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The Beguiling
The Beguiling
The Beguiling
Ebook207 pages6 hours

The Beguiling

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Satan beguiled Eve to eat of the tree in the garden by convincing her that she was insufficient

In the Book of Genesis, we see that God created man and woman in His image and His likeness. But Satan seduced Eve to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, saying her eyes would be opened and she would "be like God." The

Release dateNov 18, 2021
The Beguiling

Jacquelyn K Heasley

As a small-town Texas Panhandle girl, Jacquelyn K. Heasley heard the voice of God speak to her, "If you make Me Lord of your life, you will sing all over the world!" She resisted for six months but finally surrendered her life to God's leading. That very night, she picked up a Bible and opened it to the Book of Isaiah. For the first time in her life, the words leaped o the page and reverberated in her heart. She read the entire book of Isaiah before she laid it down to sleep. That hunger came with great understanding of the Word that never left her. Jacque's mantra is, if you don't see Jesus in the Word, you are misreading and misinterpreting it.

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    The Beguiling - Jacquelyn K Heasley





    Jacquelyn K. Heasley

    The Beguiling

    Trilogy Christian Publishers

    A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Trinity Broadcasting Network

    2442 Michelle Drive Tustin, CA 92780

    Copyright © 2021 by Jacquelyn K. Heasley

    All scripture quotations are taken from New American Standard Bible (NASB) and the New International Version (NIV) unless noted otherwise. Public domain.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without written permission from the author. All rights reserved.

    Trilogy Christian Publishing/TBN and colophon are trademarks of Trinity Broadcasting Network. Rights Department, 2442 Michelle Drive, Tustin, CA 92780.

    For information about special discounts for bulk purchases, please contact Trilogy Christian Publishing.

    Trilogy Disclaimer: The views and content expressed in this book are those of the author and may not necessarily reflect the views and doctrine of Trilogy Christian Publishing or the Trinity Broadcasting Network.

    Printed in the USA.

    Manufactured in the United States of America

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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.

    ISBN: 978-1-63769-290-5

    E-ISBN: 978-1-63769-291-2


    It is the blessing of the LORD that makes rich, and He adds no sorrow to it.

    — Proverbs 10:22

    This scripture resonates so much to me. It seems it has been a beacon that has guided me through one great adventure after another. I have had riches beyond measure bestowed upon me as I ventured out in faith traveling to amazing places and meeting people that fashioned my life. Without my beautiful mom, Dorothy Marie Scribner Kilcrease, I don’t know what path I would have taken in my life. And Pastor E. A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of The Redeemed Christian Church of God, God used to fulfill His word He spoke in my heart when I was running away from Him with everything in me. I am forever grateful to God for these two people.

    My Mom passed from this life in December 2020 and my heart has been so pulled as this book is being published and she isn’t here to celebrate with me. Mom loved me so much she fasted every Monday for me for six months! Her prayer point objective was that I would make Jesus Lord of my life. Well, we figured it out that within two weeks of her beginning the fast, God spoke to me audibly that if I would make Him Lord of my life, I would sing all over the world! A parent’s love and prayers are powerful. I thank God for a woman of faith whom I confided in, sought for wise counsel, discussed scriptural revelations, etc. She was my best friend. She celebrated my victories with me and wept with me through life’s heartaches. Mom and Dad got to go to Nigeria with me when I was singing before 150,000 people and they thought that was amazing!

    Mom, I would have never had the life I had without you. Thank you for your unfailing love and support. I know you are celebrating in heaven.

    Words are just not there to reveal the spiritual depth and wisdom that is Pastor E. A. Adeboye. I never saw such anointing. I never heard such profound revelations of the Word of God. I never saw the Spirit of God move in such a way as when Daddy Adeboye would minister at the pulpit. He and I will always treasure the times we would have private Bible studies with his precious wife, Folu Mummy Adeboye and whoever was traveling with us. Or whether it was in my home and he would tell me to go get my Bible and we would study together. I love reflecting on the priceless hours we spent discussing the Word of God in the States, the UK, Nigeria, and Europe. I think that was truly one of my favorite parts of my ministry and travels.

    I heard the Lord speak to me that I would sing before thousands of people and then millions, in one crowd! Pastor Adeboye was a tool God used in my life to see these promises fulfilled. He ordained me in 1992 and I was the first American to be ordained out of his ministry which is now bringing the largest crowds in the world. I grew close to his family and his ministers around the world. I am forever grateful for his influence, his counsel, his wisdom, and his support of my ministry.


    I cannot write this book without acknowledging my amazing husband, Sam Heasley. The support I received all of those years of being gone for weeks at a time, and he never complained. He was always in my corner. Always my best friend. Always my cheerleader. Always my word of reason. I thank God for the evening in church I was walking out the door and saw this man in the foyer and God spoke to me audibly, That’s your husband! I thank God every day for a true soul mate as my Sam.

    I also want to acknowledge my amazing son, Joshua Paul Gobin. He is truly one of the finest human beings I know. Josh had to be without his mom a lot, but was always at the airport to pick me up and make my day! He has been so loving, positive and supportive of me always. I love you son. You are my heart.

    And I want to acknowledge my family and the great company of friends in my life. I have so many friends that are like sisters, as well as wonderful blood sisters. How blessed I am to have so many beautiful women in my life that have walked with me through most of my adult life. I treasure each and every one of you and you all know who you are! Marti Garner, you were such a perfect traveling companion for so many international trips. Nancy Milsk, oh my, what I learned from you in Kenya, Nigeria and Europe. Love you all.

    I have to mention my precious grandchildren, Emilee, Kaylee, Sammy, Gage, Rhett, as well as the baby boy that is on the way! I pray that you all will know the beauty of a life in Christ and that you will always feel secure in His love and His faithfulness. God promises that He will bless my children’s children, and that is every one of you. I trust Him to always hold you in the palm of His hand. Let the words in this book keep you from being beguiled to believe you are anything but loved and special, created with a purpose and plan by God. Don’t listen to those awful voices in your head that you are not good enough, smart enough, pretty/handsome enough! You are all fearfully and wonderfully made. You call me Candy and I love you all so much and want the very best for each and every one of you.


    Questions are inevitably the keys that open the greatest doors for insights, which reshape the positions of man in this world. God, no doubt, responds when the right kind of questions are asked. The answers to the many questions, that plaque the heart of humanity, are found in the Bible, through the inspiration and revelation given only by the Spirit of God and through the manifest grace in Jesus Christ.

    The questions asked by Jacquelyn K. Heasley in this book and the answers obtained from God are crucially revealing. An understanding of these revelations will inevitably result into a life-transforming insight, for those who will seriously consider them as values to live by.

    Jacquelyn K. Heasley is a living testimony of the faithfulness of God, a testimony which provides the foundation for this book.

    God promised her that she will sing before over one million people, at a time when the possibility of this promise was not realistic, from human perspectives.

    In spite of the obvious impossible situations and circumstances around the prophecy, God fulfilled His promise. Jacquelyn K. Heasley has ministered before millions of people, especially in Africa.

    Those who read this book should, therefore, put that in mind as they go through it.

    I recommend the book without any restraint and believe it will be a source of blessing and inspiration to many.

    —­­ Pastor E. A. Adeboye

    General Overseer,

    The Redeemed Christian Church of God

    Table of Contents





    Chapter One: Spiritual Dimensions

    Kingdom Thinkers

    Visiting or Dwelling?

    Take Off Your Sunshades

    The Key is in the Code

    Nothing Is Impossible

    Chapter Two: The Husband

    The Mirrored Image

    The Original Pattern

    My Substitute

    Chapter Three: The Bride

    The Woman of the Mind

    Esther Replaces Vashti

    The Unfaithful Wife

    Little Sin—Big Sin

    Have You Seen My Lover?

    Chapter Four: The Beguiling

    Open Your Eyes

    The Works

    Amazing Grace

    The Tree of Knowledge

    Destined by God

    It is Well With My Soul


    The Beguiling . If the title is not enough to peak an interest in this book, I have to share with you, the reader, how I derived the idea to write such a book. This is how it began. I had an intriguing question that I had been asking God for months. I knew God must have placed the gnawing question within me because He wanted to reveal the answer to me. I wholeheartedly sought Him for serious answers to serious questions that have perplexed Christians for many years. My main question was perhaps not so unique, but then my approach was certainly personal, to say the least. I expect the same questions are raised in every Christian heart, at least occasionally.

    I asked God to show me how the serpent beguiled Eve in the Garden of Eden. I felt that if I knew how he did it then, chances are I would better understand how he is deceiving us today. I know that Satan has no new tactics. For means of clarification, Satan means adversary or accuser. Basically, Satan is like sandpaper going against the grain of your life. As long as we are in this life, we will be under tutors and scholars. Just like in any school of learning, after a time of teaching, there will be a test. Guess who gives the tests in life? It was Satan who tested Jesus. It was Satan who God sent to test Job. By the grace of God, they both passed the test. Jesus told us to give no place to the devil. I believe the Scripture, God has spoken once; twice have I heard this; that power belongs to God (Psalm 62:11 NIV).

    Remember this thought: you will only be tested in those areas in which you will be blessed. When Satan tested Jesus, he tried to get Him to turn a stone into bread. What was the result? Jesus was blessed to become the Bread of Life. Satan then tried to get Him to bow before him with the offer of making Him Lord over all. Well, Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lords. The areas Jesus was tested in were the areas He conquered so He could have dominion in those areas. Every Christian needs to learn this beautiful lesson, including myself! We need to look at areas in our lives where it seems we have circled the mountain over and over. Until we rule and reign in that situation, we will not find ourselves having dominion over that mountain. I truly believe that. The tough areas are the areas God wants to bless us with.

    This is where denial is dangerous. Denial says, The mountain is not here. I do not see the mountain. It will go away. On the contrary, Faith says, "Speak to this mountain to be removed and cast into the sea, and it has to obey you!" (Mark 11:23). We must fashion our world with our words and take dominion over situations. We must run into the roar. Don’t run from it. For years I was afraid of the devil. One day I woke up and saw him as a defeated foe. I, the pursued, became the pursuer, and Satan had to flee!

    If Jesus came to undo the works of the devil, I questioned the Lord, then what were the works of the devil? I wanted to know this important answer, so I pressed in and sought this revelation. I give no place to the devil, not ever! I believe the Scripture, Once God has spoken; twice have I heard this; that power belongs to God (Psalm 62:11, NASB).

    That settles it for me. I hope it settles it for you that simply. I asked the Spirit of God for the understanding of the beguiling of the woman. I was determined to find out the answer. One day as I was reading Genesis 2 & 3, suddenly, my spiritual eyes were opened. I almost stood up to shake the scales off of my lap! The answer was so incredible, yet so absolutely simple, as is every revelation I have ever received from God. Once our eyes are opened, we are amazed at the simplicity and wonder why we have never seen it before in the Scriptures! This humble book is a result of what I saw as God opened my eyes. I honestly believe if every person read this, both Christian and non-Christian, it would completely change his or her life.

    I have been walking with the Lord since I made Jesus Lord of my life in 1984. I had a strong desire to study the Word of God from the very beginning. I always thought I was on a journey discovering more about God in me. Amazingly, I have found that it has been rather a process, not so much of discovering more about God in me, but of discovering myself in Him! Along the way, I have found a love that never changes; a grace which is all-sufficient; a mercy which is new every morning. Yet, in all of that, I am discovering myself in Christ. I am finding His plan for my life. I would even go further to say I am finding His plan for all mankind.

    I have always been curious by nature. Each time I had a new job, I wanted to learn the steps that brought the work to my desk. Then I wanted to know the steps that took place after they left my desk. I am an A to Z person. I guess God gave me this curious mind for a reason. It certainly has come in handy in Bible study. I am not at all professing to have a full understanding of A to Z, Genesis to Revelation. I have just begun. However, I feel every believer will benefit from this study, which is probably just a small part of A. Right now, I might only be writing a small part of A, but my desire is to see the Body of Christ full-grown; mature. I am reminded of a line in a movie where a brilliant lawyer said to his promising young protégé: Don’t be me! Be better than me! Does that not sound familiar? Jesus said:

    Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father.

    — John 14:12, NASB

    Until we do greater, we are not bringing joy to our Father. He is a success when we are successful. Our Christian society has failed miserably at mentoring. The idea of mentoring is to raise up someone better than you. But insecurity and fear have caused our mentors to keep people just under them in education and performance, not to mention responsibility. It makes the mentor feel superior. Jesus has no identity crisis. He has to prove nothing. He is very secure in His manhood. He knows who He is. He can confidently raise up His followers to exceed Him in greatness.

    I was able to speak on the phone with the well-renowned revivalist and author Leonard Ravenhill several times before he died. Brother Ravenhill was the pastor of the unforgettable Keith Green. Brother Ravenhill wrote a book called Meat is for Men. He was an incredible man. He didn’t have the stomach for the diet of the Church. Those

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