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When the cult of Nephaniel was just beginning, so was the advancement
of technology. While the world joins Network, an experiment comes to life!


Novella #3 of the puzzle.

Release dateDec 12, 2021

Christopher Besonen

Horror with a purpose.

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    Book preview

    Network - Christopher Besonen

    Chapter 1:

    Floaters, The First Offering

    Nephaniel walked down the hill to the stream at the base of the slope. The three floating bodies made him smirk. One by one, he dragged the corpses across the stream and up the incline across the way.

    At the top of the second hill was a series of abandoned mobile homes. Each one was metallic black and attracting sunlight. Nephaniel took the three cadavers and placed them in their places of rest. Once they were secured, he walked back down the hill, crossing the stream, returning to his commune.

    The building structure was like that of church, but without windows. The only light in the place emitted from torches that hung from the ceiling. The walls were a fortress of white rocks. Not only did the stones repel the ray from the sun, it also was invisible to the many eyes of the Velocirousel. He had heard their snarls when he was mounting the third corpse. They were predators for the ones who pray. Nephaniel had to be careful when exiting the home of worship.


    They were his family and he was their leader to their eternal destination. A place they referred to as, The Pit. It was Nephaniel who uncovered the whispered about realm. He was a boy who was lost within the woods when he came across the rusty scroll.

    Nephaniel was raised beyond the atmosphere of Earth. On a planet later eradicated by The Khartophinites. There, he was taught about a hidden entity on Earth. The rumored being became his obsession, he spent years seeking the one they taught him about. Nephaniel was born with a gift, one that allowed him to speak all languages of Earth, Earth’s neighbors and even the dialect of other galaxies. The only one he was ever unable to interpret was the Velocirousel. The carnival carnivores trilled among themselves with lingo of the abyss.


    Rejoice brother, for they went to a better existence. I loved them as my own. They were my own. They were called and they gladly answered. Be merry. Come and talk with me if you must. I’ll be in my closet.

    The closet Nephaniel was referring to was his prayer room. The space could be spoken into, but any noises that occurred within were silent to the outside. Only he was permitted entry. He often emerged with streaks of black decorating his body. He would slither along the floor while rolling over, speaking in tongues unheard by mankind. The dialogue of the one he sought. His flesh singed, but he was unharmed. He would then writhe himself up to the next chosen family. He would stand himself upright without bending any limbs and would mark them with the mark of ash. Sealing them as the next sacrifice. The creaky door of the closet opening both startled, and aroused, the group that followed Nephaniel's prophecy. Though it was a honor to be picked, death still frightened them. The ‘what if’ doubts exist with even the deepest devoted at times, but most press on in faith. This was certainly the case with Nephaniel and his people.

    The grieved, his name was Tretmor, the only living relative of the recently departed and new ornaments up the hill. He knew better than to approach the closet during prey time. He had tried it once before, which resulted in his death. Nephaniel resurrected him, but he internally wished he had remained deceased. He longed for the end, but there isn’t one. All go on in one way or another, he had seen all the others during his time inside the small area Nephaniel had just nefariously invited him to. He knew better than to accept.


    The door creaked open, revealing a fluttering eyed Nephaniel. He was muttering. His feet didn’t touch the floor, but he was hovering among the others in motion.

    What’s wrong with him?

    Corrina, quiet, Suzette mumbled to the inquisitive child of her’s.

    I have seen the light. We must gather more flock. We must offer more sacrifice. He that sleeps, must be woken. Just as we have been awakened!

    Blood dripped from no source onto the foreheads of Suzette and her child.

    You will be his bride, Nephaniel smiled, putting a hand on her shoulder.

    He then looked to her child.

    That thing, must be offered.

    Suzette nodded to show agreement, holding the hand of her offering.

    He is worthy, she nodded as she closed her eyes, shivering from a chill of enlightenment.

    Go and submit unto him what is his.

    Suzette led her child by the hand down to stream and held her under until the bubbles stopped. They had all shared the same dreams and knew the method which they were to use. Bubbles ending equaled completion.

    When the child was floating, Suzette returned to feast with her family. They spoke not of what she did, for they considered it a justified deed. A noble cause.

    He without life, wants to live. Once given life, so shall man see his end.

    A collective, amen, arose from those gathered at the supper. Then they all ate and were jolly.


    When the sun was coming to be in the morning sky, Nephaniel descended to the open eyed child of Suzette. He took the child to the same trailer as the others, then placed the girl beside all of the rest. He looked at the other trailers and smiled, only two out of four to go to raise the sleeping one. The others were burnt and conjoined together, waiting to be risen. There was still time to go, but every floater meant another spot closer to fulfillment of the buried's rebirth.


    Like the closet of prayer, only Nephaniel was given permission to leave the grounds of the compound. His flock were locked inside the structure with only one door to allot egress. The door was operated by a keypad that had no push buttons on the inside, only on the outside. To open the door from within,

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