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The Secrets of Happiness
The Secrets of Happiness
The Secrets of Happiness
Ebook92 pages1 hour

The Secrets of Happiness

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About this ebook

Be happy, enjoy more joie de vivre, that's what many want. Not in vain many wisdom, sayings and philosophers deal with it. But how can we be happy, especially when circumstances prevent it? The first step: make a decision! Luck is not a stroke of luck but above all a matter of thought and inner attitude. In this book, we explain how to achieve it.

Release dateApr 10, 2022
The Secrets of Happiness

Guillermo Pegoraro

Guillermo Horacio Pegoraro(Córdoba – Argentina, 1966). Licenciado en Comunicación Social. Licenciado en Psicología. Autor de libros con relatos psicológicos como: “Sin códigos”, “Zapatitos de cristal”, “Cápsula del tiempo”, “Talón de Aquiles”, “Te perdono” “Relatos de alcoba” y “La leyenda de Crhist”. Ha recibido diversas menciones y premios por su trabajo en certámenes literarios del ámbito internacional (Argentina, Chile, Perú, Uruguay, Venezuela, Colombia, México, España y Estados Unidos). Dirige la página “Te perdono” donde brinda asesoramiento psicológico gratuito a personas con problemas sentimentales.

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    Book preview

    The Secrets of Happiness - Guillermo Pegoraro

    The secrets

    of happiness

    Guillermo H. Pegoraro

    Smashwords Edition

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    Chap.1 Staying in the Present

    Chap.2 Try new things

    Chap.3 Feeling positive

    Chap.4 Overcome procrastination

    Chap.5 Be resilient

    Chap.6 Achieving inner peace

    Chap.7 Strengthen self-esteem

    Chap. 1

    stay in the present

    The rule enjoy the present in the language of psychology means: enjoy the ice cream that is in your hand, and it is here and now.

    Here is the only PLACE you need to live in, and now, this is the TIME you need to live in.

    The power of life is manifested exclusively in the present.

    Living in the moment dispels regrets, overcomes anxiety, and reduces stress.

    Focus on what YOU DO (here and now), and not on what you have done in the past or will do in the future.

    Remember that for a wise man every day a new life opens.

    Happiness is not found in years, months, weeks, or days, it is presented and exists only at the moment, or rather, here and now!

    Take from the present what is rightfully yours.

    What really belongs to you is moments of now time. Only from the position of now can one truly enjoy life, feel its beauty, feel its harmony.

    The man runs through life; picking up more and more speed -yesterday he was 20, 25, 30 years old, tomorrow... 40, 45, 50... Sometimes he doesn't have time to stop, enjoy what he has achieved, or look back on the path he has covered. A person becomes a workaholic, that is, he no longer sees anything in his life except his work.

    Remember that our earthly life is too short and precious to be wasted on unpleasant memories.

    It is estimated that with an average human life expectancy of 76 years (which is about 4 thousand weeks), 1/3 of the time is spent sleeping and there are only 2660 weeks left, which is only 64 thousand hours!

    Do not cross the bridge until you have reached it.

    Learn: first, deal with problems as they arise, and second, separate from them when they disappear.

    Unfortunately, for many, today is the tomorrow that they worried about yesterday.

    Unfortunately, there are many people whose lives are filled with terrible misfortunes, most of which never happened.

    Do not worry prematurely about those events that have not yet happened, and do not worry about what does not concern you.

    The life of a person at his age is a step forward on a path that has no end.

    Having a spiritual nature, human life has no end. She is endless. The realization of this fact inspires and makes a person truly immortal. You must believe that your future is a process of rejuvenation, not progressive aging. Your age (what you have) is only the beginning of the flowering of wisdom, strength, and spiritual and physical strength.

    Earthly death does not mean the end of everything, but the beginning of a new way of life. People think that there is birth, development, maturity, old age, and death. Others think differently: what people usually call death is nothing more than a departure to a new place of residence, a transition to a new quality, to other dimensions of life.

    Learn to love the time you spend doing your job.

    If a third of your life - work-time - you are doing something you do not like and you are in a resistance suit (on which others see the inscription: Ready to be anywhere but not here!), then this will necessarily negatively affect the remaining two-thirds of his life.

    If you hate those conventional eight hours you work, such an emotional state will necessarily have early negative consequences for your mental and physical health.

    Remember that time is perhaps the only thing that cannot be returned.

    It is quite appropriate to give here a fragment of a conversation between a rich man and a wise man when the former addresses the latter with a prayer: I will give you a billion dollars, but… give it back yesterday! Unfortunately, this is something that unfortunately cannot be returned.

    Learn from the position of the present to positively evaluate your past.

    This is important because it is past experience that will allow you to avoid repeated mistakes. The attitude towards past experience is the most important indicator of a person's wisdom.

    The past is the story of your life, love your story, because, first, it is unique and unrepeatable, and second, it is yours, and not someone else's story.

    Remember that not only does the past affect the present, but the present also changes the past!

    Inside each of us, there is a huge store of past images and feelings, the memory of our failures and victories. Like tape recordings, these feelings and images are recorded in our brains. There are stories with happy and unhappy endings. You choose which of them put back.

    As psychologists have established, these records (engrams) can be changed and modified in the same way as records on magnetic tape, when additional material is introduced to them, whole pieces are replaced.

    This is very encouraging because it gives reason to believe that the difficult, unhappy experiences, the traumas of childhood, are not eternal or fatal, as some scientists recently tried to assure us. We now know that the past not only influences the present, but the present also changes the past. In other words, there is no curse of the past at all, it does not predetermine the present once and for all.

    Remember that the future depends entirely on yourself, on what you can do in the present.

    The past may explain how you got to where you are now, but where you go from now on is entirely up to you.

    When you hear the music you don't like, it

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