Resurrecting the Black Mind
About this ebook
History cannot be separated from the people whose actions give it substance. Unfortunately, Black/African people living in the United States have been miseducated about themselves for centuries. Regardless of the way history unfolds, one truth remains: the spiritual and cultural heartbeats of Blacks originated in Africa.
In a wide-ranging treatise, O’Dell Carr, PhD, shares enlightening discoveries about the history of Blacks and their contributions to world civilization. His observations, glimpses into his personal journey, and well-researched facts lead others down a fascinating path that highlights the events that simultaneously transpired in three worlds, determines how it fits together, and brings balance to the facts about the contributions of all people, ultimately helping us create a new consciousness not just about ourselves, but also others who share the world with us.
Resurrecting the Black Mind is a comprehensive study focused on bringing to light the contributions of Blacks to world civilization, most of which has been previously left off the record.
O'Dell Carr PhD
O’Dell Carr, PhD, earned an undergraduate degree in education from Philander Smith College in Little Rock, Arkansas, and a master’s degree and PhD in theology from the Texarkana Baptist Seminary in Texarkana, Texas. He has been active in ministry for thirty-three years, and is currently in his nineteenth year as pastor of New St. Mary Baptist Church in Camden, Arkansas. Resurrecting the Black Mind is his first published book.
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Resurrecting the Black Mind - O'Dell Carr PhD
the Black Mind
O’Dell Carr, PhD
Copyright © 2022 O’Dell Carr, PhD.
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This book is a work of non-fiction. Unless otherwise noted, the author and the publisher make no explicit guarantees as to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and in some cases, names of people and places have been altered to protect their privacy.
WestBow Press
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Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.
ISBN: 978-1-6642-6152-5 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-6642-6153-2 (hc)
ISBN: 978-1-6642-6151-8 (e)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2022905359
WestBow Press rev. date: 02/19/2024
Chapter 1 It Begins at the Beginning of the Facts
Chapter 2 A Suggested Timeline of World History
Chapter 3 The Five-Hundred-Year-Old Room
Chapter 4 Mass Media, Politics, and Religion
Chapter 5 Silent Voices
Chapter 6 Eurocentric Illusions Alive and Well: The Beneficiaries Versus the Victims
Chapter 7 The Greek Myth Versus the African Truth
Chapter 8 Concluding What Has No Conclusion
Under no circumstances should we cease to keep the African informational, historical, and cultural mechanism from churning within us and being poured into the minds and spirits of people who represent a nation within a nation since we are starting off five hundred years behind.
This work is dedicated to the memory of my mother, Jolene. She was most affectionately known by her children as Mamma.
On October 23, 2013, she took flight from this land of the dying to join our ancestors in the land of the living. She was born June 9, 1933, in a rural environment in eastern Arkansas. She spent her early years on sharecropper farms. Despite only a partial education—she did not graduate from high school—she possessed the unwavering determination to succeed as far as her gifts and talents would carry her.
She knew the joys of marriage and family life, as well as the bitterness of divorce. Mamma survived in a post–Ku Klux Klan, Jim Crow society. This society refused to recognize her citizenship because of the color of her skin, yet she stayed the course. Her working career spanned some thirty years in television factory production, until the failing health of her mother effectively ended her working career so she could provide care for my grandmother. She left behind many remarkable life lessons for myself and my siblings, impressing on us the need to strive for success and higher achievement, regardless of the many apparent roadblocks we would face.
She encountered the unthinkable when in June 1985, one of my younger brothers was shot and killed. She subsequently went on to direct into society five college graduates and two ministers. Six years prior to her passing, she bought and thoroughly enjoyed her dream home. This home became our new home away from home, and it still is. This small-framed woman of stern conviction and resolve gave me at birth the energy and fortitude to pursue this dream of writing, and for which I am deeply grateful.
I also dedicate this volume to those I choose to refer to as the many beautiful ones whose faces I will undoubtedly never see. Among them, however, will arise those who will possess the esoteric wisdom to champion the cause of the regaining of our African consciousness and restoring our historical awareness.
Books usually outlive their writers. They possess a power to mentally, intellectually, and emotionally provide readers with the experience of—in some sense actually being there—a new kind of reality, to a time and space that the reader does not physically occupy. By pushing the present mind into the distant past, the reader can connect present and future entities.
After many years of research, I became aware of hidden truths provided by iconic writers of world history. As a Black male living in a world dominated by a system of racism, racial imbalance, and oppression, I embark on this mission with the ultimate authority of the highest power to provide pertinent information and realities for today’s society.
The same power that makes the wind to blow, the sun to shine, and the rain to fall moves me to use my time, thoughts, efforts, and energies to become part of the wave of contemporary revolutionaries who never had the opportunity to voice their opinions in public forums. People who studied, struggled, researched, and sacrificed to make us aware of the impact our forefathers had in shaping the world. The very people from whence we descend gave the world the makeup of its civilization, its science, mathematics, engineering, social systems, economics and industrialization concepts, and the basis for belief in the oneness of the Creator—God.
This work may not gain the attention of the masses, yet I am compelled to act as a voice crying in the wilderness of the consciousness of those who chance to read these pages. As I was so unaware of the realities of the world in which I have been living for over six decades, I feel certain there are millions of others who are just as unaware as I was before my discoveries expressed in this volume. My best intellectual efforts have been set forth in this book. My purpose is to reach the minds of those who mortality will undoubtedly not allow me to know face-to-face. Yet I see in my mind’s eye the historians, writers, public and private figures, persons known and unknown who have offered insight about the history of the Blacks and their contributions to the world.
History cannot be separated from the people whose actions give it substance. The truth that cannot be denied is that Black/African people in America and its holdings have been for many centuries miseducated about themselves. Regardless of the way history unfolds, for these people, no matter where they may sit on the face of this planet, their spiritual and cultural heartbeats are from Africa.
It Begins at the Beginning of the Facts
The thought itself is near criminal that we, the masses of the population—but most especially the African Americans—collectively live in this world either not knowing or not having an interest in its civilizational shape. By this I mean the vast majority of the human population has no real understanding of what has taken place. This continues to affect our lives. An untold number of books, authors, and experts have converged upon this subject in world history. Still there remains a multitude of facts that, when brought forth diligently through the combined efforts of African people, encourage us to take our places on the world stage. These facts will instantaneously change the consciousness of the Black race. When this rendezvous takes place, the world as we know it will immediately change.
It was the poet William Cullen Bryant who remarked in one of his literary pieces, Truth crushed to earth will rise again.
Then there are the words of Jesus, the Christ, who said, Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free
(John 8:32 KJV). Truth and freedom, then, are forever linked in one’s consciousness, and those who discover it will be free forever.
The Fact Impact
World history arguably comes about as a result of what the writers of Western civilization refer to as the onset and development of cumulative human activity in all the geographies of the known earth. We are told by the larger number of European and Europeanized writers that civilization among any people of any place or time begins when said people begin to express themselves in written form. Writing is presented as the benchmark of humankind’s accepted practice in establishing the definition of civilization itself.
After high school, I attended a historically black college in the South. I had little awareness of what content I would proceed to study as I transitioned from high school to college. My desire was to study the broader world, more than the one I knew from my previous experience and knowledge about the United States. I vividly recall the course and the textbook about Western civilization. My professor, a graceful woman in her late fifties, maybe early sixties, was well equipped with a motherly appearance and tone of voice. I can still see her face in my mind because of her influence on me as a young Black boy away from home for the first time.
Of course, with my background of the history of my state and country, I entered college with no real concept of Western civilization. Beyond the fact that it was a course I could choose en route to my undergraduate degree, I never gave thought to how cautious I should be while enrolled in it. My professor never mentioned that I should be cautious and aware that the Western civilization
presented to me in the published text