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Peace of Purpose; The Extreme Level of Being
Peace of Purpose; The Extreme Level of Being
Peace of Purpose; The Extreme Level of Being
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Peace of Purpose; The Extreme Level of Being

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Do you think it's time to find out what your ultimate success and destiny ought to be? 

Peace of Purpose is a book designed of urge of freedom for humanity - an awareness expansion. If you are ready to learn about and unleash your HIGHER self, this is the perfect content to study, ponder and meditate upon!

Release dateJun 9, 2022
Peace of Purpose; The Extreme Level of Being

Isaac R. Monareng

Priest, Life Coach & Business  Author, Musician, Founder of Pressure Speakers Motivation 97

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    Peace of Purpose; The Extreme Level of Being - Isaac R. Monareng

    Chapter 1


    To be open in mind, be enlightened and aware of the advantages that surround you and the things that lead as distractions in your life—how the systems you live in are growing in affecting you negatively—if you are at least aware of this, you will have dominion over your life and take back control.

    We are in today’s world conditionally combined as one literal nation by technical advancements; transportation is so advanced Airplanes help people ‘fly’ overseas and across the globe in hours and days; and Media and Social Media connects us in audio and visual conversations as in the same room or such close distance. The world has never been so small! Point is, there is no better time to live on earth than today! You could be and do whatever you want, be wherever you want, probably at the time you want, as long as it’s legal. That’s the advantage of today’s earth. So then what are the disadvantages which lead as distractions in our lives, threatening especially our spiritual nature and progression? It is many things of the world we know, but in reality, the unseen world among us is the greater threat; positive and negative energy I suppose can be good and evil spirits as referred to scripturally. And best believe it, this is true; angels of light are battling with those of darkness over the lives of humans. To get back in our line of concept, these energies or spirits can either inspire deceit and pride or truth and light to the human’s spirit, and the human can receive that inspiration in a form of thought, which will move the person to feel and act according to that thought, being prompted of the beings in the spiritual sphere, whom power has been given to by the means of deity, to influence in our plane of existence; so that we are tempted of the one or the other, so that we may have choice of character, so that we may be agents to ourselves; so that we may have the power to save or damn ourselves.       But I cannot begin to number the list of things which threaten our existence, as they are to me, innumerable. Nonetheless, I can name and expound one gravely effective dynamic of disruption of this generation:

    ENTERTAINMENT: Entertainment is precisely synonymous with distraction, but more and more people are being distracted hourly from the point of life, taking more seriously entertaining moments of this time and era, some neglecting, some forgetting the mission of life. It is really not what entertainment you’re having, it’s how much of it you’re getting. But as it is not wrong to engage in entertainment, reason with yourself if it isn’t to merit wrong to (habitually) engage in detrimentally directed entertainment, such as pornography and any other disturbing content. Open minds realize it is the modern battle where we must always rise each day to resist the darkest thoughts in our minds, avoiding those of the world, improving in becoming purer.

    If you find yourself doing what everybody else does, take a break from the world, fast and study divinity; meditate on holy studies. And if you feel like you’re punishing yourself, you’re doing great!


    If you’ll award discipline, a little boredom is worth it.

    As we people no doubt love to be entertained, we are still absolutely under responsibility to select our entertainment very sensibly and wisely to save ourselves – to keep our minds from adapting and spreading corruption in our world. Because transgressing divine laws weakens the spirit, the heart, and kills the good mind to leave a wild creature, —robbed of life—but to choose life is to avoid corrupting it or to cease sinning against the cause thereof.

    Maybe you ask, why does it all seem so impossible to avoid sin in this era? To answer that: You wouldn’t exist in the universe and in this world, in this very moment, if it was not supposed to be so exact as to encounter this century’s challenges; If you were not capable and strong enough as a Spirit being, to dwell in a body and be tried. You are here today because your Creator knows you are powerful enough to resist the trends, overcome the temptations and succeed this era’s trial at a high level. If it wasn’t intended Highly or DIVINELY that you’re here around this time, the very person you are would cease to exist. For in life everything is as it should be. And the cosmic laws simply require integrity to render eternal success to human beings. Final answer: You are capable to resist all that which lures your soul, to sin and corruption, in the world, but you naturally need divine enlightenment, guidance and support. In other words, man needs deity or the Godhead to walk him/her through the dark tunnel to his/her final home, to the promised land, to the promised mansions of God.

    This life is your vocation, to endure these daily trials and become a light in such darkness, to become great, to be godly in the eternal sense of the word. And those who prevail merit glory, What a test!            We’re all meant for a higher form of life, if we do good, we succeed. So earth life must be a real life test, the greatest test known to man; it is a test for prevailing back to eternity with glory and power everlasting.             Because you know how to distinguish the basic good and bad, you know good and evil, and that makes you intellectually brilliantly powerful enough if you can see... This intelligence, where agency or free will lives is all the power you need to succeed in life both spiritually and temporarily, and all success therein is good.            You’ve got the intelligence to reason with yourself to such calibrated heights of thought and reason; so you must know where to focus:


    To see perfection, focus on correction.

    As we all know, there is no perfection in our state of nature, so it is our obligation to replenish our purity in correction. In other words, as perfectly created, with the extensive individual capacity, as we are, our way of perfection is to master self-correction: Make more right choices than you’ll ever get faulty – dare to try. If you allow it, you still can change and evolve to someone unrecognizable and powerful beyond comprehension – where you’ll be the only one to reach, because to comprehend that level you’ll have trained—paid the price with sacrifices unendurable to anyone else—and no one could match you the same. So how far from reach will you be, transformed to such greatness? Negativity and imperfection is in our mortal nature (the ability to choose wrong), but the human Spirit (you/humanity) given the strength to overcome and thrive in mortality, it could only mean we are created for one thing only—EVOLUTION to a higher standard of glory, a life celestial.

    Living beyond the System

    Legendary how it’s said:

    The greatest trick that the devil pulled is convincing people that he doesn’t exist


    This trick runs the world today! The enemy has the power to war with the world completely invisible, fighting with the strength of his rivals to war against each other and fight the wrong battles. It’s yet a great privilege to be able to see the enemy by the eye of AWARENESS and ACKNOWLEDGEMENT; that divinity is real and so is the opposition—the darkness as opposing the lightness; the devil and his empire, whose sole purpose and aim is to rule in man’s mind, from hell, to drag him there.          The mind power to overcome humanity’s trial and thrive to glory is impossible if one does not even believe in... firstly, the glory as a prize, and lastly, the opposition of that glory as a failure: darkness and misery... Thus we suffer this mortal life as trial; this is also the crucial reason why we had to gain this earthly life and experience, to know misery so that we may know joy; to know the fall, so we may choose for ourselves glory.

    Life is truly a war which many lose, simply because their hearts are willingly placed on the battle for the world’s—possessions and earthly gratification—instead of fighting the war for their souls: to spend life improving in goodness and purity (edifying one’s life’s worth), instead of fading into darkness, growing more and more corrupt in the eyes of the Maker.                  Way too many people obstinately work and fight for materialistic stuff on the earth, not realizing that all that really matters is often unseen by the physical eye.

    This is one of the best things you can do to live brilliantly with the power of your mind: Living beyond the system; having full environmental awareness, and placing yourself where you should actually be in order to stay in your path and in control of your life, using the system to escalate you to the best level of yourself as highly as possible in the bounds of mortality. I’d like to give you some resistance-suggestions from me, or what spirit inspires me to write this book for you;   But Firstly, you must understand what the system is: The system is the society you’re exposed

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