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Lowcountry Moonshine Chief
Lowcountry Moonshine Chief
Lowcountry Moonshine Chief
Ebook73 pages48 minutes

Lowcountry Moonshine Chief

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About this ebook

The low country of South Carolina is that wide area along the Savannah River and the coast, now made more famous by the development of Hilton Head and the quaint homes in the city of Beaufort. This book is the story of other times which were more simple and some of the people who lived in those times. Their lives were at some points simple and at other times very complicated. There was both joy and tragedy.
Release dateApr 27, 2021
Lowcountry Moonshine Chief

Faye McKenzie

Faye McKenzie is a native Georgian who lived in the low country of South Carolina for many years. She and her husband Jess raised three children, and she now has a number of grandchildren and great grandchildren. She is a natural self-taught artist who has painted floral scenes and other subjects. She ran her own cafe, and managed several for other people. She still enjoys cooking and preparing large meals for family members. This is her first book. She lives near Savannah, Georgia. Tom Pilgrim grew up in several Georgia towns, ten of those years being near Savannah, Georgia. He and his wife Shirley have three grown children, and they have several grandchildren and great grandchildren. He is a retired United Methodist minister. He has written seven non-fiction books and two novels. He wrote for a weekly newspaper and contributed to a professional journal. He and his wife live near Atlanta, Georgia.

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    Lowcountry Moonshine Chief - Faye McKenzie

    © 2021 Faye Mckenzie With Tom Pilgrim. All rights reserved.

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    This book is a work of non-fiction. Unless otherwise noted, the author and the publisher make no explicit guarantees as to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and in some cases, names of people and places have been altered to protect their privacy.

    Published by AuthorHouse 04/27/2021

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-2429-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-2428-5 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-2427-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021908506

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    Dedicated To

    My Two Sisters in Law

    Alberta McKenzie

    Sallie Mae McKenzie


    The low country of South Carolina is that wide area along the Savannah River and the coast, now made more famous by the development of Hilton Head and the quaint homes in the city of Beaufort. This book is the story of other times which were more simple and some of the people who lived in those times. Their lives were at some points simple and at other times very complicated. There was both joy and tragedy.

    The focus of this book is a man named Lawrence Earl McKenzie, better known as Chief. He spent his life in the lowcountry. The words on these pages tell of his times and his deeds which had an impact on all of us who knew him.


    Mitchell Levy and Bertie McKenzie



    W e talk about equal opportunity today, but there was some way back in the thirties and forties, said Danny McKenzie. He was a member of the County Commission, Jasper County, South Carolina, and had been asked to speak to a group of businessmen and businesswomen. It was 1987, and this was the yearly presentation of the Commission to business and property owners.

    My step-grandfather was Chief McKenzie. He was the first man to pay women the same wages as men got. He ran moonshine to Savannah and other places. There was one dirt road, the old Charleston Road. Revenue agents would wait along that road looking for moonshine runners. They always were looking for male drivers. But Chief paid women to drive the cars. The agents never stopped women. They would just wave them on through. So, he was the first equal opportunity employer, a man far ahead of his time.

    When the laughter ceased and the room settled down Danny McKenzie continued his presentation on the progress of Jasper County.


    Jasper County, South Carolina sits across the Savannah River from the city of Savannah, Georgia. It covers an area of 699 square miles, 655 in land and 44 in water. It was founded in the year 1912, and was carved out of two counties, Hampton County and Beaufort County.

    That area was the home of Yamassee and Coosaw Indians. The first white settlers were Swiss Palantines and French Huguenots. In 1732 Swiss and German immigrants led by Jean Pierre Purry settled along the Savannah River. Other settlers came there, and established rice plantations.

    The County was named after Sergeant William Jasper, 1750-1779. He served during the American Revolution with Major Francis Marion in the Second South Carolina Regiment during the first defense of Charleston in June, 1776. During the siege of Savannah, September 16-17, 1779, he saw the flag was struck down. He lifted it up and was killed.

    During the War Between The States the

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