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Lucid Dreaming: A Beginner's Guide to Exploring Your Dreams
Lucid Dreaming: A Beginner's Guide to Exploring Your Dreams
Lucid Dreaming: A Beginner's Guide to Exploring Your Dreams
Ebook64 pages56 minutes

Lucid Dreaming: A Beginner's Guide to Exploring Your Dreams

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Have you ever longed to experience something you knew was truly impossible in your real life? Perhaps journeying to an expensive travel destination you have always wanted to visit, or accomplishing something even more outlandish, like flying over

Release dateJan 10, 2022
Lucid Dreaming: A Beginner's Guide to Exploring Your Dreams

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    Book preview

    Lucid Dreaming - Lauren Lingard

    Lucid Dreaming

    A Beginner’s Guide to Exploring Your Dreams

    Lauren Lingard

    Table of Contents

    Welcome to Your Dreams

    Chapter 1: The World of Sleep

    Chapter 2: What Is Lucid Dreaming?

    Chapter 3: Taking Control of Your Dreams

    Chapter 4: Benefits of Lucid Dreaming

    Chapter 5: Dream World Adventures & Interactions

    Chapter 6: Advanced Lucid Dreaming Techniques

    Let Go and Dream

    Welcome to Your Dreams

    Have you ever longed to experience something you knew was truly impossible in your real life? Perhaps journeying to an expensive travel destination you have always wanted to visit, or accomplishing something even more outlandish, like flying over the Amazon forest? No matter how wild your desires may seem in real life, nothing is out of reach in your dreams. We have all experienced just how bizarre our dreams can be, even unintentionally. We find ourselves in places we have never seen before, talking to people we have never even met. Sometimes, it has such an impact on us that we wake up the following morning disappointed that it had to end. We go back to our daily lives with limited opportunities and restrictions that prevent us from having these experiences. We wish we could recreate the dreams, but they elude us.

    Now, imagine that everything you experience in a dream is under your control. You no longer have to fall asleep hoping to see or feel something with only a small chance that it will come true. Since the dream world does not adhere to the rules of real life, you can experience quite literally anything that you desire without leaving it up to chance. With the right approach, everything is within your control—your actions, the surroundings, the people, etc.

    Since even regular dreams stump scientific explanations at times, it is no wonder lucid dreaming has been baffling the human species for our entire existence. Throughout the history of various cultures around the world, many references to lucid dreaming have been made. Many people used to think it was a skill special to them—a gift from the divine. Others associated the ability to control one’s dreams with a spiritual out-of-body experience. With our somewhat ambiguous current understanding of this phenomenon, people’s varying beliefs are not disputed.

    There are countless theories, hypotheses, and studies being explored on a regular basis in search of a solid definition that would completely explain lucid dreaming. Due to the relatively uncommon nature of lucid dreaming, scientists have yet to fully explain this phenomenon, but through science, experience, and history, people are getting closer to perfecting the art of lucid dreaming. Although there is nothing completely conclusive as of yet, people continue to eagerly explore lucid dreaming on their own. As they learn the necessary skills, they often become eager to provide others with resources that would help them do the same. They recount many experiences and abilities that are similar throughout nearly everyone’s lucid dreams, making it easier to construct helpful advice for those that wish to try it. With effective techniques, anyone can unlock what many people believe to be a sort of ‘superpower’ and extend their experiences past waking life.

    It is something that at first seems so unbelievable that experiencing it feels nearly magical. After all, it is the concept of being awake in a world created by your own subconscious. We usually experience a very clear boundary between being awake and being asleep, but with lucid dreaming, this boundary gets blurred, and our two worlds are blended together. For most people, this evidently takes some getting used to. Once they do, however, the number of things they can experience becomes limitless. This is why so many people wish to learn about accessing their abilities to control their own dreams. The awareness that someone gains during a dream and the ability to control the outcome of that dream makes the experience feel extremely life-like. With modern life leaving most people busy up to the very last minute of their waking lives, who would not want a fascinating, otherworldly extension of their regular life?

    Even more spectacularly, the benefits of lucid dreaming do not end when the person wakes up. Lucid dreaming has all sorts of positive effects even on the lives we lead while awake. Everyone who practices it is left with unbelievable memories and benefits to their minds. The ability to explore a tremendous number of experiences that are generally not available to people gives those who practice lucid dreaming a broader and more expansive outlook on life. Those who practice lucid dreaming tend to wake up and live life with a different perspective

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