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The Real 3R's: Respect, Responsibility, and Resilience
The Real 3R's: Respect, Responsibility, and Resilience
The Real 3R's: Respect, Responsibility, and Resilience
Ebook88 pages49 minutes

The Real 3R's: Respect, Responsibility, and Resilience

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About this ebook

These are not your garden variety lesson plans. They were written to include one plan for each of the 3R's with the inclusion of suggestions, links, and podcasts that the reader can click on to listen to. I have gone very narrow and very deep and tried to really hit a home run with the activities. I also included character qualities associated with each one of the 3R's and in the area of resiliency have included some activities and suggestions that are related to these qualities to be used in a classroom or in a home, and at the end there is a bonus course on how you can improve your school  climate for you as well.

PublisherJames Burns
Release dateJan 11, 2022
The Real 3R's: Respect, Responsibility, and Resilience

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    The Real 3R's - James Burns


    It has been over ten years since I wrote "The New 3R’s in Education: Respect, Responsibility and Relationships and a lot has changed. Bullying is on the rise, addiction problems are at a staggering high, cyber crime and bullying are in the news every day, and school related issues never seem to go away. I put together The Real 3R’s with one thing in mind; to try and give teachers and maybe even parents some lesson plans that address how to teach respect, encourage responsibility, and to build resiliency in our children. These are not your garden variety lesson plans. They were written to include one plan for each of the 3R’s with the inclusion of suggestions, links, and podcasts that the reader can click on to listen to. If you purchase a hard

    copy of the book I have included the link where applicable so it can be copied into your browser.

    I have gone very narrow and very deep and tried to really hit a home run with the activities. I also included character qualities associated with each one of the 3R’s and in the area of resiliency have included some activities and suggestions that are related to these qualities to be used in a classroom or in a home, and at the end there is a bonus course for you as well.

    I am an anti bullying specialist and consultant. I have written and designed The Bully Proof Classroom that is offered at The College of New Jersey and La Salle University. Why is it important to tell you this now? As you listen to the podcasts included you will discover that they were produced as part of Anti Bullying 101 a book that I had written six years ago. I offer anti bullying tips on my website, and I enjoy the process of creating podcasts on a variety of topics. Some of the podcast that you will listen to are announced with a date of the production, some were done on blog talk radio and may have and advertisement in the beginning, but all are very relevant today and at times they are even more relevant. Because of the bullying epidemic steps now have to be taken to address the needs of the victims of bullying. My hope is that these plans will address the issue of resiliency and help to strengthen the victims going forward.

    I see school related problems as intergenerational, and over the years we have compromised in many areas and have aloud what was once a small problem to grow to very large proportions leaving teachers dealing with student issues that may seem almost impossible to overcome. I sight these issues in an article that I wrote many years ago called Everybody Knows. You can access the article by clicking on the title or if you are reading a hard copy of the book I will include the link at the bottom of this page.

    Enjoy Jim

    Everybody Knows

    Lesson Plan One: Respect

    (Ask)What is Respect? – Having a high regard for the rights and privileges of another person.
    (Ask)What are some ways that you can demonstrate respect?

    1.) Introduce the meaning of respect. Emphasize how the meaning of respect is influenced by our experiences, such as in our families and community. Respect means more than one thing, and depends greatly in the context. Acknowledge how within the school context students are expected to act respectfully, but that without their help misunderstanding can occur and feelings can be hurt/people can get defensive.

    2.) Begin by asking students to discuss the Golden Rule: Treat others the way you would like to be treated. What does this mean to you? Tell students that when they follow the Golden Rule, they are being respectful and considerate of others and themselves. Have the students generate examples of ways they show respect IN SCHOOL. Write their responses on the board.

    3.) Create another list, by asking students how their families show respect to each other AT HOME. Write student responses on the board.


    Read and discuss a book, or watch a video that teaches about the quality of Respect Click here or copy

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