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My Jesus and Yours
My Jesus and Yours
My Jesus and Yours
Ebook184 pages2 hours

My Jesus and Yours

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About this ebook

"My Jesus and Yours," goes beyond the New Testament, as it tells the story of Jesus.  The reader will come to a better understanding of the events that took place before his birth, during his birth, his childhood and his life as a young adult, leading up to his baptism in the Jordan River.  This book also provides a short review about different religions, which Jesus found fascinating when he visited the Great Library of Alexandria.  This is a very informative book for those wanting to know more about Jesus and his mission on Earth.

Release dateNov 21, 2021
My Jesus and Yours

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    My Jesus and Yours - Sharon Beecroft-Brown

    Before His Birth

    Before Michael's (Jesus ) incarnation on Earth, Gabriel, with others, came to our world to decide upon the best location, as well as the best average family life possessing intellectual and spiritual values. Gabriel decided a Hebrew family would provide the best setting for Michael in that time period. It had been Michael's plan to appear on Earth as an average man, so that the common people might understand him and receive him. Therefore, Gabriel selected Joseph and Mary to become Michael's bestowal parents.

    Before Gabriel came to Mary to let her know she was chosen to become the mother of a special child, he appeared before Elizabeth, who would become the mother of John the Baptist. Mary and Elizabeth were part of the prosperous branch of the same large family, so therefore, they knew each other.

    Elizabeth was married to Zacharias, a member of the Jewish priesthood, and for many years they were childless, until Gabriel had appeared before her in the month of June, 8 B.C. at noontide, three months after the marriage of Joseph and Mary, and later he'd make his presence known to Mary. Gabriel spoke to Elizabeth saying, While your husband, Zacharias, stands before the altar in Jerusalem, and while the assembled people pray for the coming of a deliverer, I, Gabriel, have come to announce that you will shortly bare a son who shall be the forerunner of this divine teacher, and you shall call your son, John. He will grow up dedicated to the Lord, your God, and when he has come to full years, he will gladden your heart because he will turn many souls to God, and he will also proclaim the coming to the soul-healer of your people and the spirit-liberator of all mankind. Your kinswoman Mary shall be mother of this child of promise, and I will also appear to her.

    Zacharias was skeptical of what Elizabeth shared with him concerning Gabriel's visit and her conceiving a son, until it became obvious, she was with child and he, himself, had a vivid dream that Elizabeth was to become the mother of a son of destiny.

    John the Baptiste was born in the City of Juda, March 25, 7 B.C. From his earliest infancy, John was judiciously impressed by his parents with the idea he was the become a spiritual leader and religious teacher.

    And, likewise, as with Elizabeth, Gabriel came to Mary a day before her conception and said, I come at the bidding of one who is my Master and whom you shall love and nurture. To you, Mary, I bring glad tidings when I announce that the conception within you is ordained by heaven, and that in due time you will become the mother of a son; you shall call him Joshua (Jesus), and he shall inaugurate the kingdom of heaven on Earth and among men. Speak not of the matter save to Joseph and to Elizabeth, your kinswoman, to whom I have also appeared, and who shall presently also bare a son, whose name shall be John, and who will prepare the way for the message of deliverance which your son shall proclaim to men with great power and deep conviction. And doubt not my word, Mary, for this home has been chosen as the mortal habitat of the child of destiny. My benediction rests upon you, the power of the Most Highs will strengthen you, and the Lord of all the Earth shall overshadow you.

    Mary did as told. She thought her son would become the Messiah and didn't share her son was of divine nature with anyone other than Joseph and Elizabeth. Upon returning from a visit with Elizabeth, she spent time with her parents, Joachim and Hannah and shared the news of carrying a child. Mary had two brothers and two sisters and she only shared with one of her sisters, Salome, that she thought her son would become a great teacher.

    Of course, Joseph was skeptical that Mary was carrying the divine messenger and her story about Gabriel's visit, until Joseph had experienced a very impressive dream.

    A brilliant messenger appeared to him among other things saying, Joseph, I appear by command of Him who now reigns on high, and I am directed to instruct you concerning the son whom Mary shall bare, and who shall become a great light of mankind. He shall first come to his own people, but they will hardly receive him, but to as many as shall receive him, to them will he reveal that they are the children of God.

    In these visitations not a word had been expressed about Jesus becoming a deliverer of the Jews, or the long-expected Messiah.  His mission on Earth was to all races and peoples, not to any one group."

    Trip to Bethlehem

    Joseph as a young man was employed by Mary's father in the work of building an addition to his house and when Mary brought Joseph a cup of water during a noontime meal, the courtship began. The tradition leading to marriage required a 2-year courtship. Mary's lineage included famous and remarkable women such as Annon, Cloa, Eve, Enta, and Ratta.

    Joseph and Mary were only married a short time when in August 7 B. C., Joseph had to make a trip to Bethlehem to register for the census that was decreed by Caesar Augustus for all the inhabitants of the Roman Empire. The census was used for taxation purposes.

    Even though, Joseph did not need Mary to accompany him, she was determined to go with him. Mary was close to giving birth to Jesus and she feared being left alone in case the child was born while Joseph was away.

    The couple was poor and only had one donkey for traveling. The building and furnishings of their home had been a great drain on Joseph since he was also supporting his parents, as his father had been recently disabled.

    Mary being heavy with child rode the donkey with their provisions, while Joseph leads the animal. They left in the early morning on August 18, 7 B.C. and camped for the night by the river Jordan near the foothills of Mount Gilboa. That night they engaged in the speculations as to what sort of a son would be born to them. Joseph believed Jesus was destined as a spiritual teacher, while Mary truly believed he was a Jewish Messiah, a deliverer of the Hebrew nation.

    On their second day, the couple stopped at the Inn on the outskirts of Jericho and spent the night.

    Early in the morning of August 20th, they resumed their journey, and arrived in Bethlehem in the mid-afternoon.

    The Inn was overcrowded and every room at other possible lodgings were overflowing. Upon returning to the courtyard of the Inn, Joseph was informed that the caravan stables, hewn out of the side of the rock and situated just below the Inn, had been cleared of animals and cleaned up to receive lodgers.

    Leaving the donkey in the courtyard, Joseph shouldered their bags of clothing and provisions and with Mary descended the stone steps to their lodgings below. They found themselves located in what had been a grain storage room to the front of the stalls and mangers. Tent curtains had been hung, and they considered themselves fortunate to have such comfortable quarters.

    After getting settled, Joseph had thought to go at once and enroll, but Mary was too distressed and ask him to remain by her side.

    The Birth of Jesus

    On August 21, 7 B.C ., Joshua (Jesus) was born.  Mary wrapped the baby in clothes she had brought and laid him in a nearby manger.  

    On the second day after the birth of Jesus, Mary sent word to Elizabeth that her child had come.  Joseph had been invited to speak with Zacharias over all their affairs.  Zacharias and Elizabeth knew that Jesus was to become the Jewish deliverer, the Messiah, while their son, John, was to become his right-hand man of destiny.  Since Mary had the same ideas as Joseph, they decided to remain in Bethlehem, the City of David, so Jesus could grow up to become the successor of David on the throne of all of Israel.  Joseph and Mary stayed at the home of a distant relative of Joseph for more than a year, while Joseph supported his small family as a carpenter.

    Many legends have been told about Jesus with the angels singing above his manger, three wisemen or kings coming to bring him gifts while the Star of Bethlehem guided them, has been exaggerated.  The events that actually occurred around the time of his birth were passed on by word-of-mouth and were eventually regarded as facts.

    What really happened is that angels did sing anthems of glory above Jesus' manger, but they weren't seen or heard by any human beings.  The three kings or wisemen were actually three priests from Mesopotamia, who had been told by a strange, religious teacher about a dream he had that the light of life, was to appear on Earth as a babe and among the Jews.  They searched for several weeks, until they came across Zacharias, who informed them about Jesus.  They found the babe and left their gifts with Mary.

    As for the Star of Bethlehem on the day of Jesus' birth, there was no star shining in the night-time sky.  Jesus was born at noon.  Nevertheless, on that night a bright star had not appeared.

    However, during that year there were three extraordinary occurrences regarding a bright light, which happened May 29, 7 B. C., September 29th, and December 5th in the same year.

    The Ceremony of Purification

    It had been the custom , for a Jewish woman after giving birth, to attend a ceremonial purification from the uncleanness of childbirth.  Since Joseph was deemed poor, an offering was given of two young pigeons, as directed by Moses, for the purification of mothers among the poor.

    Also, it had been the custom the first-born son belonged to the Lord, unless payment of five shekels to an authorized priest by a special ceremony. On the day that Joseph and Mary with Jesus were expected to appear at the temple, Zacharias (a priest) had prearranged with two remarkable characters, Simeon (a singer and a Judean) and Anna (a poetess and a Galilean) to have a special hymn, written by Anna and sung by Simeon, to honor Jesus.

    Joseph and Mary were disturbed by this announcement to all who could hear.  Joseph, especially, since he knew Jesus was not the Messiah of the Jewish people.

    The following is the Hymn of Redemption to honor Jesus:

    Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel.

    For he has visited us and wrought redemption for his people;

    He has raised upon a horn of salvation for all of us

    In the house of his servant David.

    Even as he spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets-

    Salvation from our enemies and from the hand of all who hate us;

    To show mercy to our fathers, and remember his holy covenant—

    The oath which he swore to Abraham our father,

    To grant us that we, being delivered out of the hand of our enemies,

    Should serve him without fear,

    In holiness and righteousness before him all our days.

    Yes, and you, child of promise, shall be called the prophet of the Highest,

    For you shall go before the face of the Lord to establish his kingdom;

    To give knowledge of salvation to his people

    In the remission of their sins.

    Rejoice in the tender mercy of our God because the dayspring from on high has now visited us

    To shine upon those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death;

    To guide our feet into ways of peace.

    And now let your servant depart in peace, O Lord, according to your word,

    For my eyes have seen your salvation,

    Which you have prepared before the face of all peoples;

    A light for even the unveiling of the gentiles

    And the glory of your people of Israel.

    Of course, by performing a redemption hymn for Jesus, stirred up much attention and King Herod caught wind of the newborn babe as being King of the Jews.

    When Zacharias and Elizabeth heard about King Herod's determination to find Jesus and kill him, so much so, that the King ordered all the male babies under the age of two to be killed and they sent word to Joseph and Mary.  The couple with Jesus travelled to Alexandria on funds provided by Zacharias and stayed with well-to-do relatives of Joseph.  They stayed in Alexandria for two years and didn't return to Bethlehem until King Herod was dead.

    From staying with his relatives and gaining skills as a carpenter, Joseph was able to become a building contractor.  He decided once they returned to Nazareth, he would pursue this as his profession.

    Back to Nazareth

    In October 4 B.C., Joseph, Mary, and Jesus along with 5 kinsmen

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