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Service and Advanced Technology: Practical Essays
Service and Advanced Technology: Practical Essays
Service and Advanced Technology: Practical Essays
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Service and Advanced Technology: Practical Essays

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This book is a collection of essays on service and advanced technology written by the author and are based on peer-reviewed papers presented at technical conferences. Service and advanced technology is the cornerstone of modern business and management, and future developments in the various disciplines will be based on concepts presented herein. The essays can be easily be read by persons in all areas of business and management. Some of the papers have been modified to better suit a general audience, and others have been simply improved. Titles and formatting have been adjusted in some cases.

Some of the reasons for studying service and advanced technology are that the subjects serve as the bases of our everyday existence. We use service and technology on a daily basis, yet we know very little about the underlying concepts. We have no introduction, no principles of best behavior, and no theories. It is time for a change.

The reader is expected to read the essays individually and in any appropriate order. Accordingly, some of the introductory material is repeated. This fact is just part of the notion of presenting topics on a needed basis.

The table of contents has been designed to better serve the reader. An entry gives an abstract to the respective essay, and serves an aid to the reader in selecting an essay of interest. The abstract entries serve to give a quick outline of the subject matter.

The essays give a view of several areas of interest to the modern reader and cover the following subjects: Service concepts, Service management, Service technology, Hospitality, Cybersecurity, Service economics, Ransomware, Applied cybersecurity, Cybersecurity policy, Watchlist concepts, Identity, The ontology of identity, Service systems ontology, and Terrorism.

Harry Katzan is a professor, author, and consultant, and enjoys outdoor activities.
Release dateJul 11, 2021
Service and Advanced Technology: Practical Essays

Harry Katzan Jr.

The author is a professor who has also worked for Boeing, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and IBM. He has written computer science books, business books, and several novels. He and his wife have lived in Switzerland where he was a consultant and a professor specializing in Artificial Intelligence. He loves plays and sees every one he gets the chance. New York and London are his favorite venues. Mousetrap is his favorite play.

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    Service and Advanced Technology - Harry Katzan Jr.

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    Margaret, as always



    Service Essays

    1   Service Concepts

    This essay gives a conspectus of Service and of Service Science for academicians and practitioners with the express purpose of defining the scope of the discipline. The subject of services is the up and coming discipline for the 21st century, and it encompasses technology, entrepreneurship, business growth, and innovation – four subjects that are generally of interest to most managers and scientists, alike. Services are important to people in business, government, education, health care and management, religion, military, scientific research, engineering, and other endeavors that are too numerous to mention, because most service providers – be they individuals, businesses, governments, and so forth – are also consumers of services. This is the first of three introductory essays on the subject. The second essay, entitled Service Management, covers the operational environment for services, and the last essay, entitled Service Technology covers the technical and architectural basis for the Service discipline.

    2   Service Management

    In the multifaceted domain of services, management and business are intertwined. An enterprise, taken in this paper to be a business, government entity, or educational organization, simultaneously manages its own services and services provided to clients by adopting the role of service provider or service client. In short, an enterprise is likely to be a provider and a user of services. In fact, many internal services are managed as a business and in some instances evolve into external service providers – all with the same or similar functional deployments. So the fine line of separation between management and business is nonexistent, and that phenomenon is clearly evident in the following sections.

    3   Service Technology

    This essay concludes the conspectus of Service for academicians and practitioners. It follows the two previous essays, entitled Service Concepts and Service Management with the express purpose of defining the scope of the discipline. An eclectic background in service technology and service architecture is required to fully explore the potential of a science as an academic discipline. This essay reviews the technical concepts needed to apply the concepts that have previously been introduced.

    4   A Brief Look At Hospitality

    In the world of business and social interactions, hospitality is a big deal. You may have the most wonderful hotel in the world but if the front desk is a bunch of ill-mannered rascals, you might as well give up. The idea applies to practically every aspect of our daily lives. It applies to ice cream parlors, as much as it applies to pro football teams. Even college professors know that if you are hospitable to the students, they will learn more and like you better.

    5   Cybersecurity Service Model

    The efficacy of modern computer systems is normally regarded as a function of five basic attributes of computer and information security: availability, accuracy, authenticity, confidentiality, and integrity. The concepts generally apply to government, business, education, and the ordinary lives of private individuals. The considerations normally involve extended applications of the Internet – hence the name Cybersecurity. Achieving and maintaining a secure cyberspace is a complicated process, and some of the concerns involve personal identity, privacy and intellectual property, secure maintenance of the critical infrastructure, and the sustainability of organizations. The threats to a secure operating infrastructure are serious and profound: cyber terrorism, cyber war, cyber espionage, and cyber crime, to which the technical community has responded with a plethora of ad hoc safeguards and procedures, usually supplied by the competitive private sector. This essay proposes a fresh view of the cyber domain based on service science with the ultimate objective of developing a cybersecurity service model.

    6   Service Economics

    Modern economics focused on products and commodities, and that emphasis is evident in supporting activities in business and accounting. Service currently constitutes approximately 90% of the GNP of developed nations, so academics have begun to place some emphasis on an up-to-date model of the new commercial environment. Traditionally, economic theory was based on tangible resources, embedded value, and transactions, whereas an economy based on service is based on intangible resources, the co-creation of value, and relationships. Most commercial, governmental, and educational areas involve service, as do most products and social activities. This essay takes the view that service economics subsumes traditional economics, such as manufacturing, supply chains, transportation, and so forth. This essay this explores how the knowledge of service economics can serve as the basis for today’s modern commercial environment.

    Advanced Technology Essays

    7   Essentials of Ransomware for Business and Management

    Ransomware is one of the most vicious and troublesome forms of cyber terrorism to surface in recent years, and the reported incidents of it are increasing rapidly. In this form of cyber crime, a malicious program takes over a victim’s computer making use of the computer and access to files unavailable unless a victim pays a ransom. The problem affects individuals and organizations, including in one instance, a health-care facility. Typically, the victim does not know how to respond when a ransomware attack takes place, since payment of the amount of the requested ransom does not necessarily resolve the situation. This paper describes the various forms of ransomware and gives insight on effective countermeasures. This is a short paper on a new subject in cybersecurity.

    8   Contemporary Issues in Cybersecurity Research for Business and Management

    The effectiveness of modern computer applications is normally regarded as a function of five basic attributes of secure computer and information systems: availability, accuracy, authenticity, confidentiality, and integrity. The concepts generally apply to government, business, education, and the ordinary lives of private individuals. The considerations normally involve extended Internet applications – hence the name Cybersecurity. Achieving and maintaining a secure cyberspace is a complicated process, and some of the concerns involve personal identity, privacy, intellectual property, the critical infrastructure, and the sustainability of organizations. The threats to a secure operating infrastructure are serious and profound: cyber terrorism, cyber war, cyber espionage, and cyber crime, to which the technical community has responded with safeguards and procedures, usually supplied by the private sector. This paper provides a comprehensive view of security in the cyber domain with the ultimate objective of developing a science of cybersecurity.

    9   Fundamentals of Applied Cybersecurity for Business and Management

    It is well established that cybersecurity is a complicated and complex subject encompassing computer security, information assurance, comprehensive infrastructure protection, commercial integrity, and ubiquitous personal interactions. The concepts apply to information, computers, networks, and other elements of coordination, cooperation, and control, and they apply to government, business, education, and the ordinary lives of private individuals. The concerns normally involve the Internet as a communication facility – hence the name Cybersecurity. Achieving and maintaining cybersecurity is a never-ending process, much like national security, bank security, and so forth, so it is important to know the essential foundations of how to manage the risks of using technical interactions in order to obtain the inherent benefits. Some of the concerns that immediately come to mind are identity, personal privacy, intellectual property, secure maintenance of the critical infrastructure, and the continued operation of necessary organizations. There is a plethora of printed and online literature on various aspects of cybersecurity – including computer security, information assurance, infrastructure security, personal security, and associated government policy information. The purpose of this essay is to give a composite picture of what cybersecurity is all about, identify the important literature on the subject, and describe how it differs from everyday information security affecting individuals and computer activities. This essay requires knowledge of basic information systems, computer, and network security technology for an understanding of the implications of many of the topics.

    10   Essentials of Cybersecurity

    The effectiveness and efficiency of modern networked computer systems is a function of five basic attributes: availability, accuracy, authenticity, confidentiality, and integrity. The concepts apply to information, computers, networks, and other elements of coordination, cooperation, and control, and they apply to government, business, education, and private individuals. The concerns normally involve the Internet as a communication facility – hence the name Cybersecurity. Some of the concerns that immediately come to mind are identity, personal privacy, intellectual property, secure maintenance of the critical infrastructure, and organizational sustainability. The purpose of this essay is to give a composite picture of what cybersecurity is all about, identify the important literature on the subject, and describe how it differs from everyday information security affecting individuals and computer activities. This paper requires knowledge of basic information systems, computer, and network security technology for an understanding of the implications of many of the topics

    11   Cyberspace Policy Review and the National Strategy for Trusted Identity in Cyberspace

    This essay gives a brief but substantial review of two documents promulgated by the U.S. Office of the President: the Cyberspace Policy Review and the National Strategy for Trusted Identity in Cyberspace. An identity ecosystem, consisting of participants and infrastructure, is proposed and an operational framework is envisioned. The underlying concepts are comprehensive, and the overall implications should be of interest to the academic, business, and government communities.

    12   Watchlist Concepts for Business and Management – Getting Started

    A watchlist is generally regarded as a database the government uses to track terrorists. While that is partially true, there is clearly more to it. Otherwise, all of the terrorists would be easily rounded up and the world would be free of the immense security problems that we now face. It follows that if the methodology were genuinely effective, then the inherent techniques could perhaps be used for marketing and other business and societal concerns. Although the methods developed thus far by government agencies are indeed impressive, they necessarily have to be updated as the underlying problems mature. Many subjects need to be analyzed and solutions implemented. The problem domain must be precisely defined and related considerations delineated. To start, a few basic questions need to be answered concerning where society is essentially going with the notion of watch listing and whether or not the concepts of listing are applicable to other areas of business, government, and education. This essay gives an introduction to this very important topic.

    13   Contemporary Review of Cybersecurity for Business and Management

    The effectiveness of modern computer applications is normally regarded as a function of five basic attributes of secure computer and information systems: availability, accuracy, authenticity, confidentiality, and integrity. The concepts generally apply to government, business, education, and the ordinary lives of private individuals. The considerations normally involve extended Internet applications – hence the name Cybersecurity. Achieving and maintaining a secure cyberspace is a complicated process, and some of the concerns involve personal identity, privacy, intellectual property, the critical infrastructure, and the sustainability of organizations. The threats to a secure operating infrastructure are serious and profound: cyber terrorism, cyber war, cyber espionage, and cyber crime, to which the technical community has responded with safeguards and procedures, usually supplied by the private sector. This paper provides a comprehensive view of security in the cyber domain with the ultimate objective of developing a science of cybersecurity.

    14   Advances in Cybersecurity for Business and Management

    The value of modern computer systems and applications is generally conceived as being a function of five characteristics normally associated with cybersecurity: availability, accuracy, authenticity, confidentiality, and integrity. The concepts generally apply to government, business, education, and the ordinary lives of private individuals, and take place in an environment associated with the Internet. Maintaining a secure cyberspace is a multidimensional process involving personal identity, privacy, intellectual property, the critical infrastructure, and the sustainability of organizations. The threats inherent in a secure operating infrastructure are profound: cyber terrorism, cyber war, cyber espionage, and cyber crime, to which the technical community has responded with safeguards and procedures. This paper provides a contemporary view of security in the cyber domain with the ultimate objective of developing a science of cybersecurity. Two recent advances are covered: automated intrusion detection and application containers. Individuals and organizations involved with computer and information security should be aware of major developments in this important area.

    15   Identity as a Service

    Identity service is an important subject in information systems in general and cloud computing in particular. Normally associated with digital security and privacy, the scope of identity is much greater and affects most aspects of everyday life. Related subjects are behavioral tracking, personal-identifiable information (PII), privacy data relevance, data repurposing, and identity theft. Cloud computing is currently portrayed as a model for providing on-demand access to computing service via the Internet and also serves as a focus for modern security and privacy concerns. Adoption of cloud computing practically eliminates the upfront costs of acquiring computational resources and the time delay of building and deploying software applications. The technology is not without a downside, which, in this case, is the privacy of business and personal information for which identity is a major consideration. Identity service is an admixture of the major issues in the privacy and security of individual rights in a complex informational environment. This is a working paper on this important subject.

    16   Toward a Unified Ontology of Trusted Identity in Cyberspace

    The nation’s digital infrastructure is in jeopardy because of inadequate provisions for privacy, identity, and security. Recent Internet activity has resulted in an onslaught of identity theft, fraud, digital crime, and an increasing burden to responsible citizens. The computer security and Internet communities have been generally responsive but apparently ineffective, so it is time for a third party to step in, take charge, and provide an infrastructure to assist in protecting individuals and non-person entities. This paper is a contribution to the domain of ontological commitment as it applies to a description of subjects, objects, actions, and relationships as they pertain to the National Strategy of Trusted Identity in Cyberspace initiative.

    17   Principles of Service Systems: An Ontological Approach

    This paper delineates the principles of service systems, based on an ontological foundation of the subject matter developed independently of a particular endeavor, that are required to enable communication among researchers and assist in the ongoing theoretical development of the constituent topics. The paper begins with the presentation of service elements and progresses through the various topics until the requisite concepts, relations, and vocabulary are formulated. The subjects are presented in a developmental manner to promote clarity and readability by a broad service science audience and to support research in the discipline.

    18   Introduction to Terrorism for Managers

    Most persons are well aware of the nature and danger of terrorism, although they haven’t had the least inclination to define the term and related concepts. Throughout history, there have been many examples of terrorism as a threat to individual freedom and national security, and those threats have taken the form of a wide variety of actions resulting in large-scale losses of life, destruction of public, private, and personal property, widespread illness and injury, displacement of large numbers of people, and devastating economic loss. There are several dimensions to terrorism, including its very nature, cause, perpetration, targets, methods, and defense against it, and numerous papers, reports, and books have been published on the subject. However, a civilian awareness of methods for self-defense has yet to be stimulated and most businesses, institutions, and other agencies have little preparation or knowledge of a response to a terrorist attack. Business and institutional management has a responsibility to stakeholders, employees, customers, and the general public for an effective response in the event of a terrorist attack. An introduction to the essential methods for establishing an appropriate response to terrorism is the subject of this essay

    About the Author

    Books by Harry Katzan, Jr.


    This little book is a collection of essays written by the author on the subject of service and advanced technology. They all have been peer reviewed and prepared for a variety of conferences and reasons. Some essays have been written to suit a general audience, and others have been prepared for a select class of readers. There are some formatting differences due to the basic requirements of the varying circumstances.

    The essays are intended to be read separately resulting in a minimal amount of definitional material being repeated throughout the book. The reader is able to comfortably read the entries on a topic of interest and disregard the remainder. The essays are related, but each has a unique focus.

    The subject matter can be viewed as two separate collections. The first is the newly dispatched subject of service science. The second is the application of modern technology to everyday affairs. The objective of the essays is to provide insight into what is new in the areas of business and management. The scope of the subject matter is introductory, foundational, and applicative. The introductory essays are straightforward and give a gentle introduction to what the disciplines are all about. The foundational essays provide a basis for the study of the concepts and methods of the two disciplines. The applicative essays are general in nature, so as to provide insight to what does and can go on in the world of service and technology.

    The table of contents is unique in that the entries give an introduction to the respective essay. This is an aid to selection and gives a summary of the subject matter that is covered. The essays were assembled to support a recent look into the various subjects. The service entries supplement the following compendium on service:

    A Collection of Service Essays

    Service and technology are new fields of study and learning. Unfortunately, insufficient time has elapsed for the development of a set of case studies suitable for that form of study. It is hoped that this collection will partially fill that void.

    Harry Katzan, Jr.

    July 4, 2021




    Service Science has the potential to change the way we think about and subsequently view the new world order and may eventually change the predominant economic focus from products to services. Since services are the cornerstone of most modern businesses, there is a high level of interest in the subject by persons from business, government, and education. Major corporations have supported intellectual activity on the subject by giving introductory presentations at many conferences and by providing liberal access to relevant information on corporate Web sites.


    A service is generally regarded as work performed by one person or group that benefits another person or group. It is an activity and not an element of property. Another definition is that it is a type of business that provides assistance and expertise rather than a tangible product. Still another definition is that it is after-purchase support offered by a product manufacturer or retailer. In employment, it is work done for business as an occupation. We are going to refer to it as a provider/client interaction in which both parities participate and both parties obtain some benefit from the relationship. The provider and the client exchange information and adopt differing roles in the process. A service is a form of activity, consumed at the point of production.

    Normally, an element of service is a process – or a diverse collection of activities – applicable in principle to business, education, government, and personal endeavors.


    A service system is a socially constructed collection of service events in which participants exchange beneficial actions through a knowledge-based strategy that captures value from a provider-client relationship. The definition is based on the notion of a system, which is a group of interdependent components that form a coherent whole and operate together to achieve a purpose.

    The inherent service strategy is a dynamic process that orchestrates (or coordinates) infrastructure, employees, partners, and clients in the co-production of value. Based on a theoretical framework for creating economies of coordination, research on service systems incorporates a detailed analysis of various and diverse service events, so as to develop a view of the service scape.


    The concept of service has its roots in economic activities that are classified as extractive, secondary, and services. Extractive refers to agriculture, mining, forestry, fishing, and so forth. Secondary refers to manufacturing and processing. Services refer to everything else, usually subdivided into domestic, trade and commerce, information services, and personal. This is a very general definition intended for the reporting by the government of economic conditions. In order to get a handle on services, we need better definitions.

    A service is a provider/client interaction that creates and captures value. A unique characteristic of services, unlike agriculture and manufacturing, is that both parties participate in the transaction, and in the process, both capture value. In a sense, the provider and the client co-produce the service event, because one can’t do without the other. It stands to reason that the roles of the client and the provider are different. In a doctor/patient service event, for example, the physician brings knowledge, time, and the necessary infrastructure. The patient brings him or herself, a medical history, and a perceived situation that requires attention. During the service process, the participants exchange information in various forms, resulting in a change to the people involved. The doctor’s experience level and assets change, as do the patient’s information level and physical or mental condition. There is more to it, of course, but this is the basic idea.


    For organizations, the case is slightly different. Some companies, such as professional firms, are totally service oriented. Other service companies, such as airlines and restaurants, have more complicated arrangements. An airline company, for example, could contract out its telephone reservation service to another company. This process is called outsourcing.

    Continuing with the airline example, let’s assume that an agreement is made with a company in another country to run a call center whereby passengers can make reservations and obtain information. The airline is the client and the call center company is the provider. How does the client (that is the airline company, in this case), who is a stakeholder with something to gain or lose, effectively control the situation? They collectively draw up a service level agreement that governs the quality of service, the number of calls to be handled in a specified period of time, the duration of the agreement, and the costs involved. Why don’t the patient and the doctor have a service level agreement? They do, but it is implicit in the social setting in which medical services are performed. In many areas of service management, the key element is the service-level agreement.

    Business Service

    Some firms further complicate the picture by essentially being in two related service businesses at the same time. Consider an information technology (IT) company that provides services in two forms: consulting and outsourcing. With consulting, the firm tells a client how to do something, and with outsourcing, the firm does it for the client. As an example, the IT firm could advise on what information systems the client needs and then develop those systems. Similarly, it could provide information on how to set up an IT operation and then run that shop after it is set up.

    Related to IT services is a general class of activities known as business services. With business services, like IT services, there are two options: consulting and outsourcing. With business service consulting, organizations are advised about business function, such as customer relationship management (CRM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP). With outsourcing, the business services firm does it for you – perhaps in the areas of finance and accounting.

    What we have at this point are multiple organizations, collections of people and technology connected by value propositions and shared information, operating as a service system. More specifically, a service system can be viewed as a configuration of people and technology connected to another system of people and technology in order to co-create value for both organizations.

    Products and Service

    It is useful to consider the differences between products and services. Products are tangible and services are intangible An automobile, a garment, a table, and even a fast-food hamburger are examples of products. A doctor’s visit, swimming pool cleaning, and package delivery are examples of services. On the surface, one could conclude that products are produced through some relevant sequence of operations, but that is not a defining characteristic, since most services also go through a sequence of steps. The answer is that a product is an artifact – something you can see or touch. Clearly, a service results in something worthwhile – otherwise, why engage in it – but the result is a change in a person or possession, not in the creation of something.

    Products are storable; services are non-storable. You can store any of the examples of products, given above. If you have your car cleaned or your lawn mowed, you can’t exactly save that service. When a service is finished, it is done forever. Perhaps, a record of the service is archived, explicitly or implicitly, but once the stop button is pushed, that service machine is off. If a service has to be repeated, then it is another service event.

    Another related difference is that services are generally regarded as perishable. The implication here is that if a seat on an airline

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