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Learning RabbitMQ with C#: A magical tool for the IT world
Learning RabbitMQ with C#: A magical tool for the IT world
Learning RabbitMQ with C#: A magical tool for the IT world
Ebook188 pages1 hour

Learning RabbitMQ with C#: A magical tool for the IT world

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About this ebook

This book is meant for developers, architects, solution providers, consultants and engineers, Primarily the book requires knowledge of C#, but it can also be understood by anybody with a bit of programming background. This book contains instructions on how to set up and Install RabbitMQ on Windows and how to use Web Management Plugin of RabbitMQ. It also discusses topics such as Exchanges, types of Rabbit MQ Exchanges and Queue along with Binding in RabbitMQ and creating RabbitMQ Users, Publishing/ Reading/ Deleting Messages Using C#
Release dateJul 18, 2019
Learning RabbitMQ with C#: A magical tool for the IT world

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    Learning RabbitMQ with C# - Saineshwar Bageri

    RabbitMQ Introduction

    What is RabbitMQ?

    RabbitMQ is an AMQP message broker, it is the most popular open source and cross-platform message broker.

    It is built on Erlang which is also used by WhatsApp for messaging.

    RabbitMQ is also a way to exchange data between applications such as a message sent from .Net application can be read by a Node.js application or Java application.

    RabbitMQ is lightweight and easy to deploy on premises and in the cloud. It supports multiple messaging protocols. RabbitMQ can be deployed in distributed and federated configurations to meet high-scale, high-availability requirements.


    Why and when should we use RabbitMQ?

    We should use RabbitMQ because it is open source and easy to use with many languages such as .Net, Java, Python, Ruby, Node Js.

    We can use RabbitMQ to remove some heavy work from our web application such as sending Reports in Emails, in Excel or Pdf format's or sending email, SMS or another task such as a trigger to some other applications to start processing.

    Nowadays most people do all this task into single application sending emails or SMS, reports which bit heavy task which is also handled by IIS if you separate this task then IIS will get more space (memory) to serve more request.

    After understanding a bit about RabbitMQ next we are going to Install Erlang and RabbitMQ on Windows.

    What is AMQP?

    The Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) is an open standard application layer protocol for message-oriented, the defining features of AMQP are message orientation, queuing, routing (including point-to-point and publish-and-subscribe), reliability and security.

    It was developed by JPMorgan and iMatix Corporation.

    Key Features

    AMQP was designed with the following main characteristics as goals:

    • Security

    • Reliability

    • Interoperability

    • Standard

    • Open

    Various Client Libraries

    RabbitMQ support various number of operating systems and various language and it has various clients for different languages such as:

    1. .Net

    2. Java

    3. Spring Framework

    4. Ruby

    5. Python

    6. PHP

    7. Objective-C and Swift

    8. JavaScript

    9. GO

    10. Perl


    RabbitMQ Setup

    In this part, we are going to learn how to setup RabbitMQ step by step:

    1. What is Erlang

    2. Downloading Erlang

    3. Installing Erlang

    4. Downloading RabbitMQ

    5. Installing RabbitMQ

    6. Starting RabbitMQ Server

    7. Enabling web management plugin

    8. Web Management plugin

    9. Conclusion

    What is Erlang

    Erlang is a general-purpose programming language and runtime environment.

    Erlang has built-in support for concurrency, distribution, and fault tolerance.

    Erlang is used in several large telecommunication systems from Ericsson.

    Referred from: Referred from:

    Link to download Erlang


    After downloading Erlang now, we are going to install Erlang.


    Installing Erlang

    In this part, just click on Erlang setup which you have downloaded to install.


    After downloading Erlang setup, just install it, after installing we are going to download RabbitMQ.

    Downloading RabbitMQ

    First, we are going to download RabbitMQ setup for windows from link:


    After downloading RabbitMQ, now we are going to Install RabbitMQ.

    Installing RabbitMQ

    In this part just click on RabbitMQ setup which you have downloaded to install.


    After installing Rabbit MQ, search RabbitMQ command prompt and open it with admin

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