesia’ comes down at birth, most of us forget why we came and that’s very sad!

    Certain signals or symbols along the way should trigger our unconscious mind, to start on our proposed plans and schemes, but certain things interfere with this ‘wake-up’ mechanism. These often include - social/cultural conditioning, religious indoctrination, addictions, reckless behaviour, sexual addiction, poor moral and ethical values and apathy etc. These all help to put you to asleep and your best-laid plans are often simply - forgotten. Another useless life, where you create more negative karma for yourself that you will need to repay in the future. Plus, you make very little personal growth!

    We will examine all these blatant and covert causes that never allow you to truly understand why you are here on Earth and just what you are capable of achieving. It is rather like being handed a mini-computer back in the 17th century and asked to invent electricity, power grids and telecommunications networks etc., and get it all going. Without blueprints, inventions, power grids and a million other pieces of paraphernalia, you just can’t do it!

    Tony and I (Robyn) have collectively studied for over fifty years various paranormal phenomena and have worked as channellers, psychics, healers, spiritual teachers and writers, as well as having mainstream careers and jobs, but neither of us have ever found anyone teaching the Universal Truths that we have discovered.

    Yes, many gifted psychics, therapists, theologians and psychologists have discovered some very valuable information about some parts of our life and psyche, but then admit to ‘not fully understanding it’ or ‘leave it to God’ type of philosophies, preferring mysteries over practical understanding.

    Well, we hope to explain in a simple manner what we have discovered and show you how to implement these ideas successfully, so that you

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