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Summary of Thomas Erikson's Surrounded by Setbacks
Summary of Thomas Erikson's Surrounded by Setbacks
Summary of Thomas Erikson's Surrounded by Setbacks
Ebook56 pages44 minutes

Summary of Thomas Erikson's Surrounded by Setbacks

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Get the Summary of Thomas Erikson's Surrounded by Setbacks in 20 minutes. Please note: This is a summary & not the original book. Original book introduction: Too often it seems like our dreams and ambitions—whether it’s finally getting that corner office, lacing up your running shoes again, or building a flourishing relationship with your partner—are derailed by one roadblock or another. So how do we learn to take setbacks in stride and still achieve our goals?

In Surrounded by Setbacks, Erikson answers that question. Using simple, actionable steps, Erikson helps readers identify the “why” behind their goal, create a concrete plan towards achieving it, and—most importantly—avoid many of the most common pitfalls that derail us when we attempt something new. The simple 4-color behavior system that made Surrounded by Idiots revolutionary now helps readers reflect on how they respond to adversity, giving them the self-awareness to negotiate the inevitable obstacles of life with confidence.

PublisherIRB Media
Release dateNov 22, 2021
Summary of Thomas Erikson's Surrounded by Setbacks

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    Summary of Thomas Erikson's Surrounded by Setbacks - IRB Media

    Insights on Thomas Erikson's Surrounded by Setbacks


    Insights from Chapter 1

    Insights from Chapter 2

    Insights from Chapter 1


    The first is full responsibility, which means being solely responsible for your actions and the consequences those actions have. This requires total honesty and awareness.


    The author states that everything you do is your responsibility. You can’t blame someone or something else for your actions.


    To avoid setbacks and achieve real success, you must understand that you are the person who controls your own life. This attitude is far from new, and not everyone agrees with it, but let us examine some examples. When you understand that you are the cause of your own problems, it becomes easier to face them and find solutions.


    You are solely responsible for your inaction. You can’t blame others for your laziness or your procrastination.


    If you have that feeling, do something about it. You will feel more in control of your life if you stop waiting for things to go wrong and instead proactively address issues before they arise.


    You alone can change your situation. Nobody is going to do it for you. Stop waiting and accept the reality around you.


    Take responsibility for your actions and their outcomes. You can choose to make the best of a bad situation or you can choose to make the situation worse.


    You have the power to change your reactions and your behavior, regardless of whether you are a Red, Yellow, or Green. You can control your own reactions, and that is extremely important.


    The past cannot be changed, but it can be escaped. People often become victims because they refuse to accept their past actions and decisions, and instead dwell on them and continue to feel guilty.


    The past cannot be changed, but you can change how you react to it. If you are a victim of your tough childhood, destructive parents, being bullied, or having dyslexia, it is perfectly natural to be a victim. But when you encounter someone who is still stuck in the past, think about what they might be gaining from their victimhood.


    If you want to change your family’s financial situation, the best way to do so is not by being a victim, but by being a source of income.


    Excuses are a human trait, and they’re used to avoid dealing with the harsh reality. But they never take you anywhere; they just trap you in place.


    You can’t blame misfortunes or setbacks on the circumstances. You are the cause of your own failures and setbacks. You must take full responsibility for your actions.


    Grumbling and complaining

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