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Our Miracle Baby
Our Miracle Baby
Our Miracle Baby
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Our Miracle Baby

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Are you waiting for a breakthrough or a powerful move of God in any area of your life? Do you sometimes feel left out, as others seem to get with ease what you've prayed for long to

Release dateMay 9, 2022
Our Miracle Baby

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    Our Miracle Baby - Lucia Williams

    Our Miracle Baby: Dare to Believe

    Copyright © ٢٠٢٢ by Lucia Williams

    Paperback ISBN: 978-1-957809-06-9

    eBook ISBN: 978-1-957809-07-6

    Printed in the United States of America. All rights reserved solely by the author. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, without the written permission of the author.

    Unless otherwise indicated, Bible quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission.

    Published By Cornerstone Publishing

    [email protected]


    To order bulk copies of this book, or to contact the author please send email to: [email protected]

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    Follow me on Instagram @rhodeslk.williams


    To my husband, who is not only walking this journey with me but has been my never-ending support. I am amazed by your unwavering strength and faith in God. Thank you for staying up with me.

    To my mother - my heart, my mirror - thank you for your wisdom. Thank you for instilling in me what it means to look to God and to know that no matter the storm, He will bring me out. You refuse to be moved by people but only by the word of God and by His promises.

    To my father, I love you. You instilled in me discipline and I want you to know that your sacrifices are paying off in us.

    To my brother, distance has never weakened the bond between us and I am grateful. You are my inspiration. Thank you for helping with the beautiful artistic cover page concept.

    To the WOMAN who inspired me to start this journey, you will carry your children and your home will be filled with giggles and the joy of healthy children, in Jesus’ name.


    I would like to first acknowledge God in my life. Without Jesus, I am truly nothing. In Him I can do all things. I am thankful to my family, immediate and extended; as well as my in-laws, who I do not consider in-laws but my family.

    I am grateful to the following people, who at one point or the other, offered support by words or actions throughout this journey: The Stevens family, the Joseph family, Aunty Cecelia, Esthella, Fumi, Freda, Bimpe, Rachel, Ramatu, Malcolm, Elvis, Basil, Kwaku, Quee, Agnes, Aramide, P. Simon and Adreen.

    A very big thank you to the Asante and the Baah families. You’ve been invested in my journey as if I were your blood sister.

    Thank you, A.S., for your testimony.

    This life is not meant to be done alone and you all are a testament to this. God bless you and may your lives lack no good thing.


    Author’s Preface

    Chapter 1: Delay, Not Denial

    Chapter 2: Seeking Medical Solutions

    Chapter 3: Minor Setback

    Chapter 4: The Waiting Period (When Things Don’t Go As Planned)

    Chapter 5: Curbing Negative Emotions

    Chapter 6: The Snare Of Resentment

    Chapter 7: Rising Above Discouragement

    Chapter 8: The Inspiring Case Of Rumbidzai

    Chapter 9: Standing On The Promises

    Chapter 10: Dare To Believe

    Prayer Section


    About The Author

    Author’s Preface

    It all began with a dream. In that dream, I saw a lady dressed in a flowing A-line skirt, standing with her back towards me. I recognized her as a member of the church I attend. Next to her were three children, two boys and a girl. The girl was the oldest, half as tall as her mother, maybe 10 years old and the two boys were about seven and five years of age. They were happy and the five-year-old was being just that - playful and running up and down. Then, I woke up.

    For many days thereafter I tossed the idea of narrating the dream to the lady whom God had shown me her children. In reality, since I started attending the church, I had never seen her with a child of her own. So, I took that dream as a confirmation from God that she will testify someday soon.

    Interestingly, until that time, I had not paid much attention to the lady. With the divine message I received, however, she became a subject of interest. I saw her often because she was a regular attendant in church. On some days, she was all smiles, even cracking jokes; on others, she was just okay. There were times however that I perceived a deep sense of sadness coming from her, even though she tried so hard to hide it. And then, there were days marked by odd outburst of tears.

    One day, I overheard her say to a new mother, May your blessing rub off onto me.

    This further confirmed my dream and the impressions I had formed about her. Of course, her countenance and emotions could very well be unrelated but with all I had seen and heard in connection to her, I was sure she was waiting on God for the fruit of the womb. I am no mind reader but as the saying goes, It takes one to know one.

    You may wonder why I didn’t attempt to reach out to this woman in her vulnerable moments to offer support. The answer is that in Black/African culture, we do not speak of these things openly; only the family elders deal with such deep issues. In essence, my upbringing made me not to reach out to her, especially when the two of us were not close. In many African communities, you do not ask such questions, unless you’re privileged to. And if you do, there seems to be an imaginary line drawn on how often you can direct such questions. This was my dilemma. Yet, I earnestly wanted to ask her how she was holding up.

    After days and weeks of pondering over this lady, it dawned on me that she and I were not the only women waiting on God for childbearing. Many other women out there are yearning for encouragement and support on the same issue. But how can you show support to someone without necessarily making them feel embarrassed or self-conscious? Well, that is the purpose of this book. The Holy Spirit impressed upon me to write it to bring comfort and hope to anyone expecting the move of God in any area of life.

    Essentially, this book was written by divine direction to encourage those waiting for the fruit of the womb; as well as those waiting for any other blessing from God, those who feel they are in some sort of wilderness, those who feel they have done all they can and are almost giving up, those who have lost faith or the will to try, and those who may not be fully aware of all the helps available to them - medically and spiritually – for a successful conception and delivery. Indeed, this brief narrative will give encouragement to anyone in this difficult time while they continue to actively wait.

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