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Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations - Volume II
Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations - Volume II
Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations - Volume II
Ebook692 pages9 hours

Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations - Volume II

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About this ebook

A random selection of quotes and commentary from Corey Wayne's articles and video coaching newsletters on pickup, dating, relationships, success mindsets, self-reliance, personal responsibility, philosophy, purpose, negotiation, health, inspiration, high achievement, goal setting, time management, career, entrepreneurship, wealth creation and sales.
Release dateMar 1, 2022
Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations - Volume II

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    Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations - Volume II - Corey Wayne


    For many years, my readers, listeners and viewers have been asking me to write a book of quotes that is a compilation of the self-help quotes I have written for my website articles and video coaching newsletters. I didn’t want to just do a book of quotes and me reading them for the audio book. So, what I’ve tried to do is create a useful blend of me reading the quotes like I do on camera at the beginning of my video coaching newsletters and add freestyle ruminations and contemplations in a stream of consciousness style format that my viewers and listeners have told me they really love about my delivery and style.

    This book is a random selection of quotes and commentary from my articles and video coaching newsletters on pickup, dating, relationships, success mindsets, self-reliance, personal responsibility, philosophy, purpose, negotiation, health, inspiration, high achievement, goal setting, time management, career, entrepreneurship, wealth creation and sales.

    My intent with this book is to create a useful learning and inspirational tool that you can listen to or read in the gym, car, home, office or leisure activity to help you implement and master the self-reliance concepts taught in my first book, How To Be A 3% Man, Winning The Heart Of The Woman Of Your Dreams, and my second book, Mastering Yourself, How To Align Your Life With Your True Calling And Reach Your Full Potential. I hope that you find it useful, insightful, enlightening and inspiring and come back to it over and over to read and/or listen to it 10-15 times like all of my most successful students do to get the best results.

    Great success comes from being a great student and applying what you learn on a daily basis in order to try and get a little better each and every day. Most importantly, try to find a way to have fun while you are working to create the life and lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of.

    I have also included the original article titles from each quote, so you can use a search engine to find and read the original articles and watch any related videos. My assistants have also added a QR code for each article to make navigation from the print and digital versions to my website,, quick and easy.


    Overcoming Job & Relationship Loss

    Everyone gets tested in life. It’s through our trials, tribulations, and challenges that we are forced to become more than we are today. The only constant in life is change. You may lose your job overnight. Your lover may leave you when you thought your relationship was solid. Someone close to you may die unexpectedly. Changes in the market or business climate may destroy your successful and lucrative business seemingly overnight. It’s easy and natural to feel like you want to give up and quit when calamity happens. The reality is that everyone you love and everything you build in life will eventually die and dissolve. If you’re still here, then it means your journey is not over, and you still have more to do. More successes to be had. More achievements and goals to be accomplished. When life seems hopeless, you can either let your circumstances paralyze and define you, or you can choose to take action towards what you want to create. If you choose to persist, recover, and move forward, then you have accepted the challenge to become better, stronger, and more adaptable to life. Therefore, anything is possible for you. Nothing is impossible for a person who refuses to give up. ~ Coach Corey Wayne

    This is definitely something I have struggled with my whole life, and quite frankly, it's a mental battle every day. Because I'm always striving to achieve audacious and extremely ridiculous goals in the eyes of most average people. And the reality is, success is long in coming. And even though I teach this stuff and I live this stuff and I have for many decades, every day is a battle—whether it's taking the time to work out, to do cardio, to eat healthy, to spend time with friends and family, to take time for myself, to take time to help others, to take time on growing something inside my business, or trying to change and adapt to market conditions. Especially this past year with everything that's happened with Covid, and all of the lockdowns, and all of the people that I know who have had their lives and businesses totally destroyed.

    And then you see these clowns that are supposed to be our leaders doing nothing to help people. They talk about how they're going to help people, and then they point the finger and blame each other for the fact that they're not helping anyone. And the reality is, you have to look at this and just remember that nobody is coming to save you; you have to do it yourself. If you want to get from where you are right now to where you want to be in the future, it is up to you. One hundred percent of your efforts and your actions are going to determine where you end up in the future.

    It's totally up to you. Nobody can do it for you. Because as soon as you start depending on other people or circumstances outside of yourself changing to fix your life, or fix your problem, or solve your problem, or help you overcome a challenge, you then have absolved yourself from any personal responsibility for making the changes and taking the actions that are required to go from where you are to where you want to be. If you totally depend upon yourself and blame yourself for your failures as well as your successes, then everything that is in your life is your personal responsibility.

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    The Gift Of Hard Times

    One of our six human needs is certainty. We need to know that we have a roof over our heads, can pay our bills, get what we want in life, etc. However, when we don’t have certainty about our future, we often will compromise our values and goals and settle for something that is less than ideal in order to gain some sense of certainty and comfort. Sometimes in life, you have to do things you hate for a period of time until you can create the conditions that enable you to do what you love. Just like a minimum-wage entry-level job should only be a temporary steppingstone in a long career, instead of a permanent destination, you should never stop working on your side hustle when you are forced to temporarily do something you hate until you can do what you love. Otherwise, settling for mediocrity will become a way of life and permanent condition, instead of a temporary stop on your long life journey. ~ Coach Corey Wayne

    Success is a process, and if you're unhappy in your career or you started a business on the side, it’s going to take time to get from where you are to where you want to be. It’s going to cost way more money and way more time than you've estimated that it's going to take. That’s reality. Anytime I’ve put time frames on businesses or careers or things I wanted to accomplish—especially when you don't know how you’re going to accomplish everything, which is typical when you start out on your journey—it's like, you figure things out along the way. It’s like, nine times out of ten I usually don't end up hitting those deadlines. Eventually, I achieve them, but it always takes way longer and way more capital than I expected.

    The important thing is, no matter what's going on in your life—whether you're working for yourself, or you’re working for somebody else, and your employment or your business situation is less than ideal—you have to spend the time. You have to put the time in trying to grow your business, trying to grow your side hustle. If you're trying to change jobs, you’ve got to set aside extra time so you can put your resume together, so you can go do job interviews, so you can make phone calls to prospective employers.

    That's why it's always so important to know what you want, why you want it. And then always be looking at your life and measuring the results that you're getting, because if you're not getting the results you want, you need to be taking some kind of corrective action. Mediocre people, when they recognize that their job sucks, all they do is complain about it; they don't do anything about it, typically. Same thing with the relationship that they’re in that sucks and is mediocre—they complain about it, but they don't do anything, because they associate too much pain from moving on and being single, to find something else, or putting the resume together, or calling other prospective employers. They come up with excuses— I'll do that next week, I'll do that next month, I’ll start that the first of the year, whatever it happens to be.

    If you want to become self-reliant and you want to reach your full potential in every area of your life that's important to you, when you recognize that some part of your life is unsatisfactory, you’ve got to figure out what's unsatisfactory. You’ve got to figure out what you want instead, and then you’ve got to implement a massive plan of action to start moving from where you are to where you want to be. That's what high achievers do. Mediocre people just tend to ponder, space out, and avoid doing things they know they need to do—and that's why they never reach their full potential and never accomplish anything close to what a high-achieving person does.


    Fear Inhibits Us From Moving On

    Many people stay in relationships long after it is time for them to end. However, when they become fearful that they will never find anyone better or that they will never find anyone else, they will either stay and continue being miserable, or try to go back to their exes, because it’s easier and more comfortable than moving on. Staying in a relationship longer than you should or going back to a familiar ex does not serve you or the other person and will only delay both of you getting more suitable lovers in the long run. In order for a new relationship and a better match to manifest in your life, you must first create a space for someone new to fill. ~ Coach Corey Wayne

    Tony Robbins says that The quality of your life is in direct proportion to the amount of uncertainty that you can consistently live with. No matter what you're doing—whether it's a new career, a new business, a new job, a new city, a new relationship, ending an old relationship—we don't have crystal balls, and we can't predict the future, and we don't know what's going to happen in the future. And you have to get good at being uncertain about your future and being comfortable with it, because if you can be comfortable being uncomfortable, then you can focus on the work that you need to do today and each and every day going forward to move your life towards the things that you want to achieve, accomplish, and experience.

    And even though it's scary and you don't know when you're going to meet somebody new if you ended an old relationship, you’ve got to think back to, why did you end the relationship? And what’s your emotionally compelling reason for ending that relationship? And what's your emotionally compelling vision of what you want to create in the future? What kind of a person do you want to attract in the future? What kind of qualities and characteristics do they have? Because that's why you left in the first place—because you weren’t satisfied. And if you weren't satisfied then and then you go back to that person, you’re going to go back to being unsatisfied just because you allowed yourself to become overwhelmed by your irrational fears about what may or may not happen in the future.

    And that's why, when you get obsessed and busy, immersed in doing what you need to do today and right now to move your life forward, you live in the present moment, and you're not worried about what may or may not happen in the future, because you’re focused on taking action and being busy being productive. If you're busy being productive, you don't have the time or the emotional space and energy to imagine and worry about what may or may not happen in the future. The reality is the only moment that exists is the present moment. The future's not here yet, and you can't go back in time and fix what happened in the past, so focus on what you need to do right now.

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    The Weak, Dithering & Hesitating Beta Male

    Masculine energy is all about purpose, drive, mission, succeeding, accomplishing, achieving goals, breaking through barriers, etc. It’s also direct, decisive, and fearless. Women like men who go for what they want in spite of their fears and the potential for failure. A woman will always have more respect for you—even when she rejects you—when you fearlessly go for a kiss on a date, or you quickly get to the point and try to set a date when you meet her for the first time. The process to be successful in any endeavor in life requires you to not be deterred by failure or rejection, but instead look at it as a process of getting through the ‘No’s in order to get to the ‘Yes’s. ~ Coach Corey Wayne

    Men who are successful in getting the things that they want in life, they’re direct, decisive, they get right to the point. They don't dither, they don't hesitate. They don't try to fly under the radar and hide their attraction; they blurt it out and go for what they want when they feel the impulse. They act upon their desires without any fear or regret or remorse. They show up and they extend their invitations to women they have interest in, and they're okay with whether or not she says yes or no. To them, the important thing is that they show up as men and go for what they want.

    Men who are weak, who are unsure of themselves, will dither and hesitate, try to fly under the radar and act like a friend when their interest is really romantic, and they never seem to get to the point when it comes to asking for a date, nailing down definite plans; they leave things up in the air and hope that the woman will guide them and tell them what to do. Women don't want to teach men how to be men—they want men to know it and understand it before they meet them—and they’re repulsed with guys who dither, who hesitate, who act weird, who act creepy, and hold back.

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    Failure To Launch

    Most people live lives of quiet desperation inside their self-constructed prison boxes of their identities. Human beings tend to avoid rejection, failure, and not feeling good at all costs. One of the key ingredients to personal peak performance and your ability to achieve your goals and dreams is to become okay with failure, rejection, and setbacks. Otherwise, if you let your fears hold you back and hijack your life, one day, you’ll wake up and not like your life or the person you have become. If you spend your life trying to avoid failure, rejection, and setbacks, you’ll only end up living a mediocre life that is less than what you are capable of living. ~ Coach Corey Wayne

    Everything you want—all of your dreams, all of those nice cars you want to drive, that beautiful house that you want to live in, that great teammate and partner you want as a girlfriend, or wife, or to just casually date—it requires stepping outside your comfort zone and expanding and growing beyond your current level of competence and abilities. Most people avoid this at all costs; they avoid things that are difficult or don't bring them immediate pleasure or results. And, therefore, when it comes to going for the things that they really want in life, all they have is excuses and reasons and a story that tells them why they can't, or they're not capable, or they're simply not ready to start pursuing the things they want.

    And being 50 years old now, I've got lots of people who have come and gone in my life. Like, one of my old business partners always wanted to make it big in the music business, and he was right on the verge of it back when he was in his late 30s, early 40s, but because he was starting a family, he gave all of that up because his wife basically sandbagged his success. But it always fucking tortured him his whole life. He never really went for it, even though he played with some really amazing, well-known acts. And after we got out of real estate, he kind of half-ass got back into it and never really went for it because of the story that he was telling himself and his fears.

    And I know through other people that I've talked to about those last few months of his, one of the things he said is, You’ve got to finish. He just didn't finish some of the things that he really wanted to do with his life, and I look at that as a tragedy. We used to have these conversations, and he was like, Yeah, I need to do this. I need to do that, I’ve got to sell these jet skis first, I’ve got to get my house fixed, I’ve got to sell this other house, I’ve got to get my insurance straightened out, I’ve got to straighten things out with the IRS.

    It was always a list of excuses and a list of stories because, deep down, he was afraid that he wasn't good enough and, therefore, he wasn't willing to put in the time to really become good at it. He came up with a lot of excuses because of the pain and rejection that he had had when he was younger, when he just gave up on it because things weren’t moving fast enough. Even though he had all of this evidence around him and all of these big-named people he was playing with, he just walked away from it, because his wife was constantly chirping in his ear and he didn't stand up to her.

    He was just tortured about it the whole rest of his life, and it wasn't until those last few months that he was alive and on his deathbed that he recognized that, you know, he just didn't go for it. And he regretted it. You don't want to be on your deathbed thinking about all the things you didn't do or the things you didn't go for. At least if you go for the stuff that you want and you fail, you get better, you learn from it. But if you're not taking action, if there’s this really attractive girl you've always wanted to ask out you never do it, you’re always going to be wondering, What if? But if you go for it and you ask her out and she rejects you, at least you can cross her off that list.

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    Starting Over

    Sometimes in life, everything that you hold dear and that is important to you completely dissolves and falls apart. Even though difficult times can be very hard to get through, everything that happens in your life is happening for a reason. There are no accidents, and there are no victims. Before you can create an even better version of yourself, the old version must die. Every person and circumstance is coming into your life so you can fulfill your destiny. The key is to focus on moving towards what you love and desire by relentlessly taking action, noticing what’s working and what’s not working, adjusting your approach along the way, and finding a way to enjoy the journey to creating the masterpiece that is your ideal life. ~ Coach Corey Wayne

    If you look at life as not having any accidents, and there being no victims, and the buck stops with you, then no matter what happens in your life—even when it's often things that are completely out of control—high achievers, the way they think is that Well, maybe it was my thoughts. Maybe it was the tone of my voice. Maybe it was my actions. Whatever happens, good or bad, we drew it to ourselves through our thoughts, words, deeds, and actions. Because anytime you start to blame other people for your circumstances—whether it's the government, or the person you're in a relationship with, or somebody that didn't do what they said they were going to do—at the end of the day, the buck stops with you.

    Nobody is coming to save you; you have to do that yourself. Your life, your success, your failure, your goals, your dreams are your responsibility, and the only way they're going to happen and you're going to achieve them is by you taking 100% ownership for everyone and everything and every circumstance that shows up in your life. Because as soon as you blame other people for your problems, you become powerless to do anything to change them, because if it's not your fault, then it's also not your fault to fix it or do anything to better yourself or your life.

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    You Deserve The Very Best

    Most people in life tend to settle for the first person who comes along, and they also tend to major in minor things in life. Getting to a place where you have a great career or successful business, an outstanding relationship, are financially secure, and you have the freedom to spend your life in your own way is a long process that can take many years or even decades to accomplish. You deserve to have everything you want in life, and you deserve the very best, but not everything you want comes all at once. It’s a slow process that requires failure, learning from your mistakes, experiencing pain, rejection, and sorrow along the way. Since human beings tend to do more to avoid pain than to gain pleasure, most people are simply unwilling or too fearful to pay the price in time and effort to get what they want. Sure, you can find someone to have a relationship with and find an average, good paying job, but in order to create a truly spectacular life, it requires an inner patience and strong internal constitution that most people simply do not have or refuse to believe in, because their self-doubt is greater than their desires. When you are surrounded by people who settle for mediocrity in every area of their lives, they try to get you to do the same so they feel better about themselves and their choices. Staying committed to what you want requires that you have really strong and emotionally compelling reasons for why you want what you want. Otherwise, you’ll simply give up and follow the rest of the herd instead of being a leader and creating a spectacular life for yourself. ~ Coach Corey Wayne

    You should know, if you are listening to this or reading this book, then you’re way ahead of 97% of everybody else on the planet. Most people simply won't do what it takes to make themselves and their lives better; they won't take the time to grow their reserve of knowledge, and they won't take the time to develop their gifts, skills, and talents so they can become better.

    This is why perseverance and persevering when it seems hopeless is going to set you apart from all of the average, mediocre people over time, especially when you look at it over the course of a decade. Because if you take an average person who has given up on themselves at the beginning of a decade and another person who is also average, but the difference is they believe that somehow, someday, some way things are going to turn out in their favor and they take relentless, consistent action, they learn from their mistakes, they measure their results when their approach isn't working, they change it. In other words, they're slow to change their mind about what they want, but they're quick to change their approach and how they go about it. When you look at or you compare the two of them and their results over the course of a decade, that's why two average people, but one of them who's determined and persistent will go way further in ten years than a mediocre person that does nothing.

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    Money & The Choices It Brings

    Sometimes in life, you have to create companies, peer groups, associations, clubs, relationships, etc. where there was nothing before when you have a hard time finding people who understand and support you in your own social and family circle. Being a leader and visionary in your own life sometimes requires you to shed your preconceived notions about who you are, so you can become what you might be. The quickest way to silence your critics is to accomplish what they say you can’t. ~ Coach Corey Wayne

    There's an old saying in sports that goes, Winning solves a lot of problems. It is so true. The best medicine for haters is to persist and eventually succeed anyway. The reality is, when you're striving to achieve your greatest, grandest goals and dreams, everybody else, deep down, innately knows that they should be doing the same in their own lives. And when you are doing that in your life and they're not, it's a reflection to them—and it's a painful reflection to them—of how mediocre they're being in life. That's why you often get attacked, even by people who are in your inner circle or, oftentimes, your own family.

    That's why it's critical to your long-term success to have positive, optimistic people around you who always have a positive, encouraging word and tell you that you can do it when you're having a rough day and might not necessarily be believing in your full potential at that particular time. Because life is not all sunshine and roses; you’re going to have lots of days where it's going to seem like nothing goes your way. And the best way to get through those days is to put your head down and start taking action and lose yourself in the process of taking action. Because what happens is, when you come out on the other side, at the end of the day, you feel great and productive because you got a lot done.

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    34 Principles Of High Achievement

    Successful people think and act differently than people who live lives of quiet desperation and mediocrity. Our brains are naturally wired to cause us to move away from fear, danger, and uncertainty for survival. However, succeeding and reaching your full potential is a process that requires you to take action in spite of your fears and doubts. Overcoming challenges, pushing past your own perceived limitations and fears, is an unavoidable necessity and prerequisite to accomplishing your grandest goals and dreams. Managing your focus, mindset, staying in the present moment, and taking consistent perpetual action over many decades is a discipline every successful person must master. If you don’t master your emotional self-control, you will be mastered and dominated by your fears and never reach your full potential. ~ Coach Corey Wayne

    I was at dinner last night, having dinner and drinks with an old friend of mine. He's married and he’s got a couple of young kids, and he was just glad to get out of the house and just have an evening away from his wife and his kids and just hang out, have some beers, talk about the old days when we were younger, have some laughs, talk about guns, talk about girls, women we used to date, old relationships, old business partners that we had and people we were involved with. And it was really cool to hang out and catch up. And one of the things he said because he's also, you know, a real high achiever and has done really well for himself, was, he looked at me and he’s like, You're not normal, dude. He says that I'm not normal either.

    And it's true; high achievers are just different than most people. We think differently. And if you're listening to this or you're reading this, then you probably understand what I'm talking about; that you're usually the person in your family or your peer group that is several years ahead of everybody else and what they see and what they believe. In other words, you're doing things that people might find disconcerting, or unsettling, or intimidating, or maybe some people are even jealous of it, but a few years down the road what happens is everybody looks at you and sees that you were kind of a visionary and everything that you were saying and doing tends to come to pass.

    When you look at Steve Jobs and what people who knew him said about him was that he had a reality distortion field—meaning he could see things as he wanted them to be and operated and acted in a way that showed that he assumed it was just simply a matter of time before his hopes, his dreams, and his visions came to pass, oftentimes to the point where it drove other people around him nuts and made them feel like he was being unreasonable—but he always pushed people beyond what their comfort zone was and what they thought their own limitations were so they could achieve truly great things.

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    Fear & Acceptance Of Moving On

    Life is a continuous process of re-creating our lives, movement, change, personal growth, taking risks, overcoming fears, and stepping outside of our comfort zone so we can reach our full potential. The reality of life is it is always changing and never stays the same. People come into and out of our lives to give us experiences and to help us grow. Resisting change leads to instability, unhappiness, disease, and chaos. Embracing change and going with the flow is necessary and essential to your happiness, health, and enjoying life. You can’t stop an earthquake any more than you can change the weather, but you can adapt to the changes they bring. The more you can adapt to, look forward to, and embrace change, the more successful you will become at maintaining your happiness, growth, balance, and inner peace. ~ Coach Corey Wayne

    The truth about life is the only constant is going to be change. Nothing is going to stay the same; that includes your body, that includes your friendships, that includes your family, that includes your relationships, that includes all the people that, when you're young, you look up to them. One of the hard things that I personally have come to recognize as I've gotten older is, when I was really young, all those older people that I looked up to that made me feel safe in the world and gave my life in the world meaning and balance to me, almost all of them have since passed on and died. And that's a harsh reality about life.

    Life really is like a tragedy because you realize that everybody that you love, everything you build, on a long enough timeline, it's all going to turn to dust and not really matter. All those things that you're worried about today, in the future, it's really not going to matter. We’re all living in bodies that are going to die, but how many of us really, truly embrace what we are and try to become all that we can be?

    Time is going to pass no matter what we do. It makes sense to spend our lives trying to influence and become better people, developing our talents, our gifts, our skills, and growing our reserve of knowledge, and on a constant basis, negotiating on our behalf to earn more income, earn better job opportunities, better business opportunities, and better friendships. You always should be striving to become better in every area of your life that is important to you. Because, just like in nature, when something stops growing and contributing, it dies and is eliminated.

    The more you can add value to the world, the more alive you're going to feel, the more your life is going to feel purpose-oriented, and the more you're going to have and experience joy in your life because you bring so much joy and happiness to other people. The best way to happiness is trying to live your life in a way that brings other people happiness through your acts of service or through some kind of useful product that you create.

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    Getting Your Center Back

    In order to move on from a breakup or a dissolution of life circumstances that no longer serve you, you must first accept the reality of your life as it is right now, in the present moment. Once you have accepted what is in your life, you can let go of any attachment you may have to the way things were or the people who are no longer in your life. When you no longer have any attachments to your past, then it is easy to look towards the future with positive expectations of new people and better circumstances coming into your life. By having positive expectations and being open to what you want to create in the future, you now will create the necessary space for the right people and circumstances to effortlessly manifest in your life. ~ Coach Corey Wayne

    I heard when I was younger that once you accept your past and your flaws, nobody else can use them against you. In other words, once you have peace with yourself and within yourself about who you are, where you come from, and what's happened to you in the past, nothing anybody says or does is going to make you feel bad about that. That's part of what being centered is all about: being centered in your masculine core, (or feminine core, if you're a woman), living your truth, loving your truth, living your life the way you want, and be damned the consequences and the opinions of other people; they’re simply irrelevant. Remember, other people's opinion of you is none of your business.

    The most important relationship that you have is the relationship that you have with yourself. And as long as you're doing what you do because it's what you feel like you should do on the inside, then everybody else's opinion really should not matter. If you're satisfied and you’re content with your life, and then other people come along to try to make you feel bad for your life choices or how you are living, just remember, they're projecting what's inside of them onto you because they're not happy. And if you're happy living your life the way you're living it, the real reason that they're challenging you is because deep down on the inside they don't believe in themselves and they doubt themselves. And that's why they attack you. Because if they attack you and you're not deterred, then that means that you're a good example to follow, because you're centered in your core.

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    Getting Better At Dating & Seduction

    Life is a continuous process of interacting with other people who have shown up in your life on purpose to help you smooth out your rough edges, turn your weaknesses into strengths, and to facilitate experiences enabling you to reach your full potential in the journey of your life. You can either look at life as though everything that happens is a miracle or as if nothing is a miracle. When you view life and everything that happens to you as a miracle with a purpose, then you can see the universe conspiring to help you achieve your most emotionally compelling goals, and things tend to flow even more effortlessly. If you perceive life just happens to you at random, without any purpose at all, then life will always be a struggle and your choices will unknowingly bring you even more struggles. Life can be beautiful, or it can be a total bitch; it’s simply a matter of the meanings you give to the circumstances of your life. Choose wisely. ~ Coach Corey Wayne

    As I talked about in my second book, Mastering Yourself, what I try to do is really detail out all of the different people that I've interacted with over the course of my life that I learned something from. Because the most effective way to teach is through storytelling. And that's what all of my books are about, is telling stories where I can share a piece of wisdom, and then I can share the experience of how I either acquired that wisdom or I learned the lesson the hard way.

    When I was younger and I didn't know any better, I had a lot of people in my life whose goals and values weren't really aligned with my own. And as I became older and gained wisdom, I acquired new people who helped me achieve my goals and my dreams. And some of those people that were once really important to me when I was younger, they just kind of faded away. Because, like Wayne Dyer used to say, It's never crowded along the extra mile. When you're choosing to do really great, exceptional things with your life and reach your full potential, as the years and the decades roll by, you’re going to start to recognize that there's very few people on that path and on that journey. Very few people go for and reach their full potential in life. It's a tragedy, but you can also look at it as a testament to yourself and your mental ability and your intestinal fortitude that you kept moving forward; you kept learning even when you had setbacks, when things didn't go well, and when life was a challenge.

    That's what it takes to be truly exceptional—to persist without exception when everybody around you is giving up. As the years roll by, you’re going to realize that, if you're like me, you'll probably be able to count on one hand the number of people that are in your inner circle who always believe in you, who always tell you that you can do it. They're going to be really essential, because you are going to have times and days and weeks and months, cumulatively, where you aren’t going to feel so hot, you're not going to feel so smart, you're not going to feel like you have all the answers. And when you have people in your inner circle that can pat you on the back, pick you up off the ground, give you a hand to lift you up, and help dust you off, those kinds of relationships stand the test of time, and those kinds of people are the kind of people that really help you reach your full potential.

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    I Think She’s Cheating On Me

    "When we fear an undesirable outcome and solely focus on trying to avoid what we fear, we consciously and unconsciously take actions and say things from the perspective of acting as if what we fear is already a reality. In order to conquer your fears and learn to live at peace and

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