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FreeCAD 0.19 Black Book
FreeCAD 0.19 Black Book
FreeCAD 0.19 Black Book
Ebook1,297 pages10 hours

FreeCAD 0.19 Black Book

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About this ebook

The FreeCAD 0.19 Black Book is the 2nd edition of our series on FreeCAD. This book is written to help beginners in creating some of the most complex solid models. The book follows a step by step methodology. In this book, we have tried to give real-world examples with real challenges in designing. We have tried to cover most of the topics utilized in industries for designing. The book covers almost all the information required by a learner to master the FreeCAD. The book starts with sketching and ends at advanced topics like Path (CAM), and FEM (Simulation). Some of the salient features of this book are :

In-Depth explanation of concepts
Every new topic of this book starts with the explanation of the basic concepts. In this way, the user becomes capable of relating the things with real world.


Topics Covered
Every chapter starts with a list of topics being covered in that chapter. In this way, the user can easily find the topics of his/her interest easily.


Instruction through illustration
The instructions to perform any action are provided by maximum number of illustrations so that the user can perform the actions discussed in the book easily and effectively. There are about 1350 illustrations that make the learning process effective.


Tutorial point of view
At the end of concept's explanation, the tutorial make the understanding of users firm and long lasting. Almost each chapter of the book has tutorials that are real world projects. Moreover most of the tools in this book are discussed in the form of tutorials.

Projects and exercises are provided to students for practicing.

For Faculty
If you are a faculty member, then you can ask for video tutorials on any of the topic, exercise, tutorial, or concept. As faculty, you can register on our website to get electronic desk copies of our latest books. Faculty resources are available in the Faculty Member page of our website once you  login. Note that faculty registration approval is manual and it may take two days for approval before you can access the faculty website.

Release dateOct 30, 2021
FreeCAD 0.19 Black Book

Gaurav Verma

Gaurav Verma is currently a Full Professor at the Panjab University, Chandigarh, India (Dr. SS Bhatnagar University Institute of Chemical Engineering and Technology, and Adjunct Faculty at the Department of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology). He is a former CV Raman Post-Doctoral fellow from the Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA. His research focuses on the areas of applied nanoscience and nanostructured materials.

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    Book preview

    FreeCAD 0.19 Black Book - Gaurav Verma


    FreeCAD 0.19 Black Book


    Gaurav Verma

    Matt Weber

    (CADCAMCAE Works)

    Edited by


    Published by CADCAMCAE WORKS, USA. Copyright © 2021. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in the database or retrieval system without the prior permission of CADCAMCAE WORKS. To get the permissions, contact at [email protected]


    Publisher does not warrant or guarantee any of the products described in the text or perform any independent analysis in connection with any of the product information contained in the text. Publisher does not assume, and expressly disclaims, any obligation to obtain and include information other than that provided to it by the manufacturer.

    The reader is expressly warned to consider and adopt all safety precautions that might be indicated by the activities herein and to avoid all potential hazards. By following the instructions contained herein, the reader willingly assumes all risks in connection with such instructions.

    The Publisher makes no representation or warranties of any kind, including but not limited to, the warranties of fitness for a particular purpose or merchantability, nor are any such representations implied with respect to the material set forth herein, and the publisher takes no responsibility with respect to such material. The publisher shall not be liable for any special, consequential, or exemplary damages resulting, in whole or part, from the reader’s use of, or reliance upon, this material.


    To teachers, who make it possible to disseminate knowledge

    to enlighten the young and curious minds

    of our future generations

    To students, who are the future of the world


    To my friends and colleagues

    To my family for their love and support

    Training and Consultant Services

    At CADCAMCAE WORKS, we provide effective and affordable one to one online training on various software packages in Computer Aided Design(CAD), Computer Aided Manufacturing(CAM), Computer Aided Engineering (CAE), Computer programming languages(C/C++, Java, .NET, Android, Javascript, HTML and so on). The training is delivered through remote access to your system and voice chat via Internet at any time, any place, and at any pace to individuals, groups, students of colleges/universities, and CAD/CAM/CAE training centers. The main features of this program are:

    Training as per your need

    Highly experienced Engineers and Technician conduct the classes on the software applications used in the industries. The methodology adopted to teach the software is totally practical based, so that the learner can adapt to the design and development industries in almost no time. The efforts are to make the training process cost effective and time saving while you have the comfort of your time and place, thereby relieving you from the hassles of traveling to training centers or rearranging your time table.

    Software Packages on which we provide

    basic and advanced training are:

    CAD/CAM/CAE: CATIA, Creo Parametric, Creo Direct, SolidWorks, Autodesk Inventor, Solid Edge, UG NX, AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, EdgeCAM, MasterCAM, SolidCAM, DelCAM, BOBCAM, UG NX Manufacturing, UG Mold Wizard, UG Progressive Die, UG Die Design, SolidWorks Mold, Creo Manufacturing, Creo Expert Machinist, NX Nastran, Hypermesh, SolidWorks Simulation, Autodesk Simulation Mechanical, Creo Simulate, Gambit, ANSYS and many others.

    Computer Programming Languages: C++, VB.NET, HTML, Android, Javascript and so on.

    Game Designing: Unity.

    Civil Engineering: AutoCAD MEP, Revit Structure, Revit Architecture, AutoCAD Map 3D and so on.

    We also provide consultant services for Design and development on the above mentioned software packages

    For more information you can mail us at:

    [email protected]

    Table of Contents

    Training and Consultant Services


    About Authors

    Overview Of FreeCAD

    Installing FreeCAD

    Starting FreeCAD

    File Menu




    Close All


    Save As

    Save a Copy

    Save All




    Merge project

    Project information


    Print Preview

    Export PDF

    View Menu

    Create new view

    Orthographic view

    Perspective view


    Standard Views

    Freeze Display

    Save Views

    Load views

    Freeze view

    Clear views

    Restore view


    Tools Menu

    Edit parameters

    Save Picture

    Scene Inspector

    Dependency Graph

    Project Utility

    Measure distance

    Add text document

    View turntable

    Units calculator


    Addon Manager

    Navigating in the 3d view

    CAD Navigation

    OpenInventor Navigation

    Revit Navigation

    Blender Navigation

    MayaGesture Navigation

    Touchpad Navigation

    Gesture Navigation

    OpenCascade Navigation

    FreeCAD Interface


    Starting Sketch

    Sketch Creation Tools











    Sketch Editing Tools




    External Geometry

    Carbon Copy

    Construction Mode

    Sketcher constraints

    Geometric constraints

    Dimensional constraints

    Sketcher Tools

    Select solver DOFs

    Close Shape

    Connect Edges

    Select Constraints

    Select Elements Associated with constraints

    Select Redundant Constraints

    Select Conflicting Constraints

    Show/Hide internal geometry





    Rectangular Array

    Delete All Constraints

    Sketcher B-Spline Tools

    Show/Hide B-spline degree

    Show/Hide B-spline control polygon

    Show/Hide B-spline curvature comb

    Show/Hide B-spline knot multiplicity

    Show/hide B-spline control point weight

    Convert Geometry to B-spline

    Increase B-spline degree

    Increase knot multiplicity

    Decrease knot multiplicity

    Practical 1

    Practical - 2

    Practical - 3

    Practice 1

    Practice 2

    Practice 3

    Practice 4


    Starting part design

    Part Design Helper Tools

    Part Design Modeling Tools

    Datum tools

    Additive tools

    Subtractive tools

    Transformation Tools

    Dress-up tools

    Boolean operation

    Creating Sprocket

    Creating Involute Gear

    Shaft Design Wizard



    Starting part Workbench

    Primitive tools

    Modifying Object tools

    Measure Tools

    Other tools

    Practical 1

    Practical 2

    Practical 3


    Starting draft Workbench

    Drawing objects tools

    Annotation objects tools

    Modifying objects tools

    Draft Tray Toolbar

    Draft Snap Toolbar

    Draft Utility Tools Toolbar

    Practical 1


    Starting Arch Workbench

    Arch Tools

    Creating Wall

    Creating Structure

    Creating Rebar

    Creating Curtain Wall

    Creating Building Part

    Creating Project

    Creating Site

    Creating Building

    Creating Floor

    Adding an External Reference

    Creating Window

    Creating Roof

    Axis tools

    Creating Section Plane

    Creating Space

    Creating Stairs

    Panel tools

    Creating Equipment

    Creating Frame

    Creating Fence

    Creating Truss

    Creating Profile

    Material tools

    Creating Schedule

    Pipe tools

    Cutting the object with Plane

    Cutting the Object with Line

    Adding the Component

    Removing the Component




    Starting Path Workbench

    Jobs, tools, and generating g-code

    Creating Job

    ToolBit Library Editor

    Exporting Template

    Basic path operations

    Creating Contour Operation

    Creating Pocket Object

    Performing Drill Operation

    Creating Face Milling

    Creating Helical Operation

    Creating Adaptive Operation

    Creating an Engraving Path

    Creating Deburring Operation

    Creating Vcarve

    Creating 3D Pocket Operation


    Creating Copy

    Creating Array

    Creating Simple Copy

    Path Utilities

    Inspection of G-Code

    Simulating the Path



    Introduction to FEM

    Starting FEM Workbench

    Creating Analysis Container

    Static Analysis

    Frequency Analysis (Modal Analysis)

    Thermal analysis

    Defining Material For Solid

    Editing Material

    Applying Constraints

    Mechanical Constraints

    Geometrical Constraints

    Constraints Without Solver

    Thermal Constraints

    Fluid Constraints

    Applying Electrostatic Potential Constraint

    Applying Constant Vacuum Permittivity

    Creating Geometry Elements

    Creating Beam Cross-section

    Applying Rotation to Beam Elements

    Defining Shell Plate Thickness

    Creating Fluid Section for 1D Flow


    Creating FEM mesh using Netgen Mesher

    Creating FEM mesh using Gmsh Mesher

    Creating Boundary Mesh Layer

    Create FEM mesh region

    Creating FEM mesh group

    Creating Nodes set

    FEM Mesh to Polygonal Mesh Model Conversion


    Calculix Standard Solver

    Calculix Experimental Solver

    Elmer Solver

    Z88 Solver

    Post Processing in FreeCAD FEM

    Purging Results

    Showing Result

    Creating Post Processing Pipeline for Results

    Applying Warp Filter

    Applying Scalar Clip Filter

    Applying Function Cut Filter

    Creating Line Plot


    Introduction to TechDraw Workbench

    Starting A New Drawing Page

    Inserting New Page of Selected Template

    Redraw page

    Inserting View in Page

    Inserting active view in page

    Inserting Multiple Linked Views

    Creating Section Views

    Inserting Detail View

    Inserting a View of Draft

    Workbench Objects

    Inserting Annotations

    Adding leader line to view

    Inserting Rich Text Annotation

    Adding cosmetic vertex

    Adding midpoint vertices

    Adding Quadrant vertices

    Adding centerline to faces

    Adding Centerline between 2 Lines

    Adding Centerline between 2 Points

    Adding Cosmetic Line through 2 points

    Changing Appearance Of Line

    Adding Welding Information to Leaderline

    Working with Clip Group

    Inserting Length Dimension

    Linking Dimension to 3D Geometry

    Exporting Page to SVG file

    Exporting Page as DXF file

    Applying Hatch Pattern

    Applying Geometric Hatch to a Face

    Inserting Symbol from an SVG File

    Inserts a bitmap from a file into a Page

    Turning View Frames On/Off

    Image Workbench

    Opening Image in Image Viewer

    Inserting Image in 3D Space

    Applying Scale to Image on Plane


    Introduction to Surface Workbench

    Creating Fill Surface using Curves and Vertices

    Creating Surface using Boundary Curves

    Creating Surface using Edges

    Creating Surface by Extending a Face

    Introduction to Mesh Workbench

    Importing Mesh Objects

    Exporting Mesh Model

    Creating Mesh from Shape


    Mesh Analysis Tools

    Generating Curvature Plot

    Harmonizing Normals

    Flipping Normals of Mesh Faces

    Filling Holes in Mesh

    Closing Holes

    Adding Triangles to Mesh

    Removing Components of Mesh

    Removing Components by Hand

    Creating Mesh Segments

    Smoothening Mesh Model

    Decimating Mesh Model

    Scaling Mesh Model

    Creating Regular Mesh Solids

    Performing Boolean Operations on Meshes

    Mesh Cutting Operations

    Creating Cross Sections

    Merging Mesh

    Splitting Mesh Object

    Raytracing Workbench

    Installing POV-Ray Executable

    Starting a Rendering Project

    Adding Part to POV-Ray Project

    Resetting Camera

    Exporting Raytracing project to a File

    Performing Rendering

    Robot Workbench

    Inserting Robot

    Creating Robot Trajectory

    Adding Edges to Trajectory

    Setting Default Orientation of Robot

    Setting Default Values for Robot

    Adding Tool to Robot

    Simulating Robot Trajectory

    3d printing tools Workbench

    Converting Imperial Mesh to Metric and vice-versa

    Reducing and scaling mesh by 50%

    Scaling mesh by variable scale factor

    Reducing mesh by 95%

    Creating mesh box

    Converting mesh to refined solids

    Changing objects transparency

    Hiding or showing the selected objects

    Modifying objects to random color

    Changing color of objects

    Changing the line width

    Turning on or off the Bounding box size

    Defining Printer bed size

    Defining Die length size

    Defining the Scale factor


    Edit Menu

    Undo Operation

    Redo Operation

    Cut, Copy, and Paste Operations

    Duplicating Selected Objects

    Refresh Operation

    Box Selection

    Select All

    Deleting Objects

    Sending to Python Console

    Modifying Placement of Objects

    Alignment Operation

    Activating Edit Mode


    View Menu

    Stereoscopic Views

    Zoom Options

    Document Window Options

    TreeView actions Options

    Toggle Axis Cross

    Bounding Box

    Clipping Plane

    Texture Mapping

    Visibility Options

    Apply Random Colors to Model

    Workbench Options

    Showing/Hiding Toolbars

    Showing/Hiding Panels

    Status Bar

    Macro Menu

    Recording Macro

    Executing and Managing Macros


    FreeCAD is a parametric (history based) open source CAD/CAM/CAE software which finds its uses in various fields of designing. The software has a modular structure which allows to plugin extensions (modules) to add functionality to the core application. An extension can be as complex as a whole new application programmed in C++ or as simple as a Python script or self-recorded macro. You have complete access to almost any part of FreeCAD from the built-in Python interpreter, macros or external scripts, be it geometry creation and transformation, the 2D or 3D representation of that geometry (scenegraph) or even the FreeCAD interface. The software allows import/export to standard formats such as STEP, IGES, OBJ, STL, DXF, SVG, STL, DAE, IFC or OFF, NASTRAN, VRML in addition to FreeCAD’s native FCStd file format. FreeCAD’s installer allows flexible installations on Windows systems. Packages for Ubuntu systems are also available and updated regularly. There is a huge library of external workbenches available for FreeCAD on web. You can download free copy of software from web link.

    The FreeCAD 0.19 Black Book is the 2nd edition of our series on FreeCAD. This book is written to help beginners in creating some of the most complex solid models. The book follows a step by step methodology. In this book, we have tried to give real-world examples with real challenges in designing. We have tried to cover most of the topics utilized in industries for designing. The book covers almost all the information required by a learner to master the FreeCAD. The book starts with sketching and ends at advanced topics like Path (CAM), and FEM (Simulation). Some of the salient features of this book are :

    In-Depth explanation of concepts

    Every new topic of this book starts with the explanation of the basic concepts. In this way, the user becomes capable of relating the things with real world.

    Topics Covered

    Every chapter starts with a list of topics being covered in that chapter. In this way, the user can easily find the topics of his/her interest easily.

    Instruction through illustration

    The instructions to perform any action are provided by maximum number of illustrations so that the user can perform the actions discussed in the book easily and effectively. There are about 1350 illustrations that make the learning process effective.

    Tutorial point of view

    At the end of concept’s explanation, the tutorial make the understanding of users firm and long lasting. Almost each chapter of the book has tutorials that are real world projects. Moreover most of the tools in this book are discussed in the form of tutorials.


    Projects and exercises are provided to students for practicing.

    For Faculty

    If you are a faculty member, then you can ask for video tutorials on any of the topic, exercise, tutorial, or concept. As faculty, you can register on our website to get electronic desk copies of our latest books. Faculty resources are available in the Faculty Member page of our website ( once you login. Note that faculty registration approval is manual and it may take two days for approval before you can access the faculty website.

    Formatting Conventions Used in the Text

    All the key terms like name of button, tool, drop-down etc. are kept bold.

    Free Resources

    Link to the resources used in this book are provided to the users via email. To get the resources, mail us at [email protected] with your contact information. With your contact record with us, you will be provided latest updates and informations regarding various technologies. The format to write us mail for resources is as follows:

    Subject of E-mail as Application for resources of ......................... book.

    Also, given your information like


    Course pursuing/Profession:

    Contact Address:

    E-mail ID:

    Note: We respect your privacy and value it. If you do not want to give your personal informations then you can ask for resources without giving your information.

    You can get colored ebook of this paperback from bookstore on our website:

    About Authors

    The author of this book, Matt Weber, has written more than 16 books on CAD/CAM/CAE available in market. He has coauthored SolidWorks Simulation, SolidWorks Electrical, SolidWorks Flow Simulation, and SolidWorks CAM Black Books. The author has hands on experience on almost all the CAD/CAM/CAE packages. If you have any query/doubt in any CAD/CAM/CAE package, then you can contact the author by writing at [email protected]

    The author of this book, Gaurav Verma, has written and assisted in more than 17 titles in CAD/CAM/CAE which are already available in market. He has authored Autodesk Fusion 360 Black Book, AutoCAD Electrical Black Book, Autodesk Revit Black Books, and so on. He has provided consultant services to many industries in US, Greece, Canada, and UK. He has assisted in preparing many Government aided skill development programs. He has been speaker for Autodesk University, Russia 2014. He has assisted in preparing AutoCAD Electrical course for Autodesk Design Academy. He has worked on Sheetmetal, Forging, Machining, and Casting designs in Design and Development departments of various manufacturing firms.

    For Any query or suggestion

    If you have any query or suggestion, please let us know by mailing us on [email protected]. Your valuable constructive suggestions will be incorporated in our books and your name will be addressed in special thanks area of our books on your confirmation.

    Page left blank intentionally

    Chapter 1

    Starting with FreeCAD

    The major topics covered in this chapter are:

    •Overview of FreeCAD

    •Installing FreeCAD

    •Starting FreeCAD

    •File Menu

    •View Menu

    •Standard Views

    •Freeze Display

    •Draw Style

    •Tools Menu

    •Navigating in the 3D view

    •FreeCAD Interface

    Overview Of FreeCAD

    FreeCAD is an open-source parametric 3D modeling application, made primarily to design real-life objects. Parametric modeling describes a certain type of modeling, where the shape of the 3D objects you design are controlled by parameters. For example, the shape of a brick might be controlled by three parameters: height, width, and length. In FreeCAD, as in other parametric modelers, these parameters are part of the object, and stay modifiable at any time, after the object has been created. It connects your entire product development process in a single program that works on all the three major platforms viz. Windows, Mac OS, and Linux; refer to Figure-1.

    FreeCAD is not designed for a particular kind of work or to make a certain kind of objects. Instead, it allows a wide range of uses and permits users to produce models of all sizes and purposes from small electronic components to 3D-printable pieces and all the way up to buildings. Each of these tasks have different dedicated sets of tools and workflows available. Being open-source, FreeCAD benefits from the contributions and efforts of a large community of programmers, enthusiasts, and users worldwide. FreeCAD is essentially an application built by the people who use it, instead of being made by a company trying to sell you a product. And of course, it also means that FreeCAD is free, not only to use but also to distribute, copy, modify, or even sell.

    FreeCAD also benefits from the huge, accumulated experience of the open-source world. In its bowels, it includes several other open source components, as FreeCAD itself can be used as a component in other applications. It also possesses all kinds of features that have become a standard in the open-source world, such as supporting a wide range of file formats being hugely scriptable, customizing, and modifiable. All this is made possible through a dynamic and enthusiast community of users.

    Installing FreeCAD

    • Connect your PC with the internet connection and then go to as shown in Figure-2.

    • Click on the Download now button, the Downloads tab of this website will be displayed; refer to Figure-3.

    •Select desired Operating System and the type of processor installed on your PC. The software will begin to download.

    •Open the download setup file and follow the instructions as per the setup window. The software will be installed in a couple of minutes.

    Starting FreeCAD

    •To start FreeCAD from Start menu, in Windows 7, click on the Start button in the Taskbar at the bottom left corner, click on All Programs folder and then on FreeCAD folder. If you are using Windows 8 or later then direct click on FreeCAD folder in the Start menu and select the FreeCAD icon; refer to Figure-4. Click on the program name to start the application.

    •On starting the application, the initial screen of the application will be displayed as shown in Figure-5.

    File Menu

    The options in the File menu are used to manage files and related parameters. Various tools of File menu are discussed next.


    The New tool is used for initiating a new document file. The procedure to use this tool is discussed next.

    •Click on the New tool from the File menu or Ribbon or press Ctrl+N key from keyboard; refer to Figure-6. The new document file will open; refer to Figure-7.


    The Open tool is used to open FreeCAD files and import files of other CAD applications. The procedure to use this tool is discussed next.

    •Click on the Open tool from the File menu or Ribbon or press CTRL+O key from keyboard; refer to Figure-8. The Open document dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-9.

    •Select desired format of file from the File Type drop-down to define format of file to be opened.

    •Select desired file which you want to open and click on Open button from the dialog box. The file will open.


    The Close tool is used to close the current file without closing the application. The procedure to use this tool is discussed next.

    •Click on the Close tool from File menu or press Ctrl+F4 key from keyboard; refer to Figure-10. The current file will be closed.

    Close All

    The Close All tool is used to close all the files opened without closing the application. The procedure to use this tool is discussed next.

    •Click on the Close All tool from the File menu; refer to Figure-11. All the files which are currently opened will be closed.


    The Save tool is used to save the current file opened in the application. The procedure to use this tool is discussed next.

    •Click on the Save tool from File menu or Ribbon or press Ctrl+S key from keyboard; refer to Figure-12. The Save FreeCAD Document dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-13.

    •Specify desired location and name for the file, and click on the Save button from the dialog box to save the file.

    Save As

    Using the Save As tool, you can save the file with different name. The procedure to use this tool is discussed next.

    •Click on Save As tool from File menu; refer to Figure-14. The Save FreeCAD Document dialog box will be displayed as shown in Figure-13.

    •Rest of the procedure is same as discussed in the Save tool.

    Save a Copy

    The Save a Copy tool is used to create a copy of the file with new name. The procedure to use this tool is discussed next.

    •Click on the Save a Copy tool from the File menu; refer to Figure-15. The Save FreeCAD Document dialog box will be displayed as shown in Figure-13.

    •Rest of the procedure is same as we have discussed earlier.

    Save All

    The Save All tool is used to save all the documents opened in the application. The procedure to use this tool is discussed next.

    •Click on the Save All tool from the File menu; refer to Figure-16. The Save FreeCAD Document dialog box will be displayed as shown in Figure-13.

    •Rest of the procedure is same as we have discussed earlier.


    The Revert tool is used to close the active document and reopen the last saved version of this document. Using this tool, you will lose all the changes you have made since the last file save. The procedure to use this tool is discussed next.

    •Click on the Revert tool from the File menu; refer to Figure-17. The Revert document dialog box will be displayed asking you for the confirmation to discard all the changes; refer to Figure-18.

    •Click on the Yes button from the dialog box to discard all the changes.


    Many times, importing reduces lots of extra work of rebuilding the base sketch for models. In FreeCAD, we can directly use the CAD files for creating or manipulating the model. The procedure to use this tool is discussed next.

    •Click on the Import tool from the File menu; refer to Figure-19. The Import file dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-20.

    •Select desired format of non-native file which you want to open from the File Type drop-down; refer to Figure-21.

    •Select desired file which you want to import and click on the Open button from the dialog box.


    The Export tool is used to export existing file in various different formats. The procedure to use this tool is discussed next.

    •Select the solid part or sketch which you want to export from the Model tab of the Combo View as shown in Figure-22.

    •Click on the Export tool from File menu; refer to Figure-23. The Export file dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-24.

    •Select desired format of file from the Save as type drop-down.

    •Specify desired name for the file in the File name edit box and click on Save button from the dialog box to export the file.

    Merge project

    The Merge project tool is used to add the contents of a FreeCAD file into the active document. The procedure to use this tool is discussed next.

    •Click on the Merge project tool from the File menu; refer to Figure-25. The Merge project dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-26.

    •Select desired file which you want to add in the active document and click on Open button from the dialog box. The model of selected file will be added in the active document.

    Project information

    The Project information tool is used to show the project information in the dialog box belonging to the active document. Some of this information can be edited. The procedure to use this tool is discussed next.

    •Click on the Project information tool from the File menu; refer to Figure-27. The Project information dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-28.

    •Specify and edit the information about the active document as desired and click on OK button from the dialog box.


    As the name suggests, the Print tool is used to get print out of the model/drawing on paper using printer connected to the system.

    Print Preview

    The Print Preview tool is used to check the print before sending command to printer. The procedure to use this tool is discussed next.

    •Click on the Print preview tool from the File menu; refer to Figure-29. The Print Preview dialog box will be displayed along with the preview of the model; refer to Figure-30.

    •If the preview is satisfactory then click on the Print button otherwise, click on the Close button from the toolbar displayed at the top of the modeling area and modify the model; refer to Figure-30.

    Export PDF

    The Export PDF tool is used to export or save the active document in a pdf file format. The procedure to use this tool is discussed next.

    •Click on the Export PDF tool from File menu; refer to Figure-31. The Export PDF dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-32.

    •Specify desired file name for saving the file as pdf and click on Save button from the dialog box.

    View Menu

    The View menu provides tools to change the 3D view, the view properties of objects in the model, and tools related to the display of interface components. Various tools of View menu are discussed next.

    Create new view

    The Create new view tool is used to create a new 3D view for the active document. It can be useful if you want to inspect the model from multiple directions or at different zoom levels. The procedure to use this tool is discussed next.

    •Click on the Create new view tool from the View menu; refer to Figure-33. A new window will open with the 3D view of an active model; refer to Figure-34.

    Orthographic view

    The Orthographic view tool switches the camera in the active 3D view to orthographic view mode. In this mode, objects that are far from the camera do not appear smaller than those that are closer. The procedure to use this tool is discussed next.

    •Click on the Orthographic view tool from the View menu; refer to Figure-35. An orthographic view of the model will be displayed; refer to Figure-36.

    Perspective view

    The Perspective view tool switches the camera in the active 3D view to perspective view mode. In this mode, objects that are far from the camera appear smaller than those that are closer. The procedure to use this tool is discussed next.

    •Click on the Perspective view tool from the View menu; refer to Figure-37. A perspective view of the model will be displayed; refer to Figure-38.


    The Fullscreen tool switches the FreeCAD’s main window in fullscreen mode. The procedure to use this tool is discussed next.

    •Click on the Fullscreen tool from the View menu; refer to Figure-39. The view of the model will be displayed in Fullscreen window; refer to Figure-40.

    Standard Views

    Standard views provide tools to orient the part, assembly, or sketch in one of the preset standard views. The standard views display the model or drawing through one, two, or four viewports.

    Various tools available in the Standard views cascading menu from the View menu; refer to Figure-41, are discussed next.

    •Fit all : The Fit all tool zooms and pans the camera so that all visible objects fit inside the active 3D view.

    •Fit selection : The Fit selection tool zooms and pans the camera so that all selected objects fit inside the active 3D view.

    •Axonometric : The Axonometric cascading menu has three view tools as;

    Isometric View : The Isometric tool realigns the camera in the active 3D view to obtain an isometric view. For a truly isometric view, the 3D view must be in orthographic mode but the tool also works, if the view is in perspective mode.

    Dimetric View : The Dimetric tool realigns the camera in the active 3D view to obtain a dimetric view.

    Trimetric View : The Trimetric tool realigns the camera in the active 3D view to obtain a trimetric view.

    •Front : The Front tool points the camera in the active 3D view in the direction of the positive Y axis.

    •Top : The Top tool points the camera in the active 3D view in the direction of the negative Z axis.

    •Right : The Right tool points the camera in the active 3D view in the direction of the negative X axis.

    •Rear : The Rear tool points the camera in the active 3D view in the direction of the negative Y axis.

    •Bottom : The Bottom tool points the camera in the active 3D view in the direction of the positive Z axis.

    •Left : The Left tool points the camera in the active 3D view in the direction of the positive X axis.

    •Rotate Left : The Rotate Left tool rotates the camera in the active 3D view around the view direction in 90-degree increments towards the left (counterclockwise).

    •Rotate Right : The Rotate Right tool rotates the camera in the active 3D view around the view direction in 90-degree increments towards the right (clockwise).

    Freeze Display

    FreeCAD can store camera settings for up to 50 ‘frozen views’. Frozen view is the view with current specified orientation which you can restore after the view get disturbed. Frozen views are not stored in the document and if not saved with the Save views menu option, will be lost when the FreeCAD application closes. The tools that deal with frozen views are available in the Freeze display cascading menu from the View menu; refer to Figure-42.

    Save Views

    The Save views tool saves all existing frozen views in a file with the *.cam extension. To use this tool, one or more frozen views must exist. A frozen view can be created with the Freeze view menu option which will be discussed later. The procedure to use this tool is discussed next.

    •Click on the Save views tool from the Freeze display cascading menu. The Save frozen views dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-43.

    •Specify desired name for the file in the File name edit box and click on Save button from the dialog box to save the frozen view.

    Load views

    The Load views tool loads the frozen views from a file with the *.cam extension. Note that when you load a frozen view then all existing frozen views will be deleted. The procedure to use this tool is discussed next.

    •Click on the Load views tool from the Freeze display cascading menu.

    •If the frozen views are saved earlier then the Restore views dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-44, asking you to confirm that you want to lose all existing frozen views.

    •Click on the Yes button from the dialog box, the Restore frozen views dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-45.

    •If the frozen views are not saved earlier then also the Restore frozen views dialog box will be displayed.

    •Select the file which you want to restore and click on Open button from the dialog box.

    Freeze view

    The Freeze view tool stores the current camera settings in a new frozen view. You can create maximum 50 frozen views. The procedure to use this tool is discussed next.

    •Click on the Freeze view tool from Freeze display cascading menu. The frozen view of the model will be created; refer to Figure-46.

    Clear views

    The Clear views tool deletes all existing frozen views. Click on the Clear views tool from Freeze display cascading menu, all the existing frozen views will be deleted.

    Restore view

    For each frozen view, a Restore view option is added with which the frozen view can be restored. The procedure to use this tool is discussed next.

    •Click on the Restore view tool from Freeze display cascading menu, the frozen view of the model will be restored; refer to Figure-47.


    The Draw style tool is used to override the effect of the view display mode property of objects in a 3D view.

    The tools available in the Draw style cascading menu of the View menu; refer to Figure-48, are used to display the model in different draw styles as shown in Figure-49.

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