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Conscious Conservation: Less Doing, More Being
Conscious Conservation: Less Doing, More Being
Conscious Conservation: Less Doing, More Being
Ebook145 pages1 hour

Conscious Conservation: Less Doing, More Being

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About this ebook

Conscious Conservation is an antidote to the "doom & gloom" so pervasive in modern conservation! Are you feeling disillusioned, frustrated, or angry about the state of our planet today? Do you feel overwhelmed and unsure how to meaningfully contribute given the magnitude of the challenges we face in modern

Release dateOct 6, 2017
Conscious Conservation: Less Doing, More Being

Hayley R Adams

My mission is to educate, inspire, and empower others so that together we will be the change we wish to see in the world. I have over 20 years of experience in wildlife veterinary medicine, conservation, and issues related to One Health in Africa, and have had the pleasure of working with a variety of domestic and wild animals over the years. I created a charitable organization, Silent Heroes Foundation, in 2010 as a way of contributing to conservation & One Health efforts in Africa. I am a veterinarian, and have a PhD in wildlife epidemiology and virology. I am a board certified Diplomate in the American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine and the American College of Veterinary Microbiology. I currently teach conservation medicine and related courses at the University of Florida. I am a Certified Meditation Instructor, so that I may assist others in finding their peace, and as a certified Compassion Fatigue Therapist in order to better assist those in my profession who may be suffering in silence. Hayley R. Adams, DVM, PhD, DACVPM, DACVM

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    Conscious Conservation - Hayley R Adams




    Copyright © 2017 by Dr. Hayley R Adams

    ISBN: 978-0-9998557-1-3 (e-book)

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    Created with Vellum


    A portion of the proceeds from each book sold will be donated to support the Silent Heroes Foundation.

    For more information about Dr. Adams please visit

    Listen to her podcast, Conservation Without Borders

    Follow her on social media @drhayleyadams

    I dedicate this book to those courageous souls who devote their lives to passionately protecting, defending, and preserving wildlife; to those who feel their soul ignite when immersed in nature; to those who had a seed planted in their hearts as children, beckoning them to nurture their love for the wild; and to those who have indelible memories etched into their minds of time spent in the wilderness. This is for the conservationist in each of us.

    May we all rediscover the love that connects us to that special place in nature for which there is no substitute. May we all nurture the self within that knows, inherently and completely, the value of connecting with nature and all her beings.

    This book is for anyone who dreams of a brighter future for planet Earth. Those who work diligently and tirelessly to improve themselves and the world around them. Those who demonstrate compassion for all species and suffer as they witness the continued loss of our wild spaces and wild beings. You are all Silent Heroes to me. May you become your own Silent Hero in this journey.

    I would like to give special thanks to my editor, Erica Ellis, for the necessary scrutiny of my words that helped to transform my manuscript into a book, and to Hillhouse Graphic Design for turning my vision into reality with a gorgeous book cover. Thank you to everyone who has played a pivotal role in my life; the tragedies and triumphs have led me to exactly where I needed to be.

    Finally, I dedicate this book to Dr. Jane Goodall, whose compassionate heart and inspirational life have always served as my beacon of hope.



    Part I


    Unconscious Versus Conscious Conservation

    Part II

    Shifting Our Perspective of a Conservationist

    Shifting Our Perspective of Humans

    Shifting Our Perspective of Conservation

    Part III

    A Mentality of Abundance

    Less Ego, More Eco

    The Compassionate Warrior

    Compassionate Conservation

    Part IV

    Solving Human-Based Problems

    Inspirational Conservation

    The Deep Dive

    Intuitive Conservation

    The Way Forward



    About the Author


    I am by nature an introvert. As a young child, I was painfully shy and most comfortable spending time quietly by myself. I was often immersed in my own mind, a cavernous place for me to explore. From a young age, I knew I was destined to work with animals. Whereas I wasn’t always at ease around people, I was completely at home in the presence of animals. I adored spending time in nature. Naturally, I gravitated toward a career in healing animals and became a veterinarian. Over the years, I have had the privilege of pursuing my passion relentlessly, helping animals, researching wildlife disease, conserving wildlife and wild spaces, and supporting people in becoming good stewards of wildlife. These days my time is increasingly devoted to the preservation of all that has been naturally created in this world. Ironically, this requires me to spend the majority of my time in front of a computer rather than outside in nature. I have spent the past two decades researching, teaching, fundraising, advocating, and working diligently to preserve what is fast slipping through our fingers like sand through an hourglass.

    I still have a long journey ahead, yet I have come far from the frustrated conservationist I once was. I didn’t know how to navigate the seemingly never-ending struggle to find solutions to the overwhelming challenges of modern conservation. I resented humans for their destructive influence on Mother Nature. I often felt like a contradiction in myself, proclaiming the value of what one person could do to change the world, yet feeling as if I was powerless against so much negativity. But this was only due to my limited viewpoint. I could only see life through the filter of my past, my experience, and my own narration. I hadn’t yet discovered the limitless supply of awareness, intuition, and compassion that would transform me from an unconscious conservationist to a conscious one. I hadn’t yet discovered my inner self.

    We are human beings, not human doings. Our journey on earth is an opportunity to connect with our true essence and to connect deeply and purely with other beings. This connection is neither forged nor strengthened by how much we do; rather it is strengthened through our growing awareness of who we truly are and of our connection with the universe. This is the key to the future of conservation— a conscious, intuitive, and compassionate approach to restoring balance to our planet.

    PART I


    Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit. ~Edward Abbey

    This book was created to be the antithesis of what has become commonplace in modern conservation. It serves as an antidote to the doom and gloom surrounding our global environmental crisis. If you are disillusioned, frustrated, angry, grieving, feeling helpless or hopeless, feeling compassion fatigue or burnout, feeling overwhelmed and unsure how to meaningfully contribute given the magnitude of the challenges we face in modern conservation, read on.

    This book will help you transform your perception of and your approach to conservation through focusing on the inner transformation necessary to practice conscious conservation. It is not a summary of the various ways in which we humans are destroying our planet and its beings, and thus ourselves. It is not a criticism of the discipline of conservation as a whole. Rather, it is a call to turn away from the onslaught of negative rhetoric, beliefs, and practices that no longer serve us in conservation. This book is not an attempt to uncover the many conservation techniques in practice today, other than using a few as illustrations. For as much biodiversity exists on the planet, there is as much diversity in conservation.

    Conscious conservation is radical in its reliance upon the power of the human spirit to restore global ecological balance. It is an individual approach with collective benefits. Its power comes from within and therefore does not rely on the extraneous forces that we ultimately do not and cannot control. What we can do, however, is inspire transformation within others, as our own transformation causes a ripple effect in those around us. Over time we will begin to see the change around us that we have experienced within. By transforming ourselves through conscious conservation, we will create the world we wish to see through the power of inspiration rather than through force.

    Once the tenets of conscious conservation are learned and applied, there will be no desire to waste precious energy blaming and shaming those we perceive as the enemies of conservation, and no need to engage in defeatist tactics that spread fear, anxiety, frustration, and anger. We will be filled with inspiration, creativity, and compassion, and we will lead and inspire others with this energy.

    Conscious conservation requires a mindset shift into willingness. At this level, our minds, hearts, and souls begin to open to possibility, and we are no longer dictated by doubt and fear. We no longer expect to see the worst in our world, but begin to have the willingness to be open to the other side of the story. It is here that miracles occur.

    When we allow ourselves to see things with the clarity of the present, rather than the filter of our own past perception, what once was seen as an obstacle now becomes a challenge. And all challenges are opportunities for learning the lessons, for growth, and for transformation.

    Conscious conservation is revolutionary in that it utilizes a new framework for the human species. This framework removes the label of victims and villains, the mentality that blames ecological destruction on a certain group of people such as poachers, corrupt politicians, or money-hungry businessmen. When we utilize this victim mentality, we blame the problems we see on the actions of others and thus it becomes us against them. We villainize others, make ourselves the victims (or the heroes), remain blameless, and thus are in no position to take positive action or to find an innovative solution. We must be willing to drop this mentality and to reframe the problems we see in conservation as challenges that have no winners or losers.

    This in no way implies that we agree with the actions of those who are harming our planet,

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