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Transformation: Maximizing Salvation
Transformation: Maximizing Salvation
Transformation: Maximizing Salvation
Ebook153 pages1 hour

Transformation: Maximizing Salvation

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What is the next step after the altar experience? This complete and concise study guide will provide focus and accountability for anyone who has made a new commitment to Christianity. Transformation captures detailed and simplistic explanations of foundational principles belonging to the Christian faith.

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Release dateJan 1, 2017
Transformation: Maximizing Salvation

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    Book preview

    Transformation - Trina Nichelle Moore





    When asked this question, most Christians state that salvation is accepting Jesus as Lord with a reward of eternal life in heaven. While the aforementioned is true, this chapter will examine the holistic nature of salvation for those who believe and receive Jesus Christ as Lord. While salvation saves one from sin and eternal punishment in hell, it is also intended to be in perpetual (continuous) existence in the earthly life of a Christian. This includes spiritual, emotional, and physical issues as well as any difficult or challenging circumstances one may be facing.

    Salvation is deliverance and preservation from sin and its effects, illusion (incorrect perceptions), and destruction (physical/emotional harm, wrong decisions, or anything that is destructive). Salvation also regenerates. To regenerate is to remake; restoring to a better state of existence. Therefore, it can be concluded that salvation delivers and preserves from sin and its effects, illusion, and destruction, restoring to a better state of existence. Salvation is holistic. The spirit, soul (will, mind, emotions), and body can experience salvation. It can make those who have received Jesus Christ whole. To be whole is to be made complete and entire lacking nothing.

    Think of an antique piece of furniture that is worn down and not in condition to be used nor seen. This piece of furniture will need to be restored before it is displayed or ready for use. If we allow God (the restorer) into our lives, salvation will remake and restore us to pristine condition (John 10:10).¹

    It is very important to understand that salvation cannot be earned through effort or works. Salvation is given to those who confess and believe by faith (Romans 10:9-10). But it does not excuse a Christian from displaying the fruit of their salvation. The fruit, or evidence, of salvation is obedience to the Word of God and the display of godly character (Galatians 5:22-26). The above stated is a direct result of a Christian maintaining their salvation, which is explained in detail in chapter 3.

    Definition of Salvation

    Salvation is deliverance and preservation from sin, illusion, and destruction, restoring to a better state of existence.

    Questions and Answers

    1.What is salvation?

    Salvation is ___________ and _________ from ________, ___________ and _____________, restoring to a _____________ state of existence.

    2.What does salvation save you from?




    3.What areas in your life need to experience salvation (regeneration)?


    Adam, Eve, and Sin

    God created the first humans, Adam and Eve, to dwell in His presence. He created a beautiful garden, the Garden of Eden, for Adam and Eve to live (Genesis 2:8-25). God gave them free rein of the garden, but they were not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:16-17). The serpent tempted Adam and Eve to disobey God (Genesis 3). This one act of disobedience to God created a legal opening for the results of sin to reign in the earth (Genesis 3:14-19).

    Sin is any action that is contrary to the Word of God. Obedience and disobedience can manifest two different outcomes. Godly obedience manifests the blessings (goodness) of God (Deuteronomy 28:1-14). One of the most important benefits of God’s blessings is the privilege and access to have a supernatural connection with God ALL the time. You can talk to God, and God will talk back to you. This connection will also provide you with everything needed during each and every season and circumstance that may occur in your life. Other examples of blessings include (but are not limited to) prosperity, peace, healing, provision, miracles, contentment, and

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